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How to delete faster the existing database schemas?

1. Delete from sqldeveloper:

Connect to the system table (password usually is: oracle) and run the
following command (F5):
drop user "schema_name" CASCADE;
The schema_name is the name of the LDM or GDM. If you do not
remember at all of your schemas then you can check in sqldeveloper,
you must to connect to system, go to Other Users and there check
which schemas want to delete.
You can execute this command for all of the schemas you want to
delete. You must only put the command in the next line with the other
schema name and so on.
drop user "schema_name1" CASCADE;
drop user "schema_name2" CASCADE;

2. Delete from ODBC:

Run Data Sources (ODBC) from Start Menu - Control Panel
Administrative Tools. If you have 64 bit operating system you have to
run the odbcad32.exe (32 bit version of ODBC) from

Zoltan Nagy

Select the schema and click Remove. If you do not find at this tab
(User DSN) your schema then you must check at System DSN. If
your schemas were created on RG TNG then only there will be the

Click Yes.

Zoltan Nagy

3. Delete from Registry:

Run the Registry Editor program: Start Menu Search programs and
files regedit.

Select the schema name in the Registry Editor from the tree structure
on the left side:
Right click on it Delete and click at Yes button.

Zoltan Nagy

Zoltan Nagy

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