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Declaration of Sovereign Inter-dependence

Global Citizenship and Direct Democracy of the United Nations

When, in the evolution of human globalization, it becomes a basic and primary requirement for the
continued and future existence of human life on earth to create global political bonds in connection to
the commonality of all human life, and to assume among the global political powers of the earth, the
sovereign interconnected and equal station to which the laws of nature entitle us all, and in respect of
the variety of the opinions of the worlds people we do hereby declare the common features to which all
of humanity both now and into the future has a natural right and obligation to access, defend, protect,
and manage through the recognition of global citizenship as a primary, natural, and basic right of all
people on earth, and the establishment of direct democracy systems of global government.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people on earth are equal, that they are endowed by
nature with certain unalienable rights and commonalities that among these are the bounty of nature on
earth and in space, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights and global
commons, governments instituted among humanity must derive their power through global citizen
based direct democracy to sustainably and justly exist and operate. That whenever any form of global
government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right and duty of the people on earth to alter or
to abolish it, and to institute new global government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their sustainability, safety
and happiness, and to create new systems of commons government for their future global security.
Prudence dictates that governments established should not be changed for light and transient causes;
and accordingly all experience has shown that humanity is more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a
long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce
them under absolute despotism, or denies their basic right of global citizenship and directly democratic
participation in global governance, it becomes our obligation to ourselves and to our future people to
demand such rights, and either redesign or completely recreate the system of governance.
Such has been the patient sufferance of the people of earth; and such is now the necessity which
constrains them to alter their former systems of global government. The history of the United Nations is
a history of corporate nepotism, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over
the worlds resources and people, a New World Order which has been created, established, and
implemented without you acting as a participant as a global citizen. To prove this, let facts be submitted
to a candid world.
The United Nations was created and operates as an exclusive club for professional politicians and
corporate interest groups without any representation of the worlds citizens as the only form of global
The United Nations has no defined scope or range of authority, and has powers that reach into almost
every national government on earth, with economic, environmental, and social impacts of their actions

and deeds effecting the lives and livelihoods of all of earths life forms, including us as humans, and act
in utter impunity when their actions prove false, create harm, or destroy.
The United Nations has interfered with national governments instituting their own agendas through
national policies, many times at the detriment and cost of the nations political sovereignty, especially in
the non-industrialized countries, and paid for by the people without their knowledge or consent.
The United Nations has many policies and instruments which establish global standards by which
national governments are obliged to comply with, yet the United Nations cannot or will not enforce
compliance with international standards, and nation states then operate in impunity for failures to
implement or adopt such standards into national policies and procedures. Here again, there is no citizen
representation or participation in international definition or establishment of these standards, or in
national compliance or ratification of these globalized standards at national implementation levels.
The United Nations is dominated by the corporatized government of the United States of America where
it maintains its international headquarters, leaving hundreds of other national governments as
members nations of the United Nations powerless and underrepresented in global politics.
The United Nations does not recognize or acknowledge global citizenship as a right of humanity, nor
does it operate with any transparency, or hold any accountability of its actions, policies, or operations
to the people of the world even though this goes against their own Declaration of Human Rights. This
constitutes the greatest crime against humanity the world has ever been witness to, and the full impacts
and consequences of this will be clear only from hindsight in the future.
The United Nations acts as a witness to national and regional conflicts, and does not protect the
innocent, while it has a history of empowering national governments to abuse or exploit their nations
resources and people causing either internal or regional instability or conflicts.
The United Nations fails to hold accountable criminals who act in such a way as to instigate or are guilty
of committing a crime against humanity, thus failing the worlds people in areas of justice when crimes
are well known, and criminals are identified, making national and international crimes against humanity
imputative while prosecution and incarceration rates in countries around the world increase with
alarming speed for the citizen population.
The collaborative membership of nations to the United Nations has forced the worlds people to exist in
a state of global feudalism, increasing the capacity and strength of nation states to enforce arbitrary
boundaries, and decreasing the rights of the people through national citizenship and immigration
policies, which obstruct the laws for naturalization of foreigners, mandating government approval for
global citizen entry and stays in national boundaries which restrict the movement of people on earth,
and decreases the capability of the people to peacefully establish or re-create their national systems of
government without global interference.
The United Nations has created vast amounts of economic debts accumulated by national governments
without the consent of their national citizens, and then passed that debt on to the citizen population,

sometimes generations into the future, maintaining poverty, and increasing economic disparity between
people, and the nations of earth.
The United Nations has forced international policies which can be harmful to the nations economy,
environment, and people in favor of corporate interests, decreasing the sovereignty of national
governments, and the ability of the countries people to control and manage their own national
government systems.
The United Nations operates the highest court in the world, making their own members and activities
above any and all laws, and actions imputative. There are no checks or balances to the power of the
United Nations, and thus makes it a tyrannical government system at a global level which cannot be
further empowered, or tolerated by the world people in either actions or lack thereof.
The United Nations has branched into hundreds of operating arms with global reach into every aspect of
human life ranging from health and well-being through the World Health Organization, economics and
trade through the World Bank, International Trade Organization, and the World Monetary Fund,
environmentally through the Environment Program to name just a few, there are many, many more, and
all of this is funded through national tax contributions and interest paid on debt repayments by the
people of the world to the United Nations.
The United Nations has combined the richest and most powerful of the world people to dictate global
policies and agendas for the interests of a small minority of wealthy people, at the detriment of the
majority of people causing ever increasing disparity where the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
We are now living in a world where almost half the worlds wealth and resources are owned and profit
only 1% of the worlds elite. This is a global oligarchy, and it will only serve to create conflict, and
increased inequality to access of resources and basic needs of survival.
The United Nations has affected to render the national governments independent of and superior to
civil power.
The United Nations has combined with national governments to subject us to a global jurisdiction
foreign to our national governments, and unacknowledged by our national laws, rights of citizenship, or
civil authority; requiring national assent to their acts of pretended legislation:

For protecting its representative staff, by way of national and international political immunity,
from punishment for any crimes which they should commit on the citizens of national countries:
For sanctioning and controlling our trade with all parts of the world:
For utilizing national tax revenues for global privatized corporate interests without our consent:
For indebting us and our future generations through developmental loans, high interest rates,
conditionality requirements, and is based on a crumbling and fragile banking and currency
system we already know is not sustainable or functional:
For abolishing the free system of natural rights, establishing therein an arbitrary government,
and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for
introducing the same absolute rule in every country:

For undermining our national government systems, abolishing our most valuable laws, and
altering fundamentally the forms of our governments, and declaring themselves invested with
power to legislate for us in all global cases whatsoever.
For operating as a global government without recognition of global citizenship as a right for all
people, and participation in global governance through true democratic processes.

The United Nations has rendered useless our national political systems for the good of the people,
allowed and even encourages the exploitation of natural resources by corporations, created aid and
debt dependent economic systems through development loans, conditionality requirements, and
economic sanctions, has degraded the value and quality of life for the worlds people through corporate
interest prioritization, and was Illegitimately organized and structured as a world government, obtaining
and maintaining global political powers without representation or citizenship recognition of the worlds
With the reach, power, and resources of the United Nations, we as a species are facing massive
humanitarian crisis in our current and near future due to resource depletion and distribution inequality,
environmental destruction and pollution, failed and unsustainable economic systems including
worthless currency and corrupted banking practices, social systems collapse and cultural degradation
from massive globalization at rates non-industrialized countries or poor people could not adapt to
quickly enough, and compete with on a global market, and corporate nepotism at a global government
In every stage of these oppressions due to a lack of transparency by the United Nations and their
members, we as global citizens have been forced to respond to situations as they arise from
implemented actions rather than control their implementation, making response and alterations costly,
inefficient, and slow to coordinate, and at times requiring the use of violence to make our voices heard
in desperation: our repeated protests and petitions for change have been answered only by a
continuation of practice, and increased authority and violence. An oligarchy, whose character is thus
marked by every act which may define a tyrannical government, is unfit to be the global government
system of a free people and an equitable future.
We, therefore, the Global Citizens of the Earth, in sovereign inter-dependence as individuals in a
collective world, appeal to the United Nations for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and
by the authority of the good people of the world, solemnly publish and declare, that all people are, and
of right ought to be sovereign and inter-dependent individual global citizens; that they are intrinsically in
allegiance to the earth and each other, and that all political connection between them and the
government of the United Nations, is and ought to be totally re-constructed into a direct democracy;
and that as sovereign and inter-dependent global citizens, they have full power to initiate legislation,
alter and amend legislation, demand transparency, accountability, peace, justice, and security, approve
or disapprove contract alliances and commerce with their national governments and the United Nations
or other national governments, and to do all other acts and things which sovereign inter-dependent
global citizens may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the

protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our collective future and
our sacred honor.

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