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Cc Sheet Music” Legrenzi Che fiero costume Arieta Allegretto con moto mf —— pee ro me da-li - ge-ro m Che fie- ro co-stu- How void of com-pas-sion Is Cu - pid his fash-ion, Who leggero ¢ grazioso = for- za di pe-ne si facciaa -do-rar, si fae-ciaa - do-rar, drives me by tor-ment him-self to a-dore, him-self to a-dore, Who ‘Ra. * Ta. Ba * fo # fo * fi 3S SS SS et = = Se = for-za di pe-ne si fac-cia.a - do- rar! drives me by tor-ment him-self to a -dore! CD Sheet Music® ~ Legrenzi ~ Che fiero costume mf un poco meno E purnell’ar-do-re il dio tra- di-to-re un And yet in my ar-dor I fol-low the hard-er The un| poco meno va-gosem-bian-te mi feli - do- la-trah——— vi-sion e - lu-sive he shad-ows be-fore, un va-go sem-bian-te mi The vi-sion ¢ - lu-sive he Tempo J° rit. ee dim. fei - do - la-trar, Che fie-ro co-stu-me da-li - ge-ro nu -me,chea shad-ows be-fore. How void of com-pas-sion Is Cu- pid his fash-ion, Who CD Sheet Music® si ~ Che fiero costume for-za di pe-ne si fac-ciaa-do-rar, si fac-cia_a - do-rar!___ chea drives me by tor-ment him-self to a-dore, him-self to a-dore for -za di pe-ne si fac-ciaa - do- drives me by tor-ment him-self a-dor Che cru-do de-sti - no cheyn cie-cobam-bi - no con © Des-ti-ny sense-less! A boy so de-fence-less, Scarce CD Sheet Music® ~ Legrenzi ~ Che fiero costume £ P = boc - ca di lat-te si fac-cia sti-mar, si i sti- mar,___ con wean'd, yetcan make us his fa-vor im-plore, his fa-vor im-plore,_— Scarce boc - ca di lat-te si fac-cia sti- mar! weanid, yet can make us his fa-vor im- plore! mf un poco meno Ma que-sto ti - ran-no con bar-ba-roin-gan-no, en- A ty-ran-nous men-tor, Our eyes he doth en-ter With CD Sheet Music® ~ Legrenzi ~ Che fiero costume = tran-do per gligc-chi, mi fe’ s0-spi-rar, ‘bar-bar-ous wiles till’ we sigh and give oer, > en-tran-do perglige-chi mi With bar-bar-ous wiles till we pres Ss * i * Topp Lim i Che eru-do de-sti - no cheun cie- eo bam-bi - no con sigh and give oer. © Des-ti-ny senseless! A boy so de-fence-less, Scarce Epi = ne P Gi) ten. the. —— =H ef # Ea # —_—___— = Ss Pp boc - ca di lat-te si fac-cia sti-mar, si fac-cia wean, yet can make us his fa -vor sti - mar! con im-plore, his fa-yor im-plore! Scarce eS boc - ca di lat-te si fac-cia sti-mar! wean'd yet can makeus his fa-vor im-plore! P= zz ool canto J. Ba.

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