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32 Shelter Circle, Camden, DE 19934 + 302-943-6032 + July 24,2085 Me. Ted Lawson 2the cre ‘Georgetown DE 19947 and Delivered ear. Todd Lawson; ‘The First State Animal Center and SPCA has been contracted by your county since 2006 ‘to provide one of your vita public safety programs, that of dog control. Our24/7. program has provided a historically vital service to ensure our communities are safe places for both humans and animals and has been succesfully provided by our ‘organization to Sussex County for 9 years. (On June 30, 2015 the Delaware State General Assembly passed House Bill 225 which contained language that effectively ends our dog control activites, Knowing that thelr Jobs will end shortly no matter what we might do, we expect to begin at once losing our animal control employees just as soon as they can secure other Jobs. The Impact will be Immediate as we begin to lose animal control officers essential to performing our contract obligations and find ourselves unable to replace them because we will have nothing to offer thelr replacements but short-term ‘temporary Jobs, which Ironically may require many months of training. Because we ‘expect an ongoing daterloraton of our ability to effectively perform the requirements of ‘our animal control contracts, the Board of Directors has elected to immediately restructure the organization to end our animal control activities rather than let down our contract partners by falling to meet the contract requlrements, ‘Therefore, we are hereby notifying you that we are exercising our option of terminating ‘our dog control contract dated! 04/01/33 with 60 days notice. Thefinal date of service to you will be September 15,2015, ‘We regret that we must cease providing this necessary service to you, one for which we are professionally trained and educated and one that has successfully kept safe your ‘woof. meow. quack, moo. neigh qT FIRST STATE animal ;center ‘AND SPCA iok, squeak. hiss. baa, cheep.

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