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3rd Grade

English/Language Arts
Reading Foundations
I can understand the six major syllable patterns to decode
words. (3.RF.4.2)
I can read third grade words that have blends and common
spelling patterns. (3.RF.4.4)
I can know and use more difficult word families when
reading unfamiliar words. (3.RF.4.5)
I can read multi-syllabic words made up of roots, prefixes, &
suffixes; I can also read irregular contractions. (3.RF.4.6)

I can orally read 3rd grade texts smoothly and accurately,
with expression and comprehend what I am reading. (3.RF.5)

Reading Literature
I can ask and answer questions to show I understand a text;
I can refer explicitly to the text. (3.RL.2.1)
I can retell folktales, fables, and tall tales & I can identify
themes in these tales. (3.RL.2.2)
I can describe characters in a story & explain how their
actions contribute to the plot. (3.RL.2.3)
Structural elements &
I can use terms (i.e. chapter, scene, stanza) to refer to
parts of stories, plays, & poems. (3.RL.3.1)
I can distinguish personal point of view from that of a
narrator or those of the characters. (3.RL.3.2)

Connection of ideas
I can explain how texts illustrations contribute to the story.
I can compare and contrast themes, settings, and plots of
stories written by the same author or with similar
characters. (3.RL.4.2)
I can compare and contrast key details presented in two
non-fiction texts on the same topic. (3.RN.4.2)
I can ask and answer questions to show I understand a text;
I can refer explicitly to the text. (3.RN.2.1)
I can determine the main idea of the text. I can also recount
the key details and explain how they support the main idea.
I can describe the relationship between a series of events,
ideas, or steps in a process using words such as first, next,

finally, because, problem, solution, same, & different.


NF Features & Structures

I can apply what I know about text features to find
information and understand a text. (3.RN.3.1)
I can identify how a NF text can be structured to show a
problem & solution or to put events in chronological order.
I can distinguish ones own point of view from that of the
author of the text. (3.RN.3.3)

Connection of ideas
I can distinguish between fact & opinion; I can also explain
how an author uses facts to support the text. (3.RN.4.1)

Reading Vocabulary
I can apply context clues and text features to determine the
meanings of unknown words. (3.RV.2.1)
I can identify relationships among words: synonyms,
antonyms, homographs, homonyms, & multiple meaning words.
I can use reference materials to find the pronunciation and
clarify word meanings. (3.RV.2.5)

I can determine how the author uses words and phrases to
provide meaning to the text; I can also distinguish literal
from non-literal language (figurative language) . (3.DA.1)
I can generate measurement data by measuring lengths with
rulers to the nearest quarter () of an inch. I can also
display the data by making a line plot. (3.DA.2)
I can determine the meanings of words in NF text. (3.RV.3.2)
I can recognize the meanings of idioms in text. (3.RV.3.3)

I can write legibly in print or cursive (leave space between
letters, words, & in a sentence, and the edges of the paper).
I can write opinion pieces that have a point of view with
supporting reasons. (3.W.3.1)
I can write informative compositions. (3.W.3.2)
I can write narrative compositions. (3.W.3.3)
I can apply the writing process (plan, draft, revise, edit,
publish) to improve my writing. (3.W.4)
I can conduct short research on a topic. (3.W.5)

Writing Rubric Expectations

I can write sentences
using abstract nouns (i.e. hope, thought)
that use regular & irregular verbs and simple verb tenses
that include comparative & superlative adjectives and
that are complete simple, compound, & complex declarative,
interrogative, and exclamatory sentences, using conjunctions.
I can capitalize words in titles, historical periods, company
names, product names, & special events.
I can correctly use apostrophes, quotation marks, and
I can use conventional spelling for high-frequency words and
for adding affixes to base words. I can also use spelling
patterns when writing.

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