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Homework #9

1. Derive the equation for Rx. Include ro.



2. Derive the equation for Rx. Include ro.



3. Derive equations for the output resistance(seen at the drain of Q2) which includes ro, and overall gain
of the MOS cascade amplifier below(Vout at the drain of Q2/Vin at gate of Q1).

Fall 2010

Homework #9
4. Design the cascade amplifier shown below to obtain gm1=1mA/V and Ro=400k. Use a 0.18m
technology for which Vtn=0.5 V, VA=5V/m and kn=400A/V2. Determine L, W/L, VG2, and I. Use
identical transistors
tors operated at Vov=0.2V, and design for the maximum possible negative signal swing
at the output(when VDS=Vov). What
hat is the value of the minimum perm
permitted output voltage?

5. For the four possible realizations of the folded cascade amplifier shown below, assume that the BJTs
have =100 and that both the BJTs and the MOSFets have |VA|=5V. Let I=100A,
A, and assume that the
MOSFets are operating at |VOV|=0.2V. Assume ideal current sources.. For each circuit determine
determi Rin,
Rout, and Avo=vo/vI. Comment
omment on your results.

Fall 2010

Homework #9
6. The transistors
tors in the circuit below have =100 and VA=100V.
(a) Find Rin, Rout, and the overall voltage gain.
(b) What is the effect of increasing the bias currents by a factor of 10 on Rin, the overall gain, and the
power dissipation?

7. In each of the six circuit below, let =100 and neglect ro. Calculate
alculate the overall voltage gain. (worth 2

Fall 2010

Homework #9
8. Consider a bipolar cascode amplifier biased at a current of 1mA. The transistors used have =100,
ro=100k, C=14pF, C=2pF, CCS=0pF. The amplifier is fed with a signal source having Rsig=4k. The
load resistance RL=2.4k. Find the low frequency gain AM, and estimate the value of the 3dB frequency
9. A BJT cascade amplifier uses transistors for which =100, VA=100V, fT=1GHz, and C=0.1pF. It
operates at a bias current of 0.1mA between a source with Rsig=r and a load RL=ro. Let CL=CCS=0pF
and find the overall voltage gain at dc, fH and ft.

Fall 2010

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