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Name:Sarah Gutierrez

Course: EDU 570

Semester: Summer 1

Date: 6/15/15

Lesson Background- Spanish Music Videos

Subject: Spanish

Grade Level: 7th

Differentiation Narrative (rationale how you are differentiating and why):

I have two students in the special education program and both have IEPs. The first
student has ADHD. He needs explicit instructions (step by step both verbal and written). At
times he may also need extra time to complete assignments. I utilize preferential seating with
him because he has several attention getting behaviors that can be a distraction to himself and
others and he needs frequent reminder on proper in class behavior. Other than that he is a very
smart student and tends to handle himself well in almost any type of activity. Even still, I do
check in with him frequently to make sure he is staying on task an keeping up with the pace of
assignments and activities.
My learner second learner as OHI-ADD/ADHD and is given preferential seating so that I can
frequently prompt him if he gets off task or help him identify needed resources. He also receives
speech services for concerns with pragmatic and figurative language. This is evident in Spanish
class through his rushing through sentences when using the language verbally. This causes
mispronunciation or the omission of necessary words. He needs frequent prompting to slow
down and often times after he says something once, I will ask him to repeat it one more time, so
he can take the time to hear what he is saying. He struggles with written expression,
organization of ideas, and comprehension without models. For this reason, he is always provided
graphic organizers to complete for class notes and often, after he completes his own graphic
organizer I will give him one with the answers typed in because he cannot read his own
handwriting or he puts information in the wrong area. In general however, he is a hard worker
and behaves very well in class. He enjoys working with and learning from his peers and will
always accept adult assistance. He does not need any modified assessments and with these
supports he is currently successful in Spanish class.
This lesson is differentiated for these particular students through providing them with
choice in their contributions and role in the video creation. These students each have very
particular interests and skills related to those interests that they will both be able to utilize
during the movie creation process. Furthermore, the active nature of this lesson will work well
for these two students. Both of which do not like to stay seated and do pen and paper type class

Name:Sarah Gutierrez

Course: EDU 570

Semester: Summer 1

Date: 6/15/15

work very often. They are both very successful with active and hands on activities such as this

Language Ability Break down of student body:

Some students struggle a little

with second language acquisition
at this level either because they
did not have the one year of
experience their classmates had
or they were not successful with
the language their first year and
at times need extra scaffolding or
reminded of the base line

Few students have IEPs or 504s with

disabilities that infringe on the
facilitation of learning in the target
language. These students have
preferential seating so they can receive
frequent one on one assistance as well
as often receive completed notes after
the completion of an activity. They are
paired with a higher level learner to

Most students will be able to complete

each aspect of the lesson with ease,
although they will appreciate the reassurance from the full class review of
the observations recorded in their
graphic organizers, they will lead the
discussion as they will for the most part
already have the correct answers.
These students will need little teacher

Content Standard(s):
CONTENT STANDARD 1: Communication (Interpersonal Mode)
NOVICE 1.3: Give and follow simple instructions by participating in various games or other
activities with partners or groups.

INTERMEDIATE 1.1: Exchange information with peers and the teacher (both face-to-face
and in writing) about events in their everyday lives and experiences from their past.

INTERMEDIATE 1.5: Exchange basic information about events, such as classes, meetings
and meals.
CONTENT STANDARD 2: Communication (Interpretive Mode)
INTERMEDIATE 2.3: Work individually to collect data on familiar topics from various print,
digital and electronic resources.
CONTENT STANDARD 3: Communication (Presentational Mode)
INTERMEDIATE 3.7: Effectively use repetition, rephrasing and gestures to assist them in
communicating their meaning in the target language.
CONTENT STANDARD 7: Comparisons Among Languages

Name:Sarah Gutierrez

Course: EDU 570

Semester: Summer 1

Date: 6/15/15

INTERMEDIATE 7.3: Use oral and written language to relate their own experiences and
construct their own stories.
INTERMEDIATE 9.1: Discuss their families, school experiences, free-time activities and
current events in the target language in written or oral form
National or State Technology Standard(s):
ISTE Standards for teachers:
2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and
others face-to-face and in virtual environments
ISTE Standards for students:
1. Creativity and Innovation
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
4. Critical thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project

Content/Instructional Objective(s):
1. Students will be able to use material from the current unit to write themed lyrics to a song that flow
and make sense.
2. Students will be able to conjugate verbs properly in the present or simple future tenses to make
complete sentences when writing the lyrics.
Language Objective(s):
1. Students will be able to create grammatically correct lyrics in the target language using a syllable count
as a guide.

2. Students will be able to work in groups to produce a portion of a whole music video.
Materials, Media, Resources:
1. Cameras or cellphones
2. Computer lab access- only about 5 computers each class with movie maker software
3. Voice recorders
4. Props
5. Teach me how to Verby:
6. Journals
7. Scrap paper

Name:Sarah Gutierrez

Course: EDU 570

Semester: Summer 1

Date: 6/15/15
Lesson Procedure

Initiation (hook to lesson, explanation of objectives, engage students):

All year long students have been watching youtube videos to learn grammatical topics, new
vocabulary, and reinforce their language skills. They have repetitively asked to make these
types of videos and seeing as we are on the last unit of the year, it seems like it would be a
perfect culminating project. On day one of the lesson, students will all be handed slips of paper
as they walk into the classroom. On the board, will be the question, If you could create a
Spanish video to one song, what would it be?. I will collect the papers and read a few at
random to the students to get them excited and the creative juices flowing. These papers will
then be saved as a starting point for the students that are in charge of finding the songs, further
in the lesson.

5 minutes

Performance Tasks:
Students will be grouped heterogeneously to write lyrics to the song in the target language. I will
have groups trade written lyrics upon completion for peer editing to occur.


Then, through open choice and personal preference according to the student jobs available,
students will be grouped both hetero- and homogenously to create the rest of the video.

Development of Lesson:
As a class students, will vote on an area of focus from the current unit that they would like to use
as the main topic of the song. The options will be shopping/clothing vocabulary, going out
around the town vocabulary, stem changing verbs, the simple future, or direct object pronouns.
All students will work in small groups to create the lyrics of one particular portion of the song.
They will use their notes and vocabulary lists from the current unit to do so, but will be allowed to
reference previous unit resources if needed
I will remind students by showing them an example of a grammatical music video. Teach me
how to Verby : As a class I will ask volunteers
to try to develop what parts, roles, and resources go into creating the video.
Student Jobs:
-Video Planner (1 student)- this person will create a detailed outline of what will be needed for all
aspects of the video using the initial brainstorm as a jumping off point and then tweeking the
outline as the video making process continues. They will make sure this outline is readily
available to all the students.
-Song selectors (2 to 3 students): Selection of a song that works in terms of speed of lyrics,
appropriateness, and familiarity. Pick a few and have classmates vote. The original selections of
songs need to be found outside of school and brought in for a vote. With final song, count
number of syllables in each line.
-Videographers (2 students) students will operate a camera or cell phone to video the production


1 class

Name:Sarah Gutierrez

Course: EDU 570

Semester: Summer 1

Date: 6/15/15

of the video. Both students will video from different angles at the same time and submit all video
clips to the producers from editing purposes.
- Producers (2 students): Piece the sound clips and video clips together, include text of lyrics if
possible, and edit final video. Knowledge of movie-maker or I-movie is helpful.
-Directors (2 students): assign roles and direct students during the videoing of the video.
-Audio (2 students): direct audio recording, control timing, assign lyrics, and ensure audio
-Prop people (2 students): select, find, and produce all necessary props and ensure that they
align with the theme of the video.
-Lights and stage managers (3 students): Students to rearrange the venue of the video to fit in
with the theme of the scene. If needed, someone to control the lights during the video. Must
work closely with prop people.
- Lyrics compilation crew (2 students): Accept, arrange, check the grammar of and type up the
final lyrics submitted by classmates
-Practice coordinators: lead the practice as the class learns the new lyrics. Start with singing
over English version and as class progresses, move onto singing with the instrumental karaoke
version only.
If extra students are left after all job assignments, they can fill in where needed.
Once students pick their roles and break into their groups I will circulate throughout the
classroom to provide guidance wherever needed.
As a class we will we watch our finished collaboration.

For closure the students had to write journal entries regarding three things that they will take
away from the lesson; one they will use in another one of their subject areas, one they will use
with friends and family, and one they will use in the future in their Spanish studies. As a class,
students will be given an opportunity to share some of their take aways.

15 min

Assessment Strategies:
Because this lesson was an intro to video making and production for the students, students were mainly
assessed on their participation and use of the target language as they worked with their groups to complete the
portions of the video that they were responsible for. Students self-assessed and collected their selfassessments and took them into consideration when I did my final assessment. In order to properly assess
students, I frequently circulated and joined in groups as they worked through various class periods to ensure I
got a good grasp on each students participation. Please see the rubric below.

Name:Sarah Gutierrez

Course: EDU 570

Semester: Summer 1

Date: 6/15/15

Avon Middle School- Seora Gutierrez


Espaol- Music Video Project

Clase _____ Fecha __________________

Rbrica de participacin para el video de msica


My attitude and

was consistently
very positive!

was very positive

most of the time

was very positive


could have been a

lot better

I used Spanish I
learned earlier in
6th and 7th grade

every single day!

just about every


most days, but I

should review my
previous material.

some days ..

I volunteered for
jobs and to help
out wherever I

every day

every day once


rarely. I should
set a goal for

I listened to
others and


most of the time. I

was only



I was sometimes

I was often

paid attention to
those in my

several times!

I was not
by other work,
students, etc.!

I tried to speak

distracted by
other work,
students etc.

a lot!

distracted by
other work,

a lot!

a lot most of the


a lot, but only


very little..

a lot most of the


a lot, but only


very little..

usually, with rare



rarely: I needed

with the students

I worked


on task

I did not need any


by other work,
students, etc.

students, etc.

with the teacher

I tried to speak

I will review my
previous material.

I did need

I need to try
much harder!

I need to try
much harder!

reminders .

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