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Matthew Hall

Multimedia Design Project Report & URL

ITEC 7445/Fall 2013
Dr. Goetzel

What are the Colors of a Rainbow?

Project URL

Learner Analysis
The 17 students that worked on this project are all 1st Grade Special
Education students. All students are 7-8 years of age.
There is a racial mixture in the group of 47.06% white (8/17), 35.29%
black (6/17), 11.76% mixed race (2/17), and 5.88% Hispanic (1/17).
The class is 82.35% male (14/17) and 17.65% female (3/17).
All students are significantly below grade level and are on a reading level
equivalent to that of a beginning Kindergarten student.
Language ability is a strong factor in this class. Five students or 29% of
the total class, receives speech therapy 2-3 times weekly.
Students have no experience with technology such as a computer, other
than the exposure they received at school while in Kindergarten. They
were also exposed to iPad usage in Kindergarten.
Due to the low level of achievement and age of these students, projectbased learning has never been attempted. Students are very familiar with
small group learning. Most of their Kindergarten skills were built in small
groups and I incorporate small groups into their First Grade work on a
daily basis as well. Much guidance is needed for small group and students
cannot complete assignments independently/.
Context Analysis
Class consists of 17 students. 14 males and 3 females.
Unlike the other four 1st Grade classes, this group is self-contained
therefore creates a great amount of flexibility within their schedule. The
students are in the classroom with the teacher for 6 hours and 55 minutes,
which does not include their Exploratory Class (45 min), Lunch (30 min),
and Afternoon Break (20 min). They attend school 4 days a week,
Tuesday through Friday.
This project was worked on at a set time scheduled by the teacher during
the Science period. (1 hour and 55 minutes on a Friday)

Matthew Hall
Multimedia Design Project Report & URL
ITEC 7445/Fall 2013
Dr. Goetzel
This project was teacher guided using a teacher computer and
SmartBoard. While the teacher displayed each step on the SmartBoard,
the students followed along individually using a Google Chromebook at
their desk. The teacher has a class set of 25 Chromebooks to use with the
students. Students do not have much exposure to using the computers and
are all struggling readers so the teacher made sure to include audio for the
directions as well as guiding the students through the process. No
assistive technology was used.
Teacher is proficient with technology and has great comfort incorporating
different types within his classroom.
Standards Addressed:
S1E2. Students will observe and record changes in water as it relates
to weather.
b. Identify forms of precipitation such as rain, snow, sleet, and hailstones
as either solid
(ice) or liquid (water).
S1P1. Students will investigate light and sound
a. Recognize sources of light.
1.Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology. Students:
a.apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b.create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
c.use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
3.Research and Information Fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
b.locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use
information from a variety of sources and media.
5.Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to
technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. Students:
a.advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and
b.exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports
collaboration, learning, and productivity.
c.demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
d.exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
6. Technology Operations and Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts,
systems, and operations. Students:
a.understand and use technology systems.

Matthew Hall
Multimedia Design Project Report & URL
ITEC 7445/Fall 2013
Dr. Goetzel and use applications effectively and productively.
c.troubleshoot systems and applications.
d.transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
Task Analysis
Cognitive Objectives
EQ: How many colors show up in a rainbow?
EQ: What is the correct order of those colors?
Dispositional Objectives:
Although this project is geared to teach topics of color and the makeup of
a rainbow, I also wanted it to be a fun way to incorporate more exposure
to the use and functions of a Chromebook. These are new tools to the
students and this will hopefully help them to see how they can actually
work on the computer instead of just play. Before this activity,
students had only used the Chromebook for game type activities during
Small-Group downtime. This tactile use of the Chromebooks will help the
students become more comfortable and efficient when using a laptop

After choosing a topic that I wanted to cover, I went and pulled the GPS that
correlated with the information. When I had knowledge of what it was exactly I
wanted to base my WebQuest on, then I was able to basically search the internet
for different resources. The colors of a rainbow is a pretty common topic so it
was very easy to find pictures, games, and video clips. I also had prior knowledge
of most of the links I used from when I taught science last year. My main go-to
was YouTube. My students have always loved YouTube and you can always find
a video or song on there to go with anything. After I had found a few video clips
to use, I used Google to find interactive games that taught colors.
The rainbow image on the introduction page was selected from a collection of
rainbow clip art and can be found at the following
The "What Color Is It?" game is from a online preschool library created by the
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and can be found at the following

Matthew Hall
Multimedia Design Project Report & URL
ITEC 7445/Fall 2013
Dr. Goetzel

The "How a Rainbow is Formed" video from YouTube was selected from which is a website that creates free educational videos
for children. That Make Me Genius YouTube video can be found here:
The "ROY G BIV" video from YouTube is a song that was recorded by Ray
Anderson, also known as Mr. Ray. That song can be found
The Rainbows Coloring Page was created by an online coloring book by the name
of TheColor. Their website is and the actual rainbow page
can be found here:
Georgia Performance Standards

Since I geared this project to suit very low level students, there is no need to
differentiate content. All of the information presented has already been taught
and this project is used as a review. Some of my students are emerging readers
where others are severely struggling readers. I wanted to have the directions
posted so the students could see the words and hopefully read some of them, but I
also included video clips of myself reading the exact text from each page so
struggling students would be able to hear the words they could not read. I also
included an option of differentiated assessment at the end. I prefer the students to
complete the color chart online and print it, but for those that are struggling using
the computer, I included the option to complete their color chart on paper using
other mediums such as crayons or markers.
Ideally, this would be an independent activity, but could easily be done with any
sized group. If done with a large group, the activity should be teacher guided
until the end assessment. The assessment part of the activity is too simple to be
completed within a group larger than 2 or 3.
Throughout the project I used the principle of Proximity and Repetition. I wanted
to include audio/video of the directions, but also wanted those clips to standout
from the other content. I did not include the Direction Clips in the left alignment
like all content text. On every page, the Direction Clips are in the same place,
directly about the text being read.

Matthew Hall
Multimedia Design Project Report & URL
ITEC 7445/Fall 2013
Dr. Goetzel
There are lots of possible ways to incorporate adaptive or assistive technology as
resources for this project, but a few examples are listed below:
Students with visual disabilities could benefit from magnification of their
computer screen, or even use of the SmartBoard to display the project.
Students with auditory disabilities could benefit from the audio version of the
directions. They could be offered headphones to wear to better listen to the audio
parts of the project. The students would benefit from being able to play the audio
directions repeatedly if needed.
Students with physical disabilities could benefit from tools such as a wireless
mouse to use with their laptop.

During the development process of this project, I did not have to learn any new
tools. I used Weebly for my main structure and template, then searched through
different YouTube videos to find ones that were interesting, fun, and covered the
content I needed. I also found an interactive game through an educational website
I use in my classroom for different topics. When adding my self-created videos, I
recorded them using my laptops built in webcam and then embedded them to my
WebQuest after adding them to YouTube. I was familiar enough with each of
these programs to work them, but working with them for this WebQuest has
definitely helped build my knowledge of their uses.
I was not a strict timeline because I had all semester to work and design this
WebQuest. I was a little rushed at the end, because I needed to get it finished
enough to test it with my students.
I tested all my embedded videos, games, and other links, and they all worked fine.
One area I tried to change, but was unable to, was on the Lets Review our
Colors page, I wanted the game to open within the WebQuest and not a separate
window. Other than that small problem, I was happy with the links.

The implementation of this project was very simple for me. I am self-contained
so I have the same students all day. I chose to complete this project in one day
during our Science period. We had worked on the water cycle prior to this, so the
students had been exposed to this information before.
Resources were also easy. I have a classroom set of 25 Google Chromebooks and
each student used one throughout this project. The Chromebooks stay in my
classroom all the time, so I did not have to reserve them. Although each student
had their own Chromebook to navigate through the WebQuest, I still modeled it

Matthew Hall
Multimedia Design Project Report & URL
ITEC 7445/Fall 2013
Dr. Goetzel
on the SmartBoard and led the students through each page. They found it easy to
navigate and after some short instruction, they could have probably navigated
everything independently.
Due to such a large number of SpEd students, I have another teacher that comes in
part of the day to help work with the students. I waited to complete this project
while she was in the room, just in case we had students that needed more
guidance. Everything was completed at school and I allowed 1 hour and 55
minutes for this entire project. The students were able to fit that time frame.
Some finished early, but wanted to go back and play the game or hear the songs
again. They really enjoyed the project!

Student Learning
At the end of the WebQuest, I will assess student learning by their creation of a
rainbow. In order for the student to get the full credit for this assignment, they
must use only the 7 correct colors of a true rainbow and they must be in the
correct order. No rubric will be created; they must have both parts of the
assessment correct to receive the bonus points. Students will do no self
assessment and there will be no peer assessment.
Although the assessment will be at the end of the project, I will be monitoring
students throughout the process to try and notice any struggles they may face on
the other elements. I want to make sure they are working successfully through the
entire WebQuest.
Product Design
After I first tested the students with the WebQuest, I allowed some classroom
time for them to discuss their thoughts on the project. Almost all of the students
really enjoyed the activity and were successful in the end assessment. They did
not complete any type of paper form; all feedback was verbal during a group
discussion. The only complaint was that they could not read some of the words.
After hearing their complaints, I went back and edited the audio to include myself
reading the step-by-step directions. When I had revised the WebQuest, I went
back and tested the new version with a small group of students. The 2nd time,
they were able to click on my picture to hear the directions read to them. This
seemed to make them a lot more comfortable to work through the project and
greatly increased their independence. Although the video quality was not great, I
thought the fact that the directions were audibly available was a great
enhancement to the WebQuest.

Matthew Hall
Multimedia Design Project Report & URL
ITEC 7445/Fall 2013
Dr. Goetzel

Project Development- While developing this project, I learned how much
technology has changed. I have only been out of college for 4 years and yet so
much is different from the technology courses I took then. I realized though, that
the only way to get comfortable with the resources is to jump in there and try
them out, frustration and all. I was pleased with the timeline I allowed myself. I
work better on a deadline and try to prioritize my schedule to things that are due
the soonest. With this project though, I did make myself work on it a little along
the way and was very pleased when I had something to share with my classmates.
The reviews I was able to receive from them greatly helped me to revise certain

Matthew Hall
Multimedia Design Project Report & URL
ITEC 7445/Fall 2013
Dr. Goetzel
parts of my project and make it better. At first, I tried to make my project as
pretty as possible and was putting lots of clip art and sounds. When I started
reviewing it, it just looked cluttered and confusing so I ended up taking a lot off
and making it simpler. The decision for me to add audio directions was a great
one. The students truly benefited from being able to hear the directions read to
them as many times as they needed. When I create my next WebQuest, I want to
try incorporating new content. This one was all review so the students flew
through it, but I am curious to see how they will do on material they have not
already been taught.
Instructional Design-The way I have my project laid out with games and songs
worked well with my students. A teacher knows his or her class better than
someone else and is the best person to create an assignment for them. I used my
knowledge of my students to choose certain elements to make their WebQuest
experience as beneficial as possible. Although my activities were simple, I still
struggled with my students not being able to read and know what they were
supposed to be doing on each page. I tried to use different avatars and fun things
for the audio directions, but in the end decided to use a simple self-created video
of myself reading the text from the page. This helped the students to know that if
they were confused on what to do, all they had to do was click on the teacher and
hear the directions again.
Looking back, I would say there are lots of other choices I might have made. I
would have liked to have something that would last a little longer, so maybe I
could have found some more games and activities to incorporate into the project.
Personal Growth-I learned to always allow time for criticism and peer review.
There were several times throughout this process that I let my frustration level get
high and I would just want to quit. By allowing peers to see your work and
asking them for real suggestions, most of the time, they will catch things you
never saw. At one point, I thought I was completely finished with my WebQuest
when a fellow classmate reviewed and immediately popped back that I was
missing a certain element that would have totally disrupted the flow of my
project. It was a simple fix, but one that I had missed several times.
For others-My suggestion to any others that are beginning a project like this it to
map out your ideas long before you plan to implement the activity. This project
was rewarding and fun to construct, but took a lot of planning and revising. I
would definitely recommend working with a fellow teacher and collaborating to
create a joint project that you both could use. I would also suggest that at least for
your first WebQuest that you focus on a subject you are familiar with and that you
have previously taught. By having a bank of resource already available, you will
greatly benefit yourself in the creation of a new project.

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