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Production Log

Friday 17/04/2015
Today we was given are new task, which was to start planning our last interview
show together. Me, Keanu and Goodness stayed in the same group (KGN) as we
knew what we wanted to do with this last interview and how to approach it. Our
teacher gave us this session to come up with individual ideas on what format the
programme should be. We had to email our teacher a short brief on what we
wanted to our last show to be in terms of structure and topics. This was the main
objective of the session today, so we all worked on that. Below is the original
paragraph which we wrote to our teacher that lesson.

Original short idea brief.

Show Format Idea

- Entertainment/Review show
The Main topic is to review films that are currently out and popular at the
moment. On the show we can talk about different films and what people think of
them by interviewing people. We will be doing activities on the show to make it
entertaining for a teenage audience. Reference: "Tonight with jimmy Fallon". The
purpose of the show is to inform people about films and discuss the in-depth
parts of filming which would be interesting to watch to a teenager.

Monday 24/04/2015
After the previous lesson, we had sent off an email to our Teacher (Miss Schutze).
Today we received feedback from the idea of the show and how to improve or
change if needed.

I and my Team looked through the email. It was great to find out that we can go
ahead with our idea as planned. For this last interview I and my team want to go
all out to make it as a real chat show would be in terms of structure e.g. The
tonight show with Jimmy Fallon. We were given some positive feedback with a
couple of suggestions. We are all going to interview professionals in the Film
industry for this show, not just students. We are also taken aboard the idea of
going to a film premiere to interview some films fans on what they think of that
specific film. Throw-out this session me and my team were thinking of different

aspects we can bring to this show. We are going to add a sneak peak of our Short
film Split choices 2 and get people to tell us what they think of it. By the end
of the session we know how we can continue with the planning of the show.

Tuesday 28/04/2015
Today we were given some more detailed feedback of our idea. Because we
originally outlined our show as a review show, it left the group in a bit of
confusion when discussing topics on the show. This being said we were given a
show to look at Film Buff which showed different segments in their show. The
best topic that stuck with our group was the getting into film making
suggestion. In theory we wanted not just a review show, we want a film show,
so we could have multiple topics. So by the end of this session we had to come
up with 3 different sub-topics that will work for the show.

We were also given some great ideas for shooting some of our programme. The
film premiere was the most appealing one just purely because there are crowds
and crowds of people that we could interview. The last 2 suggestions gave me an
idea of what I could do for my particular interview on the show, but I would have
to work on it next session due to time management.

Wednesday 29/04/2015
Today we came up with the 3 main topics we are going to be presenting on the
show. The first one is how young filmmakers can get into the film industry and
what opportunities are there especially the independent sector. The second is
Whats the ups and downs when trying to get into the industry. And the last
one is we are going to be looking into the new blockbuster film age of Ultron. Me
and the team were thinking on how to expand them 3 topics. We came up with
our first potential interviewee; I have a mentor in the BFI that works in tower
bridge in Vivid echo Production Company. We could interview her on the
subject on how Young film makers can get in the industry. What I will do is send
her an email and see what she can do to accommodate our production. The
others in the meantime were thinking of out-sourcing professionals from
companys around London to see who they could get on the show.

Thursday 30/04/2015

Today our new teacher Mr Barton wanted to know where our production was at in
terms of contributors and planning for the programme. At this particular point we
had come up with 3 potential interviewees that are professionals in the industry.
Goody had reminded me that I knew an independent film director Ben Mallaby
who is also a film lecturer at Ravens Bourne. He is famous for making short films
such as Milk, and I had met him on 3 different locations so I already have to
rapport built. Keanu was looking into this multimedia camera operator in London,
working progress.

This is a copy of the E-mail I sent Allison (BFI Mentor) about potentially
interviewing her for the show. So know I e-mail her, all we can do is continue
planning in the meantime. All 3 of us started working on the paper work for the
chat show; I was working on the script. Keanu was working on the storyboard
while goodness was working on the risk and safety sheet. Mr Barton was a bit
concerned with our group idea on the chat show. He was saying instead of doing
a film review show just keep it to a film show. He gave us some suggestions how
we would film this format of show. We should do all of our interviews on location
and the other segments such as the intro, Segways and even a lip sync battle
we will do it all in the Green room. Today was about given our interview more
structure, Mr Barton in his words said we needed an emergency fix with the
format. Goodness has writing a short preview of the interview with Ben Mallaby,
so Mr Barton can give us guidance on the interview.

This is the Document which

Goodness and myself
created for Mr Barton to
look through has most of
the details of the show. This
would help us get a better
idea on how to approach
the interview when possibly
going to ravens Bourne, to
interview Ben Mallaby. Sir
will take a look at this and
give us feedback next
Monday in the meantime, I
emailed Ben Mallaby to set
up the interview for next
week. Goodness found a
way where he could
potentially interview people
he knows that are currently
trying to get in the
industry, which goes with
one of our topics. Keanu
had secured his interview
for the upcoming Thursday
where he will have to travel
to London to interview a
head of media and
communications at MCC.

Saturday 02/04/2015
Over the weekend I managed to successfully get in contact with one of my
contributors Ben Mallaby who is an I dependant short film Director who has
managed to get his work screened at festivals such as Loco comedy festival.
He is also working part time at Ravens Bourne as a Film lecturer for Digital Film
Production at Ravens Bourne. I also managed to get feedback from Mr Barton
about the chat show format and questions to ask Ben Mallaby. This is because I
needed to Send Ben the questions so he could be prepared when filming the
interview on Thursday. In the meantime Goodness tried to get an interviewee but
unfortunately she was un-available. Here is the conversation he had with her.

Keanu on the other Hand managed to successfully get an interviewee for next
Thursday. He is going to be interviewing a head of media and communications
director at MCC in London. It is a broadcaster that has a unique taste in
Documentaries. So in terms of the interview the questions will be related to

filming. Below is the conversation He had with Neil Prescott

Getting back to the planning of the

interview, Mr Barton had given us
feedback on the questions that we had
sent him. We went through them one
by one. We were given advice to ask
more about his work such as Milk
being screened at the loco film festival,
and him being a director in genre. As
goodness put down a couple of direct
questions what film did you like that
you watch recently and What did you
like or dislike about the film. If we are
going to ask these type of questions it
would be best to save them for more of
the end of the interview. This would be
beneficial when I ask Ben on what he
thought about the new avengers
movie. We were guided not to ask him
question like what reviews did he get
for his film. Thats down to our
production team as the researchers to
know what feedback the film got. This
is a great template to work on when
creating the questions for the actual
interview with Ben Mallaby, which I am
writing now.

Sunday 03/05/2015
I have written the questions based on
the feedback I got from sir, they are directly below. Now I have got the questions
I can now E-mail Ben Mallaby verifying everything about the Interview.
Interview questions
1. Ben, First of all before we talk about your short films Milk and Guy and
Doll could you Tell us a bit about yourself.
2. How did you get where you are today, being an independent director.
3. With you previous film Milk where did the idea originate from.
4. Also how long the production of Milk was, did you have to work to a
5. I notice with a few of your short films such as Time holes, Battle cock
and Milk. They stay in the same location

How do you keep the narrative flowing well at the same time as
keeping the audience attention? Is it the case of mixing up the
camera shots and techniques?

6. I know many of your short films have been screened at festivals such as
7. How was the Experience of Having Milk screened at the Loco Film
festival on the Southbank?

(I was at the festival as we spoke about last time, so I will ask you a couple
off the cuff questions about the festival).
8. With yourself creating Short films and advertisements, how do you
balance the 2 in terms of structure and process?
9. Ill ask Ben what he enjoys creating the most out of his advertisements
compared to his short films.
10.Could you tell us about your latest work Guy and Doll?
11.Ill ask Ben a couple of leading questions based on what information he
gives me about his new project.
12.At todays current state, where do you think the Independent film world
13.On another Note, what are your speculations about the new blockbuster
Avengers movie?

If you see elaborate

If not, just speculations

Ben Mallaby- Independent short film Director/ Film lecturer
I Know Ben Mallaby through my time in the interview process of getting into
university. The first time we met was official, the second time was informal and
we was talking about our independent work. I have built Rapport with Ben
Mallaby and this will help me when I interview him. The email
Conversation is below.

Friday 1st May

Today other than cracking on with the planning paperwork, we needed to verify
and make sure we defiantly have our interviewees for the upcoming week. So all
of us emailed our contacts and even made a phone call to them to prove that we
can follow a production in a professional way. I tried calling Alison but she
couldnt answer the phone so I left a voice mall on her phone. I have the audio
file in a separate document. By this point Me, Goody and Keanu had 100%
secured our interviewees and would have shot 2 main interviews on the
upcoming Thursday. As a group we continued with our paper work tasks
including Script, storyboard, legal and ethical considerations Document.
Over the weekend we will be continuing with the planning task.
Monday 4th-8th
Deadline 12th

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