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What we stand for...

Missouri Democrats
on the issues

We believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of
the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights.
Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need.
Abortion and Birth Control
A woman has the right to decide what happens with her body. The decision to have an abortion is a
personal choice of a woman regarding her own body and the government must protect this right.
Women have the right to affordable, safe and legal abortions. No one is Pro-Abortion...everyone is ProLife....Democrats are Pro-Choice and Conservatives are not. Access to birth control and teaching birth
control in schools is how to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and therefore abortions.
Conservatives deny access to birth control based on religion and pass laws forcing women to have
children, which they then deny food, shelter, education and healthcare. Conservatives are Pro-birth, but
not Pro-Life. The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v Wade and a woman's
right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts
to weaken or undermine that right.
Affirmative Action
Due to prevalent racism in the past, minorities were deprived of the same education and employment
opportunities as whites. The government must work to make up for that. America is still a racist
society, therefore a federal affirmative action law is necessary. Due to unequal opportunity, minorities
still lag behind whites in all statistical measurements of success.
A market system in which government regulates the economy is best. Government must protect citizens
from the greed of big business. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public
interest. Government regulation in all areas of the economy is needed to level the playing field.
Public schools are the best way to educate students. Vouchers take money away from public schools.
Government should focus additional funds on existing public schools, raising teacher salaries and
reducing class size.
Stem Cell Research
Support the use of embryonic stem cells for research. It is necessary (and ethical) for the government to
fund embryonic stem cell research, which will assist scientists in finding treatments and cures for
diseases. An embryo is not a human. The tiny blastocyst (embryos used in embryonic stem cell
research) has no human features. Experimenting on embryos/embryonic stem cells is not murder.
Embryonic stem cells have the potential to cure chronic and degenerative diseases, which current
medicine has been unable to effectively treat. Embryonic stem cells have been shown to be effective in
treating heart damage in mice.

Alternative Energy
Oil is a depleting resource. Other sources of energy must be explored. The government must produce a
national plan for all energy resources and subsidize (partially pay for) alternative energy research and
production. Support increased exploration of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power.
Support government control of gas and electric industries. Pass Cold Weather Rules.
Global Warming
Global warming is caused by an increased production of carbon dioxide through the burning of fossil
fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). The U.S. is a major contributor to global warming because it produces
25% of the worlds carbon dioxide. Proposed laws to reduce carbon emissions in the U.S. are urgently
needed and should be enacted immediately to save the planet. Many reputable scientists support this
Gun Control
The Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to keep and bear arms, but only allows for the
state to keep a militia (National Guard). Additional gun control laws are necessary to stop gun violence
and limit the ability of criminals to obtain guns. More guns means more violence. Limiting rounds in
ammo clips and banning personal assault weapons will reduce deaths. Democrats do not want to take
away guns used for personal protection or hunting.
Expand Medicaid! Support free or low-cost government controlled health care. There are millions of
Americans who cant afford health care and are deprived of this basic right. Every American has a right
to affordable health care. The government should provide equal health care benefits for all, regardless
of their ability to pay.
Separation of Church and State
Support the separation of church and state. The Bill of Rights implies a separation of church and state.
Religious expression has no place in government. The two should be completely separate. Government
should not support religious expression in any way. Religious expression has no place in government,
whether local, State or Federal. Reject Theocracy. Freedom of Religion is also Freedom from Religion.
The United States is a Christian nation! Well no, no its not
(a) If this assertion is merely saying that most Americans are Christians, there might be an argument,
however believe it or not there are presently 313 documented Religions and Denominations in the
United States with 20% of the entire population calling themselves atheist, agnostic or having no
religious affiliation.
(b) Not to mention that the U.S. Constitution contains no mention of Christianity or Jesus Christ. In
fact, the Constitution refers to religion only twice: in the First Amendment, which bars laws respecting
an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and in Article VI, which prohibits
religious tests for public office. Both of these provisions are evidence that the country was not
founded as officially Christian.

Well then what Religion were all the other United States Presidents? glad you asked
(a) Nearly half of all Presidents were Episcopalian or Presbyterian while interesting enough, two of the
most famous Presidents in American history, Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson, had no formal
religious affiliation at all.
(b) Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd US President, was an American Founding Father and the principal author
of the Declaration of Independence; he lost his faith in orthodox Christianity at an early age, but
continued to believe in an impersonal God as the creator of the universe.
(c) And like Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President, was assassinated, but he also abolished
slavery a hundred years earlier; was raised in a religious household and spoke frequently about a G-d,
but never joined a church.
While I can continue reciting facts that the United States is a not now and never was a Christian
nation; and religion, or the lack thereof, is an individual belief, Thomas Jefferson actually said it best in
1802 when he stated:
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his god, that he owes
account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach
actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American
people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church
and State.
(which he amended from the original saying written in 1644 by Roger Williamshe stated A hedge or
wall of separation between the garden of the church and the wilderness of the world)
Marriage Equality
Marriage is the union of people who love each other. It should be legal for gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender individuals, to ensure equal rights for all. Support same-sex marriage. Opposed to the
creation of a constitutional amendment establishing marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
All individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, have the right to marry. Prohibiting same-sex
citizens from marrying denies them their civil rights. Also, LGBTQ's should be allowed to foster and
Social Security
The Social Security system should be protected at all costs. Reduction in future benefits is not a
reasonable option. Social Security provides a safety net for the nations poor and needy. Changing the
system would cause a reduction in benefits and many people would suffer as a result.
Higher taxes (primarily for the wealthy) and a larger government are necessary to address
inequity/injustice in society (government should help the poor and needy using tax dollars from the
rich). Support a large government to provide for the needs of the people and create equality. Taxes
enable the government to create jobs and provide welfare programs for those in need. Government
programs are a caring way to provide for the poor and needy in society.

United Nations
The UN promotes peace and human rights. The United States has a moral and a legal obligation to
support the United Nations (UN). The U.S. should not act as a sovereign nation, but as one member of
a world community.
Welfare/Social Programs
Support welfare, including long-term welfare. Welfare is a safety net which provides for the needs of
the poor. Welfare is necessary to bring fairness to American economic life. It is a device for protecting
the poor.
Support legal immigration. Support amnesty for those who enter the U.S. Illegally. Support a Path to
Citizenship. We do not support separating families and we believe children born here deserve an
education. Unless your familys veins are flowing Native American Indian blood you are an
Pay Equality
Here in Missouri, women continue to be paid less than men for the same work in 2014, women were
paid $0.79 for every $1 a man was paid. Pay inequality is real, and Democrats are pushing for reforms
that will fight it; meanwhile, Republicans in Jefferson City continue to drag their feet.
Protect Voting Rights
Decades after President Lyndon Johnson and Martin Luther King Jr. struggled to push through the
Voting Rights Act, Republicans across the country are bringing new tactics to make voting difficult.
Women, minorities and the elderly would be most impacted, and Missouri Republicans have shown
little interest in learning from history.

Democrats stand for everyone! We ARE the Party of the People!

Get Involved! Join the Democrats and turn Missouri Blue!
Vote (True Blue) Democrat in 2016
Your job, your pay, your choices, your health and those of your family and
friends depend on it!

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