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The Human Body System

Tina Zheng and Alyssa Chen

Classes 720 and 730

Table of Contents

Integumentary System
Nervous System
Circulatory (Cardiovascular) System
o Endocrine System
Respiratory System
Immune System
o Lymphatic System
Digestive System
Skeletal System
Muscular System
Reproductive System
o Male Reproductive System
o Female Reproductive System
Excretory System
o Urinary System
Fun Facts

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page 21
page 22

* On Microsoft Word, I cant seem to get the page numbers on their proper
pages so the table of contents is pretty useless.

Shh! We are on a mission to discover the bodys many systems and
functions! It was assigned to us weeks ago, yet we started just a week before
it was due... How upsetting. Now we have to gather all the information we
can get, so...
Aha! Weve found the researchers data files! Now we need to be really
quiet... We dont want to get caught cheating... Lets grab the notebook and
make a run for it!
Thud! What was that? The researchers back! We knock him out with a book.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. We need to get this research
project done.
We leave a note saying:
ResearcherWere going to borrow your research for personal purposes. We promise to
try to return it in one piece. We apologize for knocking you out, but we cant
risk asking you just to hear you say no, so we have to make sure we have
that research. You can yell at us all you want later. We just want to get this
project done. Theres only a week left. Thank you!
P.S. Please dont throw a bomb at us.

We run out the door with the book. At least we have that research. We can
worry about being yelled at by the researcher later. For now, we need to
complete this mission. The boss is worse than the researcher... at least, we
think. Who knows, the researcher may be creating some kind of bomb, but
well worry about that when it happens. Besides, were sure he doesnt want
to be charged for murder.
Besides, we only took the research book... and kind-of-sort-of knocked him
out a bit... How mad could that possibly get the researcher?
Not enough to get him to throw a bomb at us.

Integumentary System
Function: To protect the body from outside damage; stores fats; produces
vitamins and hormones; helps regulate body temperature
* Skin - a barrier protecting the body from UV rays, physical harm, and other
types of harmful substances; made up of three layers
* Hair - accessory of the skin; helps protect the body from UV light (by
blocking the suns rays from directly hitting the skin) and helps trap heat
* Nails - accessory of the skin; helps protect the ends of your fingers and
toes, which are used to manipulate items

Layers of the Skin:

Epidermis: the outermost layer of the skin; does not contain any blood
vessels/blood; protects the dermis; very thin layer of skin
Dermis: the thickest layer of skin; found right beneath the epidermis; the
main source of the skins stretchiness factor and strength; contains blood
vessels to support skin cells and has nerve tissues to perceive pain
Hypodermis: the deepest layer of the skin; provides a very loose connection
between the skin and the bone and muscle underneath; a fatty storage area;
an energy and heat storage area
~ Skin Cancer - abnormal growth of skin cells in large numbers; occurs when
damage to the DNA occurs on the skin and is left alone, causing mutations;
often caused by too much exposure to the sun or UV rays; most common and
easiest form of cancer to cure
~ Varicella (Chicken Pox) - a contagious symptom that looks like a lot of red
dots; covers the entire body; its really itchy; after getting it once, youre
unlikely to get it again; the virus stays in your body after the illness is gone;
if it becomes active again; you can get an infection called shingles; vaccines
are the best form of prevention

Nervous System

Function: Sends out electrical signals and messages throughout the body and
detects information from the environment
* Brain- the commander of your body; sends signals throughout your body
* Spinal Cord - passes signals throughout your body
* Nerves - receives signals from the brain
~ Amnesia - loss of memories due to brain damage; can be temporary or
permanent; usually caused by traumatic experiences, severe damage to the
brain, or drug use; no real way to treat this symptom
~ Epilepsy - a brain disorder causing seizures that can make people behave
strangely, shake violently, or fall unconscious; occurs when the brain sends
out the wrong messages; no permanent cure, but medicines can help
seizures, as well as special diets or surgical procedures

Circulatory (Cardiovascular) System

Function: To spread nutrients, oxygen, blood, and hormones throughout the
body; supplies the bodies with essential tools for survival
* Heart - the major organ of the circulatory system; pumps blood throughout
the body
* Erythrocytes - also known as red blood cells; contains all the blood,
oxygen, and nutrients the body needs
* Veins - carries blood to heart; carries blood containing waste and carbon
dioxide (exception: Pulmonary Vein); have valves to prevent too much
gravity pull
* Arteries - carries blood away from the heart; very thick and muscular;
contains a lot of blood; carries oxygenated blood (exception: Pulmonary
* Aorta - the largest artery; starts on the top of the left ventricle in the heart
and branches off to the upper and lower body to supply blood, nutrients, and
oxygen to other places
* Capillaries - smallest vessel; microscopic; nutrients and gases diffuse in the
* Blood - a fluid that contains red blood cells; runs throughout your body
using the veins, arteries, and capillaries as a means of transport
~ Heart Attack - when death of the cells of the heart muscle happens;
usually occurs when the artery supplying the heart with oxygen gets clotted,
preventing the heart from getting enough oxygen and therefore causing the
cells to die; causes permanent damage; can be saved if rescued in time
~ Anemia - when the blood does not have enough oxygen for the entire
body; the three main causes of anemia are blood loss, lack of red blood cells,
or too much red blood cells being destroyed; over 400 types of anemia;
treatment depends on the type of anemia

Endocrine System
Function: Secretes hormones, which are responsible for changes throughout
the body
* Hypothalamus - regulates and controls the functions of the pituitary gland;
tells it when to release hormones and at what level
* Pituitary Gland - located in the brain; can also be called the hypophysis;
responsible for releasing hormones related to puberty, such as the
development of sex organs; stimulates the gonads so they can produce the
sex hormones
* Pineal Gland - regulates the sleeping cycle of the body; releases melatonin
based off of light level (active when there is little to no light), which is why
we feel drowsy at night
* Thyroid Gland - a small gland made of two halves; stimulated by the
pituitary gland; helps regulate metabolism (chemical reactions that help
keep the cells alive) throughout the body
* Parathyroid Glands - regulates calcium levels of the body
* Adrenal Glands - produces hormones essential to the bodys ability to
survive, such as hormones that helps regulate metabolism and helps the
body react to stress plus hormones that help with blood pressure; produces
hormones nonessential to the bodys ability to survive, such as adrenaline,
which also helps the body react to stress
* Gonads - stimulated by the pituitary gland; ovaries in females and testes
for males; responsible for producing sex hormones
* Thymus Gland - more closely associated with the immune system; trains
and develops white blood cells; commander of the army
* Pancreas - helps you digest food and breaks down sugars; helps digest food
and takes in nutrients so the body can use it; secretes hormones that help
control the blood sugar level in the body

~ Diabetes - occurs when your blood sugar levels are too high; can damage
the eyes, kidneys, and nerves; can cause heart disease and stroke; taking
insulin pills can help keep blood sugar levels on point
~ Obesity - a disorder where the amount of body fat increases the chance for
health problems; happens when you take more calories than you can burn;
can cause pain in the back and joints as well as rashes; can be self treated
by performing diets and a lot of exercise

Respiratory System
Function: To provide oxygen to blood cells so they can carry it throughout the
body (by breathing)
* Lungs - an organ that provides the blood with oxygen and removes carbon
dioxide from the body through breathing
* Alveoli - tiny air sacs located within the lungs; where the air transfer takes
* Pharynx - throat
* Larynx - vocal cords
* Trachea - a tube connecting the pharynx to the lungs
* Bronchi - tubes branching from the trachea to the lungs
* Diaphragm - a main muscle used in the process of inhalation; separates the
chest from the abdomen
~ Asthma - a symptom that starts at the airway of the lungs; most common
because the airway becomes inflamed, swells, and produces mucus; can
make it hard to breathe and makes you cough more often; inhalers, steroids,
and medicines are common treatments
~ Lung Cancer - a symptom that starts at the lungs; most common causes
are smoking and inhaling toxic/smoke; having lung cancer can make you
cough, have breathing problems and lose your appetite; surgery, radiation,
etc. are common treatments

Immune System
Function: The bodys little army; protects the body from viruses and diseases
* Leukocytes - more commonly known as white
blood cells; attacks unknown substances; the
main attacking force of the bodys army
* Antibodies and Chemicals - neutralizes viruses
and diseases; combats dangers to the body
* Tonsils and Thymus - creates antibodies
There are also organs and components from other systems that aid the
immune system, especially the lymphatic system (which will be covered
next) and bone marrow (in the skeletal system section later on), as well as
other organs or body parts that relate to white blood cells and the immune
system. The lymphatic system is very closely related to the immune system,
however, they are not exactly the same, although they may share some
~ Multiple Sclerosis - affects brain, eyes, and spinal cord; symptoms include
weakness, numbness, or unclear vision; happens when the immune system
attacks the nerve cells in your body, damaging them; smoking and genetics
can cause this; treatment can help slow the progression of the disease

~ Vasculitis - the inflammation of the bodys blood vessels; can make vessels
weak, stretch, grow in size, or shrink to the point of completely closing; can
affect any part of the body; allergies or other infections can cause vasculitis;
treatment is based off of organs involved and cause

Lymphatic System
Function: Returns fluid to the blood; absorbs fats and vitamins from the
digestive system; defends the body against unknown substances
* Lymph - a fluid containing white blood cells; moves from the lymphatic
system to the bloodstream
* Lymphatic Vessels - carries fluid away from lymphatic tissues; carries and
returns lymph fluid to the blood
* Lymph Nodes - small structures shaped like beans; produces and stores
cells used to fight viruses and diseases
* Spleen - filters blood; stores platelets and white blood cells; can help fight
~ Lymphedema - a swelling in the legs or arms or both because of blockage
of the lymphatic system; can cause discomfort and pain; common
treatments include exercise, massage, and wrapping
~ Castleman Disease - an overgrowth of cells in the lymphatic system; can
be life-threatening; two basic kinds of Castleman disease; can attack a single
lymph node or multiple lymph nodes and tissues; treatment depends on the
type of disease; can be treated with surgery

Digestive System
Function: Breaks down food in your body and takes in nutrients
* Liver - an organ that produces antibodies and bile; stores vitamins and
sugars until needed; helps filter out toxic
* Gall Bladder- storage tank shaped like a pear; contains bile that breaks
down food and uses fats; located under the liver
* Mouth - the place where food enters the body
* Esophagus - the tube connecting your mouth and your stomach
* Stomach - a stretchy bag that holds your food after you eat; helps break
down food into smaller pieces so your body can use it for energy or store it
for later; takes in nutrients
* Small Intestine - a tube that is twenty feet long; helps you digest food
* Large Intestine - a tube thats five feet long; gets waste from the small
* Pancreas - helps you digest food and breaks down sugars; helps digest food
and takes in nutrients so the body can use it; secretes hormones that help
control the blood sugar level in the body

~ Colon Cancer - affects the large intestine; begins as cells called
adenomatous polyps, which arent cancerous; can cause diarrhea, fatigue,
and unexplained loss of weight; symptoms depend on the size and location
of the disease; screening tests that locate polyps is a good method of
~ Irritable Bowel Syndrome - an intestinal disorder that can cause pain in the
belly/stomach; can cause pain and diarrhea; having a good diet and
managing your lifestyle and stress can help treat this symptom

Skeletal System
Function: Gives you the shape of the body and helps you move; helps
produce red blood cells and helps store minerals and other materials until
theyre needed
* Bones - gives you support and shape and connects through joints; provides
protection for the organs; provides structure for muscles to attach to so you
can move
* Bone Marrow - produces some white blood cells and red blood cells for the
body to use
* Joints - connects the bones and allows you to move in different ways
* Tendons - tough, elastic bands that attaches muscle to bone
* Ligaments- attaches bones to bones

~ Osteoporosis - when bones become really weak and fragile; can cause pain
and back problems; healthy diets, medicines, and exercise are common
~ Arthritis - inflammation of joints; caused by old age; causes pain and can
stiffen and get worse as you age; physical therapy, medicines, and surgery
are common treatments

Different Types of Joints:

Hinge Joint: allows extensive forward and backward motion

EXAMPLE(s): Knee, Elbow

Ball-and-Socket Joint: allows the greatest range of motion,

such as the swinging and turning of bones
EXAMPLE(s): Shoulder, Hips

Pivot Joint: allows bones to rotate and turn

EXAMPLE(s): Neck

Gliding Joint: allows bones to slide over each other

EXAMPLE(s): Wrist, Ankle

Muscular System
Function: Allows movement of the body; attached to bone

* Tendons - tough, elastic bands that attaches muscle to bone
* Muscles - connected to bone by tendons; responsible for the movement of
the body
Different Types of Muscles:
Smooth Muscle: sometimes called involuntary muscles - as the name
suggests, you cant control this type of muscle; it kind of does its own thing
Cardiac Muscle: also known as myocardium, it makes up the heart; contracts
to allow the heart to pump
Skeletal Muscle: sometimes called striated muscle because it looks striped,
they are voluntary muscles, so you can control these

~ Polymyositis - causes weakening of muscles in the body; can make
climbing stairs and standing up difficult; symptoms develop gradually;
symptoms slowly worsen; no treatment, but medications and physical
therapy can help improve the strength of the muscles
~ Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) - also known as the Lou Gehrigs
disease or motor neuron disease; causes weakening of muscles and impacts
the function of muscles; causes nerve cells to break down and die; causes
are mostly unknown, since only a few cases are inherited; can make it
difficult to walk, talk properly, and keep a good posture; has no cure and
leads to death

Reproductive System
Function: To produce sperm/eggs, depending on whether youre a male or
female, enabling the body to reproduce (provided the right... actions are
taken); responsible for producing the sex hormones for each gender
organ/component in their respective systems (male or female).



Male Reproductive System

Function: To produce and house sperm, which is responsible for the
fertilization of eggs
* Scrotum - a pouch of skin holding the testes;
protects the testes and helps maintain the
temperatures needed for sperm production
* Testicles (Testes) - glands producing sperm;
responsible for releasing testosterone
* Penis - external sex organ of a male; responsible
for transporting semen
* Semen - mix of sperm and secretions
Female Reproductive System
Function: To produce and house eggs that, when fertilized, later develops into
a baby; if no fertilization occurs, the egg and lining of the uterus are shed
* Ovaries - glands located on either side of the uterus; responsible for
producing eggs and releasing estrogen

* Uterus - also called the womb;

muscular organ shaped like a pear;
responsible for taking care of a
fertilized egg until birth; walls thicken
when an egg is released and sheds
when the egg isnt fertilized
* Vagina - also known as the birth
canal; entrance leading from the uterus
to outside the body
* Cervix - lower part of the uterus;
opens to allow menstrual fluids or a
baby to pass through; connects the
uterus to the vagina
* Fallopian Tube - the uterine tube carrying eggs from the ovaries to the
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs):
~ Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - destroys immune cells; some
symptoms include fever, diarrhea, headaches, and weight loss; can be
caused by having sex, transmitting blood, or sharing needles; there is no
definite treatment, but there are drugs that helps keep HIV levels low in the
~ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - occurs when no treatment
for HIV has been made; usually happens in ten years; symptoms include high
fever, headaches, chronic diarrhea, and weight loss; is a progression of HIV;
the immune system has been severely damaged at this point; there is no
cure for AIDS, treatment should be taken at the HIV stage

Excretory System
NOTE: The excretory system includes the urinary system, so organs from the
urinary system are also included as part of the excretory system. Also, most
of the diseases of the excretory system belongs to the urinary system, so
theyll be listed in the urinary system.
Function: Controls blood volume by removing excess water produced by body
cells during respiration and gets rid of excess salt; eliminates wastes to keep
the body healthy
* Kidney - the main organs in the urinary system; shaped like two beans;
filters blood containing waste from cells (Urinary)
* Ureter - a tube connecting kidneys to the bladder (Urinary)
* Bladder - holds the liquid waste your body makes (Urinary)
* Renal Artery - one of the two blood vessels leading off to the aorta; supplies
the kidneys with blood (Urinary)
* Renal Vein - there are two renal veins; drains the kidneys and carries out
filtered blood from the kidneys (Urinary)
* Urethra - a tube that leads from the bladder to the outside of the body
* Anus - an opening at the end of the large intestine where solid waste
leaves the body
* Rectum - last section of the large intestine before the solid waste transfers
to the anus

Urinary System
Function: Removes liquid waste produced by the body
* Kidney - the main organs in the urinary system; shaped like two beans;
filters blood containing waste from cells
* Ureter - a tube connecting kidneys to the bladder
* Bladder - holds the liquid waste your body makes
* Renal Artery - one of the two blood vessels leading off to the aorta; supplies
the kidneys with blood
* Renal Vein - there are two renal veins; drains the kidneys and carries out
filtered blood from the kidneys
* Urethra - a tube that leads from the bladder to the outside of the body
~ Nephritis - the inflammation of the kidneys, either one or both; this disease
causes the bodys immune system to attack the tissues, cells, and organs of
the body; very painful; caused by the inflammation of the kidneys; some
symptoms are smelly urine or a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen;
antibiotics can be used to treat this

~ Cystitis - the inflammation of the bladder; some symptoms are pain in the
abdomen, pain while urinating, or smelly urine; can be caused by reaction to
certain medicines, other diseases, or radiation therapy; using antibiotics is
the common treatment

Fun Facts
* The liver is a special organ.
cut in half it can still regenerate.



* The esophagus squeezes food into your stomach in

about 7 seconds.
* Food can stay in the small intestine for 4 to 8 hours.
* Waste can stay in the large intestine from 10 to 12

* Congenital Insensitivity to Pain (CIP) is when a person is born with an

inability to perceive or feel physical pain. It is a rare disease caused by
severe loss of the ability to feel. They can feel pressure, but they dont feel
physical pain (although they can feel emotional pain). You may think its cool,
but in reality, people with this symptom dont know if theyre in danger and
can injure or mutilate themselves without knowing.
* When you break a bone, it fixes itself and becomes stronger than it was

* Muscles work in pairs. When one contracts, the other relaxes.

Tips for Keeping Your Body Healthy
Exercise is an important part of your everyday life. Squeezing in just a little
bit of exercise in a day will still help. Some exercises you can try are:




Having a healthy diet is also very important to
your health. To the left is a chart that shows
the recommended percentages of each
category you should take in a day: fruits,
vegetables, meats, dairy, and grains.

There are also things besides exercise and diet that you can do to keep your
body healthy. Below are a few:

Washing your hands frequently with soap and water

Drink a lot of water
Get sufficient amounts of sleep each night
Learning more about your body

Whew! We got that project done thanks to the researchers notebook! Glad it
had information in it and wasnt blank. Even though it still took a while, the
notebook definitely sped up the process. Now we just kind of need to worry
about what the researcher will do to us...
Here he comes, and boy does he look mad! He storms up to us and demands
for his book back.
We hand it over, saying a quick thank you. He glares at all of us and tells us
never to do that again. We agree immediately.
He looks at his notebook. Then he turns to that page...
It was ripped. The corner was ripped, along with the page number and a few
words. He stares at it for a little bit.
We look at each other. Now would be a good time to run. Taking all our
chances, we hightail it out of there and dont spare a glance behind us. He
roars, and then we hear a loud BOOM!
Good thing we ran. We wouldve been like those poor trees.


The Franklin Institute: The Human Heart (Link is for
heart, we also used it for other systems/organs)
Healthline (Link is
for renal veins, we also used it for other systems/parts of the body)
Inner Body (Link is for integumentary system, we also used it for other
WebMD (Link is for immune system, we used it for other parts
of this book as well)
Cancer Treatment Centers of America (Lymph nodes)
National Cancer Institute
em/article_em.htm (Endocrine System)
EndocrineWeb (Link is for adrenal glands, we used this site for other
information as well)
Skin Cancer Foundation (Skin Cancer)
e-01 (Amnesia)
MedlinePlus (Link is for
anemia, we also used it for other information)
MayoClinic (Link is for Castleman Disease,
we used it for other data too) (Excretory System diseases)
HowStuffWorks (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain)

Picture Credits (Human Body Outline)
8912.jpg (Layers of the Skin)
(Female Nervous System)
Male_System/Male_Nervous_3.0/supporting_images/Male-NervousSystem-ref06.jpg (Male Nervous System)
m_diagram_1219.jpg (Circulatory System) (Endocrine System) (Diabetes Sign)
(Respiratory System)
g?1386670574 (White Blood Cell)
m_1218.jpg (Immune System) (Lymphatic System) (Digestive System)
164463.jpg?360 (Skeletal System) (Hinge
(Ball and Socket Joint)
%20images/pivotjoint.JPG (Pivot Joint)
%20images/glidingjoint.jpg (Gliding Joint) (Muscular System) (ALS
105658_orig.gif (Male Reproductive System)
(Female Reproductive System) (HIV/AIDS Letters)
(Excretory/Urinary System) (Liver) (Small Intestine/Large Intestine/Stomach)
%20system/II.11b.femur.posterior.JPG (Bone) (Jogging) (Push
Ups) (Food Pyramid) (BOOM! Image)

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