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okler ta Gb ceview oo PonRie cromeuGTs, PESEAEEN GUETIONS, HYPOTHESES + CREME RPOSE STATEMENT: Gickement Hed ocuonces He overelt direction or focus Com veRavelsy fr te study. Ly BOTH Qualitakve + Quantiblive —> uncl in “statement of Te problem" section overall direction > Qu Recor (Rove 1 eesenecH) (THER APPIICATES), —> om or mote genfenad ShuceMe = Evd of WTeD (oppapece 1 01) CHa vocaos ) RECARCH questions SEARCH QUESTIONS : questions Hreat narrow He purpose stetement fo Cvariatoles) SRR questions thel regearders Seak te answer > mullide 2 so He topic con lee explorech folly QuAuTanue = Veriables Quauiminve = Cental prenomeren, > Bain 2h be Quandahve + qualia Mesrarch, Cmnsunented isey— 2 Cn gam, RED Se PYPSTHESIS.” Stccenonts in QUAUTETATVE vesearchy in which de invests QUALTETATE a 5 \nvesh sector makes Gonews) , a prechithen @ a Caryjechra dleut Ha obkowe ofa mlakondip. aWMons ari wes 2 vorialtes "B*°8E PREDICTIONS boreal on past Lit + remorch > Wala puedichions > avontjahve regard Bees aboot expectabions a after lik review ot in dd Fe) EPO > nae EGET oo tl He shecy BORE OBTECTIVEBS shotowon! of intent jn QUANTITATE resect, that See Gey gals tod He imveshigar lems fo achicue in He Sh, | Mager & miner okjechves ited Le Gplegenls © box —e typically voutitetg ENT Gecovn lista were gickok mo, oFHee fit revisor 1 BRE aS aera section of 2 SPel7 (VARIABLES T Up chomeleriskt o1 attr wie_of an individual ¢ ct) cexackers Com mea orem crgamizedion a ens shdiied OAR 1p) Vones Cwnare, jrdividuals 67 OTe Personal aspects ( grade level, O92, income level) Pow am inchudol ot People in anciganizaker eal (self-cstam, ewage in sucky, leaclarchip) Goold Mesueement os observe recad on ales or Oredclist Gvipuer C° on 2 Quastioner Das ei vee Contin + cotegaical Scows ee Ly meosered by 1 regarter as a surall of geups Based on hea sows clogs C1 cedecoties (descek or Yominal store) (inlenextradbeg ey E+ Greys & shay’ ale (0 female (2) x hiedsnes ors ability) high (2) Heighh-5- oF pot i fon ous of 5 ie eens = Llectng (1) cliscussenCo) —? attwovle ae Class om achvity 3) ) Cowstevcr| -» 2 © charedershe epesseb poe ; 4 » Whewcs EPA ise Vocab, FAMILY GF VPRIABLES: DEPENDENT, INDEPENDENT, INTERVENING |. What ovkemes om I try te Gpbin? Glopendant ) Q. What voriabtes o7 drs mflvence +2 outcomes? (irdopendovall 3, What vorabtes doT ard toCanficl® soT com malee sue Hak my mojo Fuckns (independent) influence outcome (logenclut) + vot ote Blo 4, What vosalles mn ‘ aot Voriollas misut infvence Ha oukomes lt conmot 07 will net (ey — s) t dagenclent on of influeneadt lay +e inclepevdent vorialole (aker Ha ovkome, efFedk, Cri terion, 67 Consequence Weemble) 1 wnat evtcome own T tyig to explain? INDEPENDENT: cittibuicon choweclerishit, that influences or ofRets an Gt dagencamt Voriobb. re Stteets an cutee (ata: factors, teatments, puclickns, dotermrants , 01 Antecaclonl Voriobles) MEASURED VARIABLE» Strdacl woleperdlent voroble Hat 1S mea sired o Oyered, Sy Te vesearcker + Consists Po ogg > Move FORMS » > CONTROL VARIABLE D measure for fA purpose of Elimrahig if a5 a possibility, Ly imeorkuel do consicler + “ratolite'! 5 gender, Sevseorome Status, infellezernce, ° TREATMENT VARIABLE -» Ghves one groupa diff Yorialote hk see Hee impack on de Outcome INTERVENING: aliiule = Chonactertstic thet 1 Fclopendoval yor qlos a geen 1 ince + eercises an ili clopendl i (aun, 20 fom He inclopon done riaba, tO" te ltrendont Votiable tA: neckotey vorabed * CONFOUNDING VARIABLES —» cumnot tx directly nea serect JHECEIES AND TESTING oF VARIABLES Piobolle causation - regarclers ateme} tv establish a likaly cause-aud-offecl relationship m incbopovichut + clepevelovd vonabes 2 Located im He Li} Review schon (Aca: Therese \ fabionale on NDERENIENT = HEORI ES. ENIENT Meory ees a VARIABLE Theabte Becacl Applicator, Eceasie Jets, THEORY ° orerers ‘oly otter cose CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, THEORETICAL RATOWALE fou oe Narrow App Wcahon wo Ter WRITING QUANTITATIVE PURPOSE STATEMENTS: * Sing sentenica, 4 Stoke Te pyrpaeoF te gtdy..." + IP yur on testing a Hacey 7 504 Het . “ econ ali vowalias 7 contol t mediakirs voriables last + opecity dogendant ¢ indopendomt (secoup) Chest) 2 (deuk ty Porticigamts Wrtwe GuAAmTATIVE RE&ARCH QUESTIONS: > Pee? Ly DESCRIPTIVE, RECATIONSHE, COMPARISON 2 Stoke (“Why “hoe or “what” © Specify voujaleles Ci, d, mc) 2 Use Words describe, compore ,relete. rindicale porticgants, . atey do Gachcigouts) DESCRIPMVE? Single veriadls en Quests Ek: thw Fares Coser sii09! BAATIONSHIPS faocr mow veriables E+ fh does (Indiv) ‘lle to ep) er Gasket + (Qewacch site)? COMPARISON 2 Vow or myte groups an eee 2 am nd. voridele dior By. yew docs Groups) differ fom (reve 4) in teoms Huns ef oxe ov mete of (chegeuclout voriable) fy (ackicigants) ot Vora: cotter < o (eseacch site) ? t> NULL + ALTERWANVE TO THE WoL WRITING QUAITITATIVE HYPOTHESE: Poboucs © ptedichion ° Stolk Von ables in tis orden’ ive. v, cleg.v, contol seeihy groups + vorcables NOLL. 2 tadifionat ex: qLareisine diff. vetwean nd v, qeup |) avd (ind v, exp?) (0 di Peremcs) In teams of (egy) fy Qoctici pants) @ (eseorch site) ALTERNATIVE: if tenis a difounce as ext Grup 1, ndv) at (research site) wit hove (Some diff, Such o Ly gudatives ¢ Nigter lower, qtoater Lessee) cn leg v) Hint (Group & ine Nowiditmional My Potlesis — indicaks chong -7 but riot suce which ckirectian, Et Tlare is adiMfecnes between (Group 1, ind v) + Grup iv] imteems of Gap) WOW To You ‘TESiGas A QUALITATIVE PURPOE SAEMOIIT ¢ pexARcH T 3 is = Mulhiple. Vorsalles * No throttes?> + No woriavles + Test Heoties ee dese * open- enclad © deddochive ne ~mneague ds Terenas « meegteps Gunans Geos QuAntTANVE Qunarame om, " The SEEN: PHENOMGWON" IN GUALITANVE RESEARCH: Pe CMaAPl oo Q Process expleod in Qsvalefahve resareh “ERLORE & UNDERSTAND EX? The Homie Tolanh by OF Clete Aner Tompies EMERGING PR8ces ges > intent > intent + Purpose of te Chonge > guichon acts Tames Flom pmrteia ee? TOE teclom Radlk we + “Te purpore of + & mention its Goal ta «+ Skate cant es relate. Yours Wi! $25 * VR weds titeg Nese wn Ot pepe ene eS Ricci + Polen Ces ors ae shy GIN be do cco Sale ondesho ak WRITING OWLITANVE PESEARCH Qesnans; + oR it te chamge L—> COMPAL + SuBaUESTIONs ask only af generar questions / echo! qeeshons * GS 2 types. Cvthag sub Fusstions ise CENTRAL QUESTION - cverornns quiston s Ly UERY Gemarat + bach @ ero imme Cy toes in toh! Cahed on “indy * + Spec fy combat phonomanc, + tenth; poutrcipouts + mendin feqcorch site EX: that (5 (Cored Pleroweuen) (gocticigemts ) ot Crestor 64)? SDRQUESTIONS: refine tH comftal Gestion, Ly resue + PROcEpY RAL TSSWE ~ rare Ke Revs of cubal quashon Mle Speci Fre : Gveshs EX2 Ubot 5 Cro stlogpestion issue) fr (packeivents -cphronat info) ab Ceeyorth cle -erphimat sf) Peocepuear> SkpS 40 omelty ze dada (hod queshions will he onsweud Gest? 2 > de nok provie Speeit, Hed, me © Malerat fa meric or Observedron Gueshors, sf

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