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Prompt 1

Who, What, When, Where Am I

Since the first day Ive entered Westminster High School, I have always been mainly
described as the playful, carefree type that loves to be friendly and social towards the
environment, yet that overcomes many

adversities. Having to have adapt in the lions cage

for two years now though and soon to be going on three, school has taken a dramatic effect
towards the change in my life; it has shown me a different view of myself as Ive eventually
encountered new, varieties of people, such as my acquaintances and teachers. Throughout the
period that weve known each other, many of the people that Ive known would distinguish
myself as most likely the character trait that is playful, carefree, yet that

perseveres all the

way when it comes to reaching a specific goal. In most of my classes, Ive shown this side of
myself mostly in my French class, because of the comfortable environment that I enjoy being
around as I also tend to like to outsmart my best- friend, Connie, who makes class even more
fun since we have a competitive, yet friendly connection towards one and another; not only is it
that class that I show myself mostly in but theres also my math class that I tend to show my
comfortable side mostly in too because of the challenging atmosphere that we have in there.
When it comes to describing myself as a student towards my teachers perspective, Id most
likely say that they see me as an aboriginal and quite lively, unique person, as everybody else is
in their own way. In other words though, describing in my teachers behalf, yet in my
perspective, Id define myself as a friendly student thats comfortable and enjoyable to have
around for a friendly joke and conversation.

The Blind Side of Me

For a day in class, we got to watch a movie called The Blind Side, that was based on
a true story about the life of a young man named Michael Oher, who started from the bottom to

Prompt 2


accumulating himself to becoming number one. In this movie, Michael Oher

came from a very poor side of the city, where his life started out roughly, as he had to stick
himself to the guilt of living under others shelter from time to time, with the dispute of
overcoming many situated adversities. His life was tough from the way parity took a big role in
the world he lived in, and eventually though as Michael one day encountered a family that had
grown from a complete opposite life from his, he was able to grow thanks to their true love
towards him as they were the first to truly cherish Michael and to adopt him as a child of their
own; from there, Michaels life was able to become brighter and more

symmetrical, even as

a man, that eventually led a full road to becoming a famous football player who proved himself
as different and

accumalative. From this movie, I learned that life can overcome any

obstacles and that dreams should be held onto no matter how big the adversities are, because
it will eventually return a big favor back for the patience given, like how they also say, good
things come out of being patient. Relating myself to this movie, I was also able to notice how
by keeping my dream as wanting to fit in with every other teenager was able to come true just
by the word of courage and patience. All it took to grant my own dream was to just try, to not
give up, and to have hope and self- confidence, because life is short, like they all say, but it is
not time that controls it, but it is me, you, and yourself;

The Hero And The Leader

In this world, a hero and a leader are typically a person, man or woman, who is
admired for courage or noble qualities through demonstrating some form of excellence for their
country. Their job are done by almost equally the same, but the differences between the two are
the TYPE of way they handle their job. To define what this means, a hero is a figure that lives

diurnally as an idol for something they have done greatly for, leading people to have an

Prompt 3

adoration for their heroic work. For example, in our generation today, heroes that we have
are people such as soldiers that fight for our country, our parents who raised us and taught us
how to live and be who we are today, and Martin Luther King, who changed the world with his
speech among the discrimination of people based on colors. Everywhere that we live and adapt,
there are heros, and even heroes, themselves, have a hero to look up to. They are the who that
makes us grow, gives us strength and courage, and the ability to not give up. A hero of mine
that I look up to is my grandma; my grandma is my role model, because she has lived half of
her life raising ten kids as a single mother. No matter what adversity she encounters throughout
the journey of her life, she always holds her head up high knowing the right thing to do, say,
and lead. On the other hand, there is a leader who leads people to follow them and go by their
rules, such as the German fascist leader, Hitler. Hitler may have turned out to be one of the
most criminist person in mind, but even so, what he had done had been of a great deal. Being
able to lead almost half of the European nation, Hitler was an incredible leader for being able to
believe that his work had been done for the goods.

Technologies: Cause and Effect

Throughout the years, generations, centuries, and eras that weve lived through,
technology has been one of the greatest main factor of our lives. It is one of the objects that has
been growing with us, improving like us, and then becoming one of us. Technology everywhere
has become so much of a great part of lives nowadays that probably more than half of our
nation cant survive without them anymore! To even speak about this type of adversity though
makes this topic even more sad, because compared to us, there are the other half of our nation
that doesnt even know about the
technology does deserve an

devisement of technologies. Towards our generation, yes,

accredit on the good side for our new and better living styles,

Prompt 4

but at the same time, there are the bad sides of it. For instance, due to many types of
technologies that has been devised such as online social networks like Facebook and Instagram,
and smartphones, people are becoming greatly addicted to their lives on their technologies to
the point that they have forgotten about their regular, daily reality live. As an example towards
this explanatory, I could also admit on my own condition about my own technology addiction; in
my position, one technology that I cant, not dramatically though, live without is Facebook. For
some reason, its not that I enjoy going on it constantly, but its just one of my new way of
staying connected to my friends, but because of this new style of contacting and being social
with our friends and lives nowadays for teens, we become less active, as I have eventually come
to realise.

Video Game As Me
I dont exactly play video games as much as every other teen, like me, does,
but if I were to describe myself specifically by using a type of video game, Id select Super Mario
Bros as the one. Throughout the game of Super Mario Bros, there are multiple, optional main
characters to select to play as, and when you play with your chosen character, youd venture
throughout multiple challenging obstacles to run though for a

resurgent. Over all those

factors, the game gives you varieties of problems to defeat, and by defeating those obstacles,
you grow and gain as you reach your winning point. Like this game, Id definitely see my life as
the same way; Reason is because, my life, of course like every other, goes through typical
dilemmas, such as

lamenting on relationship problems, anxiety and stress over homework,

projects, and studying, regular routines of trying to fit in as a teen, and just trying to accept
myself as who I am. Going through these constant complexities in my life though, Id always

Prompt 5

eventually defeat the day, as I would persevere and start all over till I get it right. Even when I
dont though, Id give myself a break, like how I would give myself a break from playing the
game, and then just refresh and restart till I get it right. Like how Mario does, the character Id
always use to play for Super Mario Bros, Id constantly repeat the routine of falling, dying, and
losing every time, but the difference is that, now matter how many times I rise and fall, Id learn
to avoid the same mistake by doing something different, and by the end, Id eventually reach
my goal. Using the same method as I do while playing this type of video game, I go through my
life playing it the same way.

My Type of Future
To have a good future, I have to have a good school to go to, and to have that good
school to go to, Id have to have a good and educational environment provided there at that
school for me to go to. With these demands that I have for my needs, the three main qualities
that are most important when choosing my type of college or university to attend in the future
are the environment, the style, and the well provided educations that are there for me. Of
course I know that not everything in life is perfect, but when choosing the type of college or
university that I will eventually be attending, my expectations for that school are needed to be
at least met near the perfect side for me, because I care about not

petering in the future.

Even though my requirements may be to the point where I may not even be able to reach it
myself, I know and believe in myself, and I also know my self to where my limit is at least, which
is why I have chosen two

plebeian options for now, such as the University of Irvine or

Pepperdine University. Between these two universities, the reason why Ive chosen these are
because of my interest at their population and society and environmental style, plus there
provided classes; in addition, with their fantastic views and living styles within the population, I

Prompt 6

come to be more determine to work harder with the challenges that I am set in as I am still in
high school. I care most about these conditions, because by the time I apply for college, I want
to be able to work hard and do well while enjoying the times I remain at whichever faculty I stay

Towards the End

Starting from bottom as we are now finally here, school has finally come to its point
where we are now left with just two months of school to finish. Throughout my second year at
Westminster High school as a sophomore, I was able to accomplish most of my goals, such as
perfecting my grades to all As & Bs. Within the years, for my goals that I had accomplished,
my short term goals were to be able to improve my grades for all my classes, take an AP class,
find a summer job to work at, and to become a better, active, and less procrastinating student.
As a result towards my short term goals for this year, I was able to fulfil almost all that was
listed, except for signing up for an AP class. I was a bit disappointed and regretful that I had not
get the chance, or try to put myself in the chances when I had them, to sign up for AP classes,
but as a lesson learned based on this experience though, Ive become more determined and
prepare to give myself another chance to sign up for them next year instead. In addition to that,
I realized that it would probably be more

efficacious for myself too to just join later on.The

bad side of this goal though is that I will be overcoming many

sufferance by then, since my

upcoming years will probably be very hectic. Besides my short term goals that I had for this
year though, my long term goals, were quite more of a difficult achievement for me, plus less
involved with my education; what I had tried to work very hard on throughout this year was to
definitely grow taller .Overall though, Im proud of my improvements this year.

Prompt 7

The School That I Liked Most

Throughout this weeks project presentation, the school that had interested me the
most was Darlenes and her groups school, Pepperdine University. The reason why I liked their
school the most was because of its private, coed style, environment, and majors. There at
Pepperdine University, their population ratio is 13: 1 with classes that are fewer than 20
students. Even though I dont exactly enjoy small types of classes, I continue to like the bright
side of it, because then Id be able to get better education from the teachers and be more social
with the people from the classes that I take with. In addition to that, the classes that Pepperdine
provides at their university interest me most too, because they offer thirty- eight different types
of majors in a variety of disciplines and thirty- six interdisciplinary majors. Not only that, but as
for its majors, they have the popular ones in which are the areas that I plan on working in for my
career such as business, management, marketing, and related support services. Choosing my
school for my life after I graduate from high school is important to me, because I want to be able
to enjoy my years that I will be staying and studying through; furthermore, I believe that for a
good future, there needs to be a good education, and for a good education, you need a good
school, and for a good school, theres going to need a good environment. Within that conclusion,
my type of good environment would consider being a well populated mixed school that is right
by the beach, which is one of the things that Pepperdine has, a nice constructed style for me to
be spending the beginning of my future at, and good vibes for me to enjoy working, studying,
and concentrating throughout the start of my career at.

That Time In My Life

Shakespeare had once quoted that life should be treated towards truth and honesty as

Prompt 8

he had said, to thine own self be true. Based on this quote, a moment in my life that it could
take an

adulation for the connection of its meaning was the time when I had first

encountered my two closest friends in the world, Connie and Kathy. If it hadnt been for that
day, for that faith, for that connection, and for that naive youth of ours that we had so young
and long ago, today would have never been the same. The whole story of our friendship had all
started when we all first spoke our first hello to each other. No one else was able understand
us, because it was just the three of us who simply had that click within each other, and the way
we worked that click of ours had only been from just being honest and truthful; maybe even too
honest, but it was the great part of our friendship that had been able to bring us close. Even
from today that method still works and improves us each time, because just from being
ourselves, we were able to have this type of strong connection that we thought everybody else
would be jealous of. For three years now, thats how long it has been, we continue to stay strong
and have this strong bond between us, and if it hadnt been for each other, I wouldnt be able to
figure out who Id be today, and so wouldnt have they. I cant imagine living without my
Connies and Kathys, because they are like another part of my family, and without them, my life
would just

bristle till the point Id go crazy. I know everything, maybe not exactly, but enough

to say everything about them, and they know the same about me, and I am proud to say so. Im
proud to have them as my bestest friend today, and I believe that it will so continue on until the
future, and how this worked was based on what Shakespeare had quoted, basically to just be
honest and yourself.

The Final and The End.

From the times when I was just young,,timorous, and naive to who I am today,
reminiscing back in the old times, if I were able to go back and change anything about the past
of my sophomore year here at WHS, Id change how I had not taken my academic self seriously.
School is now reaching its

languishing point, and to speak academically about what I could

Prompt 9

do to change what I had regretted, Id do it by fixing up my regular academic schedule. Back

then, even though it hasnt even been too long ago, I would always overestimate myself, and
say, Oh, its okay. Im going to eventually work on it later on and get it over with, so Ill just
take a nap for now, and start on it at night.. and from saying that everytime, when I could have
done something better, my moments of chances would always come to waste. Reason is
because at the end, when I would do my bad habits constantly just to

thwart over my

frustration about my laziness and hatred toward homework, I would always end up being feeling
regrets. Im not as disappointed as to how I lived my life academically this year, since it has
become a better improvement to last years event, but hopefully next year, I will become more
responsible and mature about my actions and the way I took care of myself, speaking in
academic and social terms. On the other hand though, I am proud to acknowledge how close I
came to achieving my goals that Ive setted for myself this year though, because I still tried and
worked hard enough to get good grades and make my parents and myself proud. At the end, to
end my year even more successfully, I am planning to get involved with my school events more
than I had this year, such as getting a tutor for myself to prepare for my upcoming junior year,
since I will be expecting myself to take more advanced classes, and also becoming more active
and busy, so that I could improve to become a scholar.

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