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Escola Ecolgica Marcelino Champagnat

Rua Cinfrnio de Andrade, 200 Jardim do Norte

Almirante Tamandar PR
Atividade de fixao de contedo e interpretao de texto
Boys and girls have biological differences. Were not
talking genitals though were talking brains.
One such difference lies in the amygdala, the primary
aggression center of the brain. The amygdala in a boys brain
is bigger than that in a girls brain, so a boy is more likely to
compete as a way of relating. A boy is also more likely to be
physical in his efforts to express himself. For girls the most
important thing is relationship.
Another difference between boys and girls lies in the
brains release of hormones. At puberty, progesterone is
dominant in girls, making them care more about people. The
dominant male hormone is testosterone, which makes boys
more competitive and isolated.
Finally, the male brain is less flexible and adaptable but
more focused than the female brain. A woman uses more of
her brain mass than a man does. But this causes women to
have more difficulty in making decisions.
Vocabulary: talk = falar - more likely = mais provavel - release = liberar - make =
fazer - care = cuidar - which = o que, qual
1 Responda em portugus de acordo com o texto:
a. Sobre o que fala o texto?
b. Em que parte do crebro se encontra essa diferena?
c. O que mais importante para as meninas?
d. Qual o hormnio predominante:
* nas meninas - _____________________________________
* nos meninos - _____________________________________

e. Quem usa mais a massa cinzenta? ____________________________________________

f. O que causa nas meninas dificuldades em tomar decises?
2 Assinale a caracterstica de cada personagem:
Compete mais



Faz mais esforo fsico

Importa-se mais com as
Mais se isola
Menos flexvel
Menos se adapta
Mais se concentra
3 Retire do texto:
a. um adjetivo no superlativo - ________________________________________________
b. um adjetivo no comparativo de superioridade - _________________________________
c. os grupos nominais referentes a: (como se diz essas expresses em ingls)
* diferenas biolgicas - _____________________________________________________
* crebro masculino - _______________________________________________________
* massa enceflica - ________________________________________________________
* hormnio dominante masculino - _____________________________________________

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