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Competitive Macrocycle

Week 1 (session 1 and 2) Low intensity and Medium Volume

Session 1 Me, Mitch, Annabelle, Bridgette, David, Dylan

Training Plan Format


Date: 7/05/2015
Number in Group:
VOLUME: Medium




TYPE OF TRAINING: Fartlek training

1. To improve the passing skills of the players
2. To improve the general positioning of the players to get into gaps and get
the ball
3. To increase anaerobic and aerobic capacity of the players for the required
fitness level of competition phase.

Line up in one line at the sideline then sprint to the halfway line then
jog lightly to the end do this three times.
On the base line again do lunges slowly to the half way line then easy
squats to the end do this 2 times
Then high knees to half way line then but flicks do this twice
Lastly do stretches starting at the neck then going down towards the
ankles. Each stretch will involve the stretching of the muscles being
used which are as follows: the back, shoulders, neck, thighs and
quads, calves and lastly ankles.


Drill number 1.
Bounce pass drill:
Organisation: 2 players facing each other at a distance suitable for players ability, 1 ball. Players pass the
ball between each other using correct bounce pass technique.
Basics of Drill:

From a two-handed catch take the ball to just above waist height

Fingers should be spread behind the ball

Keep elbows low and relaxed

Transfer weight from back foot to front foot

Push the ball down, aiming for it to bounce two-thirds of the distance towards the receiver.

Drill Number 2:
Chest passes:
Players pass the ball between each other using correct chest pass technique.
Coaching Points:

From a two-handed catching position make sure the ball is kept at chest height

Fingers should be spread behind the ball

Keep elbows low and relaxed

Transfer weight from back foot to front foot

Push the ball out, extending and following through with the arms, wrists, hands and fingers in the direction of
the receiver

Drill number 3:
Hook Passes
Organisation: 2 players facing each other at a distance suitable for players ability, 1 ball. Players pass the
ball between each other using correct shoulder pass technique.
Basics of the drill:

Balanced starting position with opposite foot forward to throwing arm

Use second to steady the ball if necessary

Hold the ball at head height with fingers spread behind (not under) the ball

Body weight is transferred from the back foot to the front foot

The hand, arm and shoulder should then thrust forwards towards the target


Ensure players use both left and right sides

Increase the distance of the pass

Move from a static receiver to a moving receiver

Add a defender to the moving receiver

Apply pressure by using pass in a group drill e.

Drill number 4:
Organisation: 3 players 1 worker, 1 shadowing defender and 1 feeder. Cones can be used to signal a point
to drive towards. Worker steps to either left or right and then in order to deceive the defender sprints in the
opposite direction. The feeder or ball receiver have to communicate with one another to which direction the
ball is going to so which cone. Once each cone has been successfully completed rotate the roles.
Basics of the drill:

Body weight over the base, knees and ankles flexed

Head up, eyes on the ball and feeder

Step out with left or right foot, whilst dropping the corresponding shoulder

Use this foot to transfer your weight to enable a change of direction

Turn your hips and drive towards the cone

Feeder must throw an appropriate pass which is into the space for the worker to attack


Work both sides of the body

Increase pressure from defender

Apply technique to a 3v3 game or other small game situations with conditions every ball must be passed to
someone who has used a dodge

Have a minute Break!!!!

Drill Number 5:
Organisation: One feeder on the edge of the circle, one shooter and one defender. Shooter sprints towards
the feeder quickly touches the ball and tries and find space to receive then shoot the ball. The attackers are in
one line behind the right side of the post, whilst the defenders are on the left side of the post trying to intercept
the pass and blocking the shot.
Basics of the drill

Shooter must make a positive move towards the feeder.

Ensure ball from feeder is accurate and away from the defender.

Practice changing direction on both sides to find spaces on the court.

Drill Number 6:
Organisation: 6 players - 3 feeders positioned in a triangle around the shooting circle, 1 worker (shooter) 1
defender 1 feeder on the transvers line basically a resting player. Worker drives towards feeder to receive a
ball from either of the positioned feeders around the circle. The worker can quickly pass to another feeder
around the circle, to try and get into the best shooting position the attacker can pass multiple times to the
feeders around the circle. 1 Defender trying to predict and catch the ball. 1 person rests and feeds the ball
from the transvers line to see how the drill works as well. If the Shooter gets the ball and shoots he or she will
become the rest feeder while the defender now switches to attacker. The feeders around the triangle then
gradually rotate to the left until they are defender.
Basics of the Drill and purpose:

Ensure the passes from the feeders assist the worker in carrying out the drill accurately

Make a clear sprint using your arms for maximum speed, towards the same side of the post as your

Shoot for goal using the correct shooting technique


Practice throwing from both your left and right hands

Drill Number 7

Game of Three versus Three.

Organisation: 3 attackers 3 defenders, half-court game, attackers with bibs. Attackers will have a shooter, a
centre and wing attack. However all attackers except the centre can shoot. The Attackers will start with ball at
halfway, the Wing attack with a defender beside them about halfway between the goal post and the starting
centre. Whilst the Goal Shooter with a defender will stand in the circle and cannot leave that circle. After each
player has rotated to a new position after the attacking team has scored then switch teams from defenders to
Basics of the Drill and Purpose:
To apply all previous drills into one big practical situation to see if the players have improved their performance
and understanding of the original goals.

Cool Down
1 lap of the court running
1 lap of court walking
Reverse of warm up stretching by starting at the ankles then working
the muscles up.
Group stretching starting from ankles and going up

Any other information:

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