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@rem @echo off

@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Execute this file to perform the following:
@rem - Reset the TX board
@rem - Synchronize the on-board flash image with the installed software
@rem - Download TDM configuration
@rem - Download all TX-based tasks
@rem - Configure SS7
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Choose redundant or standalone mode
if "%TXMODE%"=="" set TXMODE=standalone
@rem if "%TXMODE%"=="" set TXMODE=redundant
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Choose ansi or itu for configuration files
@rem if "%TXCONFIG%"=="" set TXCONFIG=\nms\tx\config\%TXMODE%\ansi
if "%TXCONFIG%"=="" set TXCONFIG=\nms\tx\config\%TXMODE%\itu
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Define all other script parameters
if "%TXUTIL%"=="" set TXUTIL=\nms\tx\bin
if "%TXCP%"=="" set TXCP=\nms\tx\cp
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Process arguments - Get the board number
set BRD=1
if not "%1"=="" set BRD=%1
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Clear driver statistics
%TXUTIL%\txstats -b %BRD% -z -q
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Get the model number (TX board type)
%TXUTIL%\cpmodel -b %BRD%
if errorlevel 4000 goto boot4000
if errorlevel 3220 goto boot3220
echo ERROR! TX board number %BRD% not available.
goto end
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Perform board type-specific boot for TX 3220 or TX 3220C
set TASKTYPE=lot
@rem Reset TX board (and verify TX flash image in sync with installed software)
%TXUTIL%\txflash -s %TXCP%\cpk3220.bin -b %BRD%
if errorlevel 1 goto failedreset
@rem load the diagnostic operator console task
%TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\diag3220.lot -n diag -p 2 -a
@rem load TDM configuration
%TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\TDMcp%BRD%.bin -g tdm
@rem load ARP and INF (alarm forwarding task)
%TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\arp.lot -n arp -p 17 -a
%TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\inf.lot -n inf -p 16 -a
@rem load the MVIP and T1/E1 manager tasks to enable use
@rem of the MVIP and T1/E1 host APIs; NOTE: if you do not
@rem use either of these APIs, @remove the following 2 lines.
%TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\mvip.lot -n mvip -p 4 -a
%TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\t1e1mgr.lot -n t1e1mgr -p 15 -a
@rem To enable packet tracing in the ISUP or TUP layer, make the following
@rem command active to download the ETP trace collector on the board.
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\etp.lot -n etp -p 14 -a
goto loadcommon
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Perform board type-specific boot for TX 4000
set TASKTYPE=elf
@rem Reset TX board (and verify TX flash image in sync with installed software)
%TXUTIL%\txflash -s %TXCP%\cpk4000.fls -b %BRD%
if errorlevel 1 goto failedreset
@rem load TDM configuration
%TXUTIL%\txconfig -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\txcfg%BRD%.txt
goto loadcommon
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Load all TX-based tasks that are common to all board types
@rem To use txdbg,
@rem you should uncomment the following line to load the debug task
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\debug.%TASKTYPE% -n debug -p 11 -a
@rem Load TXMON
@rem ****** IMPORTANT NOTE: *******
@rem For convenience we are loading TXMON only in redundant mode. This is
@rem convenient because MTP will detect the lack of TXMON and will auto-
@rem matically enter standalone mode and attempt to bring up links, without
@rem application intervention. NOTE HOWEVER, TXMON can be used as a health
@rem monitor for a single board application in standalone mode. In this case
@rem the MTP will @remain in a Starting state until an application (eg. RMG),
@rem using the HMI API, specifically sets the mode to Standalone. In other
@rem words links will not automatically try to align if TXMON is loaded.
if "%TXMODE%"=="standalone" goto notxmon
%TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\txmon.%TASKTYPE% -n txmon -p 19 -a
@rem Load MTP task
%TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\mtp.%TASKTYPE% -n mtp -p 20 -a -s 12000
@rem Enable the following to use JNTT
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\jntt.%TASKTYPE% -n jntt -p 15 -a
@rem Enable the following downloads for SS7 layers you do use
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\sccp.%TASKTYPE% -n sccp -p 21 -a
%TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\isup.%TASKTYPE% -n isup -p 21 -a -s 40960
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\tup.%TASKTYPE% -n tup -p 22 -a -s 40960
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\tcap.%TASKTYPE% -n tcap -p 23 -a
@rem ISUP only: Enable the download of the ISUP database required for your configuration.
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\itublue.%TASKTYPE% -n itublue -p 15 -a
%TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\ituwhite.%TASKTYPE% -n ituwhite -p 15 -a
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\q767.%TASKTYPE% -n q767 -p 15 -a
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\ansi88.%TASKTYPE% -n ansi88 -p 15 -a
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\ansi92.%TASKTYPE% -n ansi92 -p 15 -a
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\ansi95.%TASKTYPE% -n ansi95 -p 15 -a
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\itu97.%TASKTYPE% -n itu97 -p 15 -a
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\etsiv2.%TASKTYPE% -n etsiv2 -p 15 -a
@rem %TXUTIL%\cplot -c %BRD% -f %TXCP%\etsiv3.%TASKTYPE% -n etsiv3 -p 15 -a
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Configure SS7 MTP2, MTP3, ISUP, TUP, TCAP & SCCP
@rem (enable these commands for any SS7 layers you do use)
@rem NOTE: MTP level 2 configurability is now available.
@rem However, level 2 configuration is not strictly necessary.
@rem The defaults will work for most installations.
%TXUTIL%\mtp2cfg -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\MTP3cp%BRD%.cfg
%TXUTIL%\mtp3cfg -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\MTP3cp%BRD%.cfg
if "%TXMODE%"=="standalone" goto stdalncfg
@rem Load redundant configuration files - note that both boards in redundant
@rem pair use the same configuration file
@rem %TXUTIL%\sccpcfg -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\SCCP.cfg
@rem %TXUTIL%\isupcfg -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\ISUP.cfg
@rem %TXUTIL%\tupcfg -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\TUP.cfg
@rem %TXUTIL%\tcapcfg -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\TCAP.cfg
goto end
@rem Load standalone configuration files - note that each board in a standalone
@rem configuration gets a configuration file unique to that board
@rem %TXUTIL%\sccpcfg -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\SCCPcp%BRD%.cfg
%TXUTIL%\isupcfg -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\ISUPcp%BRD%.cfg
@rem %TXUTIL%\tupcfg -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\TUPcp%BRD%.cfg
@rem %TXUTIL%\tcapcfg -b %BRD% -f %TXCONFIG%\TCAPcp%BRD%.cfg
goto end
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Report reset error
echo ERROR! Unable to reset TX board number %BRD%.
goto end
@rem ***************************************************************************
@rem Exit load script
set TXCP=
set BRD=

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