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(PIN ie 1 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO 2 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO MARGARET MUNNERLYN MITCHELL. 8.11,1900-16.8.1949 , BAL mot tiéu thuyét gia ngudi MY. Ba di nhan duge gidi Pulitzer vao nim 1937 nho- quyén tigu thuyét rit thinh cng Cuén Theo Chigu Gid, xuat bin nam 1936. Quyén fiéu thuyét nay 1 mot trong nhing cuén sich phé bién nhdt moi thoi dai va da bin duge hon 28 trigu bin. BO phim Cudn Theo Chiéu Gid, khéi chiéu nim 1939, da tro thanh b6 phim c6 doanh thu cao nhat trong lich sir Hollywood va dat mét con s6 ky lye vé s6 gidi Oscar nhan duge. CUQC SONG: Margaret Mitchell ra di & Atlanta, Georgia (Hoa K¥), la con gia Eugene Mitchell vi Mary Isabelle, Ba c6 mét ngudi anh trai tén Stephens va én hon bi <8 chiu nh hurdmg tir nhimg ngudi cuw chién binh cia cude NOi Chién MY va tir nhing nguai hhg hang bén ho ngoai cia minh. Béi khi nguoi ta biét dén ba véi cdi tén Peggy. ‘Sau khi t6t nghigp Trudmg Washington Seminary (hign nay ki Westminster Schools), ba da hoe tai Truémg Dai Hoc Smith nhumg nghi hoc ngay sau ky thi cudi kha nim 1918, Ba, tra vé Atlanta dé trong nom moi vige sau khi me cita ba qua doi vao dau nam vi dai dich ciim ‘Tay Ban Nha 1918 (va c4i chét cia me Scarlett vi bénh thong hin trong truyén cing bit nguén tir vige nay) Mitchell két hon véi Red Upshaw vio nim 1922, nhung ly di sau d6 khi ba biét Ong ta 1a m6t ngudi bun rugu Igu. Sau d6 ba két hon v6i mét ngudi ban cila Upshaw Ia John Marsh vio ngay 4.7 nim 1925. Marsh chinh 1d ngudi phi ré cho dim eudi ciia ba véi Upshaw va mét s6 ngudi cdn néi cing c& hai ngudi nay da theo duéi ba cing hic vio nam 1921 va 1922, nhung Upshaw di dua ra léi edu hon true NGHE NGHIEP Tit 1922 t6i 1926, Mitchell da viét rat nhiéu bai béo, mét s6 bai binh Tuan va thye hign ce euge phéng vin. Trong s6 dé 6 cude phéong vn ngéi sao phim cm Rudolph Valentino, hay nhur cuge phng van vé mét ngudi ti Georgia lim nhimg bong hoa gia va ban ching tir phing giam ciia minh d@ chu cap cho gia dinh Ba cing viet tiéu sir ve mOt 56 vj Tung quan trong cita Georgia trong cuge NGi Chién, Cudn tiéu sir dau tién tré nén rit phd bién 6 Adanta, vi thé cdc bién tip vién da yéu clu ba viét thém nhiéu cudn nhu thé nia. Mét sé hoe gi tin ring vige nghién ctru tiéu sit ve nhing nguisi nay da thic day ba viét nén quyén Cuén Theo Chieu Gi Tinh céch cia ba eGng thém kha ning khiic hoa su sie tinh c&ch nhén vat dat lim cho quyén Cuén Theo Chiéu Gié tré thinh mot trong nhing quyén tiéu thuyét duge djch ra nhieu thir ngén ngtt nhét trong lich sit. Mc dit ba bién minh nh mét ngwdi ké chuyén trang lip ‘nung ta vin c6 thé thiy tinh céch cia ba xudt hign khé 16 trong truyén. CUON THEO CHIEU GIO Nhiéu nguoi ndi ring Mitchell di bit diu viét Cuén Theo Chiéu Gié khi dang nim ‘rén giurimg bénh vi bj bé mat cé chan. Chéng bi, John Marsh, dem vé nh’ nhing cuén sich i tir Thr Vign dé ba gidi khuay khi dang hdi phyc, Sau khi ba da doc gan hét nhimg cuon sach lich sir ciia Thu Vign, chong ba ndi: “Peggy, néu em mudn mét cuon sach khae, tai sao em lai khdng ty viét mt cudn cho riéng minh ?”*, Ba da sir dung kién thire vé cude Noi ‘Chién va nhimg khoanh khic kich tinh cia cuge déi ba dé viét nén quyén tiéu thuyét tuyét voi nay bing chiée mAy danh chit higu Remington. Lic dau ba goi nhin vat ni chinh la “Pansy O'Hara’, va ‘’Tara”’ 1a ‘*Fontenoy Hall’’. Ba cing cén nhac téi hai cdi tén cho quyén tiéu ‘thuyét la Tote The Weary Load hoje Tomorrow Is Another Day. Mitchell chi viét cho sy tiéu khién cia chinh minh, véi sy gitip site cla chéng ba va ba git cubn tigu thuyét 6 bi mit véi cd ban b8 cia minh. Ba gidu nhing trang viét cia minh duéi khan tim, phong dé 46, che drdi trong ky va thim chi dudi giving ngi. Chuong cuéi 3. CUON THEO CHIEU GIO cing duge viét trudc tién, va ba viét cdc chuong con lai m6t cach ngau nhién khéng theo thi ty. Chéng ba thudng xuyén chinh sita ban thio dang ngay ‘eang hoan thign dé gid cho ba tigp tue. Vio nam 1929, khi mat cd chan cia ba di hoi phyc, phin lin quyén sich da duge viet xong va ba cling mit di aniém say mé dé hodn thanh téc phim vin chuong iia minh, Mic dit Mitchell van thuimg néi cde nhan vat trong Cuén Theo Chiéu Gid cia bi khong dia trén bat cit con ngudi thye nao, nhimg nhi nghign cima gin day di tim thiy nhiing diém twong déng véi nbimg ngudi trong cudc séng cia ba, nhiing nguéi ma ba biét hode timg, nghe néi ti. SU XUAT BAN Bost Faysen MARGARET MITCHELL GONE WITH THE WIND Mitchell chi séng nh m6t ni nha bao binh thuéng & Atlanta cho dén khi m6t ngudi cita nha xudt bin Macmillan la Howard Latham ghé qua Atlanta vio nim 1935, Latham dang, di tim mét cay bat trién vong 6 Mién Nam, va mét nguéi ban cua Mitchell, vn lam vige cho Latham, a3 ni ba din 6ng ta di tham viéng Atlanta, Latham rit chit ¥ 161 Mitchell va hoi ba ligu_c6 timg viét m§t cudn sich nao khéng. Mitchell nggp ngimg. Latham da céu xin ba: “Néu ba da tig viet mot cudn sich, vui long cho t6i xem tude tién’’, Cudi ngay hom 46, mot ngui ban cia Mitchell khi nghe duge dogn di thoai nay 4a cud pha lén: Tuimg tong, xem, m§t ngudi ngo nghéch nhu Peggy lai viét mt cudn sich". Mitchell da tire gin khi ‘nghe Idi phé binh nay va di vé nha dé tim nhimg phong bi chira cc phin bin thao roi rac cla ba. Sau d6 ba di téi khich san The Georgian Terrace, vita kip Ic Latham chuin bj réi khoi Atlanta, “Diy”, ba néi, ’gitt n6 truée khi t6i déi y”. Latham d4 phai mua thém mOt chiée vali méi dé chita tap ban thao khdng 16 nay. Khi Mitchell vé t6i nha, ba da rat lo ling vé hanh dng thiéu suy nghi cia minh va goi mét bite dign tin cho Latham: ‘Da d6i ¥. géi ta tip bin thao". Nhung Latham 43 doc di dé nbn ra day sé 14 mot trai bom tn. Ong ta di viét mit bite th cho ba va ndi vé sy thinh céng tiém tang cia téc phim nay. MacMillan goi mot tim chi phigu dé khuyén khich bi. hoan thanh cuén tiéu thuyét nay ba vin chua viét xong chwrong di tién. Ba di hoin thinh tie phim cita minh vao thang 3.1936. Cuén Theo Chiéu Gid duge xuat ban vao ngay 30.6.1936 4 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO CUON THEO CHIEU GIO Gone With the Wind is a romantic drama and the only novel written by Margaret Mitchell. It is set in Jonesboro and Atlanta, Georgia during the American Civil War and Reconstruction. and follows the life of Scarlett O'Hara, the daughter of an Irish immigrant plantation owner. ‘The novel won the 1937 Pulitzer Prize and was adapted into an Academy Award- winning 1939 film of the same name. It was also adapted during the 1970s into a stage sical Scarlett, there is also a 2008 new musical stage adaptation in London's West End titled Gone With The Wind. It is the only novel by Mitchell published during her lifetime, and it took her ten years to write it. The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 30 million copies (see list of best-selling books). Over the years, the novel has also been analyzed for its symbolism and treatment of mythological archetypes. Time magazine included the novel in its TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 t0 2005. TITLE ‘The title is taken from the first line of the third stanza of the poem Non Sum Qualis ‘eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae by Ernest Dowson: “"I have forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind.” The novel's protagonist. Scarlett O'Hara, also uses the title phrase in a line in the book: When her home area is overtaken by the Yankees, she wonders to herself if her home, a plantation called Tara, is still standing, or if it was “also gone with the wind which had swept through Georgia”’. More generally, the title has been interpreted as referring to the entire way of life of the antebellum South as having ‘Gone with the Wind” ‘The book was almost titled quoting the end line in the book, ‘Tomorrow is another day’’, but the publisher at the time noted there were several books close to the same title, so she was asked to find another title, and ‘Gone with the Wind” was chosen. PART ONE, ‘The novel opens at Tara, the O'Hara plantation in Georgia, with Searlett O'Hara flirting idly with Brent and Stuart Tarleton, twin brothers who live on a nearby plantation, ‘The twins are talking about the upcoming war, which is of no interest to Scarlett. According, to the twins, the Yankees had already been shelled out of Fort Sumter “the day before yesterday”” (which occurred on April 13.1861), leaving the impression that the date of the opening is probably April 15.1861. Amidst the chatter, the pair tell Scarlett that Ashley Wilkes, the man Scarlett is secretly in love with, is to marry his cousin Melanie Hamilton, a plain and gentle lady from Atlanta, Scarlett hurries to find her father, Gerald O'Hara, who confirms that Ashley does intend to marry Melanie. He warns Scarlett that she and Ashley would make a terrible match and encourages her to consider the attentions of one of the other local beaux. Scarlett is miserable until she concludes that Ashley does not know she is in love with him, She plots to make Ashley jealous by surrounding herself with men at the barbecue the next day at the Wilkes plantation of Twelve Oaks, then tell him that she prefers him above all the others. Among the fawning gentlemen are Melanie's brother, Charles Hamilton, and Frank Kennedy, the beau of her sister, Suellen O'Hara. Things do not go according to plan. After Scarlett pulls Ashley into the library and confesses her love, Ashley says that he loves her, but he will still marry Melanie, The unreceived Rhett Butler, resting on a couch during. the emotional scene, sees Scarlett throw a vase across the room in anger after Ashley leaves. Surprised by his presence, Scarlett tells Rhett that he is no gentleman, and Rhett responds by telling her that she is no lady. Rhett is impressed by her fire, thus cementing the saga that soon will unfold. 3 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO Later in the day, when the news of Jefferson Davis's call for troops arrives and as the ‘men at the party excitedly leave to join the war, Scarlet impulsively accepts a marriage proposal from Charles Hamilton in an attempt to make Ashley jealous. Both couples marry a day apart, Scarlett bitterly regrets her decision, but receives a ‘warm welcome from Melanie, who now considers Scarlett to be her sister. Two months later, Charles dies of measles and pneumonia at a military camp, before he had an opportunity to fight on the battlefield, confirming Scarlets opinion of his unheroic weakness. Scarlett is not only a widow but she is a new mother, giving birth to a baby boy named Wade Hampton ‘whom she cares little for and pays no attention to, Her contempt for motherhood is equaled only by her interminable impatience with the customary protocol for Southern women in mourning, Her lamentations include the fact that she is forced to dress in all-black and she cannot _g0 to any parties, Scarlett finds, to her disgust, that she is living quietly at home, with limited social interactions like an old widow. She is more distressed over her boredom and new motherhood than at Charles’ death. Her mother, Ellen O'Hara, believing Scarlett to be pining away from a broken heart, sends her, little Wade and Prissy (a young slave of the O'Haras) on trips to visit family in an effort to revive her spirits. Scarlett comes back sooner than is expected from these trips; it is common for these trips to last many months, but her early returns are attributed to her broken heart rather than the boredom and her impatience with the ‘mourning customs she is forced to adhere to. It is not until after returning from a trip to Savannah where she was visiting her mother's sisters that she decides to visit Atlanta, Scarlett has been receiving letters from Melanie and Charles’ elderly aunt Aunt Pittypat and Melanie who are living together in Atlanta, These letters beg Scarlett to come live with them as the ‘two women are all alone and would love to see Charles’ only son, Wade. Scarlett takes immediately to the hustle and bustle of Atlanta and finds Aunt Pittypat to be an easy enough pushover. Even though she is contemptuous of Melanie, the lure of Atlanta proves a fair trade for Scarlet PART TWO At the bazaar, Melanie and Scarlett donate their gold wedding rings for the cause. Rhett returns Melanie's ring, and she then sees Rhett as a perfect gentleman, Against the background of war, Scarlett stays in Atlanta and enjoys the company of Rhett. He ostensibly calls on Aunt Pittypat, as widows cannot properly receive male callers. Aunt Pittypat is uncomfortable with Rhet's presence, but Melanie firmly declares that he is a good man. Rhett's sharp wit and sarcastic charm infuriate and beguile Scarlett, although she continues to carry a torch for Ashley. When Ashley comes home for Christmas in 1863, Scarlett becomes acutely aware of the privileges Melanie holds as his wife. The day Ashley leaves, Scarlett again reveals her feelings to him, hoping Ashley will break down and allow himself to reveal he loves her, too. Ashley has a more important matter to discuss with Scarlett. Sensing the end of the ‘war and the fall of the South, he makes Scarlett promise that she will look after Melanie and see his family through the upcoming crisis in his absence. Scarlett blindly agrees to his promise. As Ashley heads for the door, Scarlett clings to him desperately and they share a passionate, forbidden kiss. Scarlett sobs that she loves him and that she only married Charles to hurt him, Ashley says nothing and wrenches himself from her grasp. He hurries from the house and away from Scarlett. ‘As Melanie has hoped, Ashley has left her with child. Scarlett is none too excited about the news but this shock pales in comparison with the fear and dread that ensues when ‘word comes that Ashley is missing, perhaps dead. Scarlett and Melanie’s fears are somewhat relieved when Rhett Butler pulls strings in order bring the frantic women information on 6 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO Ashley. Rhett relays that Ashley is in one of the most infamous Yankee prison camps, and Scarlett’s fears mount as she thinks about the starvation and hardships Ashley must be enduring at the hands of the Yankees. PART THREE, ‘The tide of war turns against the South. When the Yankees finally begin their siege of Atlanta, the city evacuates. Aunt Pittypat flees to family in Macon, while Scarlett, Melanie, Wade and Prissy remain in the house. In the nearly deserted town, Rhett comes to see Scarlett and asks her to become his mistress. She refuses because she sees nothing in it for herself except a “passel of brats” Dr. Meade forbids Melanie and Scarlett to leave Atlanta, as Melanie is about to give birth, Scarlett delivers Melanie's baby with only the help of Prissy, as everyone has fled or is too busy caring for wounded soldiers to spare time to help. After a drawn out and damaging birthing, Melanie is nearly dead from blood loss. Scarlett goes outside for air as Prissy bathes the infant. A soldier walks by, informing Scarlett that the army is leaving Atlanta Scarlett sends Prissy to find Rhett, He arrives to assist them but the best he can provide is a broken-down horse and a dilapidated wagon stolen from the Army. He carts the weakened Melanie, her infant son Beau, Prissy, Wade, and Scarlett out of Atlanta. In a fit of conscience, he abandons them on the road to Tara to turn back and fight for the South. Before he leaves, he kisses Scarlett and tells her that he loves her, but she angrily pushes him away. Arriving at Tara, Scarlett finds the house in ruins, the crops burned, most of the slaves run off, her mother dead, her father demented, and her two sisters sick with typhoid. The reins of authority are thrust into her hands. Forced to take up ‘'slave work”” and bouts of near starvation, Scarlett realizes her compassion and loyalty to Tara, When a lone Yankee soldier arrives looking to loot and assault Scarlett, she shoots him, Melanie, still weak, comes running with Charles’ sword, but it is too heavy for her to lift. Nonetheless, Scarlett feels the beginnings of comradeship with her sister-in-law. The two loot the dead soldier's pockets and knapsack before swearing each other to secrecy about his death. They bury him under the arbor. Months later, news reaches Tara that the war is over and the Confederacy dissolved. Soldiers begin straggling home. On their way, some stop at Tara for food and hospitality. Comrades bring a wounded soldier named Will Benteen, whom Carreen murses back to health. Benteen remains at Tara after he recovers, takes on more responsibility, and takes Scarlett's heavy load onto his own shoulders. Suellen’s beau Frank Kennedy asks Scarlett for her sister's hand in marriage and Scarlett gives her consent. The only word of Ashley is that he was in a Yankee prison for the last year of the war and a letter to Melanie telling her that he is on his way. One day, he appears coming up the long road towards Tara, Melanie and Scarlett both rush to greet him, but Will stops Scarlett, saying, “Don't ruin the moment”, Scarlett reluctantly hangs back, but is euphoric over Ashley's return, PART FOUR Will returns from town with the news that the Union has raised taxes on Tara to $300. Dejected, Scarlett seeks comfort from Ashley as he chops wood. She laments her life at Tara and asks him to run away with her. When Scarlett cries, Ashley embraces her. Telling her to stop crying, Ashley kisses her and says that he loves her. He tells her his honor will not allow him to leave Melanie and their child. Scarlett says that if she doesn’t have him, nothing is left her. Ashley picks up the red dirt clay from the ground, presses it to her skin, and reminds her she still has Tara, 7 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO ‘As Scarlett returns to the house, Jonas Wilkerson, former overseer of Tara, arrives. He ‘wants to buy Tara for himself and his wife, Emmy Slattery, thinking that Scarlett does not have the money to pay the taxes. Scarlett orders him to leave, throwing a handful of dirt at him, Wilkerson threatens to buy Tara once she and her family are evicted for being unable to ay the taxes. Frantic to save Tara and anxious to keep Jonas and Emmy out, Scarlett goes to Atlanta to beg Rhett for money, willing to offer herself to him as his mistress to save her home and family. By asking Mammy to make her a new dress out of her late mother's draperies, Scarlett is able to feign wealth to Rhett and pretends an interest in him, Rhett buys it until he sees her hands, which suggest the back-breaking work she has been doing. He announces that he couldn't give her the money even if he wanted to. She says that she hopes he gets hanged and storms out in the rain. Upon leaving the jail, she runs into Frank Kennedy, now a successful store owner. In desperation, Scarlett manipulates Frank to believe that an impatient Suellen is to. marry someone else. Frank, saddened by Suellen’s supposed defection and unable to resist Scarlett’s charms, marries her and gives her the tax money. After Rhett gets out of jail, he lends her more so that she can buy a sawmill, with the promise that she will not use the money to help Ashley Wilkes To her dismay, Scarlett becomes pregnant with Frank’s child. She earns the wrath of Atlanta society's “Old Guard” when she appears pregnant in public and succeeding in business, although she compromises by agreeing not to be seen outside the house whilst pregnant after a certain date. Her daughter is named Ella Lorena, a reference to the Civil War Era song Lorena (Joseph Philbrick Webster, the composer of the song, had an interest in a girl named Flla at the time of writing, in addition to the title ‘"Lorena”’). Ella was named after her grandmother, Ellen, Scarlett receives word from Tara that her father, Gerald, has died. When she returns to ‘Tara for the funeral, Will tells her about the circumstances of his death. Suellen had tried to persuade a disoriented Gerald to sign the Ironclad Oath (to the Union government) for a fee. Briefly lucid, Gerald realizes her intentions, flies into a rage and disowns Suellen, In an attempt to jump a fence with his horse, he falls and breaks his neck. The community despises Suellen for her part in Gerald's death. Scarlett, struggling with her family’s poverty, quietly agrees with her. Despite his love for Carreen, Will announces his intention to marry Suellen to assuage the community’s animosity toward her. Carreen, unable to recover from the death of Brent ‘Tarleton at Gettysburg, enters a convent. ‘After Gerald's funeral, Scarlett plots to stop Ashley from going North to find work. By faking a flood of tears, she persuades Melanie to compel Ashley to help her with the mill as a ‘way of repaying Scarlett for evacuating her and Beau from a falling Atlanta, Thus, Scarlett manipulates Ashley into returning to Atlanta to run her sawmill, Scarlett regularly drives alone to and from the sawmill, despite being warned against it bby acquaintances. One day, she is assaulted by a poor white man and his black companion as she drives through the woods near a shantytown. Her former slave, Big Sam, appears and fights off the attackers. To avenge the attack, Frank, Ashley, and local men (part of the Ku Klux Klan), plan to raid the shantytown. Local law enforcement officers find out and inform Rhett of their plans over a game of cards, During the raid, Ashley is injured and Frank is killed. To save the survivors from being hanged, Rhett persuades Belle Watling, the local madam, to fabricate a phony alibi by letting the survivors into her brothel through the back door and pretending to throw them out the front door in full sight of the public. She threatens her prostitutes that she will beat them if they don't tell the authorities that the men were there 8 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO all evening. The men are furious that Rhett humiliated them like this, but Rhett earns the admiration of Melanie Wilkes for saving their lives and Caroline Meade silently agrees. Following Frank’s funeral, Rhett unceremoniously proposes to Scarlett, wanting to marry her before she marries someone else. Belle Watling hears that Melanie wishes to pay a call on her in order to thank her for saving Ashley's life on the night of the raid, To forestall the visit, which would scandalize Atlanta society, Belle stops by Melanie's house in a closed cattiage to see Melanie, Melanie offers Belle her friendship in retmn. Scarlett remains disapproving of Belle Watling, even after her part in saving her beloved Ashley's life. PART FIVE, Scarlett marries Rhett in 1868 and finds her marriage surprisingly pleasant. Other than refusing to help Ashley Wilkes, Rhett spoils her. Scarlett spends time with newly rich Yankees, portrayed as having few scruples. Scarlett builds a mansion and spends lavishly. ‘The Old Guard cut Scarlett and Rhett out of society for keeping company with Yankees and flaunting their wealth, ‘Only Melanie's undying loyalty keeps Scarlett in the fold at all. Scarlett learns that she is pregnant and gives birth to a baby girl. While they name the infant Bugenia Victoria (for Queen Victoria and French Empress Fugénie de Montijo), Melanie, while talking to Rhett, ‘mentions the child's eyes are as blue as the Bonnie Blue flag, inadvertently creating the lasting nickname of Bonnie Blue Butler. Rhett is immensely proud of the child and spoils her ‘unashamedly. Ashley mentions he hates the thought of Rhett’s hands on Scarlets body and feels chagrined at the min of her figure. Not wanting to further betray her love for Ashley, Scarlett informs Rhett she does not want to have any more children and she will no longer share his bed. Rhett becomes bitterly angry, but does nothing to change her mind, He tells her that “"the world is full of beds-and most of the beds are full of women.” Now rejected by Scarlett, Rhett turns to their daughter Bonnie for comfort, Rhett decides Bonnie should have every desire and turns to winning over Atlanta. He lavishes Bonnie with the love and affection he intended to give to his wife. In April 1871, Melanie plans a surprise birthday party for Ashley. Scarlett goes to the ‘mill after Melanie asks her to stall him. She and Ashley chat about old times at Twelve Oaks. He hugs her in an attempt to console her, because she is overwhelmed by the memories and hates to look back at the past. However, India Wilkes, Mrs. Elsing, and Archie witness and misinterpret this embrace, all suspecting Scarlets true feelings for Ashley. They eagerly spread the rumour. Later that evening, Rhett, having heard from Archie, drags Scarlett out of bed and takes her to the party in her most flamboyant dress. Incapable of believing anything, bad about her beloved sister-in-law, Melanie stands by Scarlets side so that all will know she believes the gossip to be false. At home later that night, Scarlett finds Rhett drunk. Blind with jealousy, he tells Scarlett he loves her and could kill her to make her forget Ashley. Picking her up, he carries her up the stairs and the two make passionate, uninhibited love. Scarlett wakes up alone the next morning, eager to see her husband. Rhett stays away as he is horrified at his behavior, returning three days later to inform Scarlett that he is leaving with Bonnie for an extended trip. Atlanta society chooses sides between India and Scarlett. Melanie continues to support Scarlett and rejects India, her husband's own sister. Scarlett discovers she is pregnant again. For the first time, she is glad. In July 1871, Rhett returns after three months. After he rebuffs Scarlett's attempts at reconciliation, she tells ‘him she does not want the baby. Hurt, Rhett scomfully says, ‘*Cheer up. Maybe you'll have a miscarriage”. Enraged, Scarlett tries to attack him, but he dodges her slap. She is thrown off balance and can't prevent herself from falling down the stairs, She suffers a miscarriage. 9 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO Rhett, frantic with guilt, sits in his room drinking to the point of oblivion, convinced that he has killed Scarlett, When Melanie visits to tell him Scarlett is doing better, he cries to ‘Melanie about his jealousy. He refrains from telling Melanie about Scarlett's true feelings for Ashley. Scarlett goes to Tara to recuperate with Wade and Ella. After she recovers, Rhett tricks Scarlett into selling the sawmills to Ashley. Rhett spends his time edging Bonnie back into Southern society. ‘After her fourth birthday (by most estimations sometime in the summer of 1873), Bonnie dies while trying to jump her horse, ‘’Mr. Butler’, the same way as her grandfather Gerald O'Hara did. Scarlett blames Rhett, Rhett blames himself, and they refuse to see each other. Scarlett regrets what she said and desperately wants to see him, but a chasm has formed between the two. They continue living together as strangers passing in the halls. While Scarlett is away at Marietta with Wade and Ella, she receives an urgent telegram from Rhett that Melanie is gravely ill. Scarlett rushes back to Atlanta to learn that Melanie is dying from complications of a miscarriage. After haying Beau, she was warned by doctors not to have any more children, but Melanie always wanted more children and became pregnant. Rhett drops Scarlett off at the Wilkes home and leaves. On her deathbed, Melanie tells Scarlett to watch out for Ashley and to be good to Rhett because he loves her. Scarlett goes to Ashley to find strength to help him in his grief, but she finds someone more adrift than she is, She realizes that she never really loved Ashley. She had been attracted to Ashley because he represented the unattainable, which was made more potent because he embodied the Southem “noble knight” ideal that had been romanticized throughout her childhood, She rushes home through the mist to share her revelation with Rhett, now drained of his love for Scarlett, He rejects her overtures and tells her he is leaving her, that he had already planned to before Scarlett left for Marietta. Scarlett cries, “"If you go, what shall I do?” Rhett replies with the famous line, “My dear, I don't give a damn.” (The movie inserted the word “'frankly.””) He goes up the stairs to prepare to leave Atlanta, Earlier in the conversation he told Scarlett that at age 45 he was confronted by desire to recapture what he viewed as the gentler pace of past. He specifically raised the possibility of returning to his hometown of Charleston Devastated by her realization of true love and the consequences of her past selfishness, Scarlett decides to go back to Tara. She is sure she can think of a solution. She still believes Rhett will retum to her if she tries to reconcile. The book ends with Scarlets proclamation: “After all, tomorrow is another day!”” BUTLER FAMILY Scarlett O'Hara: Protagonist, willful and spoiled Southern debutante and daughter of a rich plantation owner. Scarlett will do anything to keep her land and get what she wants. Rhett Butler: Scarlett's love interest and third husband, often publicly shunned for scandalous behavior, sometimes accepted for his charm, He is financially a very shrewd man and initially appears to love Scarlett dearly. Eugenia Vietoria “Bonnie Blue”? Butler: Scarlett and Rhett’s pretty, beloved, pampered daughter. Note: In the movie, Scarlett didn't have any children with her first two husbands. The only child she had was Bonnie with Rhett Butler. WILKES FAMILY Ashley Wilkes: The man Scarlett loves, Melanie's husband, a gentleman and dreamer, ‘who nevertheless sees that the Southern way of life is doomed. 10. CUON THEO CHIEU GIO Melanie Hamilton Wilkes: Ashley's wife and second cousin, a true lady. Called “‘mealy-mouth’* by Scarlett, but she quietly has a backbone of steel. Although maligned by Scarlett, she is actually Scarlett’s most stalwart supporter. Beau Wilkes: Melanie's and Ashley's lovable son, delivered by Scarlett India Wilkes: Ashley's sister. Almost engaged to Stuart Tarleton, she bitterly hates Scarlett for stealing his attention before he is killed at Gettysburg. Lives with Aunt Pittypat after Scarlett marries Rhett and moves out. Honey Wilkes: Boy-crazy sister of India and Ashley. Originally “intended” to marry Charles Hamilton until Scarlett marries him, following the war, she marries a man from Mississippi, and moves to his home state with him, John Wilkes: Owner of Twelve Oaks Plantation and patriarch of the Wilkes family. Killed during the Civil War. Note: In the film, India Wilkes was in love with Charles Hamilton and hates Scarlett for stealing him away. O'HARA FAMILY Gerald O'Hara: Scarlett’s fiery Irish father. Ellen O'Hara: Scarlew’s beloved mother, of aristocratic French ancestry, @ true southern lady. Scarlett O'Hara: Protagonist of the novel. Suellen O'Hara: Scarlets younger sister, whiny and lazy, originally is to be married to Frank Kennedy, but later marries Will Benteen. Carreen O'Hara: Scarlett's youngest sister, gentle and kind, joins a convent in Charleston after her beloved Brent Tarleton dies at Gettysburg Eulalie & Pauline: Ellen's sisters who live in Charleston. They are aristocratic, and are concerned with social status, OTHER CHARACTERS Mammy: Scarlett's nurse from birth, a slave, Cited by Rhett as “the real head of the household”. She has @ no-nonsense attitude and is outspoken and opinionated. She chastises Scarlett often. Prissy: A young slave girl who features in Scarlet's life, She is portrayed as flighty and silly. Pork: The O'Hara family's butler, favored by Gerald, Dilcey: Pork's wife, a strong, outspoken slave woman, Prissy's mother. Charles Hamilton: Melanie's brother, Scarlett's first husband, shy and loving. Frank Kennedy: Suellen's former beau, Scarlet’s second husband, an older man who only wants peace and quiet. Belle Watling: A madam Rhett is her friend and loyal customer. She is portrayed as a kind-hearted, poor, country woman. Archie: An ex-convict and former Confederate soldier who is taken in by Melanie. Jonas Wilkerson: Former overseer of Tara, father of Emmy Slattery's illegitimate baby. Emmy Slattery: Later wife: of Jonas Wilkerson Will Benteen: Confederate soldier who seeks refuge at Tara and stays on to help with the plantation, in love with Carreen but marries Suellen. ‘Aunt Pittypat Hamilton: Charles’ and Melanie's vaporish aunt who lives in Atlanta. Uncle Peter: Aunt Pittypat's houseman and driver. Wade Hampton Hamilton: Son of Scarlett and Charles, fearful and adoring of Scarlett. Ella Lenora Kennedy: Ugly, dull daughter of Scarlett and Frank. 11 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO SETTING ‘Tara Plantation: The O'Hara home and plantation ‘Twelve Oaks: The Wilkes plantation. Peachtree Street: Location of Aunt Pittypat's home in Atlanta, where much of the book takes place, and site of Scarlett and Rhett's own large home, POLITICS ‘The book includes a vivid description of the fall of Atlanta in 1864 and the devastation of war (some of that aspect was missing from the 1939 film). The novel showed considerable historical research. According to her biography, Mitchell herself was ten years old before she earned that the South had lost the war. Mitchell's sweeping narrative of war and loss helped the book win the Pulitzer Prize on May 3.1937. ‘An episode in the book dealt with the early Ku Klux Klan. In the immediate aftermath of the War, Scarlett is assaulted by poor Southerners living in shanties, whereupon her former black slave Big Sam saves her life. In response, Scarlett's male friends attempt to make a retaliatory nighttime raid on the encampment. Northern soldiers try to stop the attacks, and Rhett helps Ashley, who is shot, to get help through his prostitute friend Belle. Scarlet’s husband Frank is killed. This raid is presented sympathetically as being necessary and justified, while the law-enforcement officers trying to catch the perpetrators are depicted as oppressive Northern occupiers. Although the Klan is not mentioned in that scene (though Rhett tells Archie to bum the “robes”, the book notes that Scarlett finds the Klan abominable. She believed the men should all just stay at home (she wanted both to be petted for her ordeal and to give the hated ‘Yankees no more reason to tighten martial law, which is bad for her businesses). Rhett is also ‘mentioned to be no great lover of the Klan. At one point, he said that if it were necessary, he would join in an effort to join “society”. The novel never explicitly states whether this drastic step was necessary in his view. The local chapter later breaks up under the pressure from Rhett and Ashley Scarlett expresses views that were common of the era, Some examples: “'How stupid negroes were! They never thought of anything unless they were told.”” Scarlett thinks to herself, after returning to Tara after the fall of Atlanta. “How dared they laugh, the black apest...She'd like to have them all whipped until the blood ran down...What devils the Yankees were to set them free!”” Scarlett again thinking to herself, seeing free blacks after the war. However, she is kind to Pork, her father's trusted manservant. He tells Scarlett that if she were as nice to white people as she is to black, a lot more people would like her. She almost loses her temper when the Yankee women say they would never have a black nurse in their house and talk about Uncle Peter, Aunt Pittypat's beloved and loyal servant, as if he were a mule, Scarlett informs them that Uncle Peter is a member of the family, which bewilders the Yankee women and leads them to misinterpret the situation, INSPIRATIONS As several elements of Gone with the Wind have parallels with Margaret Mitchell's own life, her experiences may have provided some inspiration for the story in context. Mitchell's understanding of life and hardship during the American Civil War, for example, came from elderly relatives and neighbors passing war stories to her generation. While Margaret Mitchell used to say that her Gone with the Wind characters were not based on real people, modern researchers have found similarities to some of the people in Mitchell's own life as well as to individuals she knew or she heard of. Mitchell's maternal ‘grandmother, Annie Fitzgerald Stephens, was born in 1845; she was the daughter of an Irish 12. CUON THEO CHIEU GIO immigrant, who owned a large plantation on Tara Road in Clayton County, south of Atlanta, and who married an American Woman named Ellen, and had several children, all daughters ‘Many researchers believe that the physical brutality and low regard for women exhibited by Rhett Butler was based on Mitchell's first husband, Red Upshaw. She divorced him after she learned he was a bootlegger amid rumors of abuse and infidelity. After a stay at the plantation called The Woodlands, and later Barnsley Gardens, ‘Mitchell may have gotten the inspiration for the dashing scoundrel from Sir Godfrey Barnsley of Adairsville, Georgia. ‘Martha Bulloch Roosevelt, the mother of US president Theodore Roosevelt may have been an inspiration for Scarlett O'Hara. Roosevelt biographer David McCullough discovered that Mitchell, as a reporter for The Atlanta Journal, conducted an interview with one of Martha's closest friends and bridesmaid, Evelyn King Williams, then 87. In that interview, she described Martha's physical appearance, beauty, grace, and intelligence in detail. The similarities between Martha and the Scarlett character are striking. GEORGE TRENHOLM AS HISTORICAL FOR RHETT BUTLER It made international news in 1989 when Dr. E. Lee Spence, an underwater archaeologist and shipwreck expert from Charleston, South Carolina, announced his discovery that Margaret Mitchell had actually taken much of her compelling story of love, greed and war from real life and that Mitchell had actually based most of Rhett Butler on the life of George Alfred Trenholm. Like Rhett, Trenholm was a tall, handsome, shipping magnate from Charleston, South Carolina, and made millions of dollars from blockade running. Both the real life Trenholm and the fictional Rhett were accused of making off with much of the Confederate treasury and were thrown in prison after the Civil War where they were visited by a beautiful woman with a ‘“fast’* reputation. Spence's literary discovery that had its roots in his prior discoveries of some of Trenholm's wrecked blockade runners made international news. In his book, Treasures of the Confederate Coast: The “'Real Rhett Butler” and Other Revelations, Dr. Spence reveals what the editors of Life magazine called “overwhelming evidence” that shipping and banking magnate George Trenholm was the historical basis for Mitchell's romantic sea captain. Spence's book gives a compelling case against Mitchell's statements that Rhett was pure fiction, SYMBOLISM Over the past years, the novel Gone with the Wind has also been analyzed for its symbolism and mythological treatment of archetypes. Scarlett has been characterized as a heroic figure struggling and attempting to twist life to suit her own wishes. The land is considered a source of strength, as in the plantation Tara, whose name is almost certainly drawn from the Hill of Tara in Ireland, a mysterious and poorly-understood archeological site that has traditionally been connected to the temporal and/or spiritual authority of the ancient Irish kings, SEQUELS Although Mitchell refused to write a sequel to Gone With The Wind, Mitchell's estate authorised Alexandra Ripley to write the novel Scarlett in 1991 Author Pat Conroy was approached to write a follow-up, but the project was ultimately abandoned. In 2000, the copyright holders attempted to suppress publication of Alice Randall’s The Wind Done Gone, a book that retold the story from the point of view of the slaves. A federal appeals court denied the plaintiffs an injunction against publication in Suntrust v. 13. CUON THEO CHIEU GIO Houghton Mifflin (2001), on the basis that the book was parody protected by the First Amendment. The parties subsequently settled out of court to allow the book to be published. After its release, the book became a New York Times bestseller. In 2002, the copyright holders blocked distribution of an unauthorised sequel published in the U.S, The Winds of Tara by Katherine Pinotti, alleging copyright infringement. The story follows Scarlett as she returns to Tara where a family issue threatens Tara and the family's reputation. In it Scarlett shows just how far she will go to protect her family and her home. The book was immediately removed from bookstores by publisher ‘Xlibris. The book sold in excess of 2,000 copies within 2 weeks before being removed. More recently, in 2008, Australian publisher Fontaine Press re-published ‘The Winds of Tara”? exclusively for their domestic market, avoiding U.S. copyright restrictions. ‘A second sequel was released in November 2007. The story covers the same time period as Gone with the Wind and is told from Rhett Butler's perspective although it begins years before and ends after. Written by Donald McCaig, this novel is titled Rhett Butler's People (2007). ADAPTATIONS Gone With The Wind has been adapted several times for stage and screen, most famously in the 1939 film starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh. ‘On stage it has been adapted as a musical Scarlett (premiering in 1972). The musical opened in the West End followed by a pre-Broadway tryout in 1973 (with Leslie Ann Warren as Scarlett). The book was again adapted as a musical called Gone With The Wind which premiered at the New London Theatre in 2008 in a production directed by Trevor Nunn, The Japanese Takarazuka Revue has also adapted the novel into a musical with the same name. The first performance was in 1977, performed by the Moon Troupe. It has been performed several times since by the group, the most recent being in 2004 (performed by the Cosmos Troupe). Boken ble faste gang utgitt i USA i 1936 med tillelen "Gone with the Wind” Copyringht 1936 by the Macmillan Company Copyringht renewewed 1964 by Stephens Mitchell and Trust Company of Georgia as executors of Margaret Michell Marsh Estate All rights reserved. Boken ble gitt ut forste gang i Norge 1937 14 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO GONE WITH THE WIND AV MARGARET MICHELL M MACMILLAN LONDON CUON THEO CHIEU GIO MARGARET MITCHELL PHANI CHUONG I Scarlett O’Hara khéng dep, nhung nam giéi it nhan ra diéu 46. thi bj cudn hit boi sw duyén dang cia nang, nhu trudng hop hai anh em song sinh Tarleton. Khuén mat nang la mot sir két hap hai hoa gitta nhimg dudmg nét kiéu diém cia me, ngudi quy tée mién Duyén Hai thuge dong doi Phép, va nhimg géc canh thé kéch ciia nguéi cha Ireland, da dé hong hio. Tuy thé, 46 la khuén mit wa nhin v6i cim thon, him nd rng. Boi mit xanh biée cia ning duge vien béi nhimg hing no rng boi nhimg hing mi dai rim uén cong vit. Bén trén doi mat 6 la hai vét may chénh chéch vach thanh hai duémg nghiéng dam nét trén kin da trang trong cia hoa me lan miu da ma phy nit mién Nam vé ciing qui trong va cin than gitt gin bing nhimg chiéc nén rong vanh, mang che mit va bao tay dé chéng Iai Anh nding gay gat cia xi Georgia. Ngai véi Stuart va Brenton Tarleton duéi bong mdt cua mdi hién Tara, Ddn Dién cia cha nang, gitta mOt chiéu ndng thing Tu nim 1861, Scarlett 1a hign than cla hinh anh yéu kiéu. Chiée 40 méi bang satin c6 diém hoa xéa rng mudi mét thuée trén nhiing vién dai, ximg hgp hoin toan véi d6i gidy da bé thufc miu xanh ma cha ning vira mua tir Atlanta Chige do lam néi bat t6t cing cai vong eo bén muoi hai phén rrdi, véng eo thon ménh nhét cita Dia Hat xit Georgia, va chiée yém bé sat vita van dé 16 b6 nguc trin tria ctia mét thiéu nit 16 tudi ? Tuy nhién, dau ta ao 4 duge khép kin quanh, dau mdi toc lang mjn 43 dirge biii gon ding vé trang nghiém, va dau hai ban tay trang nho da duge xép tréo trén dii, Scarlett cing khéng che cu noi con ngudi thit sur cita nang tén khuén mit c6 gitr nét doan trang, d6i mit mau fam van khong ngét ling Kanh anh nhigt cudng, bung binh va khat séng, twong phan 1 r6t v6i cai vé bé ngoai cé Lim ra thy mi, Phong cdch ciia nang 14 két tinh nhiing Idi khuyén day ciia me va ky ludt nghiém khic cha Mammy, nhung déi mit vin la mit cia riéng nang. MGi ngwoi mét bén Scarlett, hai anh em sinh déi nhin nha ngdi trén ghé, via ndi cud, vita lo dang nhin Anh néng chiéu xuyén hai ly rrgu ngot bac ha to tuéng, va hing ho bat tréo d6i chin dai mang giay dng cao t6i g6i, ‘cudn cuén nhung bap thit ran chic cia ngudi quen g trén hmg nga, Ciing 19 tudi, cing cao 185, xrong dai thit chic, hai anh em cing gidng nhau nhw hai banh béng vai, cing nhimg khuén mft sam ndng, cting t6e 43 hoe, ciing anh mit twoi,vui ngao nghé, cing mje mot logi éo miu xanh vi quin ky mi miu hot ei. Bén ngoii, nang chiéu chiéu nghiéng xuéng khodnh san, ném nhiing tia sing chéi chang 1én hang cay duong dao vai timg chim hoa tring trén béi cdnh xanh um. Ngya ca 2 anh em song sinh duge e6t ngoai ma 16, 2 con cao Ién bé ling hung dé khéng khac gi toc cha. Vor van quanh chan ngya la mt Ia ché manh khan, hung hang, dang gam gir nhau, va bat eit hic nio cling theo sit Stuart véi Brenton. Xa hon 1 chiit, dudmg nhur dé ra diéu quy phdi, mt con chd léng lim dém den nim géc mom 1én hai chan trade, nhn nai dgi chi tro vé ding bira téi. Gitta din ché, d6i ngya va hai anh em song sinh ndy sinh mt mdi than tinh cdn séu dm hon ca méi tinh cia nhimg ké ludn khdng khit bén nhau. Tat ca déu cudng tring, v6 tu, Linh Kin duyén ding va ding cim, hai g@ con trai ciing hung hang nhwr ngya ho, hung hing va nguy hhiém nhumg dng thoi cing ngoan ngodin véi nhting ai khéo xi Mie dau duge sinh truéng gitta cuge sing dé dai 6 Dén ign, durge sin séc hau ha tit lie bé nhumg cd 3 khuon mft dudi mai hign khdng ¢6 gi ué oai hay mém yéu. Ho van 6 dit nghj lye va su miin tigp ciia dn qué da timg quen séng ngoai tre va khéng mt may may ban tri Boi nhiimg digu nhat nhgo trong sich vo. Cuge sng ¢ Quin Clayton, mign Bite Georgia hay con méi mé va c6 phin séng sugng so véi trinh d6 6 cdc Quan Augusta, Savannah va Charleston, Ngudi mién Nam ky cy va nghiém trang nhit thudng nhin din sdng 6 Cao Nguyén Georgia véi con mat khinh thuimg, nhung 6 day tai mién Bac Georgia, van d& thiéu s6t nhiing diém clu ky trong nén gido dye cé dién ching cé gi dang cho la xdu hd, mign la 16 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO ngudi dan éng co di kha nang dé thye hign nhimg vige thich nghi. Va trong bong vai, cud ngya hay bin gidi, khiéu vO nhe nhing, biét hau chuyén nit giéi mét cdch lich thigp va bidt uuong rugu nh mét khach hao hoa fa tat ca nhimg gi dang ke. 'Vé cde phuong ditn dé, hai anh em Tarleton t6 ta xuit si, Igi edn vugt bye hon véi sit bat Iyc 18 rang vé chuyén khéng thé thau thap ndi bat cit nhimg gi chita dymg trong sch. vo. Gia dinh ho qué gidu, nudi nbiéu ngya va nhiéu nO Ig hon bat oft ai trong todn Quén, ‘nhumg cé hai thi lai it hoc hon bat ctr nguéi Cracker (ngudi da tring nghéo khé é mién Nam Hoa KY) no chung quanb. ‘Dé 1a ly do chinh yéu da khién cho Stuart va Brenton nhan ha giét thi gid 6 céng Don Dién Tara vao budi chiéu thang Tu nay. Ho via bj dudi ra khoi Dai Hoc Georgia, Truong Dai Hoc thir tu trong véng 2 nim da du6i ho ra khdi cia, va anh em cia ho lt Tom va Boyd cing bo hoc, ciing vé, boi vi ho khOng thé tigp tue 6 Iai noi da timg thing tay xir 1G v6i hai anh em. song sinh, Déi véi Stuart va Brenton thi kin bj dudi hgc sau cing nay chi la m6t trd dita, va Scarlett, ké tir khi risi khoi Nir Hc X4 Phayetteville, khong bun lat qua mot trang sich no nifa ci, cing cho 46 ta mot diéu thé vi. Nang néiz - Téi biét hai anh bit cin chuyén dudi hoc, cd anh Tom ciing vay. Nhung ching biét anh Boyd sé ra sao ? Anh dy hiéu hoc, nhumg hai anh lai Lim cho anh Ay lan lurgt phai bo hoc Virginia, Alabama, South Carolina, va bay gid t6i Georgia. Ctr cdi da nay, chic ching bao ity anh dy t6t nghiép duge. Brenton hing he: - 0, c6 gi diu. Anh dy c6 thé hoc Luft tei Vin Phing Thim Phin Parmalee & Phayetteville. Va lai, chuyén ciing ching ¢é gi quan trong. Ding nao thi bon nay cing phai tré vé true khi hét hoc trinh. ~ Sao vay? - Chién tranh ché con sao nita c6 bé khé, chién tranh sip siza bung né bat cit khi nao. C6 twig c6 dia nao trong bon nay sé chiu di hoc trong khi chién tranh dign ra, phai khong ? Scarlett khé chu: ~ Céic anh dur biét 18 khOng c6 chién tranh ma chi néi cho e6 chuyén thoi, Néu e6 thi tai sao anh Ashley Witkes va ba anh ay ndi véi ba ti la may Ong Bic Sit ctia minh tai Hoa Thinh. ‘én tudn tra da di t6i mdt théa higp véi Ong Lincoln vé chdnh sdch Lién Bang. Va lai, bon Yankee qué so minh thi lam sao dim danh. Nhat dinh 14 khéng cé6 chién tranh dau, t6i chin nghe chuyén dé lam réi. Ca hai anh em song sinh déu bit binh kéu lén duéng nhw ho da bi danh lira: - Khong 6 chién tranh! ‘Va Stuart tip ngay: = C6 ché, cung oi! Nhat dinh sap cé chién tranh, Cé 18 bon Yankee nhung qua cai 16i Dai Tuéng Beauregardr ni dai bac day ba ching bat bude s& phai danh tra néu khéng muén cd thé nhuage. Tai sao, Lign Bang... Scarlett mim méi, buc tie: - Néu cdc anh néi téi ‘’chién tranh”” mot lan nita, toi sé vao nha va déng cita lai ngay. Chua bao gid tdi chan nan tiéng nao hon tiéng “‘chién tranh” ngoai trir tiéng ‘*phin ly". Het sing t6i tra va t6i, ba khong ngét ndi chuyén chién tranh, va bao nhiéu khdch t6i nha cing bé bé ndi vé chuyén Dén Sumter, vé quyén Igi cla ede Tiéu Bang va 6ng Abraham Lincoln dén ndi t6i chan ngdy mudn hét lén. Réi bon con trai cling néi vay va nhic chuyén Quén DOi xwa oii cia ho. Cit vay ma mia Xufin nay ching ¢6 m6t h9i hé nio cho ra dm, bai vi bon con wai ching c6 gi dé néi khéc hon. Toi her site bing long Georgia 4% cho dén qua Lé Ging Sinh méi ly khai, néu, khong thi may cudc vui dip Ging Sinh déu hong ed, Néu cae anh Tip Jai lan nfta tiéng “‘chién tranh’” Ia t6i vao nha ngay. sg minh, it chiing ra khoi Dén Sumter, coi chung 1a nhimg tén khiép 17 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO Scarlett sé 1am dang nhu da néi vi ring nang khéng thé chap nhn duge bat ct mot cfu chuygn nio ma trong dé ning khong phai ld chi d8. Tuy vay, ning vin mim eudi trong khi néi, cO lim cho déng tién 6 ma lim sau thém, va chép nhanh hang mi den ram nhu canh bbudm, Ding nhy ning mong méi, cd hai déu thoa thich va vOi ving xin I8i di lim ngwoi dep ‘mat vui. Ho khong hé buén phién chit nao vé vige ning khéng thich thi nghe chuyén cia minh, Chién tranh la vige eta din Ong ché khong phdi cila nit gidi, va hg xem thai dO cia nang nhu mét dau higu hién abién cia nit tinh, ‘Sau khi dua hai nguéi ban trai ra khoi cu chuygn nham chén vé chién tranh, Scarlett kéo van dé tro Iai hign tinh cia ho. ~ Hai anh bi dudi hge, bac gai e6 n6i gi khong ? __ Hai anh em sanh d6i kim ra King ting, nhé Iai thai 4 ciia ba me ba thing trude khi ho bj dudi khoi Dai Hoe Virginia, Stuart dap: - O, ba chira kip ndi gi ca. Tom va tyi nay risi nha lic sing sém trade khi ba day, Tom thi di qua choi bén gia dinh Fontaine con tui nay di thing Iai day. - Dém qua, ltic may anh vé t6i, bic cling khdng ndi gi sao ? - Dém qua, tyi ny gap van may. Ngay trude khi bon ndy vé con ngya gidng ma mA. dit mua 6 Kentucky thing trude durge dura t6i, vac nha néo dng lén. Bang la eon ngya phi thuimg, Scarlett. C6 phai n6i véi ba 6 qua xem cho biét...dgc duéng n6 cn thing nai va dap nhdu hai thing hic né ma mi sai ra dén & Ga xe lita Jonesboro. Vi ngay truée khi bon ndy ve ‘6i, n6 da phé tan hoang tau nga va suyt giét chét con ngva noi gia cia mA, Lite tui ndy vé ‘Gi, ma dang 6 ngoai thu ngwa véi cd m6t bich duvong dé nhir né va da thinh eng khdng miy khé, May dita hic n6 thi deo ctimg trén xa tau ngya, mit dimg trong, bon né so dit lim, edn mi thi nhé to bén tai con tha fam nhur fa ban ei. Trong khi 46, con ngya dimg yén An dung, ca ba gii dit cho. Chua cé ai tri ngya bing ma, Va vira thay mat tui nay, ma hét lon: "Troi oi! Bon dira may Iai vé nha lam gi nifa day ? Tui bay cn doc hai hon binh dich & bn Ai Cip!"". Vay 14 con ngya bit dau khit khit va chém lén, Ba gia lai hét; “Di hét ngay! BO tui bay khéng thay con ngya cumg cua tao bye minh dé sao ? Sang mai tao sé héi tdi ca 10”. Khong chan chéy gi niia, ca bon di nga, va sing nay, tui ndy di sém trite khi ba gid thire day, 8 anh Boyd 6 Iai xoay xa. - Theo 4c anh thi bie gAi c6 dinh anh Boyd khong ? ing nur tit cd nhimg ngwoi Khéc trong Hat, Scarlett khéng la gi chuyén bi Tarleton nhé thé thuréng trig trj céc con ba bang cdch ding roi ngya quat tuéi vao lung ho méi khi han thay 46 14 diéu hitu higu nit. Beatrice Tarleton 12 mot phy nit ludn ludn ban rn nbit, dui tay ba ching nhiing c6 tron mt Dn Dién Béng Vai ring lén, of trim hie nd va 8 dita con, Ini cB thém ct mot trai nudi ngya to nhat xi. La ngudi ndng tanh, ba rat dé ndi com thinh ng vai nhimg chuyén by thuéng xuyén ciia 4 eu con trai, va cho ring thinh thong nén cho ho mt iran don cing chang cé gi tai hai, m§c dau déi voi ngya va bon hac né, ba tuyét déi cam bat cir ai sir dung roi vot. Stuart kiéu hanh véi chiéu cao hon mot thude tam cia minh: ~ Nhat dinh 1a ba gid khéng dénh anh Boyd. Chua bao gid anh Boyd bj don nhigu ca ‘bi vi anh 1a con trong ma cting la dita det nhit trong bon, Béi vay tui ndy méi dé anh 6 Iai dé néi rd cho ba gia hiéu. Thién dia oi, dang 18 ma dimg danh tyi nay nita moi phai. Hai dita nay da 19 tuéi rdi va anh Tom ciing 21 tudi, vay ma ba lam nhw ca dim méi lén séu. ~ Nay mai bie gai ¢6 cdi con ngya méi di dr da yén bén gia dinh Wilkes khong ? - Ba gia tinh vay nhumg ba ni la nguy hiém kim. Dau sao thi bon con gai cing phai di dd tige nur m6t tiéu thu, phai di bing xe ding hoing. - Mong sao ngay mai dimg mua. Suét ea tudn, gan nhu ngay nao cting cé mua. Ching cé gi chan hon la mét da yén lai bién thanh mét bita tigc trong nha. 18 CUON THEO CHIEU GIO

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