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Measuring the Cloth with the

Dont believe anything
Rather, Question, get evidence and establish facts

For everyone who believed

and everyone who helped

In the name of God

Preamble ............................................................................................................................... 6
Holy scripture ....................................................................................................................... 10
THe holy Bible...................................................................................................................... 11
75, 73 or 66 books? ......................................................................................................... 12
The New Testament .......................................................................................................... 13
Who wrote the Gospels? Were they inspired? ...................................................................... 14
Human additions in the New Testament ............................................................................. 16
Calculated mistranslations .............................................................................................. 21
Do you follow the Scripture? .............................................................................................. 25
Jesus according to scripture ................................................................................................... 29
Jesus according to the Quran.............................................................................................. 36
Jesus, Mary, Christians and Muslims.................................................................................. 39
People of the book ............................................................................................................. 42
Christianity ....................................................................................................................... 44
Quran and its teachings ......................................................................................................... 47
What does Quran say about itself? .................................................................................. 48
Defining Islam, Muslim and Allah ..................................................................................... 50
What is Islam? ................................................................................................................... 51
O Muslims, open your eyes ................................................................................................... 54
Quran, men and women .................................................................................................... 62
Women and men are equal in Gods eyes ............................................................................ 63
Dress Code for Women ..................................................................................................... 65
Must women wear the Veil? ............................................................................................... 67
Are women to be beaten? ................................................................................................... 71
Polygamy .......................................................................................................................... 74
Divorce ............................................................................................................................. 81
Living the Muslim life........................................................................................................ 84
Islam Religion of Peace or Tyranny ..................................................................................... 85
Jihad Holy War .............................................................................................................. 86
And kill them wherever you encounter them Quran 2:191................................................. 87
Terrorism, suicide bombers and killing the innocent ............................................................ 88
true teachings in the Quran ................................................................................................ 90

Religion is not what it seems
It has almost been fifteen years since I was introduced to the scriptures, Bible
and Quran. The irony is I have called myself a Muslim from the day I was
born and it took me almost half my life to be simply introduced to scripture
of my own religion.
Paradoxically, this happened at a place where scripture should have been the
cornerstone of everything that goes around, but not. It was at a Jamat
(Muslim evangelical camp) that I had taken part in.
For those who do not understand what a typical Muslim evangelical camp is,
it is a retreat that Muslims take part in, a minimum of a 3 day stay in a mosque
somewhere away from your normal metropolis where we sleep, eat and pray
according to the teachings of the leaders with us. We are taught stories of the
prophet and his companions, we recite the Quran in the Arabic language,
mould ourselves to a humble life with no contact with the secular world. In
the evenings we would visit Muslim homes in the vicinity of the mosque and
our leaders will show us how to preach to Muslims.
On one of these camps while we were having an unwound chat after a
fabulously cooked dinner, my younger brother who was always an intelligent
individual who would not have been more than ten years old at the time
happened to mention a quotation he had heard of the bible. This was when
the conversation had evolved into a light discussion on religions and
scripture. Our leader (Ameer) who I had eternally respected as a very patient
man shut my brother up by saying When you speak of darkness you will
only end up going towards it, he said those words as if it was a revelation of
God, as if its a quotation from the scripture.
It was precipitous illumination. I was stunned. You cannot have an open and
intelligent conversation about scripture with these guys.
I realised that though we are told to read and memorise the Quran in Arabic,
we are never encouraged to understand what it says. Almost every other word
that comes out of our leaders are extra Quranic stories. I started to wonder
why, the foundation of the religion I follow, the Quran is not understood.
Rather it is discouraged. The sole focus in our learnings are reciting the book
as if it is mantra written in some divine language, how to perform prayer,
dress code, sleeping posture, etc.

This led me to get a Quran and a bible and study them, and when you do that
independently, everything changes.
Very soon after that incident I was travelling in a public taxi to college and
the taxi driver was a staunch Muslim as I judged by the clothing and the
fullness of his beard. As soon as he found out I was a Muslim, being clad in
jeans and shirt started preaching me about the way of the prophet. I listened
to him intently not letting him know that I have heard almost everything he
said with one question I wanted to ask him when he finishes his sermon,
where could I learn to understand the Quran? This question made him turn
around and scan me up and down as if I am a woman in a two piece roaming
His answer shocked me further, Why do you want to understand the
As my exploration began I used to examine other religions. I have not at the
time met a single Jew but many Christians and Buddhists. My country has a
majority population of Buddhists, then Hindus, Muslims and Christians and
I used to try studying them. I have always been told that Muslims will lead a
happy life on earth and beyond if they follow the prophets way or Sunnah.
But I truly cannot see a difference in the happiness index, if there ever was
such a thing, between any of these guys. All my Christian friends are happy
too. I was told of Barakath or God-given luck or blessings if I may interpret
it as, that Muslims receive due to following the prophets way. Hence, what
happened to all the happiness and Barakath that Muslims are supposed to
I started studying what Christianity was all about. The first book I read was
written by a Jehovahs Witness and was so tantalising. It had great pictures
and charts and I have never seen a Muslim publish a book like that. The name
Jehovah was strange to me. Where did this name come from? Does that mean
God has a proper name? Why would God need a name if he was the only
one? Even in Islam, Muslims tend to understand that Allah is a name. Only
Christianity doesnt have a name for God, therefore is there truth to the
Two most persistent questions I had in my mind were polygamy and the role
of females in the Islamic society. Since most women have been born into this
system they naturally accept most of these teachings but I asked all of them,
no matter what excuse is given by men regarding polygamy, no woman can
share her husband with another woman and accept it entirely.

I had found a great idol called Ahamed Deedat, a Muslim apologist who
used to know the bible better than most Christians he debated. He used to
insist that Christian apologists quote the biblical verses in context of
surrounding verses. Christians almost always fail in this task and he seems to
know the context at all times. But against a question about polygamy he
quotes a verse from the Quran Marry women of your choice, 2, 3 or 4.
When I checked up the verse in concern, I realized he does not quote a full
verse at all, but a fragment of it. The verse is talking about orphans under
your protection and has a completely different position if you read it in
context. Why would someone who insists Christians to quote with context,
quote this particular verse from his own scripture, completely out of context?
Consequently I continued my study of scripture in order to understand these
questions I had in my mind since answers were meek and biased.
All human beings have a belief system and that system governs actions,
morality and the hope of salvation. Hindus believe in the Bhagvath Geetha,
Smrithis, Upanishads, Puranas and most importantly the Vedas. Christians
believe in the divinity of the bible which is a collection of 73 or 66 books
depending on the denomination, Roman Catholic or Protestant. Jews believe
in the Torah, Tanakh and Mishna while Muslims believe in the Quran and
the historical records they call Hadith or narration (Stories). This book
explores the faiths, the scripture and belief systems of the bible and Quran
All adherents of the above faiths firmly believe in their religions, just like you
and I. Could everyone else be wrong? If you did not make an honest
exploration how would you know?
Have you ever explored the possibility that you do not follow your own
scripture or other documents your ancestors have used to create the belief
system you were born into or turned into? This book attempts to shed light,
explore openly and try and establish an honest awareness. I am not clergy or
what you may call a religious person but an ardent student of the bible and
Quran, with an appeal to not believe in anything but see the evidence and
make your assessment.
If my prayers are answered I will win every war, every battle and every
satisfaction. Where do all our prayers go? Why arent they answered? How
do I know God exists? Am I in the right faith? Why do my fellow evangelists
have quite poor knowledge in the scripture but they speak for hours on
religion? I greatly realised that our religions are not based on scripture at all,

but conjecture and concepts that defy the scripture itself. We have been
measuring the yardstick with the cloth and judging the book by the movie.

Reading in context
One premise that I would like to begin this book is the premise of reading in
1. Context of language and relevance to the time it was written in
translation and interpretation.
2. Context of preceding and surrounding texts of a verse quoted.
3. Context of the book in concern.

The earth is resonant with over seven billion people, out of them 3.7 billion
(53%) individuals believe in either the Bible or the Quran. That is the
influence scripture has on earth.
Taking to account the major religions in the world, adherents of the bible and
the Quran are the latest additions to the consortium of those who follow
scripture. The impact of these two books cannot be unerringly calculated or
grasped by any study because it is just too extensive.
Though different in language and nature of narration, these two books claim
to be revelations given to us humans by the almighty creator of the universe
and both books speak of common prophets or messengers. Though
throughout history there have been numerous conquests, wars and slaughters
using the banner of religion the same number of wars occur within the
religions as well. There are more serious divisions within the religions than
between. Its a true wonder how with one scripture, such divisions could
occur. It is a more compelling wonder how with one scripture, theres more
discrimination, oppression and violation of human rights, than between.
It is a widespread assertion that Islam is a tyrannical, oppressive religion or
system. Well, an honest scrutiny of some Muslim regimes does portray the
fact. Women are forbidden to drive in Saudi Arabia by the state, adulterers
are stoned to death, the Taliban banned female students from education,
polygyny is allowed by law, and women are forced to be subservient. But are
they done by Islam or Muslims?
Most Muslims believe that only they can attain salvation by walking in the
footsteps of the prophet via stories inherited through lines of narrators.
Christians believe that only they can attain salvation by believing in Jesus
being God and his death and ascension as the Lamb of God.
What does the Holy Scripture say? Do they teach us what we believe, about
ourselves and others? Do we know and follow our own scripture?
No, we do not.




75, 73 OR 66 BOOKS?
Throughout the past decade or more, I have observed that the regular person
I meet refers to the bible they have at home as THE BIBLE. Most adherents
of the Christ I have experienced are Roman Catholics but I am yet to find an
average Roman Catholic home to possess a Roman Catholic bible. With the
exception of one or two homes I have seen only the protestant bible in
Catholic homes. I find it curious that most are unaware of the differences or
even the existence of something called the Catholic Bible.
The Roman Catholic bible or (e.g. Douay Version) is a collection of 73 books.
7 of these books were taken out as Apocrypha or doubtful by the protestant
Christians and the protestant bible was developed. The earliest bible
manuscripts contain all of these books which fetches the question, if the bible
is Gods word, how could mortals decide some books are doubtful? A study
of the codex Sinaiticus which is known as probably the oldest and
comprehensive bible manuscript clearly shows that the older bible has all 73
books including those shunned as Apocrypha along with two more books,
the Gospel of Barnabus and Shepherd of hermes, which makes a total of 75
books. The Codex Alexadrinus has 75 books as well. But no translation of
the bible has all. Thus, it is clear that all books or one book as a whole could
not be deemed Gods word because the bibles in circulation in modern times
have nine books lesser than the oldest bibles.
There could have been valid reasons for these books to have been called
doubtful and to be omitted, but the dispute remains in a prime question, Did
God dictate the evolution of the current bible?
According to the Quran, Muslims are supposed to believe in previous
scripture, not only the Quran.


Gospel revealed to Jesus

Torah revealed Moses
Revelation to Dawud or David
Revealed to Muhammed

Thus, scrutinising the bible, which is the only book that could contain the
books herein, is to understand the teachings in its context and in its
legitimacy, not to condemn the book altogether.
As per the Islamic contention, Islam (Peace and Submission) was the religion
or system preached by all prophets beginning with Adam. If Jesus was a
prophet of God, his followers were Muslims. Thus, if any error entered the

bible, on purpose or by error, were done by our ancestors. Not some strange
aliens who we cannot take responsibility for, and it is the duty of all Christians
and Muslims alike to explore the Holy Bible openly.


The New Testament has the four canonical Gospels and 23 other books
which were written later. The New Testament was originally accepted to be
written in Koine Greek which was commonly used in the Eastern
Mediterranean from 330s before Christ. The 27 books eventually collected
and bound as the New Testament are believed to have been originally written
before 150 AD.
This collection of books that devise the bible was not according to divine
ordain but roman emperor Constantines at the council of Nicea in the year
325 A.D. The agenda of the council was to bring all scriptures and through a
show of hands, decide which ones are in or out, and the question of whether
Jesus Christ was divine or human. The most powerful man on earth decided
what Gods word is, not God nor Jesus.
The word Gospel is derived from the Anglo Saxon words meaning Good
News or Awesome News. The four Gospels canonized in the New Testament
are Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus preached the Gospel, thus the
books above are named by humans. Matthew, Mark, Luke or John do not
claim the title as Gospels, nor do the books claim to have been written by
them. They are only speculation.
The following verse talks of the Gospel (Good News). Did Jesus carry one of
the canonical Gospels or was he preaching the coming of Gods kingdom?
Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the
good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the
people. Matthew 4:23
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues,
proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and
sickness. Matthew 9:35
Jesus replied, Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind
receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy d are cleansed, the deaf
hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.
Matthew 10:4-5
The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah Mark 1:1

After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good
news of God. Mark 1:14
A careful analysis of the verses concerning the Good News translated Gospel
portrays that Jesus did not have a book up his sleeve, but rather he was
preaching the good news of Gods word to the people. But when a reader sees
the word Gospel instead of Good News it connotes something else. It
sounds like a book called by the name Gospel not as the Good News
advocated by Jesus. This enquiry begets doubt that these books were called
Gospels by the original authors. The fact is, none of the canonical Gospels
called themselves by a name, it was so named by people.


The Gospel according to Luke begins in a peculiar manner that breaks the
premise of divine inspiration. The author very clearly establishes that he
wrote it of his own accord.
Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled
among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were
eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully
investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account
for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things
you have been taught. Luke 1
The writer claims to have written this on his own accord because he is aware
of Jesuss story and accounts as handed down to him, that he has investigated
and understood the historical account of Jesus and wishes to write the book
for our knowledge. Moreover, the writer does not claim to be St. Luke.
Therefore, it is impossible to believe the book was inspired by God or any
divinity after this explicit statement in the beginning of the Gospel of Luke.
Furthermore, this author is claiming to have inherited the knowledge of the
accounts he writes from those who were eyewitnesses and servants of Jesus.
He is humble enough not to claim to have been an eye witness of Jesus and
his ministry.


Did Matthew write the Gospel according to Matthew?

If a man called Matthew writes a book about his own experiences he would
use the words I and me in reference to himself rather than the word He
which is used by a secondary person.
As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax
collectors booth. Follow me, he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him
Matthew, Chapter 9.
It is plain and clear that a third party writer has written this as depicted above.
Thus the writer is definitely not Matthew indicating that the book was named
by people later on, breaking the belief of divine inspiration. It is impossible
that this book was written by Matthew himself. This assertion is in no way
to prove that Gods words do not exist in the New Testament or to prove they
are all falsehood. Rather, to make intelligent analysis and portray the truth.
The four canonical Gospels have no authentic source or author. It is from the
language it is written that scholars at large agree to their time frame of
literature. The world at large call these books by the names given by scribes
who probably had to name them with something. It is common knowledge
amongst scholars that there were many Gospels under scrutiny at the council
of Nicea where the agenda was to structure the religion of Christianity to be
installed as the official state religion. These four were the books chosen by the
emperor of Rome, not God.



The story of the adulterous woman
Any Christian or anyone who has at least watched TV would recollect the
woman of adultery and the wisdom of Jesus Christ that saved her from being
stoned. This appears in the 7th and 8th chapters of the Gospel of John. This
story was not in the bible but added later by human intervention.
Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.
This is probably one of the most known quotes from the bible and it is not
easy for anyone to believe that this whole story (John, Chapter 7:53-8:11) was
never in the older bibles but added later on by some scribe. In the earliest
manuscripts of the bible the verses depicting the story of the adulterous
woman is not available. A simple comparison between the King James
Version and the New International Version (NIV) of the bible would portray
this fact.
Why would any scribe need to insert a story of this nature to the bible? Yes,
that is a pertinent question.
Though through time the world has forgotten the importance given to Mary
Magdalene in the early periods of Christianity, Mary Magdalene was known
to have been Jesus partner. This is a debated fact but the story above is
attributed Mary Magdalene, probably with the purpose of turning her into a
reformed prostitute. This was probably done by scribes intentionally to phase
away the idea of Jesus having an earthly partner.
One of the Gospels thrown away at the council of Nicea was the Gospel
according to phillip which has a verse that indicates Jesus to have coveted
Mary. In fact, Gospel of Peter, Mary Magdalene and Thomas are all of this
A woman who has not given birth to children may become a mother of angels. Such a
woman was Mary Magdalene, a companion of the Son. The Lord loved her more than
He loved all other disciples and oft en kissed her on her mouth. The other disciples,
seeing Him loving Mary, said, Why do You love her more than us?. Answering
them, He said, Why do I not love you as her?. Phillip verse 55
The four canonised Gospels in the bible does not directly voice Jesus to have
a relationship with Mary but does not negate it either. She was the one most

concerned about him, first to meet him upon his return after the alleged
crucifixion and she leads the female disciples.
Be it fact or fiction, the question naturally raised is, why would scribes add
such a story by hand? Biblical scholars largely concur with the reality of this
story being a concoction.

Speaking in new tongues and performing miracles

The famous declaration of Jesus that people will perform miracles in his name
and speaking in new tongues etc did not happen. It was not in the bible
originally but added later and used by many Christians to justify their
evangelistic missions, miraculous healing and other practices.
He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever
believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out
demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and
when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands
on sick people, and they will get well.
The above verses and the surrounding story of Jesus going to his 11 disciples
were human innovations not contained in the old manuscripts (Mark, chapter
16, verses 9-20).
Jim Jones, the founder of a group called Peoples Temple and followers
drank cyanide and perished due the belief in these verses. It was entered into
the Guinness book of world records for the largest mass suicide with 909
people including 300 children dying in belief of a scriptural passage concocted
by scribes with agendas, verses that never existed in the bible.

The Trinity creed

The most important doctrine in Christendom is the doctrine of the Trinity,
Father, the word and the Holy Spirit. People will find it impossible to believe
that this is not in the bible.
But then again it is there in the 1st epistle of John, chapter 5, verses 7 and 8.
This is human addition.
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the
Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the
blood: and these three agree in one. King James version
This was an erroneous and probably an intentional addition to promote the
doctrine of the Trinity. The actual text according to Codex Sinaiticus which
is probably the oldest manuscript found has the following.
For they that testify are three,
The Spirit, and the water, and the blood, and the three are one.
The verses also differ in the New International Version which was also
translated according to ancient manuscripts.
For there are three that testify:
The Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement.
I believe any reader could easily comprehend that the trinity verse was
concocted in the King James Version and later taken out by Christian scholars
after identifying the concerned verse as a fabrication.

The Ascension
The ascension verses are contained in the Gospel according to Luke 24:50-53
as printed below (King James Version). The answer to the question where did
these verses come from? Why were they added intentionally to what is
deemed to be Gods word? Why have false verses entered into a bible a Billion
people or more will look to for salvation, are questions you as an intelligent
reader could answer after giving it a little thought.
Gospel according to Luke, Chapter 24 King James Version
50. And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed
51. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and
carried up into heaven.
52. And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy:
53. And were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen.
Will it be too much of a tremor if it was stated that the early manuscripts stop
at verse 23 of the chapter 24. The ascension verses are in none of the old
manuscripts that count for anything while the oldest and most pure
Manuscripts, including those preserved in the British Museum for anyones

perusal has 30 verses lesser which means the King James Version has thirty
verses more than it is supposed to. The ascension verses are a complete
fabrication and we humans are expected to blindly read a bible we expect to
be Gospel truth, with human concoctions to fulfil an agenda of some order.

Summary of the fictitious text (Luke 24:24 53) with

The chapter 24 begins with the women (including Mary Magdalene) were
going to the tomb of Jesus. They see two men glistening like lightning and
fall on their knees. The men tell her that he has risen and he was in the tomb
for 3 days (Indicating that he fulfilled the sign of Jonah).
Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary the mother of James tell the 11 disciples
of the events but the disciples dont believe the women. They think its
nonsense. Peter goes to see the tomb, finds the linen that Jesus was wrapped
in and wonders away doubting what had happened.
Two of them were walking towards the village called Emmaus and Jesus
himself approaches them and walks with them without being recognised.
Then Jesus asks the two what they were talking about and they ask Jesus Are
you visitor? Dont you know what has been happening? Jesus asks them
what they were and they reply saying About Jesus of Nazareth, they
replied. He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all
the people. They go on to tell him that the Jews handed him to the Romans,
they crucified him, they hoped he was the redeemer of Israel and that they
did not believe the account told by the women of them going to the tomb of
Thats where the book older bibles end. But the modern bible continues
with the following faux addition.
Some of our disciples went to the tomb later and found it empty. Then Jesus
(still not recognised) calls them foolish, did not the messiah have to suffer
and enter into his glory and Jesus goes on to explain biblical prophecies
about himself to the two disciples. When they reach the destination, Jesus
keeps going and the two men urge him to stay to which Jesus agrees. When
sitting for dinner, Jesus broke the bread and gave them some, which is when
they recognised Jesus. Jesus disappears.
They immediately go to Jerusalem and meet the 11 disciples and others with
them proclaiming that Jesus has risen and that its true. At this juncture Jesus
appears to them and says Peace be unto you. They were startled, and Jesus

puts a full stop to their doubt by telling them to touch him and be affirmed
that he is not a ghost or a spirit. Then he eats broiled fish.
Jesus tells them, that all of his prophecies in the Old Testament must be
The following scripture is below
Suffering and rising from the dead for the forgiveness of sins
Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. He told them,
This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third
day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all
nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send
you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with
power from on high. Luke 24:45-49
The Ascension of Jesus
When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed
them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. Then
they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed
continually at the temple, praising God. Luke 24:50-53
Four central concepts attributed to Jesus are forgeries added to the Gospel
of Luke

Appearance to his disciples

Jesus dying for the sins of humanity
His ascension to heaven
Disciples worshipping him while he ascends


Jesus visit to his disciples after the crucifixion

The world has seen Jesus story where he visits the disciples after crucifixion.
These circumstances are visually remembered. The Gospels do record his
visit, but two of them are forged.
Mark16:9-20 and Luke 24:24-53. These interpolations are already discussed

Isiah 7:14, the virgin will give birth to a son
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and
give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Isiah 7:14
This verse is famous to be a prophetic prediction of the birth of Jesus Christ
through Virgin Mary. Prophecy or not this verse is mistranslated to read as
virgin. Hebrew for Virgin is Betulah ( )wherein the word here is
Almah ( )which means young woman or damsel. This word is no
rocket science and anyone who knows Hebrew would know the true
meaning, thus most bibles have intentionally mistranslated this word.
The dispute here is not about a prophecy but the mistranslation.

1 thimothy 3:16 God in the flesh

The King James Bible says that God was manifest in the flesh with
reference to Jesus trying to prove the divinity of Christ wherein as the old
manuscripts it is cited as He who was manifested in flesh
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was
manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached
unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 1
Thimothy 3:16 (King James)
And confessedly great is the mystery of godliness: He who was
manifested in flesh, was justified in spirit, seen by angels, preached
among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, taken up in glory. 1
Thimothy 3:16 (Codex Sinaiticus)


The church has again and again tried their best to portray the divinity of the
Christ by subtle and mostly not so subtle insertions of concocted text but with
time, honest Christian scholars emerge and old bibles are found and these
innovations are exposed. This is obviously an intentional mistranslation.
Both Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Alexandrinus testify to this fact.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the word

Greek for the almighty God or THE God is Ho Theos, whilst Ton Theos
means Little God or Gods representative. The translators have not
translated it this way.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God. John 1:1
In order to portray Jesus the Messiah as God, the translators have gone to the
extent of mistranslating this as God.

Phonetic - En arch n ho Lgos, kai ho Lgos n pros ton Then,
kai Thes n ho Lgos.
In Greek Theos or Theon means divinity. When you give a nature of
divinity to something or someone you say Theos. God himself is Ho Theos
(The God or the Divinity) which is not mentioned in this verse at all.
Logos ( ) means the word (Jesus), therefore it is evident that the
Almighty God is not mentioned in this verse. Only the representative of God
is cited (Ton Theos).
Christ (Christos) means Messiah, the anointed one, the one who has been
sent on behalf of God. Thus, he cannot be the Messiah and the God at the
same time. It is simple logic, you and your hired employee cannot be the same
person. Either its you or its your representative, both cannot be one. Jews
were waiting for the Messiah and they never accepted Jesus as the Messiah
(Masaha), it is the church that converted the Messiah into God incarnate. The
grave error they made is to call him Jesus Christ, if they did not add the
Christ word it would have been more productive in making him God.
If theon or theos is to connote that Jesus is God then Moses was called God,
by the almighty God himself and if calling someone theon it is to pronounce
him God as the current belief is of Jesus being God, Moses is God too.

Exodus 7:1
Greek -

- ka epen krios prs Moysn lgon ido ddok se then Farao
ka Aaron o adelfs sou stai sou proftis
- And he said unto Moses, saying, Lord, behold I send you as God
(Theon) of Pharaoh, and Aaron thy brother will be your Prophet
Thus it is clear that the reference god here is used to express that Moses is a
representative of God to the pharaoh while Aaron is a representative of

The lost Gospels

There are many Gospels written in the early years of the evolution of
Christianity that have gone completely flouted. A very significant book
written probably by Thomas himself as claimed in the book (None of the
canonised Gospels claim for authorship) exists and is studied extensively. The
bible contains 27 books of those who were not more significant than the
names Peter, Thomas, Mary Magdalene, Phillip and isnt it perplexing why
these documents attributed to the closest disciples of Jesus are not canonized.
Moreover, these Gospels were persecuted and forced to be destroyed. Peters
name was never Peter, but Simon and Jesus calls him Petros in Greek or
Rock in English where we have changed the Greek word Petros into Peter
and decided to call him by a nickname created by the English translators.
Every Christian knows the importance of Peter and yet his Gospel is rejected.
This is probably due to the fact that these Gospels depict Jesus as more human
while Mary Magdalene was his mate and partner. Thus, it is humans who
decided what Gods word should be.
It is strange that all Gospels or books that have not entered the bible, e.g.
Gospel of Thomas, Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Phillip etc. portray Mary
Magdalene, not as a retired prostitute but as Jesus partner. The canonical
Gospels are tampered with to allege that she is a prostitute.
The only books that have been retained and canonized are the ones that do
little to portray Jesus as more human than divine. By the looks of it, the older
church did their best to hide documents that explicitly prove him to be human
and further attempted textual additions in what they included in the bible to
suit their agenda.

Gods words or mortal work?

You shall have no other gods before me
That sounds like Gods words. - Genesis 20:3.
Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her
youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers,
whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that
of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your
bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled.
Now that does not sound like Gods words. This is from Ezekiel 23: 19 - 21.
It is highly doubtful that God would go to the extent of describing the size of
a mans genitals and the quantity of his seminal fluid. It is evident that mortal
influence is rampant and we as readers must derive whats positive and omit
what is not for our moral and intellectual progression.
There are five incidents of incest in the first book of the bible, which you will
find difficulty in being more explicit. These passages were probably written
by the scribes themselves though the true author of the Old Testament is a
mystery. It certainly cannot be Gods inspiration to write such explicitly
perverted texts.

Who wrote the Pentateuch?

Pentateuch is a name given to the first 5 books of the bible also referred to as
the Torah. This is the scripture of the Jews and the most important book of
the Old Testament for the Christians. The Torah contains most of the stories
we have seen in movies, heard of and relived all our lives.
It is a general contention of most Christians that Moses wrote the Torah
himself. But a simple read through the scripture will show otherwise.


Can a dead man write?

The most significant verse that breaks the contention of Moses authorship is
one of the last verses in the Torah.
And Moses the servant of the Lord died there in Moab, as the Lord had said. He
buried him in Moab, in the valley opposite Beth Peor, but to this day no one
knows where his grave is. Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he
died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone. The Israelites grieved for
Moses in the plains of Moab thirty days, until the time of weeping and mourning
was over. Deuteronomy 34:5 - 8
It is impossible for Moses to write his own eulogy as above declaring that his
body was never found. This in fact clearly indicates that a third party wrote
the book and also that it was long after Moses passed away. In fact recent
studies show that there could have been at least 4 different authors of the
Torah due to the textual style, reference to God etc. Yahweh, Elohim and
Adonai are some of the significant words used to refer to God and the writers
completely differ in reference to God, nature of God and agenda. It is a basic
argument that if it was God who dictated all texts in the bible, the style of
writing, his own nature or name will have the same nature.
This analysis is very basic and deeper studies have been made which would
take a whole report to elucidate. The bible is one of the most important books
in the world which is dear to any theologian or any Christian. But the
acceptance of its nature is important because it is then, that humans could
make intelligent choices and understand the fact that that the books do
contain Gods word but every passage cannot be accepted as Gods direct


Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ead

This is a well-known passage in the bible. The Jews recite this in their prayer
and Moses and Jesus used it in the Old and New Testaments respectively.
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Deuteronomy, Chapter 6, Verse


One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had
given them a good answer, he asked him, Of all the commandments, which is the
most important? The most important one, answered Jesus, is this: Hear, O
Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The
second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater
than these. Mark, Chapter 11, Verses 28-31
You could easily see that the catechism taught in the church contradicts this
teaching imparted by Jesus himself as the most important doctrine.
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spirits Sancti (Latin) - in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
This Trinitarian concept is cited in the King James Version of the bible as a
doctrine in the 1st epistle of John, chapter 5 which was taken out by Christian
scholars of the bible as a later addition. This phrase was not a part of the
original bible manuscripts. The bible vehemently commands a monotheistic
doctrine though throughout history, the church teaches the Trinitarian
To you it was shown, that you might know that the Lord is God; there is no
other besides him. - Deuteronomy 4:35
Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: I
am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. - Isaiah 44:6
You are my witnesses, declares the Lord, and my servant whom I have
chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before
me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me. - Isaiah 43:10
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. - Deuteronomy 6:4
I am the Lord, and there is no other, besides me there is no God; I equip you,
though you do not know me, - Isaiah 45:5
Jesus answered, The most important is, Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God,
the Lord is one. - Mark 12:29
And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ
whom you have sent. - John 17:3
One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:6
Who has performed and done this, calling the generations from the beginning?
I, the Lord, the first, and with the last; I am he.- Isaiah 41:4


The Greatest Commandment

Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One
of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: Teacher, which is
the greatest commandment in the Law?
Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. All the Law and the
Prophets hang on these two commandments.
Very similar to the Old Testament
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your
God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you todayto love the
LORD your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul
Deuteronomy 11:13
Also very similar to the Quran
Say: He is God, the One, Quran 112:1
God, there is no god except He, the Living, the Sustainer. Quran 3:2
Why doesnt Jesus himself tell us that the greatest commandment is that I
am God, Worship me or the doctrine of trinity?
Do we follow our own scripture?
The Gospels themselves challenge the universally accepted nature of Jesus.
Greatest commandments in the majority of the Christian world are

Jesus is God Incarnate

(Jesus himself never claimed to be)
Jesus is the biological or begotten son of God (Forged verses)
The doctrine of Trinity
(Forged Verses)
(Forged Verses)

But Jesus says that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God
with all your heart, soul and mind.


Inherited nature of Sin

The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of
the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of
the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be
charged against them. Ezekiel 18:20
There is no inherited nature of Sin as the bible teaches. The propagators of
original sin and the concept of inherited nature of sin in us humans will use
some verses from Corinthians, Romans etc of the New Testament, written by
self-proclaimed prophets, and they will use concepts and ornamental words,
with teachings that contradict Jesus and God himself.
God is not the creator of confusion and Jesus is the Messiah, the anointed
one, the exalted, sinless Christ. What more could be placed over their
But we will question God and Jesus himself because we cannot believe what
we have grown up with is of no foundations. We have been taught of concepts
all our lives and we will judge the book by what we have been taught and
born into, thus we measure the Yardstick with the Cloth.



Jesus is not his name. A man born a Jew named Yeheshua or Yashua as
commonly known claimed to be the messiah or Masaha in Hebrew. Jesus is
a non-Hebrew version invented for ease. There are many explanations to the
reason for adopting the word Jesus as his name. Some believe it is a derivation
from the name of the mythological god Isus while others explain it to have
been derived from Zeus. But it is true if one explains that a name does not
matter, it is the person it refers to that matters, and Jesus being a most exalted
name in the world does not need any introduction.
The word Christ is a short form of the Greek word Christos ()
which is a translation of the word Messiah, the Arabic word being
Masih. The New Testament is in Greek, thus the common question is, if
the bible is translated into English, why is the word Christos not translated?
Jesus Christ means Yashua the Messiah or Jesus the anointed one. But again,
if anyone understand what it truly means it poses no problem. Though many
you will meet on a daily basis would not know the meaning of the reference
Christ or Messiah.
It is manifestly believed by the majority of the Christians that Jesus is God
and Son of God. When a child is born into a Christian family he or she grows
up hearing this formula and never questions it. There are many arguments for
and against it but most of them are non-scriptural. If the bible is accepted as
Gospel truth, or at least to contain some truth, it is an epic question why
scripture is not adopted for this doctrine!
From a Quranic point of view Jesus is a man, he is the messiah, he was born
to the Virgin Mary by Gods will. But there is a big difference between the
Christian teaching and the Quranic teaching, where in the Quranic teaching,
God performed a miracle and the Virgin Mary conceived Jesus while
Christians believe he was begotten by God and that Jesus is the begotten son
of God.
The Quran cites the name of Jesus 25 times, five times more than Muhammed
himself who is supposedly the author of the book, where Muhammed
mentions his own name only five times. This portrays the importance the
Quran gives Jesus. He is called Isabna Mariama or Jesus the son of Mary
plenty of times in the Quran. The Quran quotes the name Mary almost twice
as much as the bible, 32 times, while the bible mentions her name 18 times,
which shows you the importance of Mary in the Quran.


O people, a messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe; that
is better for you. And if you reject, then to God is what is in the heavens and the earth.
And God is Knowledgeable, Wise. O people of the Book, do not overstep in your system,
nor say about God except the truth. Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a
messenger of God and the fulfillment of His word to Mary and a Spirit from Him.
So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say three (Trinity). Cease, for it is
better for you. God is only One god, be He glorified that He should have a son! To Him
is all that is in the heavens and the earth; and God is enough as a Caretaker. Quran,
Though the Christian belief is that Jesus is the God incarnate, Jesus himself
speaks a different creed.
But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has
come upon you. Luke 11:20
By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just,
for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me. John 5:30
As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before
him. Good teacher, he asked, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Why
do you call me good? Jesus answered. No one is goodexcept God alone.
You know the commandments: You shall not murder, you shall not commit
adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not
defraud, honor your father and mother Mark 9:17-19
It is clear by the above verses that Jesus proclaims himself as Gods Messiah,
the anointed one, born to carry out a task by the finger of God and that he
could do nothing by himself. He does not even permit a follower to call him
Good Teacher much less God.
It is a fact that there is a verse that says God sent his begotten son, found in
the King James Version whilst the original manuscripts of the bible does not
have this word. It was again a concoction.
In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his
only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. 1 John
4:9 (King James Version)
Later bibles took the word out and the corrected translation is below.
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into
the world that we might live through him.
Thus, it is a more probable contention that the scribes who were copying the
bible developed the theory of Jesus being a begotten son (Possibly an enforced

development after the the council of Nicea in 325 AD) and the Trinity over
time and somehow tried their best to insert it into the bible. The verse in John
5:7 is also accepted by many scholars and Sir Isaac Newton himself wrote
about it, that Erasmus, a renowned scribe inserted it into his Greek translation
where before him this verse did not exist. As intelligent beings one must ask
the question; why are all these verses, deemed as interpolation, always the
ones that support the current doctrine of the Trinity and Jesus being the
begotten son? The answer is simple, people began a new theory and tried their
best to insert it into the Gospels of the New Testament. Would not God be
very specific and explicit in telling us humans his exact doctrine? Thus most
Christian apologists talk of a belief and explain theories with no biblical
references and sometimes one verse ignoring context.

I and my father are one John 10:30

Countless apologists and evangelists quote a common verse from the bible
(John 10:30) to prove Jesus was God incarnate. I and the Father are one.
It is like taking one word out of a long poem to prove your agenda. The
context paints a completely different picture.
Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was in
the temple courts walking in Solomons Colonnade. The Jews who were there gathered
around him, If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly. Jesus answered, I did tell you,
but you do not believe. The works I do in my Fathers name testify about me, but you
do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them,
and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will
snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than
all, no one can snatch them out of my Fathers hand. I and the Father are one. John 10:22-30
It is very clear that Jesus is having a conversation with some Jews who
confronted him and telling them that he is the Messiah and that God and
Jesus are together in his resolution. But apologists generally only quote the
last verse cited above. I and the father are one. A simple reading of the
following will elucidate further.
Again the Jews picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus said to them, I have shown
you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me? We are
not stoning you for any good work, they replied, but for blasphemy, because you, a
mere man, claim to be God (ton theon- ). Jesus answered them, Is it not
written in your Law, I have said you are gods (Theoi)? If he called them gods, to
whom the word of God cameand Scripture cannot be brokenwhat about the one

whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you
accuse me of blasphemy because I said, I am Gods Son? Do not believe me unless I
do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe
the works that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the
Father. Again they tried to seize him, but he escaped their grasp. John 10:30-39
Note the highlighted portions of the above verses. Ton theon has a different
denotation to the almighty God who is Ho Theos. In the eyes of the Jews
it is blasphemy for someone to claim he is divine or that he was the messiah
that they have been waiting for. And they have clearly misunderstood Jesus
to be merely a man who is claiming to be the Messiah. English readers must
realize that the New Testament is written Koine Greek and Jesus spoke
Aramaic (A Hebrew vernacular). The Greek word for god is Theos from
which theology is derived from. The word god could be Tong Theos and
Ho Theos. Little God and Big God. Jesus is justifying himself by
proclaiming himself to have called the Jews Little Gods.
In my country, Sri Lanka, we have these references that we call big boss and
small boss (Loku Mahattaya and Podi Mahattaya) where the small boss is the
representative of the big boss. The reference here is the same when Jesus says
I have said you are gods which is why the bible translators have used the
lower case g. The reader must know that Greek or any sematic language
does not have upper and lower case letters.
Jesus is claiming that he is the Messiah, and that he represents God which is
not taken well by the Jews and they try to stone him. Jesus tells them I and
the father are one in order to make clear that they are one in resolution or
purpose. Later Jesus tells his disciples that they are one with him and the
father. If you measure with the one yardstick that claims Jesus is proclaiming
to be God here, then even the disciples are all Gods.
Readers could misunderstand the words Father is in me and I in the Father
in Greek it simply means together or with each other. Examine the verse
where Jesus tells his disciples that as long as they are with him they will bear
much fruit. Thus he is in no way claiming God-ship, rather he is saying he
did not.
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you
will bear much fruit John 15:5
When Jesus says I and the father are one he means they are one in
resolution or purpose and that when he speaks, he speaks for God.


Jesus calls his disciples as one with God and himself

My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through
their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am
in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I
have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are oneI
in them and you in meso that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the
world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
John 17:20-23
That does not mean the Father, Jesus and the disciples are all Gods.

Is Jesus the biological son of God?

As cited earlier in this book, the only verse that quotes Jesus to be the begotten
son is taken out as a fabrication. There is not a single verse in the bible that
says Jesus is the begotten son of the almighty god. But the bible does call him
the son and he does refer to god as the father.
As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven
was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him.
And a voice from heaven said, This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well
pleased. Matthew 3:16
Some would find it incongruous that the bible also calls him Son of Man
many times in the bible.
Jesus replied, Foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has
no place to lay his head. Matthew 7:28
Jesus also refers to God as your father in the bible. The word Abba and bene
(Father and Son in Hebrew) biblically does not mean to claim that either you
are the begotten son of God or God is your biological father.
In the Gospel of Matthews Jesus refers to God as Your Father thirteen
times before he calls God by the words My Father for the first time. But
people completely ignore all the verses except the one where the words My
Father is contained. Thus, when Jesus tells you Your Father does that
make you also God or that you are biological sons of God?


Other Sons of God in the Bible

There are other sons in the bible. It is a generic term for Godly person (Bene
Elohim or Son of God in Hebrew).
The sons of God saw that these daughters were beautiful, and they married any
of them they chose. Genesis 6:2
For those who insist that when Jesus is referred to as son it is a biological
relationship, here is some news, God has older sons and he calls them first
born. Does that mean they are more important than Jesus?
Then say to Pharaoh, This is what the Lord says: Israel is my firstborn son Exodus 4:22
They will come with weeping; they will pray as I bring them back. I will lead
them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble, because
I am Israels father, and Ephraim is my firstborn son. Jeremiah 31:9
The New Testament proclaims that anyone Godly is a Son of God.
For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God Romans 8:14
This is why some bible scribes inserted the begotten word only to be removed
later due to it being recognised as fallacy, because the scripture does not have
solid evidence that Jesus is the begotten son of God though the church teaches
Children of God
The bible explains that it is possible for all of us to be children of God.
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called
children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1
The scripture goes on to explain that the righteous are born of God and his
seed remains in them
Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is
right is righteous, just as he is righteous. The one who does what is sinful is of
the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the
Son of God appeared was to destroy the devils work. Those who are born of
God will not continue to sin, because Gods seed remains in them; they
cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. This is how we know

who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Those
who do not do what is right are not Gods children; nor are those who do not
love their brothers and sisters. 1 John 3:7-10



Is it irony or providence that Jesus is mentioned five times (25) more than the
prophet Muhammed (5) in the Quran? The Quran confirms, affirms and with
no compromise establishes the importance of Jesus. Following are quotations
from the Quran that speaks of Jesus and his nature.
Jesus was a Messenger who was given scripture
And We gave Moses the Book, and after him We sent the messengers. And We
gave Jesus, son of Mary, the clear proofs, and We supported him with the Holy
Spirit. Is it that every time a messenger comes to you with what your souls do
not desire, you become arrogant? A group of them you deny, and a group of
them you kill! Quran 2:87
You must believe in Jesus and he is exalted as any prophet, including
Say: We believe in God and in what was sent down to us and what was sent
down to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and
what was given to Moses and Jesus, and what was given to the prophets from
their Lord; we do not make a distinction between any of them and to Him we
submit. Quran 2:136
God distinguishes Jesus as superior, amongst others. He was given the
Injeel (Gospel)
Such messengers, we have preferred some over others; some of them talked to
God, and He raised some of them in rank, and we gave Jesus, son of Mary, the
clear proofs and we supported him with the Holy Spirit. And had God wished,
the people after them would not have fought after the proofs had come to them,
but they disputed, some of them believed and some of them rejected. If God had
wished they would not have fought, but God does what He pleases. Quran
Jesus is the Messiah or the Christ
And the angels said: O Mary, God gives you glad tidings of a word from Him.
His name is the Messiah (Christ), Jesus, son of Mary. Honorable in this world
and in the Hereafter, and from among those who are made close. Quran 3:45
Jesus performed miracles with Gods permission
God said: O Jesus, son of Mary, recall My blessings upon you and your
mother, that I supported you with the Holy Spirit; you spoke to the people in

the cradle and middle-age; and I taught you the Book and the wisdom, and the
Torah, and the Gospel; and you would create from clay the shape of a bird,
then blow into it and it becomes a bird with My permission; and you would
heal the blind and the leaper with My permission; and you would bring out
the dead with My permission. And I have restrained the Children of Israel from
you, that you came to them with proofs; but those who rejected among them
said: This is clearly magic! Quran 5:110
The above verse confirms the biblical passage where Jesus says he performed
miracles by the finger of God.
But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has
come upon you. Luke 11:20
By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just,
for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me. John 5:30
The biblical narrative is generally conceived to be completely different but the
fact is if a close inspection of the Gospels and the Quran is made, it is more
similar than different. The differences are in current Christian belief system
and the Quranic narrative, not really in the scriptural narratives.
None of the following belief systems have appropriate evidence in the four
1. Jesus is the begotten son of God
2. He is God incarnate
3. He is part of the trinity, father, son and the Holy Spirit.
Thus the Quranic narrative is more similar to the biblical narrative than
But most Christian apologists will say that these teachings do exist in the bible
and that the Quran is completely different in preaching Jesus while Muslims
would say another version of the story, but an intelligent listener will ask for
evidence from the scripture for what they are proclaiming, not just belief
statements. What is the scriptural proof you can provide? Without that
question, we are like parrots repeating what we hear without comprehension.


Jesus is not God

And God will say: O Jesus, son of Mary, did you tell the people to take you and your
mother as gods other than God? He said Glory to you, I cannot say what I have no
right of. If I had said it then you know it, you know what is in myself while I do not
know what is in yourself. You are the Knower of the unseen. I only said to them
what you commanded me to say, that you shall serve God my Lord and your Lord;
and I was witness over them as long as I was with them, but when you terminated my
life, you were watcher over them. You are witness over all things. Quran 5:116-117
The irony in the eyes of those who believe Jesus to be God incarnate is that
in the Gospel, the same claim similar to the above Quranic verse exists.
Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of
heaven, but only those who do the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many
will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and
in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?
Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!
Matthew 7:21
As in the Quranic verse above Jesus says he is not God in the biblical scripture
above. The following verse goes on to confirm the same, Jesus commands
you not to even call him God, not even dreaming of being called God .
As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before
him. Good teacher, he asked, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Why
do you call me good? Jesus answered. No one is goodexcept God alone.
Mark 10:17-18



Mary, the mother of Jesus chosen above all women of the world
And the angels said: O Mary, God has selected you and cleansed you, and He
has selected you over all the women of the worlds. Quran 3:42
O Mary, be dutiful to your Lord and prostrate and kneel with those who
kneel. Quran 3:43
This is from the news of the unseen that We inspire to you. You were not with
them when they drew straws as to which one of them will be charged with Mary;
you were not with them when they disputed. Quran 3:44
Mary is told that Jesus is the word of God
And the angels said: O Mary, God gives you glad tidings of a word from Him.
His name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary. Honourable in this world and in
the Hereafter, and from among those who are made close. Quran 3:45
Jesus will speak from the cradle
And he will speak to the people from the cradle and to middle age, and is from
among the upright. Quran 3:46
Mary, the virgin mother of the Christ. God just wills it, and it transpires
She said: My Lord, how can I have a son when no human being has been with
me? He said: It is thus that God creates what He wills, when He decrees a
command, He merely says to it Be, and it is. Quran 3:47
Jesus will be of wisdom and scripture
And He teaches him the Book and the Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel.
Quran 3:48
Jesus will come as a messenger to the Israelites
And as a messenger to the Children of Israel: I have come to you with a sign
from your Lord; that I create for you from clay the form of a bird, then I blow
into it and it becomes a bird with the permission of God, and I heal the blind
and the lepers, and give life to the dead with the permission of God, and I
prophesize for you what you shall eat and what to store in your homes. In that
is a sign for you if you are believers. Quran 3:49


Jesus authenticates the previous scripture, he calls people to obey God and
And authenticating what is between my hands of the Torah, and to make
lawful some of that which was made unlawful to you; and I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so be aware of God and obey me. Quran 3:50
Jesus calls you to serve God
God is my Lord and your Lord, so serve Him, this is a straight path. Quran
He was rejected by some Israelites, but his disciples were with him
So when Jesus felt their rejection, he said: Who are my supporters to God?
The disciples said: We are the supporters of God, we believe in God and we
bear witness that we have submitted. Quran 3:52
Our Lord, we believe in what you have sent down, and followed the messenger,
so record us with those who bear witness. Quran 3:53
People plotted against Jesus
And they schemed and God schemed, but God is the best schemer. Quran 3:54
God terminated Jesus life and raised him to himself
For God said: O Jesus, I will terminate your life, and raise you to me, and
cleanse you of those who have rejected, and make those who have followed you
above those who have rejected until the Day of Resurrection. Then to me is your
return, all of you, thus I will judge between you in what it was that you
disputed. Quran 3:55
Jesus was not crucified nor was he killed
The Quran proclaims that Jesus was not crucified but it was made to appear as he
was. Not too much explanation is needed to justify that Jesus did not die on the
cross, God merely wills it and it occurs. God made it appear as if Jesus was
crucified, whether it was someone else or it was just an illusion is not a question,
but it is clear that it appeared as such.
The Gospels in the bible is claimed to have been the narrations of those who
witnessed the crucifixion. But they are not statements made by God. Quranic
version of the story is different but will coincide with the bible story since the
Gospels are written by human witnesses whilst the Quran says that it appeared as


if he was crucified, thus even if the Gospels were written by true witnesses, there
is no dispute between the two narrations.
And their saying: We have killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, messenger
of God! And they had not killed him, nor crucified him, but it appeared to
them as if they had. And those who dispute are in doubt regarding him, they
have no knowledge except to follow conjecture; they did not kill him for a
certainty. Quran 4:157
Instead, God had raised him to Himself; and God is Noble, Wise. Quran
Those who rejected Jesus will be punished
As for those who have rejected, I will punish them severely in this world and
in the Hereafter, they will have no supporters. Quran 3:56
Those who followed Jesus will be saved
And as for those who have believed and have done good works, we will pay
them their recompense; God does not love the wicked. Quran 3:57
Jesus is similar to Adam in creation.
Adam created from dust and Jesus was born of a Virgin. This is Gods will
and whatever he wills just occurs. It is also a phenomenon that Jesus and
Adam are mentioned exactly 25 times each in the Quran.
The example of Jesus with God is similar to that of Adam; He created him from
dust, then He said to him Be and he was. Quran 3:59
Jesus was a messenger of God and he is not part of a trinity
The bible does not contain the word trinity, but the Quran does. While the
bible does not have a verse with the trinity doctrine as God, Jesus and the
Holy Spirit being one but three, the Quran negates the concept because it is a
concept made by mortals.
O people of the Book, do not overstep in your system, nor say about God except
the truth. Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger of God and the
fulfillment of His word to Mary and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and
His messengers, and do not say: Trinity. Cease, for it is better for you. God
is only one god, be He glorified that He should have a son! To Him is all that
is in the heavens and the earth; and God is enough as a Caretaker. Quran


Christians, Jews, Sabians and Muslims are all people of the book and all are equal
in the prospect of salvation.
Say: O people of the Book, let us come to a common understanding between us and
between you; that we serve none except God, and that we do not set up anything with
Him, and that none of us takes each other as patrons besides God. If they turn away,
then say: Bear witness that we have submitted. Quran 3:64
Abraham is a commonality to consider
Abraham is a common Messenger between Christians, Jews and Muslims. We
are urged to unify under this banner. Jews believe in the Torah and Christians
believe in the Gospel. Abraham thrived in this world before both of them, thus
we have Abraham as a common understanding between Christians, Jews and
Contrary to common belief of Muslims and Christians, we are urged to unite.
O people of the Book, why do you debate with us regarding Abraham when
the Torah and the Gospel were not sent down except after him? Do you not
comprehend? Quran 3:65
Here you have debated in what you knew; so why then do you debate in what
you do not know? And God knows while you do not know. Quran 3:66
Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Nazarene, but he was a monotheist who
submitted; he was not of the polytheists. Quran 3:67
Some people of the book know the truth but they hide it
If you are not biased in your perusal you will notice that these verses are common
to Jews, Christians and Muslims, though its hard for Muslims to accept. Yes, it
is perhaps time to wake up and smell the coffee, the Quran speaks to everyone
O people of the Book, why do you confound the truth with falsehood and
conceal the truth while you know? Quran 3:71
And a group from among the people of the Book said: Believe in what was sent
down to those who believe during the beginning of the day, and reject it by the
end of it, perhaps they will return. Quran 3:72


Among Christians, Muslims and Jews are those who are honest and those
who break promises
And from among the people of the Book are those whom if you entrust him with
a large amount he gives it back to you, and there are those whom if you entrust
with one gold coin he will not return it to you unless you are standing over him.
That is because they said: We have no obligation towards the Gentiles. They
say about God lies while they know. Quran 3:75
Indeed, anyone who fulfils his pledge and is righteous, then God loves the
righteous. Quran 3:76
And those who lie, give false teachings pretending it is from the scripture.
And from among them is a group who twist their tongues with the Book so that
you may think it is from the Book, while it is not from the Book, and they say
it is from God while it is not from God, and they say about God lies while they
know. Quran 3:78
We are servants of God, not the messenger
It is not for any human being that God would give him the Book and the
authority and the prophet-hood, then he would say to the people: Be servants
to me rather than God! Rather: Be Devotees for what you have been taught
of the Book, and of what you have studied. Quran 3:79
Nor does He order you that you take the angels and the prophets as patrons.
Would He order you to rejection after you have submitted? Quran 3:80
Muslims are commanded not to distinguish between Messengers, Be it
Muhammed, Jesus or Moses
Say: We believe in God and what was sent down to us and what was sent
down to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Patriarchs, and
what was given to Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We do
not make a distinction between any of them, and to Him we submit. Quran


The word Christianity is born from the root word Christos (Greek) which
means Messiah or the anointed one. Christians ( -Christianos) are
basically followers of Christ and his teachings. The dispute arises because it
is a self-proclaimed name to a religion born after the advent of Jesus whilst
Jesus in the bible never calls his people Christians. But if argued, it is a name
and we have a right to call ourselves by it, it is correct because it simply means
follower of Christ and the adherents are followers of Christ and they have
every right to call themselves by that name. The Quran refers to Christians as
Nasara, having two implications, Nazarene as Jesus is called in the Bible from
the source Nazareth where he is from, and the Arabic word Nasara means
followers or adherents.
The word was first used in reference to the early Christians in the book of
Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought
him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and
taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.
Acts 11:25-26
The word Christian repeats in Acts 26:28 and 1 Peter 4:16. As you can see
clearly, the word Christian is used by a third party to refer to followers of
Christ. The more appropriate and original word is Nazarene derived from
the city Nazareth. Jesus is called the Nazarene in the bible as follows.
So he got up, took the child and his mother and went to the land of Israel. But
when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father
Herod, he was afraid to go there. Having been warned in a dream, he withdrew
to the district of Galilee, and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So
was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: He will be called a
Nazarene. Matthew 2:21-23
When she saw Peter warming himself, she looked closely at him. You also were
with that Nazarene, Jesus, she said. Mark 14:67


Christians in the Quran

The Qurans citation to Christians is by the term Nazarenes
Surely those who believe; and those who are Jewish, and the Nazarenes, and the
Sabians, whoever of them believes in God and the Last Day and does good works; they
will have their recompense with their Lord, and there is no fear upon them, nor will
they grieve. Quran 2:62
Yes, it does say that Christians have equal chance of salvation as the
Muslims, defying all claims of many Muslims that only those who call
themselves Muslims, believe in a God NAMED Allah and reveres the
prophet Muhammed above all will attain salvation. Quran says otherwise
The messenger believes in what was sent down to him from his Lord; and the
believers, all who believe in God, and His angels, and His Books, and His
messengers: We do not make a distinction between any of His messengers;
and they said: We hear and obey, forgive us our Lord, and to you is our
destiny. Quran 2:285
The verse above (2:285) explicitly states that the reader is not to distinguish
between any of the messengers, but the readers do. If it is one who calls
himself a Muslim he will elevate Muhammed to the level of veneration whilst
a Christian will elevate Jesus to the level of God.
And we gave Moses the Book, and after him We sent the messengers. And We
gave Jesus, son of Mary, the clear proofs, and We supported him with the Holy
Spirit. Is it that every time a messenger comes to you with what your souls do
not desire, you become arrogant? A group of them you deny, and a group of
them you kill! Quran 2:87
Jesus was given the revelation (Injeel or Gospel) whilst Moses was given a
revelation (Taurat or Torah) which is the similitude to Muhammed who was
given a revelation (Quran) and those who are supposed to be following in the
footsteps of the prophet Muhammed himself reject these Quranic verses
which he is supposed to have uttered from his own mouth.
And Mohammed is but a messenger, like many messengers who have passed
before him. If he dies or is killed will you turn back on your heels? And whoever
turns back on his heels, he will not harm God in the least. And God will
recompense the thankful. Quran 3:144


The above verse (3:144) states that Muhammed was but a messenger like any
other messenger who came before him.
Those who said: God has pledged to us that we should not believe in a messenger
unless he brings us an offering which the fire will devour. Say: Messengers have come
to you before me with clarity and with what you have said, so why did you kill them
if you were truthful? If they deny you, then messengers before you were also denied;
they came with the proofs and the scriptures and the Book of Enlightenment. Quran
3:183 184
The above verses (3:183-4) is clear in saying that messengers before the
prophet Muhammed came with clarity and then the reader is quoted Why
did you kill them? because they came with Gods teachings.
Only those who do not distinguish between those messengers will be in gods
good books.
And those who believe in God and His messengers and do not make a distinction
between any of them, we will give them their recompense. And God is Forgiving,
Merciful. Quran 4:152
And they said: None shall enter the Paradise except those who are Jewish or
Nazarenes; this is what they wish! Say: Bring forth your proof if you are
truthful. No; whoever submits himself to God, while doing good, he will have
his recompense with his Lord. There will be no fear over them, nor will they
grieve. Quran 2:111-112
As the Muslims are told that Christians and Jews stand equal in salvation,
the Jews and Christians are told that they are not the only ones who could
attain Gods favour, Muslims are eligible too.


Quran and its teachings



The 2nd and largest chapter of the Quran begins by an explicit statement that
this is the book for salvation - This is the Book in which there is no doubt, a
guidance for the righteous.
Thus, those who claim to be righteous (Muttaqeena) are required to follow
its teachings. But the question is, do they?
There is a preeminent problem with interpretations of the Quran where the
Quran is measured against other sources for its interpretation. This practice
is evidently extra Quranic and completely against the Quranic teachings.
He sent down to you the Book with the truth, authenticating what is between his hands;
and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel. From before as a guidance for the people,
and He sent down the Criterion. Those who rejected the revelations of God, they will
have a severe retribution, and God is Noble, exacting in Revenge. Quran 3:3-4
God acknowledges that it was him who sent the Torah and Gospel and
affirms that the Quran is the criterion (Furqan). Those of intelligence and
unbiased thought will understand that it is the Criterion that you measure
everything against and whatever you measure against the Quran will give you
clarification, not vise-versa.
If you interpret the Quran with the context of documents or ideas created
centuries after the Quran, which is named by God to be the Criterion or the
yardstick, the similitude is to measuring the yardstick by the cloth and saying
the yardstick is not long enough.

Quran does not contain discrepancies

Do they not reflect on the Quran? If it was from any other than God they would
have found in it many a discrepancy Quran 4:82
It also says, any other book will contain many discrepancies because it is not
Gods revelation.


Do not seek anything but God and his scripture for

Shall I seek other than God as a judge when He has sent down to you the Book fully
detailed? Those to whom we have given the Book know it is sent down from your Lord
with the truth; so do not be of those who have doubt. And the word of your Lord has
been completed with truth and justice; there is no changing His words. He is the Hearer,
the Knower. And if you obey most of those on the earth they will lead you away from
the path of God; that is because they follow conjecture, and that is because they only
guess. Quran 6:114 116
Quran is fully detailed, thus do not seek others to judge you and salvation but
rather vise-versa. Do not obey most humans on earth because they will only
lead you away from the path of God. They follow guess work and we humans
are asked not to fall into their trap.
The following analysis will look at the Quranic teachings that are not adhered
to, current practices that contradict the Quran, current global notions
contradicting the Quran and measure the cloth by the yardstick instead.



Generally across the globe the words Islam, Muslim and Allah are used as
names as though they do not have an Arabic meaning. When speaking in
English we are forced by the society to use the word Allah instead of the word
God and referring to the creator as God is considered offensive and almost

What is his name?

Allah is a conjunction of Al and Ilah. Al = the, and Ilah = God, Divinity or
Deity. Thus the word Allah simply means The God or The Deity that defines
monotheism in one word. It is equaling the use of the words THE
MOTHER, because a person will have one mother. When you say The
Deity it explicitly means you have one deity or one God. Thus Allah is not
completely a representation of the word god but rather, THE GOD, which
equivalence is Ho Theos in Greek.
Considering God to have a name is not logical. Imagine a world where there
is only one pizza maker, why would you need a name for this pizza maker.
If you call his establishment by the phrase The Pizza Shop, wouldnt
everyone know because there is only one in the world? For you as an
individual do you need a name for your mother? When an outsider tells you
Your mother wants you would not you know who she is?
The bible calls God by the reference YHWH which Jehovas witnesses has
adopted as Gods name, he is also called Adonai, El, Eli and Elohim which
is the plural version of El or Eli (Plural in sematic languages is to give respect.
It is called Pluralis Majestatis or plural of respect). Thus the reference to God
does not matter because the world will have numerous languages and they
will have various translations for the word God.
It is common for evangelists and other apologetics to say that Allah existed
before Muhammed but if you think broadly you will see that the statement
Allah existed before Muhammed is equal to God existed before
Muhammed because Allah is not a proper name like Odin or Zeus. And those
who make the statement My God is Allah is in the lines of the statement
My Father is Dad because it is one and the same thing to say God is
Allah as it is to say Father is Dad.


Islam and Muslim

The word Islam is derived from the root SLM where the word means Peace
and Submission. It is a process and not a name. It is something you do, like
walking. You are peaceful and you lead a life of submission.
The Arabic word Safer means to travel and Mu-safer is a person who
travels or a traveler. Similarly a Muslim is a person who practices peace and
submission or Islam (Mu-Islam).

Islam is known to Muslims as a system of faith that takes the Quranic
teachings as the criterion or the Yardstick to measure everything else.
Christians and others alike would mostly not know much about Islam and
seeing the current world would judge it to be male dominated, some will see
it as totalitarian and certainly it is a wide notion that the Quran and Islam
promotes or preaches violence. This analysis will not go into historical data
or global statistics to prove otherwise but will take scriptural study to expose
what the Quran says and that it is not actions of people that should define a
religion or system but the teachings found in scripture. It also will urge readers
to make what you may, because you will perceive that the majority in the
world do not follow the scripture and only follow conjecture and extra
scriptural innovations that contradict the so called sacred scripture itself.

Who could attain salvation?

Christians are called Nasara or Nazarenes in the Quran similar to the biblical
reference to Jesus. The below verses will give you a clear indication of who
could attain salvation.
Surely those who believe; and those who are Jewish, and the Nazarenes, and the
Sabians, whoever of them believes in God and the Last Day and does good
works; they will have their recompense with their Lord, and there is no fear upon
them, nor will they grieve. Quran 2:62
The Quran vehemently says again that the Jews and the Christians will also
say to each-other you have no basis in your faith. But know that it is God
who makes the judgment and that whoever submits to God will succeed.
And they said: None shall enter the Paradise except those who are Jewish or
Nazarenes; this is what they wish! Say: Bring forth your proof if you are

truthful. No; whoever submits himself to God, while doing good, he will have
his recompense with his Lord. There will be no fear over them, nor will they
grieve. And the Jews say: The Nazarenes have no basis, and the Nazarenes
say: The Jews have no basis, while they are both reciting the Book! Similarly,
those who do not know have said the same thing. God will judge between them
on the Day of Resurrection in what they dispute. Quran 2:111
Believe in the God, the last day and do good things in life, you will not have
to fear or grieve.
Surely those who believe; and those who are Jewish, and the Sabians, and the
Nazarenes, whoever of them believes in God and the Last Day and does good
works; then they will have nothing to fear nor will they grieve. Quran 5:69
It is common for many Muslims to call adherents as polytheists but it is not
for you to judge others, God will judge between them and Christians and
Jews are clearly separated from polytheism in the following verse.
Surely those who believe; and those who are Jewish, and the Sabians, and the
Nazarenes, and the Majoos; and those who were polytheists; God will separate
between them on the Day of Resurrection. For God is witness over all things.
Quran 22:17
There are other verses where the Quran teaches us that Nazarenes have
strayed from the teachings of Jesus but they are all meant for you to make
your own judgment call and for a Muslim to respond when questioned or
addressed. One of them is below.
Say: O people of the Book, let us come to a common understanding between us and
between you; that we serve none except God, and that we do not set up anything with
Him, and that none of us takes each other as patrons besides God. If they turn away,
then say: Bear witness that we have submitted. O people of the Book, why do you
debate with us regarding Abraham when the Torah and the Gospel were not sent down
except after him? Do you not comprehend? Here you have debated in what you knew;
so why then do you debate in what you do not know? And God knows while you do
not know. Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Nazarene, but he was a monotheist who
submitted; he was not of the polytheists Quran 3:64-67


This verse is calling people of the book (Ahlil People of, Kithab book) or
Christians and Jews and Muslims etc to come to what is common in between
the faiths, not deviate or practice estrangement. We believe in one God and
that is a common belief that we could unite around.
It also states that Abraham was neither a Jew nor Christian but a believer in
the one God and that he submitted to him. You must realize that the term
Jew is not a God given religious term but a term derived from the original
geographical denomination Judaea while the name Christian was not even
born when Abraham roamed so Abraham was neither a Jew or a Christian
but all three faiths believe in him, this is common between us and lets
appreciate the fact and be united.
The problem lies in the understanding of the word Muslim. Many will argue
that Abraham could not have been a Muslim because Islam was born in the
7th century which argument is fair for the average reader.
Muslim is an Arabic word that means one who practices peace and
Submission to God. It is not equivalent to the words Jew or Christian that
specifies adherence to a particular order. Youve got to be Jewish or follow
the Christ. The word Muslim is purely about Submission and Peace and has
nothing to do with an era, geographical definitions, a particular prophet or a
race. And it is illogical to a Hebrew speaking person or prophet to use an
Arabic word called Muslim, it is the practice that defines him or her.



Letting the sleeping dogs lie
As the idiom goes, we tend to let the current beliefs, systems and robotic
actions of us humans stay as it is. Most of us do not strive (Or Jihad) to dig
deep and disturb things to understand or reveal the truth in fear of hurting our
reputations, respect or social standings. We have a particular picture that we
have painted and do not wish to bring trouble upon ourselves or to be
questioned by anyone at the mosques or in society. Even though we have an
opportunity to learn some truth we tend to leave it be. You wake up the
sleeping dog, it might turn around and bite you.
You dig up the truth, you might yourself find out that you have been wrong
all your life. Truth bites, but God knows your heart better, thus let us not be
hypocrites and execute candid analysis and accept what is plain truth after
establishing facts upon investigating the evidence.
O you who believe, if you go forth in the cause of God, you shall investigate
carefully. And do not say to those who greet you with peace: You are not a
believer! You are seeking the vanity of this world; but with God are many
riches. That is how you were before, but God graced you, so investigate carefully.
God is expert over what you do Quran 4:94

Lunar year or Solar year?

The Quran has cited the word Day or Yawm in its singular form exactly
365 times from cover to cover. The singular word for Month or Shahr is
mentioned exactly 12 times in the Quran indicating the year has 12 months.
Writing a book with over 6,346 verses while containing the number of times
you mention a particular word to represent a significant fact like 365 days a
year in itself is impossible by human effort, especially 1400 years ago with no
Yes, Muslim apologists use this to try and prove that Quran is a miraculous
revelation and only God could have created it. Keeping that aside, the irony
is, the same clerics or apologists who use the Quran to prove that Islam is the
true faith do not themselves follow the Quran, the Muslim calendar as
followed around the world is a Lunar Calendar.
The Lunar calendar is believed to predate 10,000 BC whilst the Solar
Calendar or more accepted as the Gregorian calendar is known to be the

reformed version of the Julian calendar born in 65 BC. Of course, a 365 day
solar calendar could not have been comprehensible in the ancient world
because it is not observable, Lunar calendar is easily observable because you
can watch the moon from full moon to full moon. Science has advanced and
we now know that the earth takes 365 days to revolve around the sun and if
we are still living in the ancient world it is regression, not progression. While
the Quran gives clear proof of the fact 1400 years ago, we have also been
given the knowledge by human advancement. With this knowledge, which
calendar should we adopt?
The world always has been with human beings investigating science and
technology. We are people of science and we always have been. It is mans
nature to try things out and create a science out of what he finds. Therefore,
Muslims must take that step to shed unscientific beliefs and move forward. If
a cart is left without thrust on a hill it is bound to regress.
The world revolves around the sun while revolving around its own axis Quran.
And He is the One who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the
moon, each swimming in an orbit with its own motion. Quran 21:33
The last word in the above verse is Yasbahoona means to imply that you
are moving in your course with your own motion indicating that the Sun and
the earth has its own course while having its own orbit.
The sun is not required to overtake the moon, nor will the night precede the day;
each of them is swimming in its own orbit. Quran 36:40
Recent scientific research has found that the Sun is travelling towards a point
called Solar Apex. Solar Apex is the point the Sun is pursuing in the Milky
Way while it orbits.
This is already cited in the Quran 1400 years ago.
And the sun runs to a specific destination, such is the design of the Noble, the
Knowledgeable. Quran 36:38
If you consider all the above verses in context, you can see that the Earth and
the Sun are swimming along in orbit while having their own orbits whereas
the Sun has its own path of rest that it is chasing (Solar Apex), and it shows
the earth is following the Sun in orbit, the Quran is that scientific. Solar Apex
was a find of the 20th century while the Quran was a revelation older than
1400 years. It is hunky dory to use these verses to prove the divinity of the

Quran etc. But why not go the whole nine yards? Why stop there and follow
something else? Why not follow the Quran you so vehemently venerate?
By mentioning the word Day 365 times and the explicit explanation of the
Sun and the earths orbit, it is clear proof that the calendar the Quran follows
is the Solar Calendar.

Stoning people to death is not Islam

This practice does not have any proof from the Quran. There is a reference in
the bible for this practice and in the Hadith or Stories attributed to the prophet
written some 250 years after the prophet Muhammed.
If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps
with her, you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to
deaththe young woman because she was in a town and did not scream for
help, and the man because he violated another mans wife. You must purge the
evil from among you. Deutoronomy 22:23-24
Narrated By Amr bin Maimun: During the pre-Islamic period of ignorance I
saw a she-monkey surrounded by a number of monkeys. They were all stoning
it because it has committed illegal sexual intercourse. I too stoned it along with
them Shahih Bukhari Vol 5, book 58, hadith number 188
You can see the absurdity of the hadith or story recorded as narrated by
Amr bin Maimun. Monkeys are capable of committing adultery and men are
capable of knowing what monkeys think or worse, they can talk to monkeys.
In this day and age of science and intellectual advancement, for a human
being to accept this kind of text is bordering utter ludicrousness.
Knowing that the Quran does not have any verse supporting Rajm or
stoning, In order to propagate the practice a story has been invented that says
a verse concerning stoning was given to the prophet Muhammed where it was
written down, and a goat ate it.
Narrated 'Aisha] "The verse of the stoning and of suckling an adult ten times
were revealed, and they were (written) on a paper and kept under my bed. When
the messenger of Allah expired and we were preoccupied with his death, a goat
entered and ate away the paper." Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal. vol. 6. p.
269; Sunan Ibn Majah, p. 626; Ibn Qutbah,
These absurd human creations are made to propagate stoning. They even try
to add some bizarre verses to the Quran and say that a goat ate it in order to
protect traditions rather than following the Quranic teachings. If a goat ate it,

was it part of the end of a chapter, or the middle of a chapter? And whats
with the belief that Quran is complete with no errors.
The irony is that though the bible teaches stoning to death while the Quran
does not, it is not Christians who practice it but Muslims.

A Kafir is not what you think?

I have witnessed many discussions, both face to face and remote where some
Muslims call Christians and Jews as Kafirs and Christians and Jews call
themselves Kafirs. We should understand what Kafir means from the context
of the Quran and the language at the time the Quran was revealed.
This word Kafir has evolved in its meaning and understanding due to worldly
occurrences. The phenomenon that changed the meaning of this word is
debatable and bears no value of discussion, but the fact is not only Christians
or Jews are called Kafirs, Muslims are too.
It is personal experience of us Muslims to hear one sect call another sect by
the word Kafir. Animosity of this nature exists in this world and if everyone
is correct, there are seven billion Kafirs in this world.
A simile of the evolution of what this word means is cops being called pigs in
modern times. The original use of the derogative term pig being used on cops
is known to have occurred in around the 1811 where "pig" was denoted to a
Bow Street Runner, the police force. The reference has seemingly reemerged
in the late sixties. The modern dictionaries pronounce it as a slang for a
Is it not unbelievable that within such a short time a word that was referred
to a swine has grown to be referred to a cop? Similarly, think of the word
Kafir evolving through 1400 years. This is also similar to the words Hijab
and Khimar discussed in the chapters analysing womens dress code.


A Kafir is someone who knows a truth and hides it

The first occurrences of the term Kafir occurs in the second chapter of the
As for those who Kafaroo , whether you warn them or do not warn them, they
will not believe. Quran 2:6
Or like a storm cloud from the sky, in it is darkness and thunder and lightning.
They place their fingers in their ears from the thunder-claps for fear of death;
and God is aware of the Kafirs (Bialkafireena). Quran 2:19
An exploration of the chapter in concern in context of the surrounding verse
will expound the true intention of this allusion. Below you will find a
summary of this chapters philosophy.
The Quran is revealed to the righteous, who believe in the unseen, who
believe in this and the previous revelations.
As for those who see the truth and hide it maliciously commonly
referred to as rejecters they will not believe in the truth if you inform
them or not
Their hearts and ears are sealed, and they are blind. They will proclaim
to believe in God and theres a last day but only lie.
They will claim to be good but the will spread corruption. When they
meet those who acknowledge the truth they lie saying they do too
There are no references to religions, races or any denomination. A Kafir
could be a person who calls himself a Muslim as you can see above that when
a Kafir meets one who has acknowledged the truth they lie to you saying they
also do accept the truth. Right at the beginning of the Quran God has
explained what a Kafir is, therefore it is high time that Muslims woke up and
realised that we have been mistaken all our lives.
Of course it is common that most of us were taught otherwise throughout our
lives. The Quran tells you to not follow what your society has taught you
And if you obey most of those on the earth they will lead you away from the
path of God; that is because they follow conjecture, and that is because they
only guess. Quran 6:115
And dont worry if others dont believe
And most of the people, even if you are diligent, will not believe. Quran

No slavery in Islam
Most readers would find it astonishing to hear that slavery still exists in the
modern world. Though the practice was abolished officially it is still very
much alive. According to a study done by the International Labour
Organisation the estimated number of slaves has increased from 12.3 million
to 30 million since 2005. Slavery is not declining, in fact it is increasing.
Defining slavery

Humans used, sold or bought as a commodity or property

Imprisoned or kept by force with no freedom of movement
Forced to work via some form of threat
Forcefully acquired or owned by a master or employer, abused or
under threat of abuse.

Slavery has been officially abolished since 1981 and the world at large,
including some Muslims believe that Islam does propagate slavery. It is an
erroneous view as you will find the Quran telling us that slaves are to be set
free as a repenting act for a sin or crime you commit. If a billion Muslims
follow the Quranic teachings and seek to set a slave free to redeem
themselves, 30 Million slaves might see a hope of freedom. Many do find it
silly to discuss slavery but slavery is very much alive, it is in the increase and
needs attention. The ILO goes to the length of quoting 90$ as the average cost
of a slave.
Freeing a slave is defined as a fundamental pillar of piety in the Quran.
Muslims currently believe in a theology called the five pillars of Islam.

Zakath or charity
Performing the Haj pilgrimage at least once in your lifetime


The above five pillars are not a formula found in the Quran. The Quran
contradicts this.
Piety is not to turn your faces towards the east and the west, but pious is one who
believes in God and the Last
and to free the slaves;
and who upholds prayer,
and the angels,
and who contributes towards
and the Book,
and the prophets,
and those who keep their pledges
when they make a pledge,
and who gives money out of love
to the relatives,
and those who are patient in the
face of hardship and adversity
and the orphans, and the needy,
and when in despair.
and the wayfarer, and those who
These are the ones who have been truthful, and these are the righteous. Quran 2:177
Very directly and clearly the Quran gives a formula to live by, which if
someone has an argument against is imprudent.
As you can see, freeing slaves is part of a Muslims creed.
Quran verse 4:92 says that if you kill someone by mistake (e.g. Motor
Accident), you must free a slave and compensate the family.
Compensating the family is for their wellbeing, freeing a slave is for
your salvation. Imagine every Muslim in the world seeking to free a
slave in case of an accidental death.
Verse 5:89 ordains you to free a slave in case you had broken an oath
or a promise. If you owe someone money and you break the promise
of return, if and when you repent, it is not enough just to return that
money. You must free a slave as an act of repentance.
9:60 gives you freeing a slave as a duty amongst charity and relieving
those in debt.
The Quran articulates in this manner
Do you know which the better path is?
o The freeing of slaves.
o Or the feeding on a day of great hardship.
o An orphan of relation.
o Or a poor person in need.
Quran 90:12-16
Islam is against slavery, contrary to popular belief and is a solution, not a



Male ego is a ghastly fact

Is it irony or purposeful craft for the Quran to contain the singular form of
reference to women and men cited exactly 24 times each? Man is mentioned
24 times and the woman is mentioned 24 times. But lo and behold, the earthly
practice is for the man to be much more superior to a woman whilst the so
called divine revelation does not even discriminate one gender by mentioning
them in lesser instances than the other.
The Quran preaches equitability between men and women. It recognises the
differences and respects those differences and clearly commands a
harmonious and satisfactory lifestyle. Though misinterpreted, maliciously
quoted out of context and egoistic renditions done by some bias scholars, the
Quran elevates the place of a woman in society and the world at large.
In fact, the Quran is a book that explicitly elevates a woman or rather
establishes the equal eminence between men and women in Gods eyes. It will
come as a surprise for most readers to hear what the bible has to say instead.
But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the
woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. Corinthians 11:2
That is not meant to denounce Christianity but to show that before a
judgment call is made, you must look at your own scripture.
Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in someone elses eye and pay no
attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say, Let me take the speck
out of your eye, when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You
hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly
to remove the speck from the other persons eye. Matthew 7:3
But acknowledgement must be made that most countries with Christian
majority have been constructed based on secular and more liberal ideologies
and do not establish unequal laws between sexes. Nor does Jesus, being the
pure word of god, teach inequity between men and women. It is some Muslim
countries and societies that practice unequal laws going against their own


Women are your Tilth

Your women are a Tilth for you. So approach your Tilth as you wish towards
goodness. And be aware of God and know that you will meet Him, and give
good news to the believers. Quran 2:223
This verse is addressing the man and tells him that women are your Tilth. The
word Tilth or arthun Lakum means a cultivation, where you were born or
grown from and where your future generations or children will be conceived.
Many MEN have understood this to mean as your cultivation where you
plant your seed and that you can use them as you like.
In fact it is in the contrary wherein the woman is elevated to possess her due
respect and men are required to give that due respect. Man must remember
that he was born of a woman (Tilth), and that every human is born of a
woman and your children will be born of a woman. Thus, give due respect,
remember God and you will be answerable to him. In a world where womens
rights are questionable, this verse gives the men a clear warning and an
understanding of her status.


Are women naturally defective for salvation?
It is common for some clerics to understand that women are naturally
defective in terms of Salvation. This is directly derived from a famous hadith.
The Quran always addresses us by the words Men and Women over and
over again to show that men and women are equal in Gods eyes, but we do
not follow the Quran. The following hadith (Extra Quranic books attributed
to prophets) is portraying women to be naturally defective in attaining
salvation. But logically it is absurd to think the same prophet who brought
the Quran that says men and women are equal in salvation will utter these
words. Of course, what story stays uncorrupted through so many generations
after the death of prophet Muhammed?
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri:
Once Allah's Apostle went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) o 'Id-al-Adha or AlFitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have
seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)." They asked,
"Why is it so, O Allah's Apostle ?" He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful

to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion
than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you." The women
asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said,
"Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in
the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a
woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the
affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion." - Sahih Bukhari 1:6:301
Bottom-line is the above hadith Attributed to the prophet Muhammed says
that women are naturally defective in achieving salvation and lower in
intelligence in comparison to a man. Take a look at the next hadith.
Vol 4, Book 55. Prophets. Hadith 548. (Shahi Bukhari)
Narrated By Abu Huraira: Allah 's Apostle said, "Treat women nicely, for a
women is created from a rib, and the most curved portion of the rib is its
upper portion, so, if you should try to straighten it, it will break, but if you
leave it as it is, it will remain crooked. So treat women nicely."
Accordingly, we are required to treat women with kindness because they are
naturally defective and we cannot expect them to be any better. It is as a father
or mother required to treat an autistic child with patience because he is not
normal and you cannot expect them to behave like normal children.
These words cannot come from the prophets mouth because he has
originally, in his life time taught otherwise. The above derogative hadith are
investigated two and a half centuries after the prophet dies and they are
elevated above the Quran which was written during his life time. How many
generations would you believe would take a mentally memorized story to get
so corrupt. Most nations have generations reaching a maximum of 30 years
and according to that equation 250 years is over eight generations. Thus, an
intelligent human being would understand the absurdity of this practice.
The above belief that women are naturally defective is completely and utterly
contradicting the Quranic teachings which were uttered during the prophets
lifetime. What should you follow?

And do not envy that which God has graced some of you over others with. For
the men is a portion of what they earned, and for the women is a portion of
what they earned. And ask God from His grace; God is knowledgeable in all
things. Quran 4:32



Firstly, it is vital to cite that the Quran directly tells us human beings that the
best clothing or garment is the garment of righteousness.
Children of Adam, We have sent down for you garments to alleviate your
bodies, and feathers; and the garment of righteousness is the best. That is
from the signs of God, perhaps they will remember. Quran 7:26

Hijab is one of the most famous words in the current world. Some use it for
distinction, some for slander whilst most do not know what it means. The
word Hijab is generally accepted as a veil that women wear to cover their hair
and sometimes even the face. The Muslim clerics propagate it as a way of life
for women dictating her behaviour, conduct and dress code. This concept is
not a Quranic teaching but a later development by humans.
The word Hijab is cited 7 times in the Quran and never as a piece of clothing.
And between them is a Hijab, and on the elevated platform are men who
recognized others by their features. And they called out to the dwellers of the
Paradise: Peace be upon you! They have not yet entered it, but they are
hoping. Quran 7:46
And we place Hijabs over their hearts, that they should not understand it, and
a deafness in their ears. And if you mention your Lord in the Quran alone, they
run away turning their backs in aversion. Quran 17:46
So she took a Hijab to separate her from them, so We sent Our Spirit to her,
and he took on the shape of a human being in all similarity. Quran 19:17
You who believe, do not enter the homes of the prophet unless you are invited to
a meal, without you forcing such an invitation. But if you are invited, you may
enter. And when you finish eating, you shall leave, without staying to wait for
a narrative. This used to bother the prophet, and he was shy to tell you. But God
does not shy away from the truth. And if you ask his wives for something, ask
them from behind a Hijab. This is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And
it is not for you to harm the messenger of God, nor that you should marry his
wives after him. This is indeed a gross offence with God. Quran 33:53
He said: I have enjoyed materialism more than I enjoyed the remembrance of
my Lord; until it had set beyond the Hijab! Quran 38:32


And they said: Our hearts are sealed from what you invite us to, and in our
ears is a deafness, and there is a Hijab between us and you. So do what you
will, and so will we. - 41:5
And it is not for any human being that God would speak to him, except through
inspiration, or from behind a Hijab, or by sending a messenger to inspire whom
He wills with His permission. He is Most High, Wise. Quran 42:51
Could the word Hijab in any of these verses ever be translated as a clothing
or lifestyle for women? These are the only use of the word in the Quran. The
word Hijab is always used as a barrier, only contributing to these sentences
as behind a barrier, beyond a barrier, or a separation. The verse 17:46 speaks
of a barrier over their hearts to connote blindness whilst verse 19:17 talks of
Mary who left the family and separated from them where the word Hijab
connotes measure to separate from someone.
Thus, it is clear that the Hijab (As a head scarf, face cover or behaviour of a
woman) is not Islamic, not cited in the Quran, but purely a concoction of
later clerics.



It is a common directive that women must wear a veil whilst most Quran
translations also pose to propagate this notion. A deeper exploration of the
Quranic verses in concern reveals a dissimilar path. This scrutiny is never to
command women not to wear a veil but simply to expose the truth behind
the Quranic teaching, it doesnt command it but it is your will and you may
wear one if you want to, its just not a commandment in the Quran.
The most common verse used by men and women alike to propose the
concept of a veil is the verse 24:31. I have furnished it below as a step by step
process leaving two disputed words in the original Arabic language,
Bikhumurihinna and Juybihinna.
A. And tell the believing females to lower their gaze and keep covered their
private parts,
B. and that they should not reveal their beauty except what is apparent,
C. and let them put forth their Bikhumurihinna over their Juybihinna.
D. And let them not reveal their beauty except to their husbands, or their
fathers, or fathers of their husbands, or their sons, or the sons of their
husbands, or their brothers, or the sons of their brothers, or the sons of
their sisters, or their women, or those maintained by their oaths, or the
male servants who are without need, or the child who has not yet
understood the composition of women. And let them not strike with
their feet in a manner that reveals what they are keeping hidden of their
beauty. And repent to God, all of you believers, so that you may
succeed. Quran 24:31
The analysis is as follows
A. Women are requested to lower their gaze and keep their private parts
covered. The sardonicism to men would be that in the immediate
previous verse, the Quran commands men to lower their gaze as well.
Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and keep covered their private
parts, for that is better for them. God is fully aware of what you do.
B. Do not reveal your beauty except what is apparent of it. ahara = apparent
is one of the words people are disputed of where what is apparent could
be misquoted as people wish. But this is the word that gives women the
freedom of choice to deem what is apparent in her body. It certainly
does not define directly what is apparent.

C. The word Juyubihinna does not contain too much disputes since some
translators interpret it as breasts and some as cleavage. Basically. The
word misquoted is Khumurihinna or Khimr which they interpret as
Shawl depicting a woman wearing a shawl must cover her breasts with
it where in the process of pulling it down to cover breasts, she also
covers her face.
Many years after the advent of the Quran, the word Khimar has been used to
depict a scarf due to changes in speaking language, just like the word Hijab.
The word simply means something that covers. It could be a cloth that clovers
a table. Translating the Quran has to be done with the original classical
Arabic and it does not mean a woman must wear a head scarf and cover her
bosoms with it. It merely means to cover your bosoms with a cover which
any reader will find appropriate to wear undergarments.
D. Women are required to not drop this code in front of strangers or rather
anyone not cited in this verse. Even an old male servant whose sexual
desires are nullified is allowed.
Even though the Khimar has now become more commonly known as a
head covering for women the original meaning of a Khimar (plural:
Khumur) is any covering of a thing. This is not restricted to a head covering
or a covering of the hair. For a mans turban is also known as a Khumur as
it covers a mans head while intoxicants known as Khamar, for it covers
your mind.
If God intended to install a commandment that women must conclusively
wear a veil to cover her hair, why wouldnt he directly say it? Hair is Raas
and nowhere in the Quran does it tell you to cover it as a practice.


To the disbelief of many it is in the bible that women are required explicitly to
cover their hair. Corinthians chapter 11.
2. I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the traditions
just as I passed them on to you.
3. But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of
the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
4. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonours his head.
5. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours
her headit is the same as having her head shaved.
6. For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut
off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved,
then she should cover her head.
7. Aman ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but
woman is the glory of man.
8. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man;
9. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.
Verse six is very clear in disrespecting women who dont cover their hair
offering a punishment of cutting off their hair. Verse 3 also states that a
womans status is below men and Paul goes on to say that women were
created from and for men.

Men have more responsibility

The following verse is talking of a divorce situation (Divorce and divorce law
will be taken into consideration later)
And those divorced shall wait for three menstruation periods; and it is not
lawful for them to conceal what God has created in their wombs, if they
believe in God and the Last Day. And their husbands would then have just
cause to return together, if they both wish to reconcile. And the obligations
owed to them are to be fulfilled, as are the obligations owed by them. But the
men will have a greater responsibility over them in this. And God is Noble,
Wise. Quran 2:228
1. When a divorce takes place it is mandatory for women not to be left
out or sent out of the home she resides for three menstrual periods.
2. This is to await a possible pregnancy and women are not allowed to
conceal it if she has conceived a child.
3. If she is pregnant the husband must take upon himself the duty of trying
a reconciliation, and reconciliation should be looked for, not forcefully
but in harmony.

4. Mutual obligations must be fulfilled

5. But men have a greater responsibility in this matter.
The famous verse 4:34 tells men are to support women with what they earn.
This is not the end of the verse and will be discussed in the next chapter
named Can a man beat a woman?
The men are to support the women with what God has bestowed upon them over one
another and for what they spend of their money. Quran 4:34
Some translators have interpreted this sentence to say men have greater
strength than women but the word strength will be within brackets and is
added due to developed male egoistic ideals (e.g. Yusuf Ali).



It is common knowledge that Islam allows women to be beaten. Most
traditional translators have interpreted this verse 4:34 to propagate the same.
Some even go to the length of quoting a hadith that says beat her with a
toothbrush. Picture a man beating a woman with a toothbrush. Traditionally,
women were thought to have lesser intellect and the men had a much superior
position in societies but the world has seen too many state leaders, authors,
philosophers and intellectual women to consider them to be beaten with a
toothbrush. These are all translators who were born way after Islamic
practices have been established based on evolution of Hadith and other
interpolations where the translators approach the Quran with preconceived
notions, thus measuring the yardstick with the cloth.

The verse in concern and its analysis based on the

Let me furnish the Yusuf Ali translation that lets the respect of a woman
down by enforcing a mans right to beat her.
Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given
the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from
their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and
guard in (the husbands) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to
those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct , admonish
them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly);
but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance):
For Allah is Most High, great (above you all). - Quran 4:34
The word used here for beat is Idribuhun. This word has many meanings as
Arabic usually is and the meaning changes depending on the context of what
you are saying. Take a simple example of the English word beat.

I beat him and broke his nose

I beat him in the 100 meter race by .2 seconds

You could see the difference in the meaning of the same word when you take
the word in context. Now, lets explore the Arabic word Idribuhunna
derived from the root Daraba.
The Quran is one book and understanding must be based on the context of
the Quran. Islam establishes harmony and tranquility in the man and woman

relationship. By showing Quranic evidence I will prove that it is very easy to

understand that this verse simply tells you to separate and not to beat.

Other verses that have the same word Idribuhunna

The Quran has used this word in many other verses and the word has many
meanings. It has been translated as give, move, cover, separate and to strike
(as in strike their feet on the ground) over 40 times in the Quran as far as my
research has found.
So we sealed (Fadarabna Same root word Daraba) their ears in the
cave for many years. Quran 18:11
When it comes to so many verses the word is never translatable as Beat but the
egoistic, ignorant, male supremacy in the Muslim men who translated the verse,
in combination with illogical and extremely questionable idea of measuring the
yardstick with the cloth the great scholars who translated the Quran has been bias
and they want to translate the verse as Beat. There are two words used in this that
need relooking at.
The word Idribuhunna simply means Separate and Nushuz means disloyalty
(e.g. extra marital affairs)
1. The men are to support the women with what God has bestowed upon them
over one another and for what they spend of their money.
2. The upright females are dutiful; keeping private the personal matters for what
God keeps watch over.
3. As for those females from whom you fear desertion (Nushuz),
a. then you shall advise them,
b. and abandon them in the bedchamber,
c. and separate (Idribuhunna) from them.
4. If they respond to you, then do not seek a way over them; God is Most High,
Great. Quran 4:34


Analysis of 4:34
1. It is the mans responsibility or duty to provide for the woman. That is
not to say that women cannot seek employment or that she must stay
at home but that it is the mans responsibility and he must take it upon
himself. The Quran preaches equity.
2. Women are to be bound by the duty of protecting the privacy and
chastity of a man woman relationship. It is the mans prerogative to
expect the woman to be loyal as much as she expects from him. Is that
not obvious?
3. If the woman desserts you or is being disloyal,
a. you must try advising them,
b. If that doesnt work you must stop your sexual activities with her
c. Then separate from her.
4. If the woman responds to this process by changing her ways, then dont
let her down because God knows best.
This is the more logical and obvious interpretation of this verse. But if you
are bizarre in mind and come from a women beating society, with that
preconceived notion, you could interpret it as beat the woman. But from the
Quranic point of view and context, you cannot beat your wife. Quran
establishes the nature of the relationship between a man and a woman in the
following verse.
Among His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves, in order to
have tranquillity and contentment with each other. He places in your heart love and
care towards your spouses. In this, there are signs for people who think." (30:21)


Marry women of your choice, two, and three, and four is a very famous quote
that most apologists use to answer the normal question about polygamy in Islam.
These are the same Islamic apologists who insist on reading the context when
debating with Christian evangelists. Why dont they use the same criteria on
themselves? This is not a verse, it is only part of a verse which most use to distort
its meaning.

Summary of facts that prove that the Quran does not

promote polygamy
1. Faikuhu (From the root word Nakaha) can be translated as marry or
give in marriage. From the context of surrounding verses and other
facts elucidated below, it is only possible to be translated as give in
2. The verse addresses men and women, thus if it is promoting polygamy
even women can marry women by 2s, 3s or 4s. Thus, unless God is
promoting lesbian marriages to orphans under your care as well, it is
telling you to give orphans under your care in marriage.
3. The verse explicitly refers to fatherless children or orphans and a
situation that where you find yourself in difficulty of taking care of
them. If youre already finding it difficult to take care of orphans under
your protection, would an all wise, all knowing, omnipotent God tell
you to marry them? Think about it, if you cannot do justice to the
orphans and you find it hard to look after orphans you should give them
in marriage, not marry them which is rather senseless. You find it
difficult to look after orphans in the first place, how do you expect to
increase your ability by marrying them?
4. The verse does not say 2, 3 or 4. Rather, it is twos, threes or fours as in
groups. If it is polygamy thats promoted then you can get married to 4
women at a time. Marry four women a day and in 10 days you can
have a harem of 40 wives. Thus, unless God is creating an environment
wholesale polygamy with orphans, it is telling you to give them in
marriage. And God would have told you Marry any number of
orphans as you please rather than putting limits to the number you
can marry at a given time.


Explanation from scripture and context

Before getting into the scripture and the context I would like to discuss a word
used there in. Fainkuhoo (nakaha) which is the Arabic for marriage in the
concerned verse. Arabic is a language to be taken in context alone and this
word could mean marry or marry off (Give in marriage) depending on
the context. It is common knowledge that the prophet Muhammed was
married to more than one woman (According to hadith or stories attributed
to the prophet), consequently the interpreters think that all Muslim men have
the same privilege, since all our lives we have been taught nothing but to
thrive in the prophets footsteps, thats a good excuse. But the Quran puts a
full stop to that excuse by telling us it doesnt work that way in the verse
O prophet, We have made lawful for you the wives to whom you have already
given their dowries, and those who are maintained by your oath, as granted to
you by God; and the daughters of the brothers of your father, and the daughters
of the sisters of your father, and the daughters of the brothers of your mother,
and the daughters of the sisters of your mother - those who emigrated with you.
Also, the believing woman who had decreed herself to the prophet, the prophet
may marry her if he wishes, as a privilege given only to you and not to the
believers. We have already decreed their rights in regard to their spouses and
those who are maintained by their oaths. This is to spare you any hardship.
God is Forgiver, Merciful. Quran 33:50
The irony is, when the above verse is quoted to any man who propagates
polygamy, his immediate question is Why is it allowed to the prophet and
not us?
Please contemplate logically, if you believe in the Quran to be Gods word,
you are not questioning a man, you are questioning God. His
commandments are for him to know and us to derive and follow. There is not
a single unreasonable commandment in the Quran that we can question, thus
do not let your ego puff you up with pride enough to question God when it
comes to the subject of women. Those who judge the scripture, the criterion,
with external sources and concepts because they inherited those concepts are
measuring the yardstick with the cloth.


Now to the scripture

O people, be aware of your Lord who has created you from one person and He
created from it its mate and sent forth from it many men and many women; and
be aware of God whom you ask about, and the relatives. God is Watcher over
And give the orphans (Alyatama) their money, and do not replace the good
with the bad, and do not consume their money with your money; for truly this
is a great sin!
And if you fear that you cannot be just to the orphans (Alyatama), then you
may Give in marriage (Fainkihoo) those who are agreeable to you of the
women: two, and three, and four. But if you fear you will not be fair, then only
one, or whom you maintain by your oaths. This is best that you do not face
financial hardship.
- Quran 4:2-3
If I simulate agreement with those who propagate polygamy, this verse allows
it only with orphans under your care. How many men actually marry
orphans? And why do all those apologists and evangelists not read out the
full context.
Two words in the above verses have been left in the Arabic language because
these are the significant words that most have interpreted unsuitably,
intentionally or not. Alyatama, Arabic for orphan or rather translated as
orphan in the Arabic language means Fatherless Children, not orphan as
understood by an English reader.
And they seek a ruling regarding the women, say: God will give you a ruling
regarding them and what is being recited to you in the Book regarding the orphans
mothers whom you wish to marry but have not given them what was decreed for them,
and the oppressed from the children: That you stand for the orphans in equality.
Whatever good you do, then God is aware of it. Quran 4:127
Where are the fathers of these so called orphans? Well, there are no fathers.
This verse has been mistranslated to say orphans where it should be fatherless
children. Which means if you have orphans under your protection, you have
taken the role of a father who financially supports the upbringing of a
fatherless child, be you man or woman.
There is another verse that talks of marriage where older translators
interpreted the word fainkihoo as marry, and a quick look at the verse in
context will show you that it means to give in marriage.

And give in marriage those among you that are single, and the good from
among your male and female servants. If they are poor, then God will grant
them from His grace. And God is Encompassing, Knowledgeable.
- Quran 24:32
Below are the verses in concern, broken down into several segments for ease
of understanding.
1. And give the orphans (Alyatama) their money, and do not replace the good
with the bad,
2. and do not consume their money with your money; for truly this is a great sin!
3. And if you fear that you cannot be just to the orphans (Alyatama),
4. then you may Give in marriage (Fainkihoo) those who are agreeable to you of
the women:
5. two, and three, and four.
6. But if you fear you will not be fair, then only one,
7. or whom you maintain by your oaths. This is best that you do not face financial
Quran 4:2-3
If you wish to interpret the word Fainkihoo as marry, it has to be fatherless
orphans who are under your protection that you marry. Taking these verses
from the context of the Quran, you can only understand it to give fatherless
girls in marriage, 2s, 3s or 4s at a time, but if it is difficult and you face
financial hardship, only one.
These are fantastic teachings good for humanity, distorted by men with
preconceived notions.


Further proof that this verse says Give in Marriage

Most translators state this verse to say 2, 3 or 4 women. The Arabic words
used here are Mathna, thulatha and rubaa to mean 2s, 3s and 4s (As in
groups of 2s, 3s and 4s) respectively. If it is meant to mean 2, 3 or 4 the Arabic
words will be ithnaan, thalatha and arbaa respectively, thus the verse says marry
them off in groups of twos, threes or fours.
Mathna = twos, not two
Whenever the word Mathna is mentioned it is translated as groups of 2 or
Say: I advise you to do one thing: that you stand to God, in twos (Mathna) and
individually, then reflect. Quran 34:46
But when it comes to the verse 4:3, miraculously it is translated as two.
Rubaa = Fours, not four
The verse 24:4 says bring four witnesses where four in Arabic is Arbaa, not Rubaa
as in verse 4:3 that men use to propagate polygamy. But when it comes to the
question of women to marry, miraculously the word for 4 is Rubaa which actually
means groups of four or fours. Thus, the interpreters have completely ignored
the context of the Quran and blindly translated the verse to suit their agenda of
propagating polygamy. That is because of the preconceived idea of men having
the ability to marry more than one woman, a concept thats been trailing through
centuries and they cannot fathom the Quran not to support their traditions.

Is it a wholesale market that lets you marry a thousand

If the verse is to mean 2, 3 or 4 the Arabic words will be ithnaan, thalatha and
arbaa respectively. But if your heart is diseased with the traditional, egoistic need
to keep your options of marrying more than one woman open you will translate
it as 2, 3 or 4. The reason is, this verse is telling you to give orphans who have
come under your protection in marriage in groups of 2, 3 or 4 (2s, 3s or 4s)
and then says if you cannot do justice due to financial hardship, then only
one. If it is propagating polygamy, then you can get married to women in groups
of twos, threes or fours, which means there is no limit to the total number of wives

you can bring home. It is like a wholesale boutique, marry 4 at a time and in 10
days you can have a harem of 40 wives.
Quran is not talking of polygamy.

What if you are a woman with orphans?

The biggest and most crucial point of the verse in concern is the fact that it
does not say that the verse is talking only to men. Why do men think God is
talking only to them? See the full context from the first verse and it is very
clear that the verses are not addressing men only. Thus, if polygamy is
propagated in this verse, is God giving the authority to women masters to get
married to orphan girls or orphans mothers? In fact, men and women are
addressed here and told how to take care of orphans.
People, be aware of your Lord who has created you from one person and He
created from it its mate and sent forth from it many men and many women;
and be aware of God whom you ask about, and the relatives. God is Watcher
over you.
And give the orphans their money, and do not replace the good with the bad,
and do not consume their money with your money; for truly this is a great sin!
And if you fear that you cannot be just to the orphans, then you may marry
those who are agreeable to you of the women: two, and three, and four. But if
you fear you will not be fair, then only one, or whom you maintain by your
oaths. This is best that you do not face financial hardship.
- Quran 4:1-3
You can vividly see that the 1st verse above is addressing men and women,
and telling us to be sincere since God is watching us. We are commanded to
take care of orphans and their inheritances if any, with honesty. God wants
us to give the fatherless women and their mothers in marriage. This great
teaching has been distorted to enable men to marry many women.
The next verses
And give the women their dues willingly, and if they remit any of it to you of
their own will, then you may take it with good feelings.
And do not give the immature ones your money for which God has made you
overseers, and spend on them from it and clothe them, and speak to them in
And test the orphans when they reach puberty, then, if you have determined
from them comprehension, then give them their money, and do not deliberately

consume it wastefully or quickly before they grow up. And whoever is rich, then
let him not claim anything, and if he is poor then let him consume in kindness.
If you give to them their money, then make a witness for them, and God is
enough for Reckoning.
For the men is a portion from what the parents and the relatives left behind, and
for the women is a portion from what the parents and relatives left behind, be it
little or much; a forced portion.
And if the distribution is attended by the relatives and the orphans and the
needy, then you shall give them part of it and say to them a kind saying.
And let them be concerned, that if it was they who had left behind them a weak
progeny, would they not fear for them? Let them reverence God and let them say
what is appropriate.
Those who consume the money of the orphans illicitly, in fact they are
consuming fire in their bellies, and they will endure the Blaze.
Quran 4:4-10

If you read through the above verses you will understand what this book is
saying, but if you are a person who measures the yardstick with the cloth, you
are allowed to be illogical and egoistic. Polygamy is not Islam, but a
concoction attributed to it.


The current belief in the Islamic world is that a man can declare Divorce
by reciting the word divorce (Talaq) three times to divorce a woman on the
spot. Women dont have that privilege.
It is of utmost importance that the Quranic teachings are exposed which
would break this idea, amongst everyone with this wrong conception.

Divorce law in the Quran

Chapter 65
If divorce is imminent and you have decided to go ahead, there is an
interim period.
Within this interim period you must look after your spouse and it is
decreed in order to give a chance of getting back.
They are not to be sent out from the home unless they have committed
some lewd act
When the interim period exhausts, you can decide to remain together
or get separated
This has to be witnessed by two just people from amongst the man and
woman (family or friends)
If the lady has reached menopause or stopped menstruating, this
interim period is three months
If a pregnancy has occurred the interim period is until birth
You cannot even try to coerce the spouse to leave the current home
during this period
The man is bound to provide for the woman by oath, according to his
Chapter 33:49
If at the time of divorce no intercourse has occurred, no interim is
prescribed Quran
Chapter 2:226 upwards
Interim period is 3 menstrual periods
Reconciliation is encouraged but divorce between the same couple can
occur only twice unless the woman marries and divorces another.

The divorced mother is allowed to suckle the child for two years, no
matter whos custody the child is under
The man is responsible for both their clothing, sustenance and welfare
unless they mutually agree to go their own ways
This analysis would come as a surprise for those who consider Islam to be a
barbaric system to live by. Do not measure the yardstick by the cloth.

Who can you betroth?

You cannot marry a polytheist
A polytheist is someone who worships more than one God. There is great
debate over Christians and Hindus whether they are Polytheists or
It is true that though Hindu scripture and Christian scripture directly protects
and promotes Monotheism, they do have evolved doctrines, Trinitarianism
and Pantheism. But does that make you a polytheist? The word referred here
to a polytheist is Al Mushrikati.
And do not marry the female polytheists (Almushrikati) until they believe. For
a believing female servant is better than a polytheist even if she attracts you. And
do not marry the male polytheists until they believe. For a believing male servant
is better than a polytheist even if he attracts you. Those invite to the Fire, while
God is inviting to the Paradise and forgiveness by His consent. He clarifies His
revelations for the people that they may remember. Quran 2:221
Neither do those who have rejected (Kafaroo) from among the people of the Book
(Ahlil Kithab), nor from among the polytheists (Mushrik), wish that any good
comes down to you from your Lord. But God chooses with His mercy whom He
wishes; and from God is the greatest grace. 2:105
Mushriks and Kafirs are different. People of the book or even a person who
calls himself a Muslim can be a Kafir but they are not polytheists, while a
Kafir is also not a polytheist. Thus, when the Quran commands you not to
marry a polytheist it does not refer to a Kafir. Since a Kafir is someone who
knows the truth but is being a hypocrite by hiding the fact you probably
wouldnt know if they are a Kafir or not. If that individual is a polytheist or a
devil worshipper, yet if it is a Kafir you would not know, because he or she
will not tell you. A polytheist is a person who practices polytheism in the
open and you are clearly commanded not to marry one.


Today, the good things have been made lawful to you, and the food of those who
have been given the Book is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them;
and the independent females from those who are believers, and the independent
females from those who have been given the Book before you, if you have given
them their dowries, to be independent, not for illicit sex or taking lovers. And
whoever rejects belief, then his work has fallen, and in the Hereafter he is of the
losers. Quran 5:5
You can marry those who are called the people of the book. General
acceptance in our society is that interreligious marriages are considered
heresy. If you follow the Quran it is not a part of its teachings. Thus, if you
are allowed to marry those who were given the book prior to you, then they
are not considered polytheists and you allowed to marry them.



Let the scripture speak

Greet people well
And if you are greeted with a greeting, then return an even better greeting or return the
same. God is Reckoning over all things - Quran 4:86
And be humble in how you walk and lower your voice. For the harshest of all voices is
the voice of the donkeys. - Quran 31:19
Invite to your path with wisdom and good advice
Invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and good advice, and argue with them in
that which is better. Your Lord is fully aware of who is misguided from His path, and
He is fully aware of the guided ones. - Quran 16:125
Kindness to parents
And your Lord decreed that you shall not serve except He, and do good to your parents.
When one of them or both of them reach old age, do not say to them a word of disrespect
nor shout at them, but say to them a kind saying. And lower for them the wing of
humility through mercy, and say: My Lord, have mercy upon them as they have raised
me when I was small. - Quran 17:23-24
Speak well with good words
Have you not seen how God puts forth the example that a good word is like a good tree,
whose root is firm and whose branches are in the heaven. It bears its fruit every so often
with the permission of its Lord; and God puts forth the examples for the people, perhaps
they will remember. - Quran 14:24-25
Do not speak with bad words
And the example of a bad word is like a tree which has been uprooted from the surface
of the earth, it has nowhere to settle. - Quran 14:26
Patience and mercy
And race towards forgiveness from your Lord and a Paradise whose width encompasses
the width of the heavens and of the earth; it has been prepared for the righteous. The
ones who spend in prosperity and adversity, and who repress anger, and who pardon
the people; God loves the good doers. - Quran 3:133-134

Practice goodness against your enemy

Not equal are the good and the bad response. You shall resort to the one which is better.
Thus, the one who used to be your enemy, may become your best friend. - Quran 41:34
Do not be arrogant or insolent
And do not turn your cheek arrogantly from people, nor shall you roam the earth
insolently. For God does not love the arrogant show off. - Quran 31:18
Humility and wisdom
And the servants of the Almighty who walk on the earth in humility and if the ignorant
speak to them, they say: Peace. - Quran 25:63
Dont insult those of other religions. Do not play God.
And do not insult those who call on other than God, lest they insult God out of
ignorance. And We have similarly adorned for every nation their works; then to their
Lord is their return and He will inform them of what they had done. - Quran 6:108
Do not mock others
O you who believe, let not a people ridicule other people, for they may be better than
they. Nor shall any women ridicule other women, for they may be better than they.
Nor shall you mock one another, or call each other names; miserable indeed is the name
of wickedness after attaining faith. And anyone who does not repent, then these are the
transgressors. - Quran 49:11
Do not practice suspicion and backbiting
O you who believe, you shall avoid much suspicion, for some suspicion is sinful. And
do not spy on one another, nor shall you backbite. Would any of you enjoy eating the
flesh of his dead brother? You certainly would hate this. You shall observe God. God is
Redeemer, Merciful. - Quran 49:12
No racism
O mankind, We created you from a male and female, and We made you into nations
and tribes, that you may know one another. Surely, the most honourable among you
in the sight of God is the most righteous. God is Knowledgeable, Expert. - Quran



World over the media has since a few decades ago, been portraying Islam as
a war mongering, totalitarian religion. The irony is that as the adage goes,
any publicity is good publicity. People have started studying Islam as a
religion much more due to this. This book will not discuss statistics of who
or what religion is actually involved in tyrannical activity but will explore the
Quran for facts.
Have you ever heard of parents waging holy war against their own children?
And we enjoined man regarding his parents. His mother bore him with hardship upon
hardship, and his weaning takes two years. You shall give thanks to me, and to your
parents. To me is the final destiny. If they (Jihad) strive to make you set up any
partners besides me, then do not obey them. But continue to treat them amicably in
this world. You shall follow only the path of those who have sought Me. Ultimately,
you all return to me, then I will inform you of everything you have done. Quran
Jihad means to strive or go forward with perseverance. If it means Holy war, the
above verse will look silly to have parents waging holy war against their children.
And we will test you for we know those who (Jihad) strive among you and those
who are patient. And we will bring out your qualities. Quran 47:31
Try replacing the word Strive with Holy war and understand to yourself how
insane it will sound.
Jihad or Jahada means to strive and no verse in the Quran portrays it as a
Holy war. But it is the world that has changed the word to mean something
it was not originally meant to be. There are many words that has changed
meaning overtime but when you read a book written 1400 years ago you must
render it by the original meaning. Quran being the criterion, war is not an
Islamic personality and Jihad certainly does not mean Holy War.



QURAN 2:191
Untruthful are those who use this little fragment of the Quran to show that
Quran teaches murder and war. It is a deceitful strategy and anyone who
quotes a little part of any book, completely out of context are utter and
complete hypocrites.
The minor context of this quotation
And fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not aggress,
God does not love the aggressors.
And kill them wherever you encounter them, and expel them from where they
expelled you, and know that persecution is worse than being killed. And do
not fight them at the Restricted Temple unless they fight you in it; if they fight
you then kill them, thus is the recompense of the rejecters.
And if they cease, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.
And fight them so there is no more persecution, and so that the system is for
God. If they cease, then there will be no aggression except against the wicked.
-Quran 2:190-193
You can see that the Quran does not tell you to be the victim but it establishes
that you must not be the aggressor. You are allowed to fight back if someone
aggressively fights with you. But even then, you are asked to forgive and cease
fighting if the enemy seizes his fight. You are allowed to fight only until the
persecution stops.
You must fight if someone is weak, being persecuted and are oppressed.
4:75 And why do you not fight in the cause of God, when the weak among the men
and women and children say: Our Lord, bring us out of this town whose people are
wicked, and grant us from yourself a Supporter, and grant us from yourself a Victor!



The Quran clearly commands no innocent death must occur. Killing an
innocent is like killing the whole of humanity.
It is because of this that we have decreed for the Children of Israel: Anyone who
kills a person who has not committed murder, or who has not committed
corruption in the land; then it is as if he has killed all the people! And whoever
spares a life, then it is as if he has given life to all the people. Our messengers
had come to them with clarities, but many of them are, after this, still corrupting
on the Earth. Quran 5:32
It is a normal accusation that Islam has tyrannical laws and fundamentalism
is looked down upon like a plague. Above are some fundamentals of Islam
The claim that Islam allows you to randomly assassinate people or groups of
people due to their creed is false and is clearly shown. The Quran teaches that
you cannot kill unless the recipient has committed murder. Punishment to
When the Quran is quoted in this manner it is a normal and average response
by many who like to oppose that the Quran says "or who has not committed
corruption in the land" can be killed and you can interpret this corruption to
be anything. E.g. a man slanders you and he has committed corruption in the
land and you can kill him. Similarly, the Quran gives examples that people
with brains to reflect upon. It is a book. Not some 6,346 verses, each to be
taken in completely individual context.

What is corruption in the land?

And in the city were nine ruffians who were causing corruption in the land, and
they were not reforming. They said: Swear by God to one another that we will
attack him and his family at night, and we will then say to his supporters: We
did not witness who murdered his family, and we are being truthful Quran
And they schemed a scheme and we schemed a scheme, while they did not notice.
Quran 27:50


Humans are not even allowed for reward or a thank you note for assisting
someone, forget waging war on innocents or be the cause of an innocent
human being death.
We only feed you seeking the face of God; we do not desire from you any
reward or thanks. Quran 76:9



17:36 And do not uphold what you have no knowledge of. For the hearing, eyesight,
and mind, all these you are responsible for.
Freedom of Creed
10:99 And had your Lord willed, all the people on the Earth in their entirety would
have believed. Would you force the people to make them believe?
Respect for individual privacy
24:27 O you who believe, do not enter any homes except your own unless you are
invited and you greet the people in them. This is best for you, perhaps you will
49:12 O you who believe, you shall avoid much suspicion, for some suspicion is
sinful. And do not spy on one another, nor shall you backbite. Would any of you
enjoy eating the flesh of his dead brother? You certainly would hate this. You shall
observe God. God is Redeemer, Merciful.
49:13 O mankind, We created you from a male and female, and We made you into
nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Surely, the most honorable
among you in the sight of God is the most righteous. God is Knowledgeable, Expert.
30:38 So give the relative his due, and the poor, and the wayfarer. That is best for
those who seek God's presence, and they are the successful ones.
No Usury
30:39 And any usury you have taken to grow from the people's money, it will not
grow with God. And any contribution that you have placed seeking His presence,
then those will be multiplied.
3:130 O you who believe, do not consume usury, compounding over and over; and
reverence God that you may succeed.
Right to travel
29:56 "O My servants who believed, My Earth is spacious, so serve only Me."
No eternal/perpetual circulation of wealth (No Monopolization)
59:7 And whatever God provided to His messenger from the people of the townships,

then it shall be to God and His messenger, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the
poor, and the wayfarer. Thus, it will not remain perpetual circulation by the rich
among you. And you may take what the messenger gives you, but do not take what
he withholds you from taking. And be aware of God, for God is mighty in
''My four children will one day live in a nation, when they will not be judged by the
colour of their skin, but by the content of their character'' - Martin Luther King
No racism
49:13 O mankind, We created you from a male and female, and We made you into
nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Surely, the most honorable
among you in the sight of God is the most righteous. God is Knowledgeable, Expert.
No false slander. But you can stand up for your rights
148. Allah does not love the public mention of evil words, except by the one who has
been wronged. And Allah is All-Hearing, All- Knowing.
42:39 And those who, when gross injustice befalls them, they seek justice.
Right to demand justice
42:41 And for any who demand action after being wronged, those are not committing
any error.
No oppression.
42:42 The error is upon those who oppress the people, and they aggress in the land
without cause. For these will be a painful retribution.
Right to borrowed property
4:58 God orders you to deliver anything you have been entrusted with to its owners.
And if you judge between the people, then you shall judge with justice. It is always
the best that God prescribes for you. God is Hearer, Seer.
Do not harm the environment
55:7 And He raised the heaven and He established the balance.
55:8 Do not transgress in the balance.
Innocence until proven guilty
24:11 Those who have brought forth the false accusation were a group from within
you. Do not think it is bad for you, for it is good for you. Every person among them

will have what he deserves of the sin. And as for he who had the greatest portion of it,
he will have a great retribution.
Punishment cannot exceed the gravity of the crime
16:126 And if you punish, then punish with equivalence to that which you were
punished. And if you are patient then it is better for the patient ones.
You must fight on behalf of the weak
4:75 And why do you not fight in the cause of God, when the weak among the men
and women and children say: Our Lord, bring us out of this town whose people are
wicked, and grant us from Yourself a Supporter, and grant us from Yourself a
Charities to be used for just cause
9:60 The charities are to go to the poor, and the needy, and those who work to collect
them, and those whose hearts have been united, and to free the slaves, and those in
debt, and in the cause of God, and the wayfarer. A duty from God, and God is
Knowledgeable, Wise.
You cannot kill unjustly
17:33 And do not kill, for God has made this forbidden, except in the course of justice.
And whoever is killed innocently, then We have given his heir authority, so let him
not transgress in the taking of a life, for He will be given victory.
Just cause to kill is aggression, but you are not allowed to be the
2:190 And fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not
transgress, God does not like the aggressors.
2:191 And kill them wherever you overcome them, and expel them from where they
expelled you, and know that persecution is worse than being killed. And do not
fight them at the Sacred Temple unless they fight you in it; if they fight you then kill
them, thus is the recompense of the disbelievers.
2:192 And if they cease, then God is Forgiving, Merciful.
2:193 And fight them so there is no more persecution, and so that the system is
Gods. If they cease, then there will be no aggression except against the wicked.


The common question that comes from most sceptics is, then why do some

persecute homosexuals,
stone people to death,
commit honour killings,
force women by law to wear face veil,
ban women from schooling
not allow women a driving license
engage in terrorist activity

The easiest answer is Do not measure the yardstick by the cloth.
Throughout history many regimes, creeds, races and sexes have committed
atrocities against one another. As you can clearly see, the Quran teaches a
complete flipside to all these questions. It is stupidity to judge the scripture by
whats going on in the world. It is more logical to teach those who you
question from their own scripture how they must conduct themselves and
hope at least a portion of those who practice tyrannical and nonsensical
practices would see a change of heart.
We possess an inerrant inclination to provide excuses for the problems we
have in our practices of religion. If I had seen my father bring another woman
home as a new wife my most virtuous mother would probably wither away
slowly and expire. I have seen girls in my society and even in families of my
close relatives stop their female children from education at young ages. Some
are only groomed to marry and bear children. When the Quranic teachings
are quoted, the common excuse is, Islam teaches otherwise. That is an excuse
that defies God they venerate like finger-puppets. If the scripture is the
yardstick, they should measure their practices against it, not vice-versa and
abandon the scripture.
Islam is defined in the Quran. It calls for unity of sexes, religions, races and
nations. It calls for peace and a life of submissive and progressive living.
Let us measure the cloth by the yardstick and take a step towards scripture


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