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a prtica


Julie Lachance

Rio de Janeiro, 2012

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01/06/2012 09:27:23

Este livro dedicado aos meus alunos, porque eles me ensinaram

e me deram muito ao longo desses anos.

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1 To Be: Present Tense


(Ser/Estar: Presente do Indicativo)

2 To Be: Present Tense: Negative Form

(Ser/Estar Presente do Indicativo: Forma Negativa)

3 To Be: Present Tense: Question Form

(Ser/Estar Presente do Indicativo: Forma Interrogativa)

4 To Be: Past Tense


(Ser/Estar Pretrito)

5 To Be: Past Tense: Negative Form


(Ser/Estar Pretrito: Forma Negativa)

6 To Be: Past Tense: Question Form


(Ser/Estar Pretrito: Forma Interrogativa)

7 Exceptional Uses with the Verb To Be


(Usos Excepcionais com o Verbo Ser/Estar)

8 Adjectives



9 To Have Present Tense


(Ter Presente do Indicativo)

10 To Have Present Tense: Negative Form


(Ter Presente do Indicativo: Forma Negativa)

11 To Have Present Tense: Question Form


(Ter Presente do Indicativo: Forma Interrogativa)

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12 The Simple Present Tense


(Presente do Indicativo)

13 The Simple Present Tense: Negative Form


(Presente do Indicativo: Forma Negativa)

14 The Simple Present Tense: Question Form


(Presente do Indicativo: Forma Interrogativa)

15 Possessive Pronouns


(Pronomes Possessivos)

16 The Simple Past Tense


(Pretrito Perfeito)

17 The Simple Past Tense with Irregular Verbs: 1


(Pretrito Perfeito com Verbos Irregulares: 1)

18 The Simple Past Tense with Irregular Verbs: 2


(Pretrito Perfeito com Verbos Irregulares: 2)

19 The Simple Past Tense with Irregular Verbs: 3


(Pretrito Perfeito com Verbos Irregulares: 3)

20 The Simple Past Tense: Negative Form


(Pretrito Perfeito: Forma Negativa)

21 The Simple Past Tense: Question Form


(Pretrito Perfeito: Forma Interrogativa)

22 Prepositions: In and On


(Preposies: In e On)

23 There Is and There Are: Present Tense


(Existe e Existem Presente do Indicativo)

24 There Is and There Are: Present Tense: Negative Form


(Existe e Existem Presente do Indicativo: Forma Negativa)

25 There Is and There Are: Present Tense: Question Form

(Existe e Existem Presente do Indicativo: Forma Interrogativa)




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26 There Is and There Are: Past Tense


(Existia e Existiam Pretrito)

27 There Is and There Are: Past Tense: Negative Form


(Existia e Existiam Pretrito: Forma Negativa)

28 There Is and There Are: Past Tense: Question Form


(Existia e Existiam Pretrito: Forma Interrogativa)

29 Prepositions: To and At


(Preposies: To e At)

30 Present Progressive/Continuous Tense


31 The Present Progressive/Continuous Tense:

Negative Form


(Present Progressive/Continuous Tense: Forma Negativa)

32 The Present Progressive/Continuous Tense:

Question Form


(Present Progressive/Continuous Tense: Forma Interrogativa)

33 Past Progressive/Continuous Tense


34 The Past Progressive/Continuous Tense:

Negative Form


(Past Progressive/Continuous Tense: Forma Negativa)

35 The Past Progressive/Continuous Tense:

Question Form


(Past Progressive/Continuous Tense: Forma Interrogativa)

36 Prepositions: From and Of


(Preposies: From e Of)

37 Will: Future Tense


(Futuro do Presente Simples)

38 Will: Future Tense: Negative Form


(Futuro do Presente Simples: Forma Negativa)


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39 Will: Future Tense: Question Form

(Futuro do Presente Simples: Forma Interrogativa)


40 Be Going To: Future Tense


(Futuro com Be Going To)

41 Be Going To: Future Tense: Negative Form


(Futuro com Be Going To: Forma Negativa)

42 Be Going To: Future Tense: Question Form


(Futuro com Be Going To: Forma Interrogativa)

43 The Indefinite Articles: A and An


(Artigo Indefinido: Um)

44 Irregular Verbs Table


(Tabela de Verbos Irregulares)

45 Present Perfect Tense


46 The Present Perfect Tense: Negative Form


(Present Perfect Tense: Forma Negativa)

47 The Present Perfect Tense: Question Form


(Present Perfect Tense: Forma Interrogativa)

48 The Past Perfect Tense


(Pretrito Mais-que-perfeito Composto)

49 The Past Perfect Tense: Negative Form


(Pretrito Mais-que-perfeito Composto: Forma Negativa)

50 The Past Perfect Tense: Question Form


(Pretrito Mais-que-perfeito Composto: Forma Interrogativa)





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Parabns por escolher A Prtica Leva Perfeio Ingls Bsico para o estudo
da lngua inglesa.
H realmente apenas uma forma de aprender uma nova lngua: construir seu vocabulrio, entender os tempos verbais e os mecanismos dessa
lngua e, em seguida, praticar, praticar e praticar. Este livro de exerccios foi
formulado para ajud-lo a fazer isso.
A presente obra o ajudar a aprender eficiente e efetivamente as estratgias e os mtodos necessrios para que tenha uma base slida em ingls. Todas
as lies so apresentadas em formato simples e progressivo, e so desenvolvidas para ajud-lo a adquirir conhecimento e confiana por meio da prtica,
reforando as habilidades adquiridas em todo o livro.
Voc aprender os mecanismos da lngua por meio de exerccios
de gramtica prticos e bem-construdos. Esses exerccios so repletos de
palavras bsicas do cotidiano que enriquecem seu vocabulrio dando-lhe
uma boa compreenso da lio antes de passar prxima.
Cada lio apresenta uma parte onde voc pode registrar o vocabulrio
e consult-lo quando necessrio. Certifique-se de entender tais palavras, pois
so bsicas e teis em ingls.
Aprender uma nova lngua uma viagem interessante e emocionante,
reforada quando o material apresentado de forma estimulante e divertida,
o que incentiva o aluno a prosseguir.
Desejamos a voc muito sucesso e divertimento em todo o processo
de aprendizagem usando este livro. Estamos confiantes de que voc ir
adquirir exatamente o que pretende: uma compreenso slida para o estudo
da lngua inglesa.
Boa sorte e, acima de tudo, divirta-se!


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To Be: Present Tense

(Ser/Estar Presente do Indicativo)

O verbo to be corresponde a ser/estar. Use as formas a seguir do presente do indicativo

do verbo to be.
I am happy today.

I am

eu sou/estou Eu estou feliz hoje.

you are

You are smart.

he is

He is my friend.

tu s/ests Tu s inteligente.

ele /est Ele meu amigo.

she is

She is busy.

it is

It is true.

ela /est Ela est ocupada.

isto /est Isto verdade.

we are

We are tired.

they are

They are here.

ns somos/estamos Ns estamos cansados.

eles/elas so/esto Eles/elas esto aqui.
*it = ele/ela - quando nos referimos a animais.
it = isto - quando nos referimos a objetos.

1 1

Use seu dicionrio para encontrar o significado do vocabulrio novo

que ser necessrio no exerccio que voc ir comear. Escreva as
palavras em lngua portuguesa no espao dado:

_________ flashlight ____________ happy

______________ busy

_________ kitchen

____________ sick

______________ ready

_________ girl

____________ flower

______________ small

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_________ vacuum

____________ tent

______________ fridge

_________ counter

____________ toy

______________ floor

_________ basement ____________ ribbon

______________ hair

_________ closet

____________ dirty

______________ tired

_________ today

____________ pink

______________ twins

_________ nice

____________ pretty

______________ true

_________ smart

____________ yellow

______________ friend

_________ here

____________ microwave oven

Escreva as frases a seguir no present tense, escolhendo a forma correta do verbo to

be entre parnteses:
1. The girl (am, is, are) pretty.__________________________________________
2. I (am, is, are) ready.________________________________________________
3. She (am, is, are) my friend.__________________________________________
4. They (am, is, are) twins._____________________________________________
5. The flowers (am, is, are) yellow.______________________________________
6. The flashlight (am, is, are) in the tent._________________________________
7. The fridge and counter in the kitchen (am, is, are) dirty.__________________

8. I (am, is, are) tired today.____________________________________________
9. We (am, is, are) busy. ______________________________________________

10. The toys (am, is, are) in the basement.________________________________

11. The ribbons in my hair (am, is, are) pink._______________________________
12. The kitchen (am, is, are) very small.___________________________________
13. The vacuum (am, is, are) in the closet._________________________________
14. He (am, is, are) nice._______________________________________________
15. The microwave oven (am, is, are) in the kitchen.________________________


16. The toy (am, is, are) on the floor._____________________________________

17. I (am, is, are) sick today.____________________________________________


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01/06/2012 11:22:05


1 2

Use seu dicionrio para encontrar o significado do vocabulrio novo

que ser necessrio no exerccio que voc ir comear. Escreva as
palavras em lngua portuguesa no espao dado:


____________ cousin

______________ bald


____________ uncle

______________ student


____________ bright

______________ open


____________ blue

______________ juice


____________ brother

______________ sad


____________ class

______________ lawyer


____________ tall

______________ room


____________ hot

______________ grass


____________ upstairs

______________ old


____________ green

______________ lazy


____________ woman

Complete as frases a seguir com a forma correta do verbo to be:

1. My aunt _____ nice.
2. The clouds _____ white.
3. Kathy _____ sick.
4. The ribbons _____ yellow.
5. We _____ twins.
6. The windows _____ open.
7. Colton and Cody _____ brothers.
8. We _____ teachers.
9. It _____ a French book.
10. You _____ very smart.
11. It _____ sad news.
12. She _____ my cousin.
13. You _____ tired.

Ser/Estar Presente do Indicativo

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14. The grass _____ green.

15. It _____ in my room.
16. They _____ lazy.
17. The flower _____ yellow.
18. The bug _____ on the counter.
19. I _____ tall.
20. The man _____ happy.
21. The vacuum _____ red.
22. The tent _____ blue.
23. The juice _____ cold.
24. She _____ a student.
25. They _____ in my class.
26. The woman _____ a lawyer.
27. She _____ upstairs.
28. The teacher _____ smart.
29. The ribbon _____ blue.
30. The water _____ hot.
31. My uncle _____ bald.
32. The furniture _____ old.
33. The fridge _____ in the kitchen.
34. The moon _____ bright.


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To Be: Present Tense:

Negative Form

(Ser/Estar Presente do Indicativo:

Forma Negativa)
Coloque not (no) depois do verbo to be (ser/estar) para criar a forma negativa no
presente do indicativo:
I am

I am not

I am not ready.

you are

you are not

You are not busy.

he is

he is not

He is not my friend.

she is

she is not

She is not tall.

it is

it is not

It is not true.

we are

we are not

We are not tired.

they are

they are not

They are not pink.

eu sou/estou

tu s/ests
ele /est

ela /est
isto /est
ns somos/

eles/elas so/

eu no sou/no estou
tu no s/no ests

ele no /no est

ela no /no est
isto no /no est

ns no somos/
no estamos
eles/elas no so/
no esto

Eu no estou pronto.
Tu no ests ocupado.
Ele no meu amigo.
Ela no alta.

Isto no verdade.
Ns no estamos cansados.

Eles/elas no so rosas.

A forma negativa do presente do indicativo do verbo to be tambm pode ser expressa
por contrao: isnt ou arent. No existe contrao para am not.
I am not

I am not

I am not sick.

you arent

You arent a teacher.

eu no sou/
no estou

you are not

tu no s/

no ests

eu no sou/
no estou
tu no s/
no ests

Eu no estou doente.

Tu no s professor.

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he is not

he isnt

He isnt a lawyer.

she is not

she isnt

She isnt ready.

it is not

it isnt

It isnt a toy.

we are not

we arent

We arent twins.

they are not

they arent

They arent yellow.

ele no /
no est
ela no /
no est
isto no /
no est

ns no somos/
no estamos

eles/elas no so/


ele no /
no est
ela no /
no est
isto no /
no est
ns no somos/
no estamos
eles/elas no so/

Ele no advogado.

Ela no est pronta.

Isto no um brinquedo.

Ns no somos gmeos.

Eles/elas no so amarelos(as).


2 1

Use seu dicionrio para encontrar o significado do vocabulrio novo

que ser necessrio no exerccio que voc ir comear. Escreva as
palavras em lngua portuguesa no espao dado:

____________ table ____________ sour

______________ early

____________ city

____________ lime

______________ Spanish

____________ kid

____________ neighbor

______________ drawer

____________ sister ____________ cheese

______________ empty

____________ bus

______________ pregnant

____________ Italian

____________ sister-in-law
Reescreva as frases a seguir para expressar a forma negativa. Use am not, is not ou are
not e, depois, use isnt ou arent:
1. The cheese is on the table.__________________________________________

2. She is my sister.___________________________________________________

3. My neighbors are Spanish.__________________________________________


4. My sister-in-law is Italian.___________________________________________


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5. Diane is pregnant.________________________________________________
6. The limes are sour.________________________________________________
7. The bus is empty._________________________________________________
8. The kids are early for class today._____________________________________
9. The drawers are empty. ____________________________________________
10. It is a nice city.____________________________________________________


2 2

Use seu dicionrio para encontrar o significado do vocabulrio novo

que ser necessrio no exerccio que voc ir comear. Escreva as
palavras em lngua portuguesa no espao dado:


____________ wife

______________ key


____________ boy

______________ office


____________ dragonfly ______________ work


____________ full

______________ garbage can


____________ white

______________ garbage bag


____________ bowl

______________ shelf


____________ black

______________ book


____________ hand

______________ pencil case


____________ pen

______________ school


____________ expensive ______________ shoe


____________ late

______________ ceiling


____________ car

______________ doctor

Use am not, ou a contrao isnt ou arent para completar as frases na forma negativa:
1. The subway ______ full.
2. The windows ______ dirty.
3. It ______ a dragonfly.

Ser/Estar Presente do Indicativo: Forma Negativa

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4. The keys ______ in the car.

5. The microwave oven ______ in the kitchen.
6. My boss ______ at the office.
7. The boys ______ in the tent.
8. We ______ busy at work.
9. My hands ______ dirty.
10. The eraser ______ in the pencil case.
11. She ______ a teacher in my school.
12. The ceiling ______ white.
13. The bowls ______ on the table.
14. The garbage bags ______ in the drawer.
15. The garbage can ______ full.
16. The store ______ far.
17. It ______ fair.
18. The roads in the city ______ wide.
19. My husband ______ a doctor.
20. The pens ______ black.
21. The books ______ on the shelf.
22. The vacuum ______ in the basement.
23. They ______ friends.
24. The ribbon ______ red.
25. She ______ late for class today.
26. It ______ true.
27. I ______ tired.
28. Barry ______ a good student.
29. The juice ______ cold.
30. My wife ______ at the mall.
31. The shoes ______ expensive.
32. The students ______ tired today
33. The woman ______ old.
34. It ______ a good idea.


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To Be: Present Tense

Question Form

(Ser/Estar Presente do Indicativo:

Forma Interrogativa)
Coloque o verbo to be antes do sujeito para fazer a forma interrogativa no presente.
I am

am I

Am I late?

you are

are you

Are you my new boss?

he is

is he

Is he your teacher?

she is

is she

Is she your neighbor?

it is

is it

Is it expensive?

we are

are we

Are we early?

they are

are they

Are they in the basement?

eu sou/estou

tu s/ests
ele /est
ela /est
isto /est
ns somos/estamos
eles/elas so/esto

eu sou/estou...?
tu s/ests ...?
ele /est ...?
ela /est ...?
isto /est...?

ns somos/estamos ...?

eles/elas so/esto ...?

Eu estou atrasado?
Tu s o meu novo chefe?
Ele seu professor?
Ela sua vizinha?
Isto est caro?

Ns estamos adiantados?
Eles/elas esto no poro?


3 1

Use seu dicionrio para encontrar o significado do vocabulrio novo

que ser necessrio no exerccio que voc ir comear. Escreva as palavras em lngua portuguesa no espao dado:

_________ wheel

____________ garage

_____________ desk

_________ policeman ____________ French

_____________ coat

_________ goldfish

____________ brown

_____________ cow

_________ sweet

____________ downstairs _____________ box

_________ meeting

____________ pond

_____________ calf

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__________ serious

____________ bathroom ____________ frog

__________ English

____________ outside

__________ orange

____________ toothbrush ____________ very

____________ poor

__________ sharpener ____________ toothpaste

__________ clothesline ____________ bathing suit
Reescreva as frases a seguir para criar perguntas, usando o verbo to be na forma interrogativa. No se esquea de incluir o ponto de interrogao.
1. The wheels are in the garage._______________________________________
2. The sharpener is on my desk.________________________________________
3. The woman is very poor.___________________________________________
4. The toothbrush and toothpaste are in the bathroom.____________________

5. My bathing suit is on the clothesline._________________________________
6. I am in your English class.___________________________________________
7. It is cold outside.__________________________________________________
8. He is a policeman in the city.________________________________________
9. The coats are on the floor.__________________________________________

10. Johanne and Vronique are in a meeting._____________________________

11. The toys are in the box downstairs.___________________________________
12. The cow and calf are brown.________________________________________
13. The orange juice is sweet.__________________________________________
14. The frogs are in the pond.__________________________________________
15. The goldfish is in the bowl._________________________________________
16. You are serious.___________________________________________________
17. Marie is French.__________________________________________________


3 2

Use seu dicionrio para encontrar o significado do vocabulrio novo

que ser necessrio no exerccio que voc ir comear. Escreva as
palavras em lngua portuguesa no espao dado:
_________ knife

____________ gate

_________ dishwasher ____________ printer


______________ pot
______________ sheet


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