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The Cause of World War II
Craig Watson
Morris Community High School
Adolf Hitler states, No nation can remove this hand from its throat except by the sword (Doc A).
The treaty of versailles was signed in 1919 marking the end of World War I and declaring German defeat.
The treaty of versailles contributed to the start of World War II because, territorial losses, military
restrictions, reparations, and war guilt.
The territorial losses Germany suffered were due to the Treaty of Versailles. The loss of German
owned Polish Corridor that held the city of Danzig a large port city for Germany.The loss of the Polish
Corridor and Danzig caused restriction with the contact between East Prussia and the Mainland. Adolf
Hitler writes, the restoration of the frontiers of 1914 could be achieved only by blood. Only childish and
native minds can lull themselves the idea that they can bring about a correction of versailles by welding
and begging (Doc A). In Adolf Hitlers book Mein Kampf Hitler explains that the Treaty of Versailles
can not restore peace, only by war will there be peace.
Due to the military restrictions imposed on Germany, the Germans felt underprotected, out
gunned, and trapped. The Treaty of Versailles expresses, ... the total number of [military troops]
Germany must not exceed one hundred thousand (Doc B). The Germans during this time were forced
to create an army that is more than one tenth of the neighboring countries. Which creates fear in the
German country because the small national security.
Consequently to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany had to pay reparations for war loss and
damage. The Treaty of Versailles states, If however Germany fails to meet her obligations, any
balance remaining unpaid may be postponed for [future payment] or may be handled [in another
way]... (Doc C). The Germans had such an overwhelming amount of reparations they had to pay, the
Germans had to resort to a different way to pay. The treaty could not be reversed for the reparations to
cancel the debt, therefore causing large scale depression in Germany and all over the world. Germany
had such an over inflation to their money that it was worth less than wood.
Corresponding to the Treaty of Versailles, German people felt the treaty was humiliating, evil, and
disgraceful to Germany. In Laurence Moyers text she explained, It undermines a sense of worth, their
values of themselves (Doc D). The treaty created a loss of self respect and a shame on Germans until
Hitler rose to power. ... the way in which Hitler restored a sense of pride, reawakened a sense of selfrespect(Doc D). The rising of Hitler and his Nazi party helped the German people to join in and fight
against the Treaty of Versailles.
Germany struggled with the Treaty of Versailles for the period between World War I and World
War II. Although Germany struggled so greatly, they were not the only factor in the beginning of World
War II. The Germans had territorial losses, military restrictions, reparations, and war guilt because of the
Treaty of Versailles.
Works Cited


Hitler, A., & Manheim, R. (1943). Mein Kampf,. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
The treaty of peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany: Signed at
Versailles, June 28th, 1919. (1919). London: H.M. Stationery Off.
Moyer, L. (1995). Victory must be ours: Germany in the Great War, 1914-1918. New York:
Hippocrene Books.

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