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Paul Kennedy

34317 Aztec
Westland, MI 48185
Electronic Portfolio of Administrive

To obtain a school administration position, to take on a role of leader and learner. To create a safe and
healthy learning environment through relationship building with students, staff, and community.

University of Michigan - Flint

August 2015 | Masters of Public

Focus: Education Administration
GPA: 3.93

Education l Eastern Michigan


December 2008 | Bachelor of Science

Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
GPA: 3.47

Michigan Provisional
K-12 Physical Education
6-12 Health Education
Red Cross Community
First Aid & CPR

Administrative Experience

9/7/12 - Present | Teacher in Charge

ACE High School (Alternative Center for Education)
Roche ste r C ommuni ty School s
Absor b he ad admi ni stra ti ve re sponsi bi l i ti e s i n the abse nce of bui l di ng
admi ni str ator.
Re spon si bl e for al l bui l di ng di sci pl i ne .
C ri ti cal I nci de nts Te am coordi nato r.
o C oordi nate and conduct eme rge ncy dri ll s w i th O akl and School s,
Local L aw Enforce me nt, Fi re De partme n t
o C ompl e te al l re qui re d re porti n g.
AC T C o -C oordi na tor
o C re ate and i mpl e me nt staff trai ni ng pri or to standa rdi ze d te sti ng.
o C ompl y wi th al l re gul ati o ns se t forth by the AC T te sti ng gro up.
S AT / P- S AT C oordi nat or
M- Ste p C oordi nator
o C re ate and conduct staff trai ni ng on the ne w tool s and style of
stand ardi ze d te sti ng.
Formati ve Asse ssme nts for Mi chi gan Educators (FAME) me mbe r

Teaching Experience
9/7/12 - Present | Seat Time Waiver Coordinator
ACE High School (Alternative Center for Education)

Roche ste r C ommuni ty School s

Monitor and mentor a group (12-25 students) through an all online course
schedule. .
Work w i th counse l i ng staff to provi de corre ct course s for grad uati on.
C ompl e te al l state re qui re d docume nts, i ncl udi ng count pe ri od and
ye ar- e nd re port.

9/7/10 - Present | High School Physical Education Teacher

ACE High School (Alternative Center for Education)
Roche ste r C ommuni ty School s
Taug ht a Gro up We l l ne ss course combi ni n g ke y aspe cts of He al th
Educati o n wi th Physi cal Educati o n.
Worke d wi th bui l di ng staff to compl e te Stude nt Succe ssful
Ru bri cs(S SR s) to ai d hi gh ri sk stude nts w i th gradu ati on and cre di t
re cove ry.

9/9/2012 6/13/13 | Middle School Physical Education

Reuther Middle School
Roche ste r C ommuni ty School s
Worke d coll aborati ve l y wi th exi sti ng PE staff to i mpl e me nt RC S
curri cul um.
Worke d wi th exi sti ng Hoops For He art chai rpe rson to compl e te 20 12
HF H fundrai se r.

9/7/10 6/13/13 | Elementary Physical Education Teacher

Living Word Lutheran School (K-8)

Roche ste r C ommuni ty School s

I mpl e me nte d the Roche ste r C ommuni ty School s curri cul um for grade s
K-8 .
Parti ci pa te d and assi ste d w i th an annu al fi e l d day / school wi de pi cni c
for the stude nts, staff , and fami l i e s of Li vi ng Word School .

1/4/10 6/17/10 | Long term Substitute Teaching

Silver Springs Elementary School
N orthvi l l e Publ i c School s
Took ove r al l re sponsi bi l i ti e s of the cl assroom te ache r i ncl udi ng
gradi n g, pl anni ng and dai l y i nstructi on.
Worke d wi th the exi sti ng Physi cal Educati o n i nstructor, as w el l as
re pl ace d hi m as the pri mary physi cal e ducati on te ache r duri ng an
exte nde d le ave.

Paul Kennedy

9/2/08 12/5/08 | Student Teaching

10/20/08 12/5/08

Eri kson Ele me ntary School

Ypsi l anti Publ i c School s
Assi ste d wi th i mpl e me nti ng the
Fi tne ss Fore ve r pro gram.
Taug ht cogni ti ve as we ll as
physi cal aspe cts of sports and
fi tne ss.
Fore st School (Spe ci al ty school for
the Emoti onal l y I mpai re d)
Ypsi l anti Publ i c School s
Worke d wi th i ndi vi dual s and
smal l gro ups wi th spe ci al
ne e ds.
I ncorporate d vari ous
spe ci al i ze d pl ans for stude nts
w i th spe ci al nee ds.

Paul Kennedy

Coaching Experience

9/2/08 10/17/08

Me ads Mi l l Mi ddl e School

N orthvi l le Publ i c School s
Admi ni ste re d the Pre si de nti al
Fi tne ss Te st.
Worke d i n a te am te achi ng
se tti ng.

September 2009 Present

March 2010 June 2012

Assistant Varsity Basketball Coach

Assistant Freshman/JV Baseball Coach

Pl ymout h Hi gh School , Pl ymouth MI

2 01 0 -20 12 Pl ymouth You th B ase bal l

C amp I nstructor
Pl ymout h Hi gh School , Pl ymouth MI

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