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Annotated Bibliography: Abortion

Jones, K, and C Chaloner. "Ethics Of Abortion: The Arguments For And Against." Nursing
Standard 21.37 (2007): 45-48. CINAHL with Full Text. Web. 10 Mar. 2015. In England,
Scotland and Wales legislation has facilitated the process of procuring an abortion to the
point at which, in 2007, it appears to have been effectively assimilated into contemporary
life. However, despite the legal acceptance of abortion it remains an ethically contentious
subject. Arguments in favor of, or in opposition to, abortion can arouse vociferous and, on
occasions, extreme reactions. At the heart of the abortion debate lie questions concerning
rights, autonomy and the way in which society views disability (if a pregnancy is terminated
for this reason alone). It is important that health professionals comprehend the basis of the
abortion debate, from the perspective of their profession, society as a whole and the
individual woman who may have had or is considering an abortion or has been affected by
the subject in some way. This article examines some of the key ethical issues concerning

FOSTER, SERRIN M. "The Feminist Case Against Abortion. (Cover Story)." America 212.2
(2015): 14. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. Not all feminists support abortion.
Properly defined, feminism is a philosophy that embraces basic rights for all human beings
without exception--without regard to race, religion, sex, size, age, location, disability or
parentage. Feminism rejects the use of force to dominate, control or destroy anyone. no
matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent,
the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed. It will burden her conscience in life.

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"Marchers Rally Against Abortion." National Catholic Reporter 51.8 (2015): 3. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. The tendency of some lower federal courts to interpret the
undue burden standard of Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey as
essentially occupying the field of potential constitutional claims whenever abortion is
involved. Thus, where litigants have alleged constitutional claims other than, or in addition
to, undue burden violations, courts have either changed how they normally analyze these
constitutional claims or they have even completely foreclosed the application of other
doctrines on the grounds that the undue burden standard subsumes or displaces these claims.
This Article illustrates this phenomenon in the context of three types of non- undue-burden
claims that have been asserted against some abortion restrictions: bodily integrity, equal
protection, and the right against compelled speech. Undue burden preemption, I argue, flies
in the face of the Court's recognition that certain wrongs . . . can implicate more than one of
the Constitution's commands." Where multiple constitutional violations are alleged, the
Court's normal approach is to examine each constitutional provision in turn.

Pollock, W. J. "An Argument Against Abortion On Demand." Ratio 20.1 (2007): 71-74.
Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. The situation where a woman does not need
to justify an abortion. Rather than arguing from a theory of the Right to Life of the foetus,
which many would regard as controversial, the paper argues from the point of view that the
foetus has a certain intrinsic value simply because it is human. Since the destruction of
something of value must be justified, it follows that the destruction of a foetus must be

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justified. This rules out abortion on demand. I believe that shifting emphasis from rights to
values could make a major difference to the abortion debate and will make many people
rethink their position on the subject.

Kenneth Rosen The New York, Times. "A crusader against abortion." Toronto Star (Canada) 28
Feb. 2015: Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. In 1971, the couple wrote Handbook
on Abortion, which sold an estimated 1.5 million copies and became a touchstone for the
anti-abortion movement. The book asserted that pregnancies from rape could be avoided "for
all practical purposes." They later expanded on that notion after a report in the New England
Journal of Medicine suggested that rape victims typically experience a level of shock that
prevents their bodies from functioning normally. In a 1999 newsletter of the Life Issues
Institute, Willke wrote: "There's no greater emotional trauma that can be experienced by a
woman than an assault rape. This can radically upset her possibility of ovulation,
fertilization, implantation and even nurturing of a pregnancy."

The Associated, Press. "Abortion-Related Complaints Filed Against Doctors." AP Regional State
Report - Indiana (2014): Newspaper Source Plus. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. Attorney General Greg
Zoeller's office filed licensing complaints Wednesday against an Illinois doctor facing
misdemeanor charges for improperly reporting abortions he performed for 13-year-olds in
Indiana and against three physicians who perform abortions in Indianapolis. The complaints
ask the Indiana Medical Licensing Board to consider disciplinary action against Dr. Ulrich
Klopfer of Crete, Illinois, and the others for violating abortion record-keeping and advice-

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and-consent laws. Indiana law requires physicians performing abortions to submit terminated
pregnancy reports to the Indiana State Department of Health for statistical purposes and to
comply with the other requirements. It also requires that abortions on patients under age 14
be reported within three days to the Health Department and the Indiana Department of Child
Services because sex with a girl under 14 is recognized as child molestation in Indiana.

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