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Stina Magnusson

Composition 1
Dr. Salyers
26 April 2015
Should abortion be legalized?

To have an abortion involves terminate a pregnancy. A women is able to self-determination

on abortion untill pregnancy week 18 according to how an abortion is taking place. After
week 18 the pregnant women needs to get help from a doctor. It is very rare that a women get
some serious complications after an abortion.
If a women by any acceptable reson need to do an abortion because there is different ways to
do an abortion:
Medical abortion which is the most common method to obtain an abortion. The other option is
surgical abortion but it is more common if you have gone furthur during your pregnancy.
I think a lot of people have the view that an abortion is a form of murder, and that killing
someone is wrong.
But at the same time we know of their is people that think that abortion is a form of murder,
their is going to be people that thinks the opposite because everyone does not have the same
opinions. I think it is very important that a pregnant women does have a choice if she wants
to keep her child, if a women does not have the oppertunity to give her child a good life
because of money problem or something simular, abortion should be an option.
According to Bonnier medical book carried it almost 20 abortions per thousand women in
Sweden every year, and that includes planned abortion, miscarriages did also counted as an
abortion, but then also spontaneous abortion.

The first aspect that aplies to why abortion should be legal to a women who had became
pregnant by rape is because she did not planned to get pregnant, and she might does not know
anything about the father, he might have stds that can be life threatning for the child but also
the mother. It also gets bad conditions for the mother, because everytime she looks at her child
she will porbably see a memory of a rape. In view of the childs need for love, an abortion is
the most right decission.
I also think that a lot of people have the thoughts that if you give birth to a child and you
will not be able to take care of the child because of any reasons, you can adopt it away, but I
think it does not work like that; because almost all Swedish children as parents do not want to
have a child when the child is born, actually send their newborned baby to foster care. Most
adopted children are not actually from Sweden, but fetched from abroad.
Another scenario when I noticed that people without hesitation could make abortion if they
were to find out that their child is suffering from a serious illness already in the embryonic
stage. If someone is seriously ill, I mean when a disease that does not give the child any
quality of life, when every day is a struggle for life. Is it not better to abort the child? Even
here, I think you can apply both the best for the childs future but also for the parents.
Additional something that struck me is that many successful and famous people are against
abortion, but they are also receiving contraception. Instead, they advocate abstinence until you
are married. But what if you do not want to have children even though they are married? Most
of these people do not think about this.
I also keep thinking about young girls who get pregnant and do not know what to do,
many say they have themselves to blame because they should know how easy it is to get
pregnant and that they have to be careful. But if you have been drinking a few drinks and
want to be accepted by others, it can be hard to say no, and a few weeks later discover that
you are pregnant.

But do the pregnant women really have to cancel all in her life to caring for a child who is not
created out of love? One must always suffer because you were drunk and stupid?
Sure, duty ethics says that one should actually blame himself, and that this is not a good
reason to kill a living thing, but consequence ethics is not going to work when it come to
teenagers, the child will suffer in one way or another . So isn it is better for the child the make
an abortion so that he or she will not have to get a rough childhood because of the childs
mother became pregnant because of alcohol.
My final thought is about the women who are alcoholics or drug addicts. If they get
pregnant, which can be very unlikely in view of many people's way of life (not all, but many),
is it right for them to keep the baby if they can not take care of themselves during pregnancy
and the child's life.
A woman who knows she can not stay sober and clean during those 40 weeks and the next 18
years should not keep her child.
And in this case, it involves actually deontology: If you drink or use drugs during pregnancy,
chances are big that the child becomes seriously damaged, and if it does the same for the
child's childhood, it can still be damaged for life, psychologically damaged.
I think it is going to be hard to get an conclusion of abortion should be legalized because
everyone had different opinions and different views on this question. But I, personally think
that abortion should be legalized because we are talking about a childs life, and if the mother
know before the baby is borned that she is not able to give her child an fair childhood I think
it is more fair to the child to have an abortion.

Abortion: Get Facts about the procedure and statistics. EMedicineHealth. Suzanne R
Trupin, MD, n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Parental Consent and Notification Laws / Judicial
Bypass. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.

Should Abortion Be Legal? Abortion Pros and Cons. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.

State Facts About Abortion: Texas. State Facts About Abortion: Texas. Jones RK, Finer LB
and Singh S, 2010.

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