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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Morgan Chambers

Lesson # ___2___

Subject/Grade: K5/Science
Date and Time of Lesson: Morning line
Learning Objective: Students will be able to develop a model of the life cycle of a bird and explain the cycle
Alignment with Standards:
K.L.2A.1 Obtain information to answer questions about different organisms found in the environment
(such as plants, animals, or fungi).
Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections:
Emotional- The students will have the opportunity to listen to the teacher read and work independently without
the involvement of other students.
Cognitive- The students will need to have the ability to concentrate on the teachers demonstration of the lesson,
as well as have a back ground on birds discussed in previous classes.
Social- Students will have the ability to work by themselves, as well as listen and answer questions asked by the
Physical- The students will be working hands on with the materials throughout part of the lesson, and by doing
so will be subconsciously working on their fine motor skills.
Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
Lesson Objective
Students will be able to
construct and model of the
life cycle of a bird.

Assessment of the Objective

Students will be introduced
to the life cycle of a bird
through the book Egg to
Robin, after reading the
book the students will be
shown a demonstration
lesson of how to construct a
life cycle model. After being
shown the lesson, students
will be given the opportunity
to construct a model of the
life cycle during work time.

Use of Formative
Data received from this
lesson, will help to
guide further

Accommodations for this lesson will be provided for the ESL students. She will be allowed to sit near the
teacher during the reading so that she will be able to near the teacher to help with her comprehension. The
student with the cerebral palsy will be assisted by his shadow when needed during the hands on portion of the
Life cycle of a Bird shelf lesson
Glue/glue stick

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan

Instructional strategies 1. Introduce the book to the class and have them predict what the book is going
to be about. 2. Read the book and have students recall key details and sequence of the book/life cycle. 3.
Obtain a mat and demonstrate how to complete the life cycle of a bird lesson. 4. Show the completed
lesson to the students and have them repeat the order of the cycle. 5. Invite the students to work on the
lesson during work time.
Grouping- during the reading, the students will be in a whole group, but while completing the lesson,
students will be working independently.
Motivational techniques- To gain the interest of the students they will be allowed to use their artistic
abilities to cut and paste and color during the lesson as they construct their life cycle models
Probing questions- Can you tell me this life cycle of a bird? What happens to the bird after it hatches?
Lesson closure- to close the lesson, students will be invited to complete the shelf lesson during work
Activity Analysis:
Activity 1- During this part of the lesson the students will be read the book From Egg to Robin and as a class
will discuss the order sequence of the life cycle of a bird. This activity supports the lesson objective because it
introduces the students to the objective and gives them a background of the objective before constructing their
models. This activity stems from the students need to read to and work on comprehension skills, as well as
giving them back ground knowledge. During this activity, technology will not be used because the teacher is
reading a book to the class. Though the teacher is reading from the book, the teacher could also use an EBook
version on the smart board.
Activity 2- After the read aloud, the students will be shown the life cycle lesson and be given the opportunity to
the complete the lesson during work time. This activity supports the lesson objective because it allows the
student to work hands on through the lesson objective by constructing their own model. This activity stems
from the students need to work hands on with lessons and their desire to incorporate art skills into lessons.
During this part of the lesson, technology is not used because the teacher is physically demonstrating how to
complete the lesson and then the students will construct their own models. Due to the hands-on nature of this
activity, technology is not needed.

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