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Field Notes


Tuesday was my first day at Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way. I

came in a bit late because I had car trouble and had to find parking while I
would be there. I start at 11:30 am and leave at 4:30 pm. I walked in and
Keri quickly introduced me to everyone. Kyle who works as her direct
assistant by her desk, Sarah has the desk next to her who handled more
hands on projects with the agencies United Way supports, Carol handles the
education aspect of the United Way in Sunbury, and Sheryl who hands
behind the scene logistics. Everyone takes care of anything that needs to be
done despite their position. Currently the Greater Susquehanna Valley United
Way is in the middle of their campaign which means they are raising money,
asking for money, and moving funds to be able to award the applying
agencies funding for the year. So the office is really busy with phones ring,
people constantly out of the office and small tasks for me to do. It was
explained that during my internships with them I will also be working on
establishing a Student United Way organization at Bucknell that would assist
in a better channel of communication, service, and education about United
Way and the local student body/local community. I had started an
organization from scratch before, so I had a little background of the forms
and tasks I needed to complete. So Keri introduced me to my intern office
and I began doing research on the other Student United Way organizations
on other campuses. The hours flew by, and at 4:30 Keri was already out of
the office for more meetings, so I said my good byes and left.
This past Thursday was my second day as an intern. I realized intern
meant helping and completing any necessary tasks for the organization. I
received a call from Kyle (Keris assistant) the day before, asking that I
attend the career/internship fair in the Gerard Field House on Thursday
instead of driving into the office. I walked in an there were representatives
in suits and ties everywhere. I found our table; Kyle and Sheryl were
standing behind it. Compared to the other tables, we were as professional.
We were all wearing jeans and casually standing waiting for students to
come speak to us. The fair lasted all day and during that time I spoke with
several Bucknell students about possibly working with United Way and
applying for a semester/ summer internship. I know United Way offers great
summer internships. So I took their resumes and planned on contacting
them about more information about United Way. Most of the day was us
standing behind the table. Not that many students came by because we
offered an internship and not a full time job, but we did receive some
sophomore and junior resumes form students looking to get involved in
service and educational local programs offered.

Yesterday I went to the office and got right to work on finishing the
documents to establish a Student United Way at Bucknell. I emailed the
resumes we received on students looking to get involved on campus and the
local community through service and education. There were also not that
many people in the office due to the campaign. But I did help with filing and
filling envelopes to the agencies involved in the United Way mission and
applications to receive funding. I also contacted Presidents form other SUW
groups. Currently there are only two in Pennsylvania, one at Peen Sate and
one at Bloomsburg. I had the logistics and documents filled out, but I wasnt
sure how to recruit interested students in joining the organization. They got
back to me about some great ideas for getting attention, free food is always
a winner. Today, most of my day was spent working alone in the intern office
on my own project while everyone was stressed about the campaign and the
big upcoming meeting where agencies are going to ask for money and pitch
their plan for budget and use of the funds. I finished a little earlier and left.

This past Thursday I was at the office again, but this time I decided to
ask some questions about the whole process of how United Way goes about
funding the different agencies. I asked Sarah because again, Keri was very
busy out of the office. During their campaign season they ask for past
donors and new donors to donate large amounts of money that will fund
applying agencies for the year. Although because United Way stopped
funding the Boy Scouts about two years ago, a lot of donors have backed out
or decreased their offer. Last year was the first time they took the biggest hit
in funding. They received a lot less than they have before and had less to
offer than the agencies were asking. Last year they still had some funds
saved from a trust that helped cover the loss, but this year they dont have
that. So they have been campaigning hard money to fund these important
agencies of the community. I was invited to help and attend the all day
event on Thursday. Im excited to learn how it all works. How a non-profit
funding agencies goes about supporting so many people. Something new
that United Way has also implemented is an application for agencies that are
asking for funding to provide an outlined budget and plan for funding. A way
to show where the money is going to be used and how that can be
measured. This was not happening in years before. They would simply just
give the money to the agencies, but realized they wouldnt know how it was
being used or if it was effective. So they are asking that agencies reflect the
productivity of the money. I then spent the rest of the day working on my
project. I have been in contact with a few students and a possible faculty
advisor. I also attended the treasurer meeting this semester run by BSG to
see what is needed and how we can apply financially for money for our
student organization. I did this until I had to leave. I think these are
important aspects of running an organization and the structural funding
components of this. United Way has been doing great things for communities
for years and I want to learn how they have maintained this success.

I was at the office this past Thursday. Only for the first few hours
because today was the big day. Today was when the applying agencies would
meet with members of the board and request money, they organizations,
and how they will use it and benefit the community. Only Sarah was in the
office because people were super busy all day getting ready for the long
event. I was asked to help file and taught how to answer phones. At the
office I was helping getting organized. But today I was going to stay working
into the late evening because I wanted to attend the big event. Every year
United Way board members and agencies are scheduled and asked to attend
this large scale meeting at the Lewisburg High School. So we packed up the
car and drove to the school to set up early before everyone got there. We
were a little too early and school was still in session so we waited in the
office. We then started setting up signs and projectors. After setting up the
place and desks, I was in charge of signing people in. I was most struck by
how everyone knew each other. Board members new each other by face,
new agencies by name and face, and the United Way staff had connections
with everyone in the room. I was signing people in asking for their name and
they were thrown off by how I didnt know who they were or what they
represent. We were all very friendly, but because it was a long day, everyone
was in a rush. There were five rooms, each with 3-5 board members.
Agencies were assigned a 30 minutes time slot to meet with each group,
then pitch their need for funding. This went on for hours. Once the last
agency left, we ordered dinner, and over dinner the board meeting started.
They used Roberts Rule of Order to run the meeting. Keri being director ran
the meeting. She started by explaining how they split budgeting last year.
How much they had and much divided. Then went into what was raised this
year and what can be given out to the applied agencies. Through this
process agencies ask for money, usually much more than United Way can
give everyone. They then look at their bucket of money and divide it to
different agencies. Because board members have just met with the different
agencies, they fight for them and how much money more or less they think
they deserve. It gets really heated before finally decisions are made. Then
mid-march, the agencies are contacted and told what United Way can offer. I
think this is an interesting way to fund money through local agencies from a
large organization. This must be the most appropriate way to go about
giving financial support. Most decisions are made through a board of about
20 people who handle different areas of the United Way mission, such as
education or transportation, or drug and alcohol. They are also local
members of the community. This gives them direct ties to any decisions they
make. I imagine this is how larger organizations are run.

I cam in today and said hello to everyone, asking if they needed

anything. Keri said she was longing in and back checking the staffs annual
work hours and the amount of vacation hours they received. I wasnt sure
how vacation hours worked, so Keri explained. I collected the files from
everyone in the office on their annual work and vacation hours. Keri
explained that in the past people had only worked a short amount of time at
the office, but because they were required to have paid vacation hours,
when they left the organization, they were paid for a years amount of
vacation hours when they only worked a month or two. They had recently
changed this policy. I went through and counted everyones vacation hours
and made sure they were the same as entered in the system. If they were
allowed 84 hours of vacation time and only took 80 hours that year, those
remaining 4 hours would be doubled and added to next years vacation time.
I felt very awkward going through their files and hours worked. There were
also times that there paperwork was mixed up, so I had to confront them
and asked them to stop their work to finalize their paperwork with me
because Keri said this was more important. I also saw how many hours the
staff worked and how much they did fr this organization and I was amazed.
Everyone is very productive and driven to make sure United Way is a
success in the community. I went through the paperwork and inputted
everything and filed it with Keri. I then went back to my office and worked
on Student United Way information. Contacting individuals from other
schools, and finishing the constitution and budget.
I came in and started working on some more Students United Way
ideas for recruitments and budgeting. I was also in charge of inviting some
people to the Annual Award Ceremony at the end of March. This is when
they will be giving some awards to agencies, individuals, and board
members for their service that year. Keri was not in the office today, so I
answered to Sara. She gave me a sample letter and I wrote out a few emails
trying to get in touch with people who were a big part of the Organization
that year, but who did not have a phone or email. I was also told to start
looking for Ob-Gyns, pediatricians, and family doctors in the
Northumberland, Snyder and Union counties. I was told to make a list in an
excel sheet of their address, phone number, type of organization and more.
It was an early childhood education program they are starting. I spent most
of the day researching these. I also wasnt sure where the barriers for the
counties were, so I kept having to back check. This was a lot harder than
expected. I then left after my work and told Sara I wouldnt be in next week
because of Spring Break and I wouldnt be in town.

Today I worked more on the contact list for the Every Baby Needs a
Lap Top. This took up most of my day. I was researching pediatrics and
daycares that could take in the flyer and help advertise to parents. I spent
all day calling, but most locations closed early or could not confirm if they
were allowed to give away the flyers. Most people were outside the office
today, so after I worked on that, I went home.
Today I walked in to the office with a post-it on my desk. This often
happens when no one is in the office. That day Three people, including Keri
were out of the office for meetings and would not be back till 1 pm. I was to
complete the Lap tops for Babies contact list. Last work day, I created a
list, but now I needed to speak with each organization and inform them of
this opportunity and the service we are offering. I still was not a 100% sure
what exactly the program would entail, but I knew it was a family service
United Way initiated. So with that information, I called over 50 different
pediatricians, day cares, child/learning centers, Ob Gyns, and more about
letting us send them our flyer so it can reach more families. So I sat at the
phone and called asking if they would let us send them our flyer and
advertise it for us in their office. I then had to ask if they preferred the flyer
through email or mail. Most offices said yes, while some said they would
need to speak to their marketing director and that itd probably be a no. I
finally finalized a list of 30 locations within the 3 counties that would
advertise the flyer to families and parents. I was then asked to work with
Keri on looking over resumes. I sat at a round table with Keri, Sheryl, and
Sara. Keri is no longer going to be the CEO of GSV United Way. She was then
asked to look at the incoming resumes, and although it will not be her
decision, she will have some input into who will be taking her place.
Yesterday (Wednesday) They went over about 8 resumes. Keri created a
checklist that includes 13 different criteria the resume was expected to
meet. We were then asked to silently look over the resume and rank each
section D: Does not meet, M: Meets, or E: exceeds. Some of the criteria
were community involvement, budgeting/financial experience, work with
United Way, Microsoft skills, and communication skills. There was only one
new resume that day, so we read over it, then checked the chart ourselves,
and then talked about it. It added up to a total number. Then based on just
the resume, we discussed who would be our top 3 choices. Keri wanted to
involve me in these meetings so I get a hands on idea of what and how
these decisions are made.

She also has the Annual Award and Ceremony meeting next week so
we worked on what she was going to say. Because she is leaving, she
wanted to go out with a bang, She wanted to rap. I was so excited to help.
She chose to do A Rappers Delight. We then worked on changing the lyrics
so that it fits United Way. It was so much fun working with everyone on the
song that she would surprise everyone with next Wednesday. Then it was
time for her to meet with her board about some of the possible people they
would interview for the new CEO position. They used her chart, but they
would not see her own grading of each candidate until after, so there would
be no bias. It was then time for me to clean up and leave for the day. I really
enjoyed being able to work on this new Early Childhood Educational
program, and to be included in Keris important meetings. I feel like I am
getting a well-rounded perspective on the on-going of large non-profit

Today I walked in and said hi to everyone. Keri said she had a job for
me! After putting my stuff up, I went into her office as she was excited to
tell me that our initiative Every Baby Needs a Lap Top, was approaching
and that I would be working on preparing for that today. Also that I would be
delivering the flyers to the contact list I created and that they could pay me
for the miles I used on my car. She said she would have me deliver on
Thursday so I would just need to speak with Sara about what exactly needed
to be done to prepare for that day. I went into Saras office, but saw she was
busy so I sais she could get me when I was ready, but she said she wanted
to give me my tasks first. She was working on what she was going to say at
tomorrows Annual Award Lunch. In the middle of talking to Sara, Keri came
in excited to tell me that she finished her rap for the meeting tomorrow. She
called in Sara, Sheryl, and Kyle. I was so excited to see it. We brought out
the speakers and started the music. It was so funny and catchy and was
really reflected of the work GSV United Way does. I cant wait to see what
people say when they hear it tomorrow. Keri had to go to a meeting with
Kyle and asked me to answer all the calls today. I went back to Sara as she
instructed me on my tasks for the day. She wanted me to make an excel to
document who would be coming to the sessions, a sign in sheet, an exit
survey, and email the businesses that wanted the flyers with an attached
letter. I asked for some guidance on what exactly she wanted, so she wrote
down some notes, and I began my work. This initiative is a total of two
sessions (more if it is well attended) about ways parents/new parents can
talk, sing, and play with their infants in a way that allows them to learn and
grow. It is an early Childhood Education initiative and references aspects of
early childhood development theory. Sara explained that the program is
aimed at low-income families to receive these beneficial services in a way
that will be productive for their families and have long-term positive effects
for their children. She explained that the session also provides gas cards, a
meal, and give-aways (books, blankets, learning activities to take home).
Sara said that the families who will be attending will need incentive to go our
of their way for such a sessions. If asked, UW can also provide
transportation. The sessions are free and only require registration. I finished
everything and had Sara look over them. She then asked me to hear her
speech for tomorrow and give any advice. I then worked more on the
constitution for the students United Way group I am bringing to campus
because I received feedback from the approval committee. My day then
ended, but I will be attending the Meeting tomorrow and speaking.

This past Wednesday I attended the Annual Untied Way meeting,

where I spoke on behalf of my experience with the organization. I only had a
short hour and a half in between classes and work to spend at the ceremony.
Here I was met with a diverse group of people from different positions in the
community. Some people ran some of the agencies United Way serves, some
people received help from the agencies or from United Way directly, and
some attendees were from the board. I initially wanted to help with the
event, but Sara insisted I eat and get comfortable before I have to speak. I
saw Keri and walked over. She of course was very excited and wanted to
speak to everyone. She saw me and insisted I sit at the front with her. Here
I realized I was sitting in the same row as President Bravman. Keri
Introduced me as their intern, but I have met him before. He of course
didnt remember having met me in various dinners because he meets a lot of
students. I told him and professor I was graduating, but had not found a job
yet. That I was interested in Educational non-profits, and have loved my
experience with United Way. President Bravman asked how many hours I
worked as an intern. I tried to count to get a direct number on the spot, but
just insisted that it was a lot. Which it was, on top of the many other things I
do on campus. He said it sounds like the typical Bucknellian trying to do
everything and staying involved. I think this was meant as a compliment, so
I thanked them, and proceeded to get food before the meeting and awards
started. There was a buffet line started. I was pleased with the vegan
options. Keri then spoke on the microphone to have people come to their
seats so we could start. I was in charge of taking pictures to post on their
various social media pages. I found my name on the agenda and started
practicing what I was going to say in my head. They went through the
awards for exceptional work from board members, specific agencies, and
members of our community. I was then called on the speak as an intern and
the work Ive been doing with Student United Way at Bucknell. I was pretty
nervous because of the people that filled the room, but I did my best to
convey the work Ive been doing and the importance and need of this
organization for the community and Bucknell. I then sat and watched as the
awards were given, and Keri was thanked for her hard work by the board
members. It was then over and I had to run to class.

I returned to the office and worked on some small tasks Keri sat aside
for me. Sara walked in and shared some printed pictures with me of the
event. Keri thanked me for speaking, and gave me some tips on public
speaking because she could tell I was nervous. She wanted me to merge
some letters fo the contact information I gathered to send the flyers for the
Every Baby Needs A Lap Top Project. She insisted this was an important skill.
Kyle taught me once, but I could not remember, so he showed me again. I
first had to reorganize the data I had on the spreadsheet. That took a lot of
time, then I continued to ask him for assistance. He showed me what to
push and how to load the printer correctly. This was a big project, but I
finally finished. I then rechecked the letters, and came down to a count of 28
businesses, including doctors and day cares that would help advertise the
community program for us. I then made a cover letter for the flyer. It took
me about 6 drafts before Keri approved it. Then I stuffed the letters and
stamped all of them to send. I offered to drop them off at the Lewisburg
post office because mail had already come. By then it was the end of the
day. I mostly worked on the project myself. I am really excited about the
project and I hope people take advantage of the free service to better their
communication with their children.
I walked in a little later today because I was not feeling well this week.
I walked in and put my stuff down. Keri was not in the office today. I heard
Kyle receive a call about the flyer and wondering if they were giving away
Laptops. I laughed and went to ask what that was about. It seems there has
been a lot fo confusion about the flyer. It was meant to be a pun on
Laptop, but actually meaning putting your baby on your lap. He explained
that was not the first call like that. Sara came in and said that atleast we
know to change the title for next year. I though it was funny, but then
wondered how many people will show up thinking the same thing. Or even
show up at all. Luckily the United Way is well involved and active in the
community, that people feel comfortable enough to call or ask.
There was not much to do today, which I was glad because I wasnt
feeling well. I signed Student United Way up for the Admitted Student
Activity Fair. Here I would hope that although I am leaving, Chrissy will be
able to get her face out their and have people sign up.

I volunteered to pick up the cookies for their Day of Action goodie bags
today! I went to country cupboard after class where I asked for their
donation order to United Way. I then continued to fill my car with trays and
trays of cookies. I then drove to the office. I think this shows how important
United Way is to the community, that such a large restraint would donate
such a large order. I brought them to the office and Kyle helped me bring
them in because they were heavy and the office was on the second floor.
Sara took a picture of me for the Facebook page with the cookies to get
people excited about Day of Action on Friday. I asked If I could help in
advance and they said I could help Sheryl go from site to site and take
picture. I knew I had a class and that we were only peer editing our papers
that day, so I asked my professor if I could miss that day so I could help out
with this amazing project. The Day of Action is an annual event, where
different businesses and people are encouraged to volunteer and help the
community and specifically the agencies that United Way serves. So its a big
day of community service for people all of the Greater Susquehanna Valley.
There was not much to do that day besides bring the cookies. I was also
informed that day that Student United Way was approved as a student
organization on campus and would be the third functioning in the state. I
told them the news and they were very excited. I was also working on
getting it approved and recognized by United Way Worldwide, so I had a
conference call at 2:30. Sara and Kyle had to run more errands for the Day
of Action, so I would be working on my own and would be answering phone
if it rang. I started working on the budget for the organization, so they
would have money for next semester to advertise, recruit and hold events. I
spoke with a representative from United Way Worldwide named Laura. She
sounded very young and excited about the new opportunity I had set up for
Bucknell. She asked what I needed and I explained I had already established
the org, but wanted to know the steps to get it recognized and some ideas
on how to recruit members. Because it is later in the semester, recruiting
wont start will August when Chrissy takes over. She said as of now we have
been added and are fully recognized on their website. She said the best way
to recruit moving forward is to start working with other orgs and offices to
get our name out there. I though about the Civic Engagement office and
Greek organizations that require their members to do so many hours of
service a semester. She said it sounded like we were doing great work and
that GSVUW was very involved and supportive of what we are doing. She
asked if Id be available next year when the org starts up. I said although I
wouldnt be on campus, Chrissy could contact me when ever. She sent me a
Guidebook on how to run the organization with so many great ideas and
suggestions. I told her I would be moving to DC and that I would want to get
involved more there. She said that is where their main office is and would
love for me to visit. I love that United Way is so invested in community and
education, that it is a great networking community. We ended our call and I

continued and emailed the budget to the BSG office. Tomorrow I would be
attending another board meeting in between class and work in
Northumberland to talk about Student United Way.
It was extremely rainy today and I drove to the board meeting running
a little late. I walked in and it was already started. I sat in the back until Keri
called on me to explain the news to the Board members. They clapped as I
told them Student United Way is approved and will be working as a
connection between the community and campus. That it will also help foster
the philanthropy event, Stand United next semester. One board member
asked when a press release would be made, and Keri said they are already
working on it. I didnt speak for long before I had to leave. I was happy to
hear they were excited and would be supportive as community members
because Bucknell offers such a large population. As I walked in they were
talking about a new reading program free for ages 6 and under, through the
early childhood education program. I love programs like that that do their
research on the importance and psychology of early childhood education and
try to bring them to their communities, targeting low-income families the
services they would otherwise not have.
Today I brought in Chrissy to meet the team and see the office. Just
because she will be communicating a lot with them next year when she is
running Student United Way. We met in the bison and I drove her to the
office, knowing she had class at one so I would need to drive her back. We
talked about some of the things she was involved in and her background.
She is a very positive and energetic person, which I think is great for the
position she will have in the organization. We walked in and there was a note
to go to the third floor. We walked in and everyone was working on Day of
action stuff. I introduce Chrissy and everyone said hi. We then asked if they
needed help! And they did. Sara and Sheryl were working on goodie bags for
the volunteers and Kyle was organizing boxes for each volunteer group
which included a goodie bag and a free tshirt. There were over 300
volunteers registered for the event and we would be setting this all up for all
of them. It was fun work before I had to take Chrissy back. I saw that they
needed a lot to do, so I said I would come back. I dropped her off then came
back to work on the shirts. We then had some people picking up boxes later
in the day, so I helped Kyle bring them down to the first floor, then when the
representative came, we would help bring them to their car. It was a lot of
heavy lifting today, but it was fun. It was also a lot of preparation. I left a
little earlier when things were winding down because I would be back
tomorrow to help with the Day of Action.

I had to be in the office earlier today; at 9am. I got ready and put on
the DOA shirt to wear to the site. Today I would be in charge of their
Instagram page and take picture of the sites, volunteers, and the work they
are all doing. I walked in and Keri was talking to someone. I went to see
Sheryl because she would be driving me around with her to the sites. She
said she was working on some last minute logistics then we would be off. I
wanted to get some coffee for the road, but as I was making a cup, Keri
called me to her office. She said she was excited about Student United Way
then asked if I knew any Transgender people at Bucknell. I said I didnt
personally, but I am aware of a community on campus. She explained that
she met with a man yesterday who contacted her previously about need help
with his alcoholism. United Way office immideiate and individual services all
the time to people who are in their county and do whatever they can offer.
Keri goes above and beyond by helping people when the organization
cannot. She had previously told me stories of letting people stay in her
house, giving them money, helping them find jobs, or even giving them
rides. She explained that a lot of his issues stem from his transgender
identity. That although you can not tell at sight, he was born a female. That
he wants to get the surgery to let his outer appearance match his inner
identity. She explained that he has a Go-Fund-Me and wants to promote it
and was wondering if Bucknell communities would help something like that. I
wasnt sure, but I did know of transgender students on campus. She got in
contact with a doctor she knew that would offer to help. I think she is an
amazing person and it will be sad to see her leave United Way. She then had
to run to a funeral of a community emmber she would be attending. Me and
Sheryl got in the car and went to our first sight in Northumberland. It was a
program for special need adults. The volunteers were not there yet so we
could not take any pictures, but I did get to see one of the agencies GSVUW
helps and they do great educational programming for the physical and
mentally disabled in the community. Next we went to a org and work center
that gives jobs to special needs adults. That include packaging salt, or
cleaning. Here we took picture of volunteers painting the kitchen of the site.
It was a unique experience in the Learning and physical disabled usually are
kept unseen from the larger social community. We then went to a park
where again there were no volunteers. They had to delay the project
because the site was not ready. They were going to put up a playground at a
nearby park for the youth of the community. We then went to a local library
where volunteers would be cleaning up outside. This was a very small and
quaint library and the volunteers would be helping to garden and clean up
the yard. We took pictures and posted. Next we went to the Sunbury YMCA
where high school student would be cleaning equipment and rooms for the
services the Y offers. They were seniors that were able to take a day of to
volunteer in the community. We then went to the Girl Scout house, but it
seems the volunteers finished painting and working outside before we got

there, so there were no pictures to take. We then went back to Sunbury

where more highs school student were cleaning up the park. There a lot of
people here doing work. We then went to the salvation army where three
volunteers were painting the inside and fixing some small projects to keep
the business going. We then went to a religious after school youth center,
where two volunteers were working on the third floor finish the rooms and
walls. They were doing some heavy duty drilling and working. We then
finished and I posted all of the pictures. I was so happy to be a part of the
very busy day. I could see all the good that these people were doing for their
own communities.

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