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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20\par
\pard\qc Y!Multi Messenger for \cf1 version 8\cf0\par
Coded by: John Kirchner\par\par
\pard\b Purpose:\b0\par
This will allow you to run multiple instances of Yahoo Messenger version 8 as
well as block some of the chat and cam ads and may not work on lower
\b How to use:\b0\par
For those that have been using this program, it is NO LONGER an installer. This
has been converted to a manual patcher for easier use!\par
1. It is highly recommended to uninstall the old version of YM and then install the
newest one first, also deleting any old Y!Multi Messenger.exe files in the
c:\\program files\\yahoo\\messenger folder as well.\par
2. Open the program up and either select to Enable or Disable the patch, thats
3. To block ads, click either one of the appropriate boxes (on right side of
program) to either disable ads or reinstate them. The YM main ad has its own check
mark to select. Check it to remove the main ad or Uncheck it to show the ad. Ad is
referred to the one at the bottom of YM.\par
\cf2\b Why is it this way now?\cf0\b0\par
I have decided to do it this way to make life easier for me and you. Before I
had to actually go into the yahoomessenger.exe file and "hack" it up to allow this
and then create an auto installer for it. It would then sometimes complain about
missing files for YM, this executable files are getting modified and
should therefore eliminate the dll file errors. Plus, I no longer should need to
create constant updates to keep up with Yahoo! :)\par
\b Files Needed...\b0\par
You will need the \cf3 RaveButtons.ocx\cf0 file to use this program. You can
get it from in the downloads from the url below:\par
Make sure the file above is with this program executable to run as normal.\par
As usual, if you run into any issues, please post in our forums at\par
Thank you for downloading our software and viewing our site!\par

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