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Carol Ashey
I want to teach because I want to share my love of the written word and my love of
language with others. While I love to read and write, I understand that others do not; therefore it
is a goal of mine to get my students to respect the written word. As a Christian, it is also my
desire to reflect the love of God to my students through the written word and through language. I
believe that truth is found in the reality of ideas, and that God is the one who leads us to that
truth through the spirit. Because of this I believe that values such as integrity, honesty, and
responsibility should be taught in the schools and that these values can be found in works of
literature that have lasted long in the education system. I also believe that God has given us a
certain beauty in words and language and that it is important for students to appreciate this
I believe that thoughtful personal reflection about ones identity, beliefs, and choices is
important in learning and that students can build their knowledge as they learn from new
experiences while reflecting on old ones. I also believe that each person is an individual who
knows what he or she has an interest in; every person being unique. I believe that schools should
teach the uniqueness of its students and gear it curriculum towards that individuality. Because
each person is unique in their abilities, I believe it is important for all students, regardless of
ability or disability, to have the same opportunities for personal, social, and intellectual
development. Because students come from various backgrounds with different experiences, I
believe those shared experiences and backgrounds can work towards a positive change.
I believe that if children are to function effectively in society, schools should provide
them with experiences that reflect society, such as exercises in democracy and good work habits.
I also believe that we can begin solving the problems of the future by what we teach children
today, and that the job of schools is to produce citizens who can improve our society and solve
the problems it faces. To me, school is about more than just whats in books. It includes how one
lives his or her life, worthy home membership, and wise use of leisure time.

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