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Math - Kindergarten

/ Content

Numbers are a naming
Numbers can be used in many
ways for different purposes in
the real world.
Numbers are connected to
each other through a variety
of relationships
Making connections between
our experiences with number
can help us to develop
number sense.
The base 10 place value
system is used to represent
numbers and number
Fractions are ways of
representing whole- part
The operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication
and division are related to
each other and are used to
process information to solve
Number operations can be
modelled in a variety of ways.
There are many mental
methods that can be applied
for exact and approximate

Dep Ed

Numbers and number sense

Counting moves through a
sequence that uses one and
only one number name for
each number counted.
Sense of quantity and
numeral relations: addition
results in in increase and
subtraction results in


Numbers and number system



Connect number names and
numerals to the quantities
they represent
Count to determine the
number of objects in a set
Use number words and
numerals to represent
quantities in real-life
Use the language of
mathematics to compare
quantities in real-life
situations, for example, more,
less, first, second
Subitize in real-life situations
Use simple fraction names in
real-life situations

Count forward and backward
from memory up to 10
Recognize and identify
0 to 10
Read and write numeral 0 to
Match numerals to a set of
concrete objects from 0 to 10
Identify the number that
comes before, after or inbetween
Arrange three numbers from
least to greatest/ greatest to
Count and tell how many
objects there are in a given
Compare two groups of
objects to decide which is
more or less, or if they are
Identify sets with one more or
one less element
Tell the number of days in a
Identify ordinal positions
through 10th

Numbers and the number

Recite numbers in order
(forwards from 1 to 50,
backwards from 20 to 0).
Read and write numerals from
0 to 20.
Count objects up to 20,
recognising conservation of
Count on in tens from zero or
a single-digit number to 50 or
just over.
Count on in twos, beginning
to recognise odd/even
numbers to 20 as every other
Begin partitioning two-digit
numbers into tens and ones
and reverse.
Within the range 0 to 30, say
the number that is 1 or 10
more or less than any given
Use more or less to compare
two numbers, and give a
number which lies between
Order numbers to at least 20
positioning on a number
track; use ordinal numbers.
Use the = sign to represent
Give a sensible estimate of
some objects that can be
checked by counting, e.g. to
Find halves of small numbers

Number and Algebraic Thinking

Match objects/pictures using
one-to-one correspondence
Recognize the words put
together, add to. and in
all, that indicate the act of
adding whole numbers
Recognizes the words take
away, less. and are left,
that indicate the act of
subtracting whole numbers
Represent the concept of
addition by combining
elements of two sets using
concrete objects
Represent the concept of

and shapes by folding, and

recognise which shapes are
Mental strategies
Know all number pairs to 10
and record the related
addition/subtraction facts.
Begin to know number pairs
to 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Add more than two small
numbers, spotting pairs to 10,
e.g. 4 + 3 + 6 = 10 + 3.
Begin using pairs to 10 to
bridge 10 when
adding/subtracting, e.g. 8 +
3, add 2, then 1.
Know doubles to at least
double 5.
Find near doubles using
doubles already known, e.g. 5
+ 6.
Begin to recognise multiples
of 2 and 10.
Addition and subtraction
Understand addition as
counting on and combining
two sets; record related
addition sentences.
Understand subtraction as
counting back and take
away; record related
subtraction sentences.
Understand difference as how
many more to make?
Add/subtract a single-digit
number by counting on/back.
Find two more or less than a
number to 20, recording the
jumps on a number line.
Relate counting on and back

by crossing out/taking away

element from a set using
concrete objects
Use manipulative to explore
the concept of addition and
subtraction with sums and
differences between 0 and 10
Add quantities up to 10 using
concrete objects
Subtract quantities up to 10
using concrete objects
Use concrete objects to
determine answers to addition
and subtraction problems
listened to
Solve number stories read by
the teacher involving addition
and subtraction up to
quantities of 10
Match addition and
subtraction expressions with
concrete representations
Write addition and subtraction
expressions and equation with
concrete representations
Recognize situations that
require addition and
Group and count sets of equal
quantity using concrete
objects up to 10 (beginning
Separate objects into groups
of equal quantity using
concrete objects up to 10
(beginning division)
Recognize that a whole can
be divided into parts and that
parts, as half and/or fourth

in tens to finding 10 more/less

than a number (< 50).
Begin to use the +, and =
signs to record calculations in
number sentences.
Understand that changing the
order of addition does not
change the total.
Add a pair of numbers by
putting the larger number first
and counting on.
Recognise the use of a sign
such as to represent an
unknown, e.g. 6 + = 10.
Begin to add single- and twodigit numbers.

with the right equal parts can

comprise a whole MKAT-00-17
18. Represent a half and a
fourth by dividing a whole
object into 2 and 4 equal
parts, respectively
Multiplication and division
Double any single-digit
Find halves of even numbers
of objects up to 10.
Try to share numbers to 10 to
find which are even and which
are odd.
Share objects into two equal
groups in a context.
Problem Solving

Use techniques and skills in

solving mathematical
Choose appropriate
strategies to carry out
calculations, explaining
working out.
Explore number problems
and puzzles.
Find many combinations,
e.g. combinations of three
pieces of different coloured
Decide to add or subtract
to solve a simple word
problem (oral), and
represent it with objects.
Check the answer to an
addition by adding the
numbers in a different


Shape and space

Sorting and classifying

/ Content

Shapes can be described and

organized according to their
Objects in our immediate
environment have a position
in space that can be
described according to a point
of reference.

Characteristics of objects
and/or pictures can be
sensibly organized by
grouping or sequencing.

Check the answer to a
subtraction by adding the
answer to the smaller
number in the question.
Describe and continue
patterns such as count on
and back in tens, e.g. 50,
40, 30.
Identify simple
relationships between
numbers and shapes, e.g.
this number is ten bigger
than that


Shape and space

Sort, describe and compare
2D & 3D shapes

Describe position and

direction, for example, inside,
outside, above, below, next
to, behind, in front of, up,
Explore and describe the
paths, regions and boundaries

Sorting and classifying

Recognize simple shapes in
the environment
Identify two-dimensional
o square
o circle
o triangle
o rectangle
Identify three dimensional
o sphere
o cube
o cylinder
Describe objects according to
shape, size, its use/function
Group objects that are alike
Sort and classify objects by
more than one factor (such as
shape and color, or size and
shape, etc)
Compare objects
o small, smaller
o big, bigger
o long, longer
o wide, wider
o high, higher
o heavier, lighter
Copy, make and continue

Shapes and geometric

Name and sort common 2D
shapes (e.g. circles, squares,
rectangles and triangles)
using features such as
number of sides, curved or
straight. Use them to make
patterns and models.
Name and sort common 3D
shapes (e.g. cube, cuboid,
cylinder, cone and sphere)
using features such as
number of faces, flat or
curved faces. Use them to
make patterns and models.
Recognise basic line

Position and movement

Use everyday language of
direction and distance to
describe movement of


/ Content


of their immediate
environment (inside, outside,
above, below) and their
position (next to, behind, in
front of, up, down)
Measurement involves
comparing objects and
Objects have attributes that
can be measured using nonstandard units.
Events can be ordered and


Concepts of size, length ,

weight and time can be
determined using arbitrary
measuring tools/means
including our own schedule.

Identify, compare and

describe attributes of real
objects, for example, longer,
shorter, heavier, empty, full,
hotter, colder
Compare the length, mass
and capacity of objects using
non- standard units identify,
describe and sequence events
in their daily routine, for
example, before, after,
bedtime, storytime, today,
Use non-standard units of
measurement to solve
problems in real-life situations
involving length, mass and

Describe observations about

events and objects in real-life

Use non-standard measuring

tools such as feet, hand, piece
of string, etc. to measure
o size
o length
o capacity
o mass
Compare objects based on
their size, length, weight,
o big/little
o longer/shorter
o heavier/lighter

Tell the time of day when

activities are being done, E.g.


Length, mass and capacity

Compare lengths and weights
by direct comparison, then by
using uniform non-standard
Estimate and compare
capacities by direct
comparison, then by using
uniform non-standard units.
Use comparative language,
e.g. longer, shorter, heavier,

Begin to understand and use
some units of time, e.g.


/ Content



morning, afternoon, night

Compare time intervals by
determining which activities
take a longer or shorter time

Recognize and identify coins

and bills up to PhP20 (pesos
and centavos)

Data Handling
We collect information to
make sense of the world
around us.
Organizing objects and events
helps us to solve problems.
Events in daily life involve
Represent information
through pictographs and tally
marks sort and label real
objects by attributes.
Create pictographs and tally
Create living graphs using
real objects and people
Describe real objects and
events by attributes

Data Analysis and Probability

By organizing and interpreting
data, we can make sense of
information available to us.

Collect data on one variable

(e.g. sex or boys and girls)
through observation and
asking a question
Organize data into
Interpret pictographs
Draws inferences based on
data presented
Tell possible outcomes of a
given event, E.g. weather
could be sunny, cloudy, rainy
or stormy; passing and failing;
winning or losing

Pattern and function

Patterns and sequences occur

Sorting and classifying

Characteristics of objects

minutes, hours, days, weeks,

months and years.
Read the time to the hour
(oclock) and know key times
of day to the nearest hour.
Order the days of the week
and other familiar events.
Recognise all coins and work
out how to pay an exact sum
using smaller coins.

Handling Data

Organising, categorising and

representing data
Answer a question by sorting
and organising data or objects
in a variety of ways,
e.g. using block graphs
and pictograms with
practical resources;
discussing the results
in lists and tables with
practical resources;
discussing the results in
Venn or Carroll
diagrams giving
different criteria for
grouping the same
Pattern and function

/ Content

in everyday situations.
Patterns repeat and grow.
Describe patterns in various
ways, for example, using
words, drawings, symbols,
materials, actions, numbers
Extend and create patterns

and/or pictures can be

sensibly organized by
grouping or sequencing.

Copy, make and continue


Describe patterns in various

ways, for example, using
words, drawings, symbols,
materials, actions, numbers
Extend and create patterns

Math Grade 1
/ Content

Numbers are a naming
Numbers can be used in many
ways for different purposes in
the real world.
Numbers are connected to
each other through a variety
of relationships
Making connections between
our experiences with number
can help us to develop
number sense.
The base 10 place value
system is used to represent
numbers and number
Fractions are ways of
representing whole- part

Dep Ed

Numbers and number sense

Demonstrate understanding
of whole numbers up to 100,
ordinal numbers up to 10th,
money up to Php100 and
fractions and
Demonstrate understanding
of addition and subtraction of
whole numbers up to 200
including money
Demonstrate understanding
of fractions and


Numbers and number system


The operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication
and division are related to
each other and are used to
process information to solve
Number operations can be
modelled in a variety of ways.
There are many mental
methods that can be applied
for exact and approximate

Read and write whole
numbers up to hundreds or
Read, write, compare and
order cardinal and ordinal
Use whole numbers up to
hundreds or beyond in reallife situations
Use cardinal and ordinal
numbers in real-life situations
Use fractions in real-life

Visualize and represent
numbers from 0 to 100 using
a variety of materials
Count the number of objects
in a given set by ones and
Identify the number that is
one more or one less from a
given number
Compose and decompose a
given number
Regroup sets of ones into sets
of tens into hundreds using
Visualize, represent and
compare two sets using the
expressions less than,
more than, and as many
Visualize, represent and order
sets from least to greatest
and vice versa
Visualize and count by 2s, 5s,
10s, through 100

Numbers and the number

Count, read and write
numbers to at least 100 and
back again.
Count up to 100 objects, e.g.
beads on a bead bar.
Count on in ones and tens
from single- and two-digit
numbers and back again.
Count in twos, fives and tens,
and use grouping in twos,
fives, or tens to count larger
groups of objects.
Begin to count on in small
constant steps such as threes
and fours.
Know what each digit
represents in two-digit
numbers; partition into tens
and ones.
Find 1 or 10 more/less than
any two-digit number.
Round two-digit numbers to

Describe mental and written

strategies for adding and
subtracting two-digit numbers

Read and write numbers up to

100 in symbols and in words
Visualize and gives the place
value and value of a digit in
one- and two- digit numbers
Rename numbers into tens
and ones
Visualize, represent and
compare numbers up to 100
using relation symbols
Visualize, represent and order
number up to 100 in
increasing or decreasing order
Identify the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, up to
10th object in a given set from
a given point of reference
Read and write ordinal
numbers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, up to

the nearest multiple of 10.

Say a number between any
given neighboring pairs of
multiples of10, e.g. 40 and
Place a two-digit number on a
number line marked off in
multiples of ten.
Recognise and use ordinal
numbers up to at least the
10th number and beyond
Order numbers to 100;
compare two numbers using
the > and < signs.
Give a sensible estimate of up
to 100 objects, e.g. choosing
from 10, 20, 50 or 100.
Understand even and odd
numbers and recognize these
up to at least 20.
Sort numbers, e.g. odd/even,
multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
Recognize that we write one
half , one quarter and
three quarters .
Recognize that 2/2 or 4/4
make a whole and and 2/4
are equivalent.
Recognize which shapes are
divided in halves or quarters
and which are not.
Find halves and quarters of
shapes and small numbers of
Mental strategies
Relate counting on/back in
tens to finding 10 more/less

Use mental and written

strategies for addition and
subtraction of two-digit
numbers or beyond in real-life

Use fast recall of addition and

subtraction number facts in
real-life situations

Numbers and number sense

Illustrate addition as putting
together or combining or
joining sets
Visualize and add two onedigit numbers with sums up to
18 using the order and zero
properties of addition

than any two-digit number

and then to adding and
subtracting other multiples of
10, e.g. 75 30.
Use the = sign to represent
equality, e.g. 16 + 4 = 17 +
Add four or five small
numbers together.
Recognize the use of a
symbol such as or
a to
represent an unknown, e.g.
= 10
Solve number sentences such
as 27 + = 30
Add and subtract a single
digit to and from a two-digit
Add pairs of two-digit
Find a small difference
between pairs of two-digit
Understand that addition can
be done in any order, but
subtraction cannot.
Understand subtraction as
both difference and take
Addition and subtraction
Understand addition as
counting on and combining
two sets; record related
addition sentences.
Understand subtraction as
counting back and take
away; record related

Add two one-digit number

using appropriate mental
Visualize and add three onedigit numbers using the
grouping property of addition
Visualize and add two to three
one-digit numbers
horizontally and vertically
Use expanded form to explain
the meaning of addition with
Visualize and add numbers
with sums through 99 without
or with regrouping
Add mentally two to three
one-digit numbers with sums
up to 18 using appropriate
Visualize and solve one-step
routine and non-routine
problems involving addition of
whole numbers including
money with sums up to 99
using appropriate problem
solving strategies
Create situations involving
addition of whole numbers
including money
Illustrates subtraction as
taking away o comparing
elements of sets
Illustrates that addition and
subtraction are inverse
Visualize, represent, and
subtract one-digit numbers
with minuends through 18
(basic facts)

subtraction sentences.
Understand difference as how
many more to make?
Add/subtract a single-digit
number by counting on/back.
Find two more or less than a
number to 20, recording the
jumps on a number line.
Relate counting on and back
in tens to finding 10 more/less
than a number (< 50).
Begin to use the +, and =
signs to record calculations in
number sentences.
Understand that changing the
order of addition does not
change the total.
Add a pair of numbers by
putting the larger number first
and counting on.
Recognise the use of a sign
such as to represent an
unknown, e.g. 6 + = 10.
Begin to add single- and twodigit numbers.

Visualize, represent and

subtract one- to two-digit
numbers with minuends up to
99 without regrouping
Use the expanded form to
explain subtraction with
Visualize, represent and
subtract one- to two-digit
numbers with regrouping
Subtract mentally one-digit
numbers from two-digit
minuends without regrouping
using appropriate strategies
Visualize, represent and solve
routine problems involving
subtraction of whole numbers
including money with
minuends up to 99 with and
without regrouping using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
Creates situations involving
subtraction of whole number
including money
Numbers and number sense
Count groups of equal
quantity using concrete
objects up to 50 and write an
equivalent expression
Visualize, represent and
separate objects into groups
of equal quantity using
concrete objects up to 50
Visualize and identify and
of a whole object
Visualize, represent and
divide a whole into halves and

Multiplication and division

Double any single-digit
Find halves of even numbers
of objects up to 10.
Try to share numbers to 10 to
find which are even and which
are odd.
Share objects into two equal
groups in a context.

Select and appropriate

method for solving a problem,
for example, mental
estimation, mental or written
strategies, or by using a
Use strategies to evaluate
reasonableness of answers

Visualize and dive the

elements of sets into two
groups of equal quantities to
show halves
Visualize, represent and
divide the elements of sets
into four groups of equal
quantities to show fourths
Visualize and draw the whole
region or set given its
Problem Solving
Choose appropriate mental
strategies to carry out
calculations and explain how
they worked out the answer.
Explain methods and
reasoning orally.
Explore number problems and
Make sense of simple word
problems (single and easy
two-step), decide what
operations (addition or
subtraction, simple
multiplication or division) are
needed to solve them and,
with help, represent them,
with objects or drawings or on
a number line. Make up a
number story to go with a
calculation, including in the
context of money.
Check the answer to an
addition by adding the
numbers in a different order


Shape and space


/ Content

Shapes are classified and

named according to their
Some shapes are made up of
parts that repeat in some way
Specific vocabulary can be
used to describe an objects
position in space

Demonstrate understanding
of 2D and 3D figures

or by using a different
strategy, e.g. 35 + 19 by
adding 20 to 35 and
subtracting 1, and by adding
30 + 10 and 5 + 9.
Check a subtraction by adding
the answer to the smaller
number in the original
Describe and continue
patterns which count on in
twos, threes, fours or fives to
30 or more.
Identify simple relationships
between numbers and
shapes, e.g. this number is
double...; these shapes all
have ... sides.
Make a sensible estimate for
the answer to a calculation.
Consider whether an answer
is reasonable.



Shape and space

Sort, describe and label 2D
and 3D shapes
Analyse and describe the
relationships between 2D and
3D shapes
Analyse and use what they
know about 3D shapes to
describe and work with 2D
Recognize and explain simple
symmetrical designs in the
Apply knowledge of symmetry
to problem-solving situations
Create and describe
symmetrical and tessellating
Identify lines of reflective
Represent ideas about the
real world using geometric
vocabulary and symbols, for
example, through oral
description, drawing,
modelling, labelling

Interpret and create simple

directions, describing paths,
regions, positions and
boundaries of their immediate


Identify, name and describe
the four basic shapes (square,
rectangle, triangle and circle)
in 2D (flat/plane) 3D (solid)
Compare and classify 2D
(flat/plane) and 3D (solid)
figures according to common
Draw the four basic shapes
Construct three dimensional
objects (solid) using
manipulative materials

Shapes and geometric

Sort, name, describe,
visualize and draw 2D shapes
(e.g. squares, rectangles,
circles, regular and irregular
pentagons and hexagons)
referring to their properties;
recognise common 2D shapes
in different positions and
Sort, name, describe and
make 3D shapes (e.g. cubes,
cuboids, cones, cylinders,
spheres and pyramids)
referring to their properties;
recognise 2D drawings of 3D
Identify reflective symmetry
in patterns and 2D shapes;
draw lines of symmetry.
Find examples of 2D and 3D
shape and symmetry in the

Position and movement

Follow and give instructions
involving position, direction,
and movement.
Recognise whole, half and
quarter turns, both clockwise
and anti-clockwise.
Recognise that a right angle is
a quarter turn.



/ Content


Measurement involves
comparing objects and
Objects have attributes that
can be measured using nonstandard units.
Events can be ordered and
Estimate and measure objects
using non-standard and
standard units of
measurement: length, mass,
capacity, money and
Use standard units of
measurement to solve
problems in real-life situations
involving length, mass,
capacity, money and

Estimate and compare

lengths of time: second,
minute, hour, day, week and
Read and write the time to
the hour, half hour and
quarter hour
Use measures of time to
assist with problem solving in
real-life situations.

Demonstrate understanding
of time and non-standard
units of length, mass and

Compare objects using

comparative words: short,
shorter, shortest; long, longer,
longest; heavy, heavier,
heaviest; light, lighter,
Estimate and measures
length using non-standard
units of linear measures
Estimate and measure mass
using non-standard units of
mass measure
Estimate and measure
capacity using non-standard
Tell the day in a week; months
in a year in the right order
Determine the day or the
month using a calendar
Tell and write time by hour,
half-hour and quarter-hour
using analog clock
Solve problems involving time
(days in a week, months in a
year, hour, half-hour and

Length, mass and capacity

Estimate, measure and
compare lengths, weights and
capacities, choosing and
using suitable uniform nonstandard and standard units
and appropriate measuring
Compare lengths, weights,
and capacities using the
standard units: centimetre,
metre, 100 g, kilogram, and
Know the units of time
(seconds, minutes, hours,
days, weeks, months and
Know the relationships
between consecutive units of
Read the time to the half hour
on digital and analogue
Measure activities using
seconds and minutes.
Know and order the days of

/ Content


Data Handling
Information can be expressed
as organized and structured
Objects and events can be
organized in different ways.
Some events in daily life are
more likely to happen than

Recognize and compare coins

and bills up to Php100 and
their notations

Statistics and Probability

Demonstrate understanding
of pictographs without scales
and outcomes of an event
using the terms likely and
unlikely to happen

the week and the months of

the year.
Recognise all coins and notes.
Use money notation.
Find totals and the coins and
notes required to pay a given
amount; work out change.

Handling Data

Organising, categorising and

representing data

Collect and represent data in

different types of graphs, for
example, tally marks, bar
Represent the relationship
between objects in sets using
tree, Venn and Carroll
Express the chance of an
event happening using words
or phrases (impossible, less
likely, maybe, most likely,
Represent information
through pictographs and tally
marks sort and label real
objects by attributes
Collect, display and interpret
data for the purpose of

Collect data on one variable

through simple interview
Sort, classify, organize data in
tabular form and present this
into a pictograph without
Infer and interpret data
presented in a pictograph
without scales
Solve routine and non-routine
problems using data
presented in pictograph
without scales
Tell whether an event is likely
or unlikely to happen
Describe events in real-life
situations using phrases
likely or unlikely to

Answer a question by collecting and

recording data in lists and tables, and
representing it as block graphs and
pictograms to show results.
Use Carroll and Venn diagrams to
sort numbers or objects using one
criterion; begin to sort numbers and
objects using two criteria; explain
choices using appropriate language,
including not.

/ Content


answering questions
Create a pictograph and
sample bar graph of real
objects and interpret data by
comparing quantities (for
example, more, fewer, less
than, greater than)
Use tree, Venn and Carroll
diagrams to explore
relationships between data
Identify and describe chance
in daily events (impossible,
less likely, maybe, most likely,
Pattern and function
Whole numbers exhibit
patterns and relationships
that can be observed and
Patterns can be represented
using numbers and other
Represent patterns in a
variety of ways, for example,
using words, drawings,
symbols, materials, actions,
Describe number patterns, for
example, odd and even
numbers, skip counting
Extend and create patterns in
numbers, for example, odd
and even numbers, skip
Use number patterns to
represent and understand
real-life situations
Use the properties and
relationships of addition and

Patterns and Algebra

Demonstrate understanding
of continuous and repeating
patterns and mathematical

Pattern and function

Determine the missing term/s

in a given continuous pattern
using one attribute
Determine the missing term/s
in a given repeating pattern
using one attribute (letter,
numbers, colors, figures,
sizes, etc)
Construct equivalent number
expression using addition and
Identify and create patterns to
compose and decompose
using addition
Visualize and finds the
missing number in an addition

Represent patterns in a
variety of ways, for example,
using words, drawings,
symbols, materials, actions,
Describe number patterns, for
example, odd and even
numbers, skip counting
Extend and create patterns in
numbers, for example, odd
and even numbers, skip
Use number patterns to
represent and understand
real-life situations
Use the properties and
relationships of addition and

subtraction to solve problems

or subtraction sentence using

a variety of ways

subtraction to solve problems

Math Grade 2
/ Content

Numbers are a naming
Numbers can be used in many
ways for different purposes in
the real world.
Numbers are connected to
each other through a variety
of relationships
Making connections between
our experiences with number
can help us to develop
number sense.
The base 10 place value
system is used to represent
numbers and number
Fractions are ways of
representing whole- part
The operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication
and division are related to
each other and are used to
process information to solve
Number operations can be

Dep Ed

Numbers and number sense

Demonstrate understanding
of whole numbers up to 1000,
ordinal numbers up to 20th,
money up to Php100
Demonstrate understanding
of addition of whole numbers
up to 1000 including money
Demonstrate understanding
of subtraction and
multiplication of whole
numbers up to 1000 including
Demonstrate understanding
of division of whole numbers
up to 1000 including money
Demonstrate understanding
of unit fractions


Numbers and number system


modelled in a variety of ways.

There are many mental
methods that can be applied
for exact and approximate

Read and write whole
numbers up to hundreds or
Read, write, compare and
order cardinal and ordinal
Use whole numbers up to
hundreds or beyond in reallife situations
Use cardinal and ordinal
numbers in real-life situations
Use fractions in real-life

Number and number sense

Visualize and represent
numbers from 0-1000 with
emphasis on numbers 1001000 using a variety of
Group objects in ones, tens,
and hundreds
Give the place value and find
the value of a digit in threedigit numbers
Visualize and count numbers
by 10s, 50s, and 100s
Read and writes numbers up
to 1000 in symbols and in
Visualize and write three-digit
numbers in expanded form
Visualize and compare
numbers up to 1000 using
relation symbols
Visualize and order number
up to 1000 in increasing or
decreasing order
Identify the 1st through the
20th with the emphasis on 11th
to 20th object in a given set
from a given point of
Read and write ordinal
numbers from 1st through the
Identify and use the pattern of

Numbers and the number

Recite numbers 100 to 200
and beyond.
Read and write numbers to at
least 1000.
Count on and back in ones,
tens and hundreds from twoand three- digit numbers.
Count on and back in steps of
2, 3, 4 and 5 to at least 50.
Visualize and count numbers
by 10s, 50s and 100s.
Visualize and identifies the
1st through the 20th object of
a given set from a given point
of reference.
Read and write ordinal
numbers from 1st through the
Identify and use the pattern of
naming ordinal numbers from
1st to the 20th.
Understand what each digit
represents in three-digit
numbers and partition into
hundreds, tens and units.
Find 1, 10, 100 more/less than
two- and three-digit numbers.
Multiply two-digit numbers by
10 and understand the effect.
Round two-digit numbers to

naming the ordinal number

from 1st to the 20th
Visualize similar fractions
using group of objects and
number line
Read and write similar
Compare similar fractions
using relation symbols
Arrange similar fractions in
increasing or decreasing order

the nearest 10 and round

three-digit numbers to the
nearest 100.
Place a three-digit number on
a number line marked off in
multiples of 100.
Place a three-digit number on
a number line marked off in
multiples of 10.
Compare three-digit numbers,
use < and > signs, and find a
number in between.
Order two- and three-digit
Give a sensible estimate of a
number as a range (e.g. 30 to
50) by grouping in tens
Find half of odd and even
numbers to 40, using notation
such as 13 .
Understand and use fraction
notation recognising that
fractions are several parts of
one whole, e.g. is three
quarters and 2/3 is two thirds.
Recognize equivalence
between , 2/4, 4/8 and 5/10
using diagrams.
Recognise simple mixed
fractions, e.g. 1 and 2 .
Order simple or mixed
fractions on a number line,
e.g. using the knowledge that
comes half way between
and and that 1 comes
half way between 1 and 2.
Begin to relate finding

Describe mental and written

strategies for adding and
subtracting two-digit numbers
Use mental and written
strategies for addition and
subtraction of two-digit
numbers or beyond in real-life

Use fast recall of addition and

subtraction number facts in
real-life situations

Add mentally 1- to 2-digit

numbers with sums up to 50
using appropriate strategies
Add mentally 3-digit numbers
and 1-digit numbers using
appropriate strategies
Add mentally three-digit
numbers and tens (multiples
of 10 up to 90) using
appropriate strategies
Add mentally 3-digit numbers
and hundreds (multiples of
100 up to 900) using
appropriate strategies
Subtract mentally 1-digit
numbers 1- to 3-digit
numbers without regrouping
using appropriate strategies
Subtract mentally 3-digit
numbers by tens and by
hundred without regrouping
using appropriate strategies
Perform order of operations
involving addition and
subtraction of small numbers
Multiplies mentally 2, 3, 4, 5
and 10 using appropriate

Numbers and number sense

Illustrate the properties of
addition (commutative,
associative, identity) and

fractions to division.
Find halves, thirds, quarters
and tenths of shapes and
numbers (whole number

Mental strategies
Know addition and subtraction
facts for all numbers to 20.
Know the following addition
and subtraction facts:
multiples of 100 with a
total of 1000
multiples of 5 with a
total of 100
Know multiplication/division
facts for 2, 3, 5, and 10
Begin to know 4 table.
Recognize two- and threedigit multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
Work out quickly the doubles
of numbers 1 to 20 and derive
the related halves.
Work out quickly the doubles
of multiples of 5 (< 100) and
derive the related halves.
Work out quickly the doubles
of multiples of 50 to 500.

Addition and subtraction

Add and subtract 10 and
multiples of 10 to and from

apply each in appropriate and

relevant situations
Visualize, represent and add
2-digit by 3-digit numbers
with sums up to 1000 without
with regrouping
Visualize, represent and adds
3-digit by 3-digit numbers
with sums up to 1000 without
and with regrouping
Visualize, represent and
subtract 2- to 3-digit numbers
with minuends up to 999
without and with regrouping

Numbers and number sense

Illustrate multiplication as
repeated addition using

two- and three-digit numbers.

Add 100 and multiples of 100
to three-digit numbers.
Use the = sign to represent
equality, e.g. 75 + 25 = 95 +
Add several small numbers.
Find complements to 100,
solving number equations
such as 78 +
= 100.
Use the following properties
of addition in computing for
sums of up to 1000:
zero/identity property of
addition, commutative
property of addition,
associative property of
Add and subtract pairs of twodigit numbers.
Add three-digit and two-digit
numbers using notes to
Re-order an addition to help
with the calculation, e.g. 41 +
54, by adding 40 to 54, then
Add/subtract single-digit
numbers to/from three-digit
Find 20, 30, 90, 100, 200,
300 more/less than three-digit

Multiplication and division

Illustrate multiplication as
repeated addition arrays,

groups of equal
o arrays
o counting by multiples
o equal jumps on the
number line
Write a related equation for
each type of multiplication:
repeated addition, array,
counting by multiples, and
equal jumps on the number
Illustrate the property of
multiplication that zero
multiplied by any number is
Illustrate the commutative
property of multiplication
Visualize multiplication of
numbers 1 to 10 by 2,3,4,5
and 10
Visualize and represent
division as equal sharing,
repeated subtraction, equal
jumps on the number line and
using formation of equal
groups of objects
Create and write a related
equation for each type of
situation: equal sharing,
repeated subtraction, equal
jumps on the number line,
and formation of equal groups
of objects
Visualize division of numbers
up to 100 by 2,3,4,5, and 10
(multiplication table of 2, 3, 4,
5 and 10)
Divide mentally numbers by

counting by multiples, and

equal jumps on the number
Write a related equation for
each type of multiplication:
repeated addition, array,
counting by multiples, and
equal jumps on the number
Illustrate the property of
multiplication that any
number multiplied by one (1)
is the same number.
Illustrate the property of
multiplication that zero
multiplied by any number is
Illustrate the commutative
property of multiplication.
Understand the relationship
between halving and
Understand the effect of
multiplying two-digit numbers
by 10.
Multiply single-digit numbers
and divide two-digit numbers
by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10.
Multiply teens numbers by 3
and 5.
Begin to divide two-digit
numbers just beyond 10
tables, e.g. 60 5, 33 3.
Understand that division can
leave a remainder (initially as
some left over).
Understand and apply the

2,3,4,5 and 10 using

appropriate strategies
(multiplication table 2,3,4, 5
and 10)
Illustrate that multiplication
and division are inverse

idea that multiplication is

Understand the relationship
between multiplication and
division and write connected

Select and appropriate

method for solving a problem,
for example, mental
estimation, mental or written
strategies, or by using a
Use strategies to evaluate
reasonableness of answers

Solve routine and non-routine

problems involving addition of
whole numbers including
money with sums up to 1000
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools
Create problems involving
addition of whole numbers
including money
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving
subtraction of whole numbers
including money with
minuends up to 1000 using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
Create problems involving
subtraction of whole numbers
including money
Solve multi-step routine and
non-routine problems
involving addition and
subtraction of 2- and 3-digit
numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools
Create word problems
involving addition and
subtraction of whole numbers
including money

Problem Solving
Choose appropriate mental
strategies to carry out
Begin to understand everyday
systems of measurement in
length, weight, capacity and
time and use these to make
measurements as
Make sense of and solve word
problems, single (all four
operations) and two-step
(addition and subtraction),
and begin to represent them,
e.g. with drawings or on a
number line.
Check the results of adding
two numbers using
subtraction, and several
numbers by adding in a
different order.
Check subtraction by adding
the answer to the smaller
number in the original
Check multiplication by
reversing the order, e.g.

Solve routine and non-routine

problems involving
multiplication and addition or
subtraction of whole numbers
including money using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
Create problems involving
multiplication only and
multiplication with addition or
subtraction of whole numbers
including money with
reasonable answers
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving division of
numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 20
with any of the other
operations of whole numbers
including money using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
Create word problems
involving division of whole
numbers including money

checking that 6 4 = 24 by
doing 4 6.
Check a division using
multiplication, e.g. check 12
4 = 3 by doing 4 3.
Recognise the relationships
between different 2D shapes.
Identify the differences and
similarities between different
3D shapes.
Estimate and approximate
when calculating, and check
Make a sensible estimate for
the answer to a calculation,
e.g. using rounding.
Consider whether an answer
is reasonable.
Make up a number story to go
with a calculation, including in
the context of money.
Explain a choice of calculation
strategy and show how the
answer was worked out.
Explore and solve number
problems and puzzles, e.g.
logic problems.
Use ordered lists and tables to
help to solve problems
Describe and continue
patterns which count on or
back in steps of 2, 3, 4, 5, 10,
or 100.
Identify simple relationships


/ Content


Shape and space

Shapes are classified and

named according to their
Some shapes are made up of
parts that repeat in some way
Specific vocabulary can be
used to describe an objects
position in space
Shape and space
Sort, describe and label 2D
and 3D shapes
Analyse and describe the
relationships between 2D and
3D shapes
Analyse and use what they
know about 3D shapes to
describe and work with 2D


Demonstrate understanding
of straight and curved lines,
flat and curved surfaces,
basic shapes, symmetry in a
line and tessellations using
triangles and squares

Visualize, identify, classify and
describe half circles and
quarter circles
Construct squares, rectangles,
triangles, circles, half-circles
and quarter circles using cutouts and square grids
Identify shapes/figures that

between numbers, e.g. each

number is three more than
the number before it.
Identify simple relationships
between shapes, e.g. these
shapes all have the same
number of lines of symmetry.
Investigate a simple general
statement by finding
examples which do or do not
satisfy it, e.g. when adding 10
to a number, the first digit
remains the same.
Explain methods and
reasoning orally, including
initial thoughts about possible
answers to a problem.

Shapes and geometric

Identify, describe and draw
regular and irregular 2D
shapes including pentagons,
hexagons, octagons and semicircles.
Classify 2D shapes according
to the number of sides,

Recognize and explain simple
symmetrical designs in the
Apply knowledge of symmetry
to problem-solving situations
Create and describe
symmetrical and tessellating
Identify lines of reflective
Represent ideas about the
real world using geometric
vocabulary and symbols, for
example, through oral
description, drawing,
modelling, labelling

show symmetry in a line

Identify and draw the line of
symmetry in a given
symmetrical figure
Create figures that show
symmetry in a line
Recognize shapes that can
Tessellate a surface using
triangles and squares
Identify straight lines and
curves, flat and curved
surfaces in a 3-dimensional
Explain the differences
between straight lines and
curved lines, flat surfaces and
curved surfaces. This is not
reflected in the performance

vertices and right angles.

Identify, describe and make
3D shapes including pyramids
and prisms; investigate which
nets will make a cube.
Classify 3D shapes according
to the number and shape of
faces, number of vertices and
Draw and complete 2D
shapes with reflective
symmetry and draw
reflections of shapes (mirror
line along one side).
Relate 2D shapes and 3D
solids to drawings of them.
Identify 2D and 3D shapes,
lines of symmetry and right
angles in the environment.
Identify right angles in 2D
Recognize shapes that can
Tessellate a surface using
triangles and squares.
Illustrate area as a measure of
how much surface is covered
or occupied by plane figure.
Show the area of a given
figure using square tile units,
i.e. number of square tiles
Estimate the area of a given
figure using any shape.
Find the area of a given figure
using square tile units i.e.
number of square tiles


Position and movement

Use the language of position,
direction, and movement,
including clockwise and anticlockwise.
Find and describe the position
of a square on a grid of
squares where the rows and
columns are labelled.
Use a set square to draw right
Compare angles with a right
angle and recognize that a
straight line is equivalent to
two right angles.

Interpret and create simple

directions, describing paths,
regions, positions and
boundaries of their immediate




/ Content

Measurement involves
comparing objects and
Objects have attributes that
can be measured using nonstandard units.
Events can be ordered and

Demonstrate understanding
of time, standard measures of
length, mass and capacity
and area using square-tile

Estimate and measure objects

using non-standard and
standard units of

Show and use the appropriate

unit of length and their
abbreviation cm and m to



Length, mass and capacity

Choose and use appropriate
units and equipment to
estimate, measure, and

measurement: length, mass,

capacity, money and
Use standard units of
measurement to solve
problems in real-life situations
involving length, mass,
capacity, money and

measure a particular object

Compare length in meters or
Measure object using
appropriate measuring tools
in m or cm
Estimate and measure length
using meter or centimeter
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving length
Show and uses the
appropriate unit of weight and
their abbreviations g and kg
to measure a particular object
Compare mass in grams or
Measure objects using
appropriate measuring units
in g or kg
Estimate and measure mass
using gram or kilogram
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving mass
Measure objects using
appropriate measuring tools
in ml or L
Create problems involving
length, mass and capacity
Illustrate area as a measure
of how much surface is
covered or occupied by a
plane figure.
Find the area of a given figure
using square-tile units i.e.
number of square-tiles
Estimate the area of a given
figure using any shape.

record measurements.
Know the relationship
between kilometres and
metres, metres and
centimetres, kilograms and
grams, litres and millilitres.
Read to the nearest division
or half division, use scales
that are numbered or partially
Use a ruler to draw and
measure lines to the nearest
Solve word problems involving

Estimate and compare

lengths of time: second,
minute, hour, day, week and
Read and write the time to
the hour, half hour and
quarter hour
Use measures of time to
assist with problem solving in
real-life situations.

Solve routine and non-routine

problems involving any figure
using square tiles
Tell and write time in minutes
including a.m. and p.m. using
analog and digital clocks
Visualize and find the elapsed
time in days
Visualize, represent and solve
problems involving time
(minutes including am and
pm and elapsed time in days)

Read and write money in

symbols and in words through
Count the value of a set of
bills or a set of coins through
Php100 (peso coins only;
centavo-coins only; peso-bills
only and combined peso-coins
and peso-bills)
Compare values of different
denominations of coins and
paper bills through Php100
using relation symbols

Suggest and use suitable
units to measure time and
know the relationships
between them (second,
minute, hour, day, week,
month, year).
Read the time on analogue
and digital clocks, to the
nearest 5 minutes on an
analogue clock and to the
nearest minute on a digital
Begin to calculate simple time
intervals in hours and
Read a calendar and calculate
time intervals in weeks or
Use addition and subtraction
facts with a total of 100 to
find change.
Consolidate using money

/ Content


Data Handling
Information can be expressed
as organized and structured
Objects and events can be
organized in different ways.
Some events in daily life are
more likely to happen than
Collect and represent data in
different types of graphs, for
example, tally marks, bar
Represent the relationship
between objects in sets using
tree, Venn and Carroll
Express the chance of an
event happening using words
or phrases (impossible, less
likely, maybe, most likely,
Represent information
through pictographs and tally
marks sort and label real
objects by attributes
Collect, display and interpret
data for the purpose of
answering questions
Create a pictograph and
sample bar graph of real
objects and interpret data by
comparing quantities (for
example, more, fewer, less
than, greater than)
Use tree, Venn and Carroll
diagrams to explore

Statistics and Probability

Deepen understanding of
pictographs without and with
scales and outcomes of an
event using the terms likely,
equally likely, and unlikely to

Collect data on one variable

using a questionnaire
Sorts, classifies, and
organizes data in tabular form
and presents this into a
pictograph without and with
Infer and interpret data
presented in a pictograph
without and with scales.
Solve routine and non-routine
problems using data
presented in a pictograph
without and with scales.
Tell whether an event is likely,
equally likely, unlikely to
Describe events in real-life
situations using the phrases
likely to happen or unlikely
to happen or equally likely
to happen.

Handling Data

Organising, categorising and

representing data
Answer a real-life question by
collecting, organising and
interpreting data, e.g.
investigating the population
of mini-beasts in different
Use tally charts, frequency
tables, pictograms (symbol
representing one or two units)
and bar charts (intervals
labelled in ones or twos).
Use Venn or Carroll diagrams
to sort data and objects using
two criteria.

/ Content


relationships between data

Identify and describe chance
in daily events (impossible,
less likely, maybe, most likely,
Pattern and function
Whole numbers exhibit
patterns and relationships
that can be observed and
Patterns can be represented
using numbers and other
Represent patterns in a
variety of ways, for example,
using words, drawings,
symbols, materials, actions,
Describe number patterns, for
example, odd and even
numbers, skip counting
Extend and create patterns in
numbers, for example, odd
and even numbers, skip
Use number patterns to
represent and understand
real-life situations
Use the properties and
relationships of addition and
subtraction to solve problems

Patterns and Algebra

Demonstrate understanding
of continuous patterns using
two attributes and
mathematical sentences
involving multiplication and
division of whole numbers
using 2,3,4,5 and 10 only
Determine the missing term/s
in a given continuous pattern
using two attributes (any two
of the following: figures,
numbers, colors, sizes, and
orientations, etc.)
Visualize and find the missing
value in a number sentence
involving multiplication or
division of whole numbers
using 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 only.

Pattern and function

Represent patterns in a
variety of ways, for example,
using words, drawings,
symbols, materials, actions,
Describe number patterns, for
example, odd and even
numbers, skip counting
Extend and create patterns in
numbers, for example, odd
and even numbers, skip
Use number patterns to
represent and understand
real-life situations
Use the properties and
relationships of addition and
subtraction to solve problems

Math Grade 3

/ Content


The base 10 place value
system can be extended to
represent magnitude.
Fractions and decimals are
ways of representing wholepart relationships.
The operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication
and division are related to
each other and are used to
process information to solve
Even complex operations can
be modelled in a variety of
ways, for example, an
algorithm is a way to
represent an operation.

Read, write, compare and
order whole numbers up to
thousands or beyond
Develop strategies for
memorizing addition,
subtraction, multiplication
and division number facts
Read, write, compare and
order fractions
Read and write equivalent
Read, write, compare and
order fractions to hundredths
or beyond
Use decimal fractions in reallife situations

Dep Ed

Numbers and number sense

Demonstrate understanding
of whole numbers up to 10
000, ordinal numbers up to
100th, money up to Php1000
Demonstrate understanding
of addition and subtraction of
whole numbers including
Demonstrate understanding
of multiplication and division
of whole numbers including
Demonstrate understanding
of proper and improper,
similar and dissimilar and
equivalent fractions

Number and number sense

Visualize numbers up to 10
000 with emphasis on
numbers 1001-10000
Give the place value and
value of a digit in 4- to 5-digit
Read and write numbers up to
10 000 in symbols and in
Round numbers to the nearest
ten, hundred and thousand
Compare numbers up to 10
000 using relation symbols
Order 4- to 5-digit numbers in
increasing or decreasing order
Identify ordinal numbers from
1st to 100th with emphasis on


Numbers and number system

Numbers and the number

Read and write numbers up to
10 000.
Count on and back in ones,
tens, hundreds and thousands
from four-digit numbers
Understand what each digit
represents in a three- or fourdigit number and partition
into thousands, hundreds,
tens and units.
Use decimal notation and
place value for tenths and
hundredths in context, e.g.
order amounts of money;
convert a sum of money such

the 21st to 100th object in a

given set from a given point
of reference
Identify odd and even
Visualize and represent
fractions that are equal to one
and greater than one
Read and writes fractions that
are equal to one and greater
than one in symbols and in
Represent fractions using
regions, sets, and the number
Visualizes and represent
dissimilar fractions
Visualize, represent and
compare dissimilar fractions
Visualize, represent and
arranges dissimilar fractions
in increasing or decreasing
Visualize and generate
equivalent fractions

as P13.25 to cents, or a
length such as 125 cm to
metres; round a sum of
money to the nearest pound.
Understand decimal notation
for tenths and hundredths in
context, e.g. length.
Find multiples of 10, 100,
1000 more/less than numbers
of up to four digits, e.g. 3407
+ 20 = 3427.
Multiply and divide three-digit
numbers by 10 (whole
number answers) and
understand the effect; begin
to multiply numbers by 100
and perform related divisions.
Recognize multiples of 5, 10
and 100 up to 1000.
Round three- and four-digit
numbers to the nearest 10 or
Position accurately numbers
up to 1000 on an empty
number line or line marked off
in multiples of 10 or 100.
Estimate where three- and
four-digit numbers lie on
empty 01000 or
010 000 lines.
Compare pairs of three-digit
or four-digit numbers, using
the > and < signs, and find a
number in between each pair.
Use negative numbers in
context, e.g. temperature.
Recognize and extend number

sequences formed by
counting in steps of constant
size, extending beyond zero
when counting back.
Recognize odd and even
Make general statements
about the sums and
differences of odd and even
Order and compare two or
more fractions with the same
denominator (halves,
quarters, thirds, fifths, eighths
or tenths).
Recognize the equivalence
between: , 4/8 and 5/10;
and 2/8; 1/5 and 2/10.
Use equivalence to help order
fractions, e.g. 7/10 and .
Understand the equivalence
between one-place decimals
and fractions in tenths.
Understand that is
equivalent to 0.5 and also to
Recognize the equivalence
between the decimal fraction
and vulgar fraction forms of
halves, quarters, tenths and
Recognize mixed numbers,
e.g. 5 and order these on a
number line.
Relate finding fractions to

Find halves, quarters, thirds,

fifths, eighths and tenths of
shapes and numbers.

Add mentally 2-diigt and 1digit numbers without or with

regrouping using appropriate
Add mentally 2- to 3-digit
numbers with multiples of
hundreds using appropriate
Subtract mentally 1- to 2
digits numbers without and
with regrouping using
appropriate strategies
Subtract mentally 2- to 3
digits numbers with multiples
of hundreds without and with
regrouping using appropriate
Multiply mentally 2-digit by 1digit numbers without
regrouping with products of
up to 100
Divide mentally 2-digit
numbers by 1-digit numbers
without remainder using
appropriate strategies

Mental strategies
Derive quickly pairs of twodigit numbers with a total of
100, e.g. 72 + ___ =100
Derive quickly pairs of
multiples of 50 with a total of
1000, e.g. 850 + ___ =1000
Identify simple fractions with
a total of 1, e.g. + ____ =1
Know multiplication for 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10
tables and derive division
Recognize and begin to know
multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10,
up to the tenth multiple
Add three or four small
numbers, finding pairs that
equal 10 or 20.
Add three two-digit multiples
of 10, e.g. 40 + 70 + 50.
Add and subtract near
multiples of 10 or 100 to or
from three-digit numbers, e.g.
367 198 or 278 + 49.
Add any pair of two-digit
numbers, choosing an
appropriate strategy.
Subtract any pair of two-digit
numbers, choosing an
appropriate strategy.
Find a difference between
near multiples of 100, e.g.

304 296.
Subtract a small number
crossing 100, e.g. 304 8.
Multiply any pair of singledigit numbers together.
Use knowledge of
commutativity to find the
easier way to multiply.
Understand the effect of
multiplying and dividing
three-digit numbers by 10.
Derive quickly doubles of all
whole numbers to 50, doubles
of multiples of 10 to 500,
doubles of multiples of 100 to
5000, and corresponding

Add and subtract fractions

with related denominators in
real-life situations
Add and subtract decimals in
real-life situations, including

Numbers and number sense

Illustrate the properties of
addition (commutative,
associative, identity) and
apply each in appropriate and
relevant situations
Visualize, represent and add
2-digit by 3-digit numbers
with sums up to 1000 without
with regrouping
Visualize, represent and adds
3-digit by 3-digit numbers
with sums up to 1000 without
and with regrouping
Visualize, represent and
subtract 2- to 3-digit numbers
with minuends up to 999
without and with regrouping
Adds 3- to 4-digit numbers up
to three addends with sums

Addition and subtraction

Illustrate the properties of
addition (commutative,
associative, identity).
Add pairs of three-digit
Subtract a two-digit number
from a three-digit number.
Subtract pairs of three-digit

up to 10 000 without and with

Estimates the sum of 3- to 4digit addends with reasonable
Subtract 3-to 4-digit numbers
from 3- to 4-digit numbers
without and with regrouping.
Estimate the difference of two
numbers with three to four
digits with reasonable results

Describe mental and written

strategies for multiplication
and division.
Use whole numbers up to
thousands or beyond in reallife situations
Use fast recall of
multiplication and division
number facts in real-life
Use mental and written
strategies for multiplication
and division in real-life

Numbers and number sense

Visualize multiplication of
numbers 1 to 10 by 6,7,8,9
Visualize and state basic
multiplication facts for
numbers up to 10
Apply the commutative
property of multiplication
Multiply 2-digit by 1-digt
numbers using the
distributive property of
Multiply three 1-digit numbers
using the associative property
of multiplication
Multiply 2- to 3- digit numbers
by 1-digit numbers without or
with regrouping
Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2digit numbers without
Multiply 2- to 3-digit numbers
by multiples of 10 and 100
Multiply 1- to 2-digit numbers
by 1 000
Estimate the product of 2- to

Multiplication and division

Double any two-digit number.
Multiply multiples of 10 to 90
by a single-digit number.
Multiply a two-digit number
by a single-digit number.
Multiply 2-digit by 1-digit by
using the distributive property
of multiplication.
Multiply three 1-digit numbers
by using the associative
property of multiplication.
Multiply 2- to 3-digit numbers
by 1-digit numbers without or
with regrouping.
Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2digit number without
Multiply 2-digit numbers by 2digit number with regrouping.
Multiply 2- to 3-digit numbers
by multiples of 10 and 100.
Multiply 1- to 2-digit numbers
by 1000.
Divide two-digit numbers by

3-digit numbers and 1- to 2digit numbers with reasonable

Visualize and states the
multiples of 1- to 2-digit
Visualize division of numbers
up to 100 by 6,7,8 and 9
(multiplication table of 6,7,8,
and 9)
Visualize and states basic
division facts of numbers up
to 10
Divide 2- to 3-digit numbers
by 1- to 2-digit numbers
without and with remainder
Divide 2-3 digit numbs by 10
and 100 without or with
Estimate the quotient of 2- to
3- digit numbers by 1- to 2digit numbers

Select an efficient method for

solving a problem, for
example, mental estimation,
mental or written strategies,
or by using a calculator
Use strategies to evaluate the
reasonableness of answers
Estimate sum, difference,
product and quotient in reallife situations, including
fractions and decimals

Solve routine and non-routine

problems involving addition of
whole numbers including
money with sums up to 10
000 using appropriate
problem solving strategies
and tools
Create problems involving
addition of whole numbers
including money
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving
subtraction without or with

single digit-numbers (answers

no greater than 20).
Divides 2- to 3-digit numbers
by 1-digit numbers without
Divides 2- to 3-digit numbers
by 1-digit numbers with
Divides 2-digit numbers by 2digit numbers.
Divides numbers by 10 and
Decide whether to round up
or down after division to give
an answer to a problem.
Understand that multiplication
and division are the inverse
function of each other.
Begin to understand simple
ideas of ratio and proportion,
e.g. a picture is one fifth the
size of the real dog. It is 25
cm long in the picture, so it is
5 25 cm long in real life.
Problem Solving
Choose appropriate mental or
written strategies to carry out
calculations involving addition
or subtraction.
Understand everyday systems
of measurement in length,
weight, capacity and time and
use these to solve simple
problems as appropriate.
Check the results of adding
numbers by adding them in a
different order or by

addition of whole numbers

including money using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
Create problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of
whole numbers including
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving
multiplication without or with
addition and subtraction of
whole numbers including
money using appropriate
problem solving strategies
and tools.
Create problems involving
multiplication or with addition
or subtraction of whole
numbers including money
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving division of
2- to 4- digit numbers by 1- to
2-digit numbers without or
with any of the other
operations of whole numbers
including money using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
Create problems involving
division or with any of the
other operations of whole
numbers including money.

subtracting one number from

the total.
Check subtraction by adding
the answer to the smaller
number in the original
Check multiplication using a
different technique, e.g. check
6 8 = 48 by doing 6 4
and doubling.
Check the result of a division
using multiplication, e.g.
multiply 4 by12 to check 48
Recognize the relationships
between 2D shapes and
identify the differences and
similarities between 3D
Estimate and approximate
when calculating, and check
Make up a number story for a
calculation, including in the
context of measures.
Explain reasons for a choice
of strategy when multiplying
or dividing.
Choose strategies to find
answers to addition or
subtraction problems; explain
and show working.
Explore and solve number
problems and puzzles, e.g.
logic problems.
Use ordered lists and tables to
help to solve problems

Describe and continue
number sequences, e.g. 7, 4,
1, 2 ... identifying the
relationship between each
Identify simple relationships
between shapes, e.g. these
polygons are all regular
because ...
Investigate a simple general
statement by finding
examples which do or do not
satisfy it.
Explain methods and
reasoning orally and in
writing; make hypotheses and
test them out.


/ Content


Shape and space

Changing the position of a

shape does not alter its
Shapes can be transformed in
different ways.
Geometric shapes and
vocabulary are useful for
representing and describing
objects and events in realworld situations.
Shape and space
Sort, describe and model
regular and irregular polygons
Describe and model
congruency and similarity in
2D shapes
Describe and/or represent


Demonstrate understanding
of lines, symmetrical designs,
and tessellation using square,
triangle and other shapes that
can tesselate

Recognize and draw a point,
line, line segment and ray
Recognize and draw parallel,
intersecting and
perpendicular lines
Visualize, identify and draw


Shapes and geometric

Recognize and draw a point,
line, line segment, and ray.
Recognize and draw
perpendicular lines, parallel

mental images of objects,

patterns, and paths
Analyze and describe 2D and
3D shapes, including regular
and irregular polygons, using
geometrical vocabulary
Identify, describe and model
congruency and similarity in
2D shapes

congruent line segments

Identify and draw the line of
symmetry in a given
symmetrical figure
Complete a symmetric figure
with respect to a given line of
Tessellate the plane using
triangles, squares and othe
shapes that can tessellate

lines and intersecting lines.

Visualize, identify, and draw
congruent line segments.
Identify, describe, visualize,
draw and make a wider range
of 2D and3D shapes including
a range of quadrilaterals, the
heptagon and tetrahedron;
use pinboards to create a
range of polygons. Use spotty
paper to record results.
Classify polygons (including a
range of quadrilaterals) using
criteria such as the number of
right angles, whether or not
they are regular and their
symmetrical properties.
Identify and sketch lines of
symmetry in 2D shapes and
Visualize 3D objects from 2D
nets and drawings and make
nets of common solids.
Find examples of shapes and
symmetry in the environment
and in art.

Visualize and represent and
measure area using
appropriate unit
Derive the formula for the
area of a rectangle and a
Visualize and represent and
find the area of a rectangle
and square in sq cm and sq m

Area and perimeter

Draw rectangles, and
measure and calculate their
Understand that area is
measured in square units, e.g.
cm2 and m2
Find the area of rectilinear
shapes drawn on a square

Position and movement

Describe and identify the
position of a square on a grid
of squares where rows and
columns are numbered and/or
Know that angles are
measured in degrees and that
one whole turn is 360 or four
right angles; compare and
order angles less than 180.
Devise the directions to give
to follow a given path.

Locate features on a grid

using coordinates
Analyze angles by comparing
and describing rotations:
whole turn; half turn; quarter
turn; north, south, east and
west on a compass
Recognize and explain
symmetrical patterns,
including tessellation, in the
Apply knowledge of
transformations to problemsolving situations




/ Content

Objects and events have

attributes that can be
measured using appropriate
Relationships exist between
standard units that measure
the same attributes.

Demonstrate understanding
of time, standard measures of
length, mass and capacity
and area using square-tile

Estimate and measure using

standard units of
measurement: perimeter,
area and volume
Describe measures that fall

Visualize and represent and

convert common units of
measure from larger to
smaller unit and vice versa:
meter and centimeter,
kilogram and gram, liter and


grid by counting squares.

Solve routine and non-routine

problems involving areas of
squares and rectangles
Create problems involving
area of rectangle and square


Length, mass and capacity

Choose and use standard
metric units and their
abbreviations (km, m, cm,
mm, kg, g, l and ml) when
estimating, measuring and

between numbers on a scale

Use standard units of
measurement to solve
problems in real-life situations
involving perimeter, area and
Select appropriate tools and
units of measurement

Read and write digital and

analogue time on 12-hour and
24-hour clocks
Use timelines in units of
inquiry and other real-life

Visualize, and represent, and
solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
conversions of common units
of measure.
Visualize, and represent, and
find the capacity of a
container using milliliter and
Visualize and represent and
solve routine and non-routine
problems involving capacity

Visualize and represent and

convert time measure from
seconds to minutes, minutes
to hours and hours to a day
and vice versa
Visualize and represent and
convert time measure
o days to week, month
and year and vice
o weeks to months and
year and vice versa
o months to year and
vice versa
Visualize and represent and
solve problems involving
conversion of time measure

recording length, weight and

Know and use the
relationships between familiar
units of length, mass and
capacity; know the meaning
of kilo, centi and milli.
Where appropriate, use
decimal notation to record
measurements, e.g. 1.3 m,
0.6kg, 1.2 l.
Interpret intervals/divisions on
partially numbered scales and
record readings accurately.

Read and tell the time to
nearest minute on 12-hour
digital and analogue clocks.
Use am, pm and 12-hour
digital clock notation.
Read simple timetables and
use a calendar.
Choose units of time to
measure time intervals.

Recognize coins and bills up

Consolidate using money

/ Content


Data Handling
Data can be collected,
organized, displayed and
analysed in different ways.
Different graph forms
highlight different aspects of
data more efficiently.
Probability can be based on
experimental events in daily
Probability can be expressed
in numerical notations.
Collect, display and interpret
data using simple graphs, for
example, bar graphs, line
Identify, read and interpret
range and scale on graphs
Identify the mode of a set of
Use tree diagrams to express
probability using simple
Design a survey and
systematically collect,
organize and display data in

to Php1000
Read and writes money in
symbols and in words through
Php1000 in pesos and
Compare values of the
different denominations of
coins and bills through
Php1000 using relation
Statistics and Probability
Deepen understanding of
pictographs without and with
scales and outcomes of an
event using the terms likely,
equally likely, and unlikely to

Sort, classify and organize

data in tabular form and
present this into a vertical or
horizontal bar graph
Infer and interpret data
presented in different kinds of
bar graphs
Solve routine and non-routine
problems using data
presented in a single-bar
Tell whether an event is sure,
likely, equally likely, unlikely,


Handling Data

Organising, categorising and

representing data
Answer a question by
identifying what data to
collect, organizing, presenting
and interpreting data in
tables, diagrams, tally charts,
frequency tables, pictograms
(symbol representing 2, 5, 10
or 20 units) and bar charts
(intervals labelled in twos,
fives, tens or twenties).
Compare the impact of
representations where scales

/ Content


pictographs and bar graphs

Select appropriate graph
form(s) to display data
Interpret range and scale on
Use probability to determine
mathematically fair and unfair
games and to explain possible
Express probability using
simple fractions
Pattern and function
Functions are relationships or
rules that uniquely associate
members of one set with
members of another set.
By analysing patterns and
identifying rules for patterns it
is possible to make
Describe the rule for a pattern
in a variety of ways
Represent rules for patterns
using words, symbols and
Identify a sequence of
operations relating one set of
numbers to another set.
Select appropriate methods
for representing patterns, for
example using words,
symbols and tables
Use number patterns to make
predictions and solve
Use the properties and
relationships of the four
operations to solve problems.

and impossible to happen.

Describe events in real-life
situations using the phrases
sure to happen, likely to
happen, equally likely to
happen, unlikely to
happen, and impossible to

have different intervals.

Use Venn diagrams or Carroll
diagrams to sort data and
objects using two or three

Patterns and Algebra

Demonstrate understanding
of continuous and repeating
patterns and mathematical
sentences involving
multiplication and division of
whole numbers

Pattern and function

Determine the missing term/s

in a given combination of
continuous and repeating
Find the missing value in a
number sentence involving
multiplication or division of
whole numbers

Describe the rule for a pattern

in a variety of ways
Represent rules for patterns
using words, symbols and
Identify a sequence of
operations relating one set of
numbers to another set.
Select appropriate methods
for representing patterns, for
example using words,
symbols and tables
Use number patterns to make
predictions and solve
Use the properties and
relationships of the four
operations to solve problems.

Math Grade 4
/ Content


The base 10 place value
system can be extended to
represent magnitude.
Fractions and decimals are
ways of representing wholepart relationships.
The operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication
and division are related to
each other and are used to
process information to solve
Even complex operations can
be modelled in a variety of
ways, for example, an
algorithm is a way to
represent an operation.

Read, write, compare and
order whole numbers up to
thousands or beyond
Develop strategies for
memorizing addition,
subtraction, multiplication
and division number facts
Read, write, compare and
order fractions

Dep Ed

Numbers and number sense

Demonstrate understanding
of whole numbers up to
Demonstrate understanding
of multiplication and division
of whole numbers including
Demonstrate understanding
of factors and multiples and
addition and subtraction of
Demonstrate understanding
of improper fractions and
mixed numbers

Number and number sense

Visualize numbers up to 100
000 with emphasis on
numbers 10 001 100 000
Give the place value and
value of a digit in numbers up
to 100 000
Read and write the numbers
up to hundred thousand and
symbols and in words


Numbers and number system

Numbers and the number

Count on and back in steps of
constant size, extending
beyond zero.
Know what each digit
represents in five- and sixdigit numbers.
Partition any number up to
one million into thousands,

Read and write equivalent

Read, write, compare and
order fractions to hundredths
or beyond
Use decimal fractions in reallife situations

Round numbers to the nearest

thousand and ten thousand
Compare numbers up to 100
000 using relation symbols
Order numbers up to 100 000
in increasing or decreasing
Identify factors of a given
number up to 100
Identify the multiples of a
given number up to 100
Make conjectures about
common factors of numbers
Differentiate prime numbers
from composite numbers
Find the prime factors of a
Write a given number as a
product of its prime factors
Give the common factors and
the greatest common factor
(GCF) of two numbers using
the following methods: listing,
factor tree
Give the common multiples
and least common multiple
(LCM) of two numbers: listing,
factor tree, continuous
Find the GCF and LCM of 2
given numbers
Identify proper fractions,
improper fractions and mixed
Change improper fraction to
mixed numbers and vice
Change fractions to lowest

hundreds, tens and units.

Use decimal notation for
tenths and hundredths and
understand what each digit
Multiply and divide any
number from 1 to 10 000 by
10 or 100 and understand the
Round four-digit numbers to
the nearest 10, 100 or 1000.
Round a number with one or
two decimal places to the
nearest whole number.
Order and compare numbers
up to a million using the >
and < signs.
Order and compare negative
and positive numbers on a
number line and temperature
Calculate a rise or fall in
Order numbers with one or
two decimal places and
compare using the > and <
Recognize and extend number
Recognize odd and even
numbers and multiples of 5,
10, 25, 50 and 100 up to
Identify factors of a given
number up to 100.
Identify the multiples of a
given number up to 100.
Make conjectures about
common factors of numbers.
Differentiate prime numbers

Visualize decimal numbers
using models like blocks,
grids, number lines and
money to show the
relationship to fractions
Rename decimal numbers to
fractions, and fractions whose
denominators are factors of
10 and 100 to decimals
Give the place value and the
value of a digit of a given
decimal number through
Read and write decimal
numbers through hundredths
Round decimal numbers to
the nearest whole number
and tenth
Compare and arrange decimal

from composite numbers

Find the prime factors of a
Write a given number as a
product of its prime factors.
Give the common factors and
the greatest common factor
(GCF) of two numbers using
the following methods: listing,
factor tree.
Give the common multiples
and least common multiple
(LCM) of two numbers: listing,
factor tree, continuous
Find the GCF and LCM of 2
given numbers.
Make general statements
about sums, differences and
multiples of odd and even
Recognise equivalence
between: , and 1/8; 1/3
and 1/6; 1/5 and 1/10
Recognise equivalence
between the decimal and
fraction forms of halves,
tenths and hundredths and
use this to help e.g. 0.6 is
more than 50% and less than
Change an improper fraction
to a mixed number, e.g. 7/4 to
1 3/4; order mixed numbers
and place between whole
numbers on a number line.
Relate finding fractions to
division and use to find simple
fractions of quantities.
Understand percentage as the

Multiply mentally 2-digit by 1to 2-digit numbers with

products up to 200 and
explain the strategies used
Divide mentally 2-to 3-digit
numbers by 1-digit numbers
without remainder using
appropriate strategies

number of parts in every 100

and find simple percentages
of quantities.
Express halves, tenths and
hundredths as percentages.
Use fractions to describe and
estimate a simple proportion,
e.g. the beads are yellow.
Use ratio to solve problems,
e.g. to adapt a recipe for 6
people to
one for 3 or 12 people.
Mental strategies
Know by heart pairs of oneplace decimals with a total of
1, e.g. 0.8 + 0.2.
Derive quickly pairs of
decimals with a total of 10,
and with a total of 1.
Know multiplication and
division facts for the 2 to
10 tables.
Know and apply tests of
divisibility by 2, 5, 10 and
Recognise multiples of 6, 7, 8
and 9 up to the 10th multiple.
Know squares of all numbers
to 10 10.
Find factors of two-digit
Count on or back in
thousands, hundreds, tens
and ones to add or subtract.
Add or subtract near multiples
of 10 or 100, e.g. 4387 299.
Use appropriate strategies to
add or subtract pairs of twoand three-digit numbers and
number with one decimal

Add and subtract fractions

with related denominators in
real-life situations
Add and subtract decimals in
real-life situations, including

Numbers and number sense

Illustrate the properties of
addition (commutative,
associative, identity) and
apply each in appropriate and
relevant situations
Visualize, represent and add
2-digit by 3-digit numbers
with sums up to 1000 without
with regrouping
Visualize, represent and adds
3-digit by 3-digit numbers

place, using jottings where

Calculate differences between
near multiples of 1000, e.g.
5026 4998, or near
multiples of 1, e.g. 3.2 2.6.
Multiply multiples of 10 to 90,
and multiples of 100 to 900,
by a single-digit number.
Multiply by 19 or 21 by
multiplying by 20 and
Multiply by 25 by multiplying
by 100 and dividing by 4.
Use factors to multiply, e.g.
multiply by 3, then double to
multiply by 6.
Double any number up to 100
and halve even numbers to
200 and use this to double
and halve numbers with one
or two decimal places, e.g.
double 3.4 and half of 8.6.
Double multiples of 10 to
1000 and multiples of 100 to
10 000, e.g. double 360 or
double 3600, and derive the
corresponding halves.
Addition and subtraction
Find the total of more than
three two- or three-digit
numbers using a written
Add or subtract any pair of
three- and/or four-digit
numbers, with the same
number of decimal places,
including amounts of money.

with sums up to 1000 without

and with regrouping
Visualize, represent and
subtract 2- to 3-digit numbers
with minuends up to 999
without and with regrouping
Adds 3- to 4-digit numbers up
to three addends with sums
up to 10 000 without and with
Estimates the sum of 3- to 4digit addends with reasonable
Subtract 3-to 4-digit numbers
from 3- to 4-digit numbers
without and with regrouping.
Estimate the difference of two
numbers with three to four
digits with reasonable results
Visualize addition and
subtraction of similar fractions
Visualize subtraction of a
fraction from a whole number
Visualize addition and
subtraction of dissimilar
Perform addition and
subtraction of similar and
dissimilar fractions

Describe mental and written

strategies for multiplication
and division.
Use whole numbers up to
thousands or beyond in reallife situations
Use fast recall of

Numbers and number sense

Multiply numbers up to 3-digit
numbers by up to 2-digit
numbers with or without
Estimate the products of 3- to
4-digit numbers by 2- to 3digit numbers with reasonable

Multiplication and division

Multiply or divide three-digit
numbers by single-digit
Multiply two-digit numbers by
two-digit numbers.
Multiply two-digit numbers
with one decimal place by

multiplication and division

number facts in real-life
Use mental and written
strategies for multiplication
and division in real-life

Select an efficient method for

solving a problem, for
example, mental estimation,
mental or written strategies,
or by using a calculator
Use strategies to evaluate the
reasonableness of answers
Estimate sum, difference,
product and quotient in reallife situations, including

Divide 3- to 4-digit numbers
by 1- to 2-digit numbers
without and with remainder
Divide 3- to 4-digit numbers
by tens or hundreds or by 1
000 without and with
Estimate the quotient of 3- to
4-digit dividends by 1- to 2digit divisors with reasonable

Solve routine and non-routine

problems involving
multiplication of whole
numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools
Solve multi-step routine and
non- routine problems
involving multiplication and
addition or subtraction using

single-digit numbers, e.g. 3.6

Divide three-digit numbers by
single-digit numbers,
including those with a
remainder (answers no
greater than 30).
Start expressing remainders
as a fraction of the divisor
when dividing two-digit
numbers by single-digit
Decide whether to group
(using multiplication facts and
multiples of the divisor) or to
share (halving and quartering)
to solve divisions.
Decide whether to round an
answer up or down after
division, depending on the
Begin to use brackets to order
operations and understand
the relationship between the
four operations and how the
laws of arithmetic apply to
Interpret and explain MDAS
Problem Solving
Understand everyday systems
of measurement in length,
weight, capacity, temperature
and time and use these to
perform simple calculations.
Solve single and multi-step
word problems (all four
operations); represent them,
e.g. with diagrams or a
number line.

fractions and decimals

appropriate problem solving

strategies and tools.
Create problems (with
reasonable answers) involving
multiplication or with addition
or subtraction of whole
numbers including money.
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving division of
3- to 4- digit numbers by 1- to
2-digit numbers including
money using appropriate
problem solving strategies
and tools.
Solve multi-step routine and
non- routine problems
involving division and any of
the other operations of whole
numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
Create problems involving
division without or with any
other operations of whole
numbers including money,
with reasonable answers
Represent and explains
Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (MDAS)
Perform a series of two or
more operations.
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving addition
and/or subtraction of fractions
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
Create problems (with
reasonable answers) involving

Check with a different order

when adding several numbers
or by using the inverse when
adding or subtracting a pair of
Use multiplication to check
the result of a division, e.g.
multiply3.7 8 to check 29.6
Recognise the relationships
between different 2D and 3D
shapes, e.g. a face of a cube
is a square.
Estimate and approximate
when calculating, e.g. using
rounding, and check working.
Consider whether an answer
is reasonable in the context of
a problem.
Understand everyday systems
of measurement in length,
weight, capacity, temperature
and time and use these to
perform simple calculations.
Choose an appropriate
strategy for a calculation and
explain how they worked out
the answer.
Explore and solve number
problems and puzzles, e.g.
logic problems.
Deduce new information from
existing information to solve
Use ordered lists and tables to
help to solve problems
Describe and continue
number sequences, e.g. 30,
27, ____,
____ 18...; identify

addition and/or subtraction of



Shape and space


/ Content

Changing the position of a

shape does not alter its
Shapes can be transformed in
different ways.
Geometric shapes and
vocabulary are useful for
representing and describing
objects and events in realworld situations.

Demonstrate understanding
of the concepts of parallel and
perpendicular lines, angles,
triangles and quadrilaterals

the relationships between

Identify simple relationships
between shapes, e.g. these
triangles are all isosceles
because ...
Investigate a simple general
statement by finding
examples which do or do not
satisfy it, e.g. the sum of
three consecutive whole
numbers is always a multiple
of three.
Explain methods and justify
reasoning orally and in
writing; make hypotheses and
test them out.
Solve a larger problem by
breaking it down into subproblems or represent it using
Perform a series of two or
more operations.


Shape and space

Sort, describe and model
regular and irregular polygons
Describe and model
congruency and similarity in
2D shapes
Describe and/or represent
mental images of objects,
patterns, and paths
Analyze and describe 2D and
3D shapes, including regular
and irregular polygons, using
geometrical vocabulary
Identify, describe and model
congruency and similarity in
2D shapes

Describe and illustrate
parallel, intersecting and
perpendicular lines
Draw perpendicular and
parallel lines using a ruler and
a set square
Describe and illustrate
different angles (right, acute
and obtuse) using models
Describe the
attributes/properties of
triangles and quadrilaterals
using concrete objects or
Identify and describe triangles
according to sides and angles
Identify and describe the
different kinds of
quadrilaterals: square,
rectangle, parallelogram,
trapezoid and rhombus
Relate triangles to
Relate one quadrilateral to
another quadrilateral

Shapes and geometric

Identify and describe
properties of triangles and
classify as isosceles,
equilateral or scalene.
Recognize reflective and
rotational symmetry in regular
Create patterns with two lines
of symmetry, e.g. on a
pegboard or squared paper.
Visualize 3D shapes from 2D
drawings and nets, e.g.
different nets of an open or
closed cube.
Recognize perpendicular and
parallel lines in 2D shapes,
drawings and the
Understand and use angle
measure in degrees; measure
angles to the nearest 5;
identify, describe and
estimate the size of angles
and classify them as acute,
right or obtuse.
Calculate angles in a straight
Draw perpendicular and
parallel lines using a ruler and
set squares.
Identify parts of an angle and
name angles using notation
such as ABC, x, and 2 in
plane figures.
Draw a given angle using a
Describe and illustrates
parallel and perpendicular

Visualize the perimeter of any
given figure using appropriate
Derive the formula for
perimeter of any given figure
Find the perimeter of
triangles, squares, rectangles,
parallelograms and trapezoids
Solve routine and non-routine
problems in real-life situations
involving perimeter of
squares and rectangles,
triangles, parallelograms, and

Identify parallel and
perpendicular lines and use
these terms to describe
geometric figures.
Use concrete objects/models
to explore/describe plane
figures according to their
attributes/properties of
triangles and quadrilaterals.
Identify and describes the
different kinds of triangles:
acute, right, obtuse, scalene,
isosceles, equilateral,
Identify and describes the
different kinds of
quadrilaterals: square,
rectangle, parallelogram,
trapezoid, rhombus.
Visualize and describes
geometric solids.
Make models of different
geometric solids: cube, prism,
and cylinder.
Area and perimeter
Measure and calculate the
perimeter of regular and
irregular polygons.
Understand area measured in
square centimeters (cm2 and
Use the formula for the area
of a rectangle to calculate the
rectangles area.
Find the perimeter of
triangles, squares, rectangles,
parallelograms and
Solve word problems involving

Locate features on a grid

using coordinates
Analyze angles by comparing
and describing rotations:
whole turn; half turn; quarter
turn; north, south, east and
west on a compass
Recognize and explain

Differentiate perimeter from

Convert sq cm to sq m and
vice versa
Find the area of irregular
figures made up of squares
and rectangles using sq cm
and sq m
Estimate the area of irregular
plane figures made up of
squares and rectangles
Derive the formulas for the
area of triangles,
parallelograms and trapezoids
Find the area of triangles,
parallelograms and trapezoids
using sq cm and sq m
Estimate the area of triangles,
parallelograms and trapezoids
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving squares,
rectangles, triangles,
parallelograms, and
Create problems (with
reasonable answers) involving
perimeter and area involving
squares, rectangles, triangles,
parallelograms, and

perimeter of squares and

rectangles, triangles,
parallelograms and
Estimate the area of an
irregular plane figure made up
of squares and rectangles
using non-standard units.
Derive inductively the
formulas for the area of
squares and rectangles.

Position and movement

Read and plot co-ordinates in
the first quadrant.
Predict where a polygon will
be after reflection where the
mirror line is parallel to one of
the sides, including where the
line is oblique.
Understand translation as

symmetrical patterns,
including tessellation, in the
Apply knowledge of
transformations to problemsolving situations

movement along a straight

line, identify where polygons
will be after a translation and
give instructions for
translating shapes.




/ Content

Objects and events have

attributes that can be
measured using appropriate
Relationships exist between
standard units that measure
the same attributes.

Demonstrate the
understanding of the concept
of time, perimeter, area and

Estimate and measure using

standard units of
measurement: perimeter,
area and volume
Describe measures that fall
between numbers on a scale
Use standard units of
measurement to solve
problems in real-life situations
involving perimeter, area and
Select appropriate tools and
units of measurement

Visualize and represent and

convert common units of
measure from larger to
smaller unit and vice versa:
meter and centimeter,
kilogram and gram, liter and
Visualize, and represent, and
solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
conversions of common units
of measure.
Visualize, and represent, and
find the capacity of a
container using milliliter and
Visualize and represent and
solve routine and non-routine
problems involving capacity



Length, mass and capacity

Read, choose, use and record
standard units to estimate
and measure length, mass
and capacity to a suitable
degree of accuracy.
Convert larger to smaller
metric units (decimals to one
place), scale. e.g. change 2.6
kg to 2600 g.
Order measurements in mixed
Round measurements to the
nearest whole unit.
Interpret a reading that lies
between two unnumbered
divisions on a scale.
Compare readings on different
Draw and measure lines to
the nearest centimeter and


Read and write digital and

analogue time on 12-hour and
24-hour clocks
Use timelines in units of
inquiry and other real-life

Data Handling

Find the elapsed time in

minutes and seconds
Estimate the duration of time
in minutes
Solve problems involving
elapsed time

Visualize the volume of solid
figures in different situations
using non-standard and
standard units
Derive the formula for the
volume of rectangular prisms
Find the volume of a
rectangular prism using cu cm
and cu m
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving the
volume of a rectangular prism
Create problems (with
reasonable answers) involving
volume of rectangular prism
Statistics and Probability

Recognize and use the units
for time (seconds, minutes,
hours, days, months and
Tell and compare the time
using digital and analogue
clocks using the 24-hour
Read timetables using the 24hour clock.
Calculate time intervals in
seconds, minutes, and hours
using digital or analogue
Use a calendar to calculate
time intervals in days and
weeks (using knowledge of
days in calendar months).
Calculate time intervals in
months or years.
Visualize the volume of solid
figures in different situations
using non-standard and
standard units
Derive the formula for the
volume of rectangular prisms
Find the volume of a
rectangular prism using cu cm
and cu m
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving the
volume of a rectangular prism
Create problems (with
reasonable answers) involving
volume of rectangular prism

Handling Data

/ Content


Data can be collected,

organized, displayed and
analysed in different ways.
Different graph forms
highlight different aspects of
data more efficiently.
Probability can be based on
experimental events in daily
Probability can be expressed
in numerical notations.
Collect, display and interpret
data using simple graphs, for
example, bar graphs, line
Identify, read and interpret
range and scale on graphs
Identify the mode of a set of
Use tree diagrams to express
probability using simple
Design a survey and
systematically collect,
organize and display data in
pictographs and bar graphs
Select appropriate graph
form(s) to display data
Interpret range and scale on
Use probability to determine
mathematically fair and unfair
games and to explain possible
Express probability using
simple fractions

Demonstrate understanding
of the concepts of bar graphs
and simple experiments

Collect data on two variables

using any source
Organize data in tabular form
and present them in
single/double horizontal or
vertical bar graph
Interpret data presented in
different kinds of bar graphs
single/double bars)
Solve routine and non-routine
problems using data
presented in single or doublebar graph
Draw inference based on data
presented in a double-bar
Record favorable outcomes in
a simple experiment
Express the outcome in a
simple experiment in words,
symbols, tables or graphs
Explain the outcomes in an
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving a simple

Organising, categorising and

representing data; probability
Answer a set of related
questions by collecting,
selecting, and organizing
relevant data; draw
conclusions from their own
and others data and identify
further questions to ask.
Draw and interpret frequency
tables, pictograms and bar
line charts, with the vertical
axis labelled for example in
twos, fives, tens, twenties or
hundreds. Consider the effect
of changing the scale on the
vertical axis.
Construct simple line graphs,
e.g. to show changes in
temperature over time.
Understand where
intermediate points have and
do not have meaning, e.g.
comparing a line graph of
temperature against time with
a graph of class attendance
for each day of the week.
Find and interpret the mode of

/ Content


Pattern and function

Functions are relationships or
rules that uniquely associate
members of one set with
members of another set.
By analysing patterns and
identifying rules for patterns it
is possible to make
Describe the rule for a pattern
in a variety of ways
Represent rules for patterns
using words, symbols and
Identify a sequence of
operations relating one set of
numbers to another set.
Select appropriate methods
for representing patterns, for
example using words,
symbols and tables
Use number patterns to make
predictions and solve
Use the properties and
relationships of the four
operations to solve problems.

Create problems involving a
simple experiment

a set of data.
Describe the occurrence of
familiar events using the
language of chance or

Patterns and Algebra

Demonstrate understanding
of concepts of continuous and
repeating patterns and
number sentences

Pattern and function

Determine the missing term/s

in a sequence of numbers
(e.g. odd numbers, even
numbers, multiples of a
number, factors of a number,
Find the missing number in an
equation involving properties
of operations. (e.g. (4+__ ) +
8 = 4 + ( 5 + __)

Describe the rule for a pattern

in a variety of ways
Represent rules for patterns
using words, symbols and
Identify a sequence of
operations relating one set of
numbers to another set.
Select appropriate methods
for representing patterns, for
example using words,
symbols and tables
Use number patterns to make
predictions and solve
Use the properties and
relationships of the four
operations to solve problems.

Math Grade 5
/ Content


The base 10 place value
system extends infinitely in
two directions.
Fractions, decimal fractions
and percentages are ways of
representing whole-part
For fractional and decimal
computation, the ideas
developed for whole-number
computation can apply.
Ratios are a comparison of
two numbers or quantities.

read, write, compare and
order whole numbers up to
millions or beyond
read and write ratios
read and write integers in
appropriate contexts
read and write exponents and
square roots
convert improper fractions to
mixed numbers and vice
simplify fractions in mental
and written form
read, write, compare and

Dep Ed

Numbers and number sense

Demonstrate understanding
of whole numbers up to
Demonstrate understanding
of multiplication and division
of whole numbers including
Demonstrate understanding
of factors and multiples and
addition and subtraction of
Demonstrate understanding
of improper fractions and
mixed numbers
Number and number sense
Visualize numbers up to 100
000 with emphasis on
numbers 10 001 100 000
Give the place value and
value of a digit in numbers up
to 100 000
Read and write the numbers
up to hundred thousand and
symbols and in words
Round numbers to the nearest
thousand and ten thousand
Compare numbers up to 100
000 using relation symbols
Order numbers up to 100 000
in increasing or decreasing


Numbers and number system

Numbers and the number

Count on and back in fractions and

decimals, e.g. 1/3 s, 0.1s, and

repeated steps of whole numbers
(and through zero).
Know what each digit represents in
whole numbers up to a million.
Know what each digit represents in
one- and two-place decimal numbers.
Multiply and divide any whole number
from 1 to 10 000 by 10, 100 or 1000
and explain the effect.
Multiply and divide decimals by 10 or
100 (answers up to two decimal

order decimal fractions to

thousandths or beyond
read, write, compare and
order percentages
convert between fractions,
decimals and percentages
use whole numbers up to
millions or beyond in real-life
use ratios in real-life
use integers in real-life
convert improper fractions to
mixed numbers and vice
versa in real-life situations
simplify fractions in
computation answers
use fractions, decimals and
percentages interchangeably
in real-life situations
select and use an appropriate
sequence of operations to
solve word problems
select an efficient method for
solving a problem: mental
estimation, mental
computation, written
algorithms, by using a
use strategies to evaluate the
reasonableness of answers
use mental and written
strategies for adding,
subtracting, multiplying and
dividing fractions and
decimals in real-life situations
estimate and make
approximations in real-life

Identify factors of a given
number up to 100
Identify the multiples of a
given number up to 100
Make conjectures about
common factors of numbers
Differentiate prime numbers
from composite numbers
Find the prime factors of a
Write a given number as a
product of its prime factors
Give the common factors and
the greatest common factor
(GCF) of two numbers using
the following methods: listing,
factor tree
Give the common multiples
and least common multiple
(LCM) of two numbers: listing,
factor tree, continuous
Find the GCF and LCM of 2
given numbers
Identify proper fractions,
improper fractions and mixed
Change improper fraction to
mixed numbers and vice
Change fractions to lowest
Visualize decimal numbers
using models like blocks,
grids, number lines and
money to show the
relationship to fractions
Rename decimal numbers to

places for division).

Find factors of two-digit numbers.

Find some common multiples, e.g. for
4 and 5.

Round whole numbers to the nearest

10, 100 or 1000.

Round a number with two decimal

places to the nearest tenth or to the

nearest whole number.
Make and justify estimates and
approximations of large numbers.
Order and compare positive numbers
to one million, and negative integers
to an appropriate level.
Use the >, < and = signs correctly.
Estimate where four-digit numbers
lie on an empty 0 10 000 line.
Order numbers with up to two decimal
places (including different numbers of
Recognise and extend number
Recognise and use decimals with up
to three places in the context of
Recognise odd and even numbers
and multiples of 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100
up to 1000.
Make general statements about
sums, differences and multiples of
odd and even numbers.
Recognise prime numbers up to 20
and find all prime numbers less than
Write a given number as a product of
its prime factors.
Give the common factors and the
greatest common factor (GCF) of two
numbers using the following methods:

situations involving fractions,

decimals and percentages

fractions, and fractions whose

denominators are factors of
10 and 100 to decimals
Give the place value and the
value of a digit of a given
decimal number through
Read and write decimal
numbers through hundredths
Round decimal numbers to
the nearest whole number
and tenth
Compare and arrange decimal

listing, factor tree, continuous

Give the common multiples and least
common multiple (LCM) of two
numbers: listing, factor tree,
continuous division.
Find the GCF and LCM of 2 given
Use divisibility rules for 2, 5 and 10 to
find common factors of numbers.
Use divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9 to
find common factors.
Use divisibility rules for 4, 8, 11 and
12 to find common factors.
Solve problems involving factors,
multiples and divisibility rules for 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Recognise the historical origins of our
number system and begin to
understand how it developed.
Compare fractions with the same
denominator and related
denominators, e.g. with 7/8.
Recognise equivalence between
fractions, e.g. between 1/100s, 1/10s
and s.
Recognise and use the equivalence
between decimal and fraction forms.
Order mixed numbers and place
between whole numbers on a number
Change an improper fraction to a
mixed number, e.g 17/8 to 2 1/8.
Reduce fractions to their simplest
form, where this is , , or a
number of fifths or tenths.
Begin to convert a vulgar fraction to a
decimal fraction using division.
Read and writes common fractions in

decimal form through thousandths.

Rename decimal numbers to fractions

with denominators of 10, 100,

Give the place value of each digit of a
given decimal through thousandths.
Read and write decimal numbers
through thousandths.
Rounds decimals to the nearest
tenths and hundredths.
Compare and arrange decimal
numbers from least to greatest and
vice versa.
Estimate the sum or difference of
decimal numbers.
Add and subtract decimals through
thousandths without and with
Add and subtract mixed decimals
without and with regrouping.
Analyze and solve word problems,
including money problems, involving
addition and subtraction of decimal
Represent multiplication of decimal
numbers using pictorial models.
Estimate the products of decimal
Multiply decimal numbers by multiples
of 10 and 100.
Multiply decimal numbers of values
up to hundredths.
Multiply mixed decimals with tenths
and hundredths by whole numbers.
Multiply mixed decimals by mixed
decimal with tenths and hundredths.
Multiply decimals mentally by 0.1,
0.01, 10and 100.
Analyze and solve word problems
involving multiplication of decimals

including money.

Represent division of decimal

numbers using pictorial models.

Estimate the quotients of decimal
Divide decimal numbers of values up
to the hundredths.
Divide decimal numbers by whole
Analyze and solve problems of
various types using whole numbers,
fractions and decimals.
Understand percentage as parts in
every 100 and express , , 1/3,
1/10, 1/100 as percentages.
Find simple percentages of shapes
and whole numbers.
Solve simple problems involving ratio
and direct proportion.

Mental strategies

Multiply mentally 2-digit by 1to 2-digit numbers with

products up to 200 and
explain the strategies used
Divide mentally 2-to 3-digit
numbers by 1-digit numbers
without remainder using
appropriate strategies

Recall addition and subtraction facts

for numbers to 20 and pairs of oneplace decimals with a total of 1, e.g.
0.4 + 0.6.
Derive quickly pairs of one-place
decimals totalling 10, e.g. 7.8 and 2.2,
and two-place decimals totalling 1,
e.g. 0.78 +
Use place value and number facts to
add or subtract two-digit whole
numbers and to add or subtract threedigit multiples of 10 and pairs 0.22. of
decimals, e.g. 560 + 270; 2.6 + 2.7;
0.78 + 0.23.
Add/subtract near multiples of one
when adding numbers with one
decimal place, e.g. 5.6 + 2.9; 13.5
Add/subtract a near multiple of 10,
100 or 1000, or a near whole unit of

Add and subtract fractions

with related denominators in
real-life situations
Add and subtract decimals in
real-life situations, including

Numbers and number sense

Illustrate the properties of
addition (commutative,
associative, identity) and
apply each in appropriate and
relevant situations
Visualize, represent and add
2-digit by 3-digit numbers
with sums up to 1000 without
with regrouping
Visualize, represent and adds
3-digit by 3-digit numbers
with sums up to 1000 without
and with regrouping
Visualize, represent and
subtract 2- to 3-digit numbers
with minuends up to 999
without and with regrouping
Adds 3- to 4-digit numbers up
to three addends with sums
up to 10 000 without and with
Estimates the sum of 3- to 4digit addends with reasonable

money, and adjust, e.g. 3127 + 4998;

5678 1996.
Use place value and multiplication
facts to multiply/divide mentally, e.g.
0.8 7; 4.8 6.
Multiply pairs of multiples of 10, e.g.
30 40, or multiples of 10 and100,
e.g. 600 40.
Double quickly any two-digit number,
e.g. 78, 7.8, 0.78 and derive the
corresponding halves.
Divide two-digit numbers by singledigit numbers, including leaving a

Addition and subtraction

Add two- and three-digit numbers with

the same or different numbers of
digits/decimal places.
Add or subtract numbers with the
same and different numbers of
decimal places, including amounts of
Find the difference between a positive
and negative integer, and between
two negative integers in a context
such as temperature or on a number

Subtract 3-to 4-digit numbers
from 3- to 4-digit numbers
without and with regrouping.
Estimate the difference of two
numbers with three to four
digits with reasonable results
Visualize addition and
subtraction of similar fractions
Visualize subtraction of a
fraction from a whole number
Visualize addition and
subtraction of dissimilar
Perform addition and
subtraction of similar and
dissimilar fractions

Describe mental and written

strategies for multiplication
and division.
Use whole numbers up to
thousands or beyond in reallife situations
Use fast recall of
multiplication and division
number facts in real-life
Use mental and written
strategies for multiplication
and division in real-life

Numbers and number sense

Multiply numbers up to 3-digit
numbers by up to 2-digit
numbers with or without
Estimate the products of 3- to
4-digit numbers by 2- to 3digit numbers with reasonable
Divide 3- to 4-digit numbers
by 1- to 2-digit numbers
without and with remainder
Divide 3- to 4-digit numbers
by tens or hundreds or by 1
000 without and with
Estimate the quotient of 3- to
4-digit dividends by 1- to 2digit divisors with reasonable

Multiplication and division

Multiply pairs of multiples of 10, e.g.

30 40, or multiples of 10 and 100,

e.g. 600 40.
Multiply near multiples of 10 by
multiplying by the multiple of 10 and
Multiply by halving one number and
doubling the other, e.g. calculate 35
16 with 70 8.
Use number facts to generate new
multiplication facts, e.g. the 17 table
from 10 + 7 tables.
Multiply two-, three- or four-digit
numbers (including sums of money)
by a single-digit number and two- or
three-digit numbers by two-digit
Divide three-digit numbers by singledigit numbers, including those leaving
a remainder and divide three-digit

Select an efficient method for

solving a problem, for
example, mental estimation,
mental or written strategies,
or by using a calculator
Use strategies to evaluate the
reasonableness of answers
Estimate sum, difference,
product and quotient in reallife situations, including
fractions and decimals

Solve routine and non-routine

problems involving
multiplication of whole
numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools
Solve multi-step routine and
non- routine problems
involving multiplication and
addition or subtraction using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
Create problems (with
reasonable answers) involving
multiplication or with addition
or subtraction of whole

numbers by two-digit numbers (no

remainder) including sums of money.
Give an answer to division as a mixed
number, and a decimal (with divisors
of 2, 4, 5, 10 or 100).
Relate finding fractions to division and
use them as operators to find
fractions including several tenths and
hundredths of quantities.
Know and apply the arithmetic laws
as they apply to multiplication(without
necessarily using the terms
commutative, associative or
State , explain and interpret the
PMDAS or GMDAS rule.
Simplify a series of operations on
whole numbers involving more than
two operations using the PMDAS or
GMDAS rule.
Analyze and solve problems
involving series of operations.

Problem Solving
Choose appropriate and efficient

mental or written strategies to carry

out a calculation involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication or division.
Understand everyday systems of
measurement in length, weight,
capacity, temperature and time and
use these to perform simple
Check addition with a different order
when adding a long list of numbers;
check when subtracting by using the
Recognise 2D and 3D shapes and
their relationships, e.g. a cuboid has a

numbers including money.

Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving division of
3- to 4- digit numbers by 1- to
2-digit numbers including
money using appropriate
problem solving strategies
and tools.
Solve multi-step routine and
non- routine problems
involving division and any of
the other operations of whole
numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
Create problems involving
division without or with any
other operations of whole
numbers including money,
with reasonable answers
Represent and explains
Multiplication, Division,
Addition, Subtraction (MDAS)
Perform a series of two or
more operations.
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving addition
and/or subtraction of fractions
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.
Create problems (with
reasonable answers) involving
addition and/or subtraction of

rectangular cross-section.
Estimate and approximate when
calculating, e.g. use rounding, and
check working.
Use models to illustrate mathematical
Determine the patterns in completing
mathematical sentences.
Use patterns to solve for the unknown
in simple equations involving one or
more operation on whole numbers
and fractions.
Explain why they chose a particular
method to perform a calculation and
show working
Deduce new information from existing
information and realise the effect that
one piece of information has on
Use logical reasoning to explore and
solve number problems and
mathematical puzzles.
Use ordered lists or tables to help
solve problems systematically.
Identify relationships between
numbers and make generalised
statements using words, then
symbols and letters, e.g. the second
number is twice the first number plus
5 (n, 2n + 5); all the numbers are
multiples of 3 minus 1 (3n 1); the
sum of angles in a triangle is 180.
Make sense of and solve word
problems, single and multi-step(all
four operations), and represent them,
e.g. with diagrams or on a number
line; use brackets to show the series
of calculations necessary.
Solve simple word problems involving

ratio and direct proportion.


/ Content


Shape and space

Manipulation of shape and

space takes place for a
particular purpose.
Consolidating what we know
of geometric concepts allow
us to make sense of and
interact with our world.
Geometric tools and methods
can be used to solve
problems relating to shape
and space.
Shape and space
analyse, describe, classify and
visualize 2D (including circles,
triangles and quadrilaterals)
and 3D shapes, using
geometric vocabulary
describe lines and angles
using geometric vocabulary
identify and use scale (ratios)
to enlarge and reduce shapes
identify and use the language
and notation of bearing to
describe direction and
create and model how a 2D
net converts into a 3D shape
and vice versa
explore the use of geometric
ideas and relationships to
solve problems in other areas
of mathematics
use geometric vocabulary
when describing shape and


Demonstrate understanding
of the concepts of parallel and
perpendicular lines, angles,
triangles and quadrilaterals

Describe and illustrate
parallel, intersecting and
perpendicular lines
Draw perpendicular and
parallel lines using a ruler and
a set square
Describe and illustrate
different angles (right, acute
and obtuse) using models
Describe the
attributes/properties of
triangles and quadrilaterals
using concrete objects or
Identify and describe triangles
according to sides and angles
Identify and describe the
different kinds of
quadrilaterals: square,
rectangle, parallelogram,
trapezoid and rhombus
Relate triangles to


Shapes and geometric

Classify different polygons and

understand whether a 2D shape is a

polygon or not.
Visualise and describe the properties
of 3D shapes, e.g. faces, edges and
Identify and describe properties of
quadrilaterals (including the
parallelogram, rhombus and
trapezium), and classify using parallel
sides, equal sides, equal angles.
Recognise and make 2D
representations of 3D shapes
including nets.
Estimate, recognise and draw acute
and obtuse angles and use a
protractor to measure to the nearest
Check that the sum of the angles in a
triangle is 180, for example, by
measuring or paper folding; calculate

space in mathematical
situations and beyond
use scale (ratios) to enlarge
and reduce shapes
apply the language and
notation of bearing to
describe direction and
use 2D representations of 3D
objects to visualize and solve
problems, for example using
drawings or models.

Relate one quadrilateral to
another quadrilateral

Visualize the perimeter of any
given figure using appropriate
Derive the formula for
perimeter of any given figure
Find the perimeter of
triangles, squares, rectangles,
parallelograms and trapezoids
Solve routine and non-routine
problems in real-life situations
involving perimeter of
squares and rectangles,
triangles, parallelograms, and
Differentiate perimeter from
Convert sq cm to sq m and
vice versa
Find the area of irregular
figures made up of squares
and rectangles using sq cm
and sq m
Estimate the area of irregular
plane figures made up of
squares and rectangles

angles in a triangle or around a point.

Area and perimeter

Measure and calculate the perimeter

and area of rectilinear shapes.
Estimate the area of an irregular
shape by counting squares.
Calculate perimeter and area of
simple compound shapes that can be
split into rectangles.
Represent and describe the
circumference of a circle.
Use a model to estimate the
circumference of a circle.
Derive a formula for finding the
circumference of a circle.
Find the circumference of the given
circle using the formula/s derived.
Solve problems involving
Estimate and use appropriate units of
measure for area.
Convert sq cm to sq m and vice
Name the appropriate unit of measure
used for measuring area for accuracy.
estimates and uses appropriate units

Derive the formulas for the

area of triangles,
parallelograms and trapezoids
Find the area of triangles,
parallelograms and trapezoids
using sq cm and sq m
Estimate the area of triangles,
parallelograms and trapezoids
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving squares,
rectangles, triangles,
parallelograms, and
Create problems (with
reasonable answers) involving
perimeter and area involving
squares, rectangles, triangles,
parallelograms, and

of measure for volume.

Convert one cubic unit of measure to

a larger or smaller unit.

Name the appropriate unit of measure
used for measuring the volume of a
cube and a rectangular prism for
Represent and describe the area of a
Use a model to find the area of a
Derive a formula for finding the area
of a circle.
Find the area of a circle using the
formula/s derived.
Solve problems involving area of
circle using appropriate formulas and

Position and movement

Locate features on a grid

using coordinates
Analyze angles by comparing
and describing rotations:
whole turn; half turn; quarter
turn; north, south, east and
west on a compass
Recognize and explain
symmetrical patterns,
including tessellation, in the
Apply knowledge of
transformations to problemsolving situations





Accuracy of measurements
depends on the situation and

Demonstrate the
understanding of the concept

Read and plot co-ordinates in all four

Predict where a polygon will be after
one reflection, where the sides
of the shape are not parallel or
perpendicular to the mirror line, after
one translation or after a rotation
through 90 about one of its vertices.


/ Content


the precision of the tool.

Conversion of units and
measurements allows us to
make sense of the world we
live in.
A range of procedures exists
to measure different
attributes of objects and
develop and describe
formulas for finding
perimeter, area and volume
use decimal and fraction
notation in measurement, for
example, 3.2 cm, 1.47 kg,
1 miles
read and interpret scales on a
range of measuring
measure and construct angles
in degrees using a protractor
carry out simple unit
conversions within a system
of measurement (metric or
select and use appropriate
units of measurement and
tools to solve problems in
real-life situations
determine and justify the
level of accuracy required to
solve real-life problems
involving measurement
use decimal and fractional
notation in measurement, for
example, 3.2 cm, 1.47 kg,
1 miles

of time, perimeter, area and


Visualize and represent and

convert common units of
measure from larger to
smaller unit and vice versa:
meter and centimeter,
kilogram and gram, liter and
Visualize, and represent, and
solves routine and nonroutine problems involving
conversions of common units
of measure.
Visualize, and represent, and
find the capacity of a
container using milliliter and
Visualize and represent and
solve routine and non-routine
problems involving capacity

Length, mass and capacity

Select and use standard units of

measure. Read and write to two or

three decimal places.
Convert between units of
measurement (kg and g, l and ml,
km, m, cm and mm), using decimals
to three places, e.g. recognising that
1.245 m is 1 m 24.5 cm.
Interpret readings on different scales,
using a range of measuring
Draw and measure lines to the
nearest centimeter and millimeter.
Know imperial units still in common
use, e.g. the mile, and approximate
metric equivalents.


use timetables and schedules

(12-hour and 24-hour clocks)
in real-life situations
determine times worldwide

Find the elapsed time in

minutes and seconds
Estimate the duration of time
in minutes
Solve problems involving
elapsed time

Visualize the volume of solid
figures in different situations
using non-standard and
standard units
Derive the formula for the
volume of rectangular prisms
Find the volume of a
rectangular prism using cu cm
and cu m
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving the
volume of a rectangular prism
Create problems (with

Recognise and understand the units

for measuring time (seconds,
minutes, hours, days, weeks, months,
years, decades and centuries);
convert one unit of time into another
Tell the time using digital and
analogue clocks using the 24-hour
Compare times on digital and
analogue clocks, e.g. realise quarter
to four is later than 3:40.
Read and use timetables using the
24-hour clock.
Calculate time intervals using digital
and analogue times.
Use a calendar to calculate time
intervals in days, weeks or months.
Calculate time intervals in days,
months or years.
Appreciate how the time is different in
different time zones around the world.

Visualize the volume of solid
figures in different situations
using non-standard and
standard units
Derive the formula for the
volume of rectangular prisms
Find the volume of a
rectangular prism using cu cm
and cu m
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving the
volume of a rectangular prism
Create problems (with
reasonable answers) involving

reasonable answers) involving

volume of rectangular prism
Describes and estimates the

/ Content


Data Handling
Data can be presented
effectively for valid
interpretation and
Range, mode, median and
mean can be used to analyse
statistical data.
Probability can be
represented on a scale
between 01 or 0%100%.
The probability of an event
can be predicted theoretically.

temperature inside and outside of the

Identifies the parts of a thermometer.
Reads a thermometer.
Measures temperature using the
degree Celsius.
Solves problems involving

Statistics and Probability

Demonstrate understanding
of the concepts of bar graphs
and simple experiments

volume of rectangular prism

Describes and estimates the

temperature inside and outside of the

Identifies the parts of a thermometer.
Reads a thermometer.
Measures temperature using the
degree Celsius.
Solves problems involving

Handling Data

Organising, categorising and

representing data; probability

collect, display and interpret

data in circle graphs (pie
charts) and line graphs
identify, describe and explain
the range, mode, median and
mean in a set of data
set up a spreadsheet using
simple formulas to manipulate
data and to create graphs
express probabilities using
scale (01) or per cent (0%

Collect data on two variables

using any source
Organize data in tabular form
and present them in
single/double horizontal or
vertical bar graph
Interpret data presented in
different kinds of bar graphs
single/double bars)
Solve routine and non-routine

Organizing, categorizing and representing

Solve a problem by representing,
extracting and interpreting data in
tables, graphs, charts and diagrams,
e.g. line graphs for distance and time;
a price ready-reckoner for currency
conversion; frequency tables and bar
charts with grouped discrete data
Find the mode and range of a set of
data from relevant situations, e.g.

design a survey and
systematically collect, record,
organize and display the data
in a bar graph, circle graph,
line graph
identify, describe and explain
the range, mode, median and
mean in a set of data
create and manipulate an
electronic database for their
own purposes
determine the theoretical
probability of an event and
explain why it might differ
from experimental probability.

/ Content


Pattern and function

Patterns can often be
generalized using algebraic
expressions, equations or
Exponential notation is a
powerful way to express
repeated products of the
same number.
represent the rule of a pattern
by using a function
analyse pattern and function
using words, tables and
graphs, and, when possible,
symbolic rules
select appropriate methods to
analyse patterns and identify
use functions to solve

problems using data

presented in single or doublebar graph
Draw inference based on data
presented in a double-bar
Record favorable outcomes in
a simple experiment
Express the outcome in a
simple experiment in words,
symbols, tables or graphs
Explain the outcomes in an
Solve routine and non-routine
problems involving a simple
Create problems involving a
simple experiment
Patterns and Algebra
Demonstrate understanding
of concepts of continuous and
repeating patterns and
number sentences

Determine the missing term/s

in a sequence of numbers
(e.g. odd numbers, even
numbers, multiples of a
number, factors of a number,
Find the missing number in an
equation involving properties
of operations. (e.g. (4+__ ) +
8 = 4 + ( 5 + __)

scientific experiments.
Begin to find the median and mean of
a set of data.
Explore how statistics are used in
everyday life.
Use the language associated with
probability to discuss events, to
assess likelihood and risk, including
those with equally likely outcomes.
Describe a probability experiment.
Perform a probability experiment and
record results by listing.
Analyze data obtained from chance
using experiments involving letter
cards (A to Z) and number cards (0 to

Pattern and function

Represent the rule of a

pattern by using a function.
Analyse pattern and function
using words, tables and
graphs, and, when possible,
symbolic rules.
Select appropriate methods to
analyse patterns and identify
Use functions to solve

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