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Unit Plan
Date: 10/14 through 10/24
Overall lesson topic/title and purpose: Daily Life of Ancient Egypt.
Standards: GLCS: W1.2.1, G1.2.1, G4.3.2
Big Ideas: The main concept and theme of this unit is the daily life of ancient Egypt. Students
will be answering the question: How did social class effect daily life in ancient Egypt?
Goals/Objectives: How the Social Pyramid of Ancient Egyptian Society, Bring to life a typical
scene from the daily life of a social class in ancient Egypt, identify key aspects of daily life of
various social classes in ancient Egypt, Students will explain the social pyramid of ancient
Egypt, and understand the daily lives, jobs, roles, and responsibilities of each of the social
classes. Students will be able to compare and contrast ancient Egypt social pyramid to that of
their school and family.
Procedures and approximate time allocated for each
They will just have finished a unit on the geography of ancient Egypt. We discussed
environmental factors, and physical geography. It helps round out the understanding of why
ancient civilizations settled where they did. We will be moving into the unit on daily life.
Discussing how the roles and routines of different social classes was affected by the
Lesson One: ( 1 days)
Opener: List 5 things you learned on the River Trip.
Engineering an Empire: Egypt Video and Video analysis worksheet.
This video is a history channel show that emphasizes on the daily life of each of the social classes.

Ending: Discussion about the questions on their video guide which addresses daily life in
Lesson Two: (2 day)
Opener: Order the social structure of our school. Students, teachers, principal, assistant
principal, student council, office staff.
Students will work in groups on becoming an expert on a specific social class. They will get
into groups and work in their textbooks, and the extra information to create a teaching tool.
Students will have 5 headings with 5 bullet points per heading.

Then students will teach the rest of the class their information. Each student will teach for 510 minutes. The other students have to take notes and need 5 bullet points per presentation in
their notebooks.
Closing: we will compare and contrast the social structure of our school and ancient Egypt.
Lesson Three: (2 days)
Openers: (1) What do you think are the main differences in the lifestyles of the Egyptian
Social Groups? (2) Why do you think that the social pyramid in ancient Egypt was rigid?
Interactive Student Notebook Ch. 9: Students will work individually and go over the
answers as a class.
We will read section 4 as a class and answer the questions on the board. Students will read
section 5 individually and we will go over answers as a class on the board. Students will read
section 6 as a class and we will go over answers on the board. Students will read section 7
individually and we will go over answers on the board.
We will do the processing as a class on the board. Making sure discuss in detail the
Remaining time students can finish packets, and finish vocabulary.
Closing: I will have students think about social structure pyramid in the school and how the
social pyramid is flexible and ever changing. How their lives are always growing, and
Lesson Four: (1 days)
Opening Question: Choose a social class and discuss what the main roles and what daily life
would look like for that class.
Students will continue to work on their brochure for the Egypt unit. Students will choose 2 of
the social classes. Using 2 of their remaining blank pages students will do a description of the
two classes. Each page needs 1 class, and a picture for each page. They need to have a
description of their roles, daily life, jobs, and fun facts.
Lesson Five: (1 days)
Agenda: 1. No Opening
2. Get a textbook
3. Open to pg. 79 Ch. 8
4. Wait for instructions
Plan: 1. Read introduction aloud
2. SQ3R sections 8.3/8.6 (maybe 8.5)
3. Due Today
4. Pharaoh YouTube Videos
Closing: Go over the ancient Egyptian pharaohs as a class.


Lesson Six: (1 days)

No Opening
Students will work on the study review crossword. They are allowed to work with one other
Go over the answers as a class.
Test that is multiple choice and short answer. Short answer questions regarding what daily
life for the Egyptians looked like and how social class affected daily life.
I will be using their student teach activity as an assessment. Their written portion that is
turned in, as well as their actual presentation.
I will be using their brochure as an assessment, their exit slips as formal assessments, and
the daily discussion as informal assessments.
Differentiated Instructions:
For my one student with a severe physical disorder, he will have different instructions. For the brochure, he can use his iPad.
He must fulfill all of the requirements of the written portions. For the student teach activity he can participate as the studnets
with no disabilities. For the illustration portion, he can either give detailed descriptions of the photo, or find a photo online.
For the test, he likes to do the multiple choice himself, but the short answers he will tell a proctor and they will record. The
map portion he can point and explain what he wants drawn/done to the proctor.
There will be an oral test given for the students who need it. Otherwise, I use different methods throughout my lessons so
that it is more ability to reach different students.

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