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Ryan McLeod

Winter 2015
Clinical Proposal
Following are the planned clinical practice activities to be undertaken by Ryan McLeod during
the Winter Term 2015 at the University of Michigan-Flint. This clinical practice will be
completed in the Clio Area School District at Clio Area High School under the direction of Mrs.
Lisa Taylor, Assistant Principal and Athletic Director of Clio High School, who will serve as the
cooperating administrator and provide on-site supervision for the experience.
Required Competencies:
1. Competency X: Leadership
Related Task: Job Shadowing
Narrative Description:
Shadow and assist cooperating administrator throughout the course of the clinical experience for
a minimum of two administrative days to observe and periodically lead all matters relative to the
position. Write a continuous, reflective journal of each experience citing all activities and
providing a thoughtful analysis of the number, nature, and focus of the activities and with whom
the administrator interacted. Describe and assess the decision-making processes and styles used
by the administrator in responding to various categories of demands or problems. Identify several
crucial lessons throughout each day regarding school leadership and administrative practices.
2. Competency 1: Accountability
Related Task:
1.4 Ability to prepare, develop, and evaluate research designed to assess the effectiveness of the
instructional program.
Specific Task:
1.4.4 Work with a committee to conduct a district-wide assessment of the instructional program.
Narrative Description:
The Freshman Academy program at Clio High School was established at the beginning of the
2013-2014 school year to decrease the steadily increasing rate of freshman students failing one
or more classes. Several studies have shown that the implementation of intervention programs
such as the Freshman Academy model can decrease the aforementioned failure rates among
students. Through the process of this program evaluation, I will establish a group of teachers
willing to regularly contribute to the program evaluation and assessment, preferably those
involved with the Freshman Academy. I will conduct observations of MTSS and RTI procedures
to proactively affect failure rates and develop an organized manner of objectively evaluating the
specified program. A final analysis of the evaluation will be presented to administration and staff
within the Freshman Academy.

3. Competency 4: Curriculum, Instruction and Supervision

Related Task:
4.3 Knowledge of variety of instructional methods and skills
Specific Task:
4.3.6 Conduct a clinical evaluation cycle including observation in a typical classroom.
Narrative Description:
Teacher evaluation throughout the state of Michigan has been subject to continual change over
the past three years, and Clio has been no exception to having to adapt to the newer models. The
major focus of this competency will be to utilize the evaluative tool Clio has adopted and
implement it through mock, formal evaluations with consenting teachers. I will conduct an
observation and mediate the post-observation conference with a teachers permission and write
an evaluation of the observation using the buildings selected evaluation tool. Following the
observation and post-observation conference, my evaluation will be compared to the written
evaluation prepared by the cooperating administrator and a discussion of similarities and
differences will follow the post-observation conference; this meeting will also include an
interview of the administrative staff member conducting the observation concerning
administrative/supervisory practices that facilitate meaningful evaluations and how evaluative
feedback is recognized to foster professional growth of the evaluated staff member.
Selected Competencies:
4. Competency 10: Personnel
Related Task:
10.8 Knowledge of principles of recruiting and selecting teaching personnel.
Specific Task:
10.8.4 Review placement files of at least ten candidates for a teaching position. Make
recommendations for candidate selection and justify.
Narrative Description:
With the over-abundant number of applicants for a single position at the public school level, the
selection of quality candidates can prove to be an overwhelming endeavor. Consortium sites are
a common medium for application submissions, and I will consult and review potential
applicants with administrators to identify qualified candidates for a position. Throughout this
process, I will interview building administrators to discuss the guidelines for selecting candidates
for the interview process and view the Genesee County Consortium from an administrative
perspective to better understand how candidates are sorted based on application information. If
positions are not available and interviews are not being conducted, I will review applications for
either former applicants or current applicants to assist in the interview selection process. If
interviews are conducted, assist during the interview process to narrow candidates.

5. Competency 11: Student Personnel

Related Task:
11.2 Knowledge of principles of discipline, student control, etc.
Specific Task:
11.2.2 Analyze discipline referral and suspension data for a school year to identify the nature and
frequency of student misbehavior. Based on findings, recommend a plan to reduce the most
common form of misconduct.
Narrative Description:
Out-of-school suspension has recently become a highly criticized form of disciplinary action at
the public school level. I plan on obtaining suspension data that has been collected throughout
the course of the 2014-2015 school year thus far and identifying trends in student discipline
related to specific reoccurring behaviors. I will also analyze the frequency of suspensions and
research alternative forms of disciplinary action to suspension to bring student awareness to the
behavior and how it can be remedied through different mediums of formal reprimands. This
approach will also require thorough research of laws regarding student discipline and
6. Competency 12: Diversity
Related Task:
12.1 Knowledge of multicultural issues and strategies for meeting needs of diverse student
Specific Task:
12.1.1 Analyze the English/Language Arts and Social Studies curriculum at the high school level
in terms of its satisfaction of multicultural standards endorsed by a national professional
association or society.
Narrative Description:
Multicultural curriculums are becoming increasingly important, especially within districts that
are a fairly homogenous demographic. I plan to examine the Social Studies and English curricula
that meet specified requirements to satisfy a culturally diverse curriculum and the literary
materials necessary to implement content-relevant course supplements. Furthermore, I will
identify a professional organization with appropriately specified diverse content to assimilate
into a course of study. The materials will be evaluated based on the potential to implement the
use of such materials and identify resources available to purchase materials to decrease
deficiency of culturally rich texts.

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