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Ctia Shattuck

Brigham Young University
Graduated: Apr. 2015
BA English Language
Minors: Editing
GPA: 3.94
R elevant Coursework:

English Language 430, Editing for Publication: learned about networking and about the principles of developmental
editing; helped create a project schedule; developmental edited, substantive edited, and copyedited 4 chapters in a
book; worked with group members to create an index and preface for the book; participated in designing the layout
for the book; typeset 4 chapters in the book
English Language 410, Substantive Editing: learned principles of substantive editing, including organization,
cohesion, coherence, and concision; edited classmates work; put together an editing portfolio
English Language 350, Basic Editing Skills: learned principles of copyediting; created an in-house style guide; edited
classmates work; put together an editing portfolio
Computers and Humanities 230, Computers in Print Publishing: applied principles of good design to create layouts;
used InDesign to typeset a book and to create a business card, a flyer, and a magazine spread; edited photographs in
Photoshop; made vector shapes in Illustrator
Editing Experience
Freelance Editor (Self-Employed)
Apr. 2012Present
Editors Craft
Communicated with authors to achieve the editing, typesetting, and cover designing they desired
Increased sales by finding plot issues, grammatical errors, and typos in novels
Copyedited and proofread 70 published novels, including novels by Rachel Ann Nunes, BJ Rowley, Stephanie
Fowers, and Cami Checketts
Professionally typeset 19 novels and 2 photobooks for print
Editorial Assistant
Jan. 2015Present
Humanities Publicaiton Office at BYU
Created 2 indexes, edited 7 scholarly articles, designed 2 covers, formatted 12 issues of Zions Trumpet in InDesign and
proofed 44 issues, input proofing corrections for formatted InDesign articles
Communicated and met with authors and professors to give them updates on their projects and to receive
Received feedback on my work and incorporated that feedback to improve my editing and designing skills
Work Experience
Student Manager (Starting Position: Crew Member)
July 2011July 2013
Retail Dining at BYU
Communicated daily with managers, employees, and customers to solve problems and keep stores running smoothly
Supervised, trained, and gave feedback to over 50 crew members during each shift to ensure good working habits
and quality customer service
Copyediting and Substantive Editing
Knowledgeable about The Chicago Manual of Style: studied the book in detail and completed editing tasks using the
Familiar with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: created an in-house style guide for a
corporation that follows this manual
Computer Skills
Advanced skills in Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator
Skills with Microsoft Excel, Wordpress, and Goodreads

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