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What are similarities between the Biblical and Greek creation stories?

Creation, Humans, and Afterlife

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth out of darkness
and created the world in 6 days, resting on the 7th
In the beginning, there was only darkness in the universe called Chaos,
and out of Chaos, Eros (love) was born, creating order
Once there was order, the earth (Gaia) and the sky (Uranus) were created
and Eros made them fall in love
On the 6th day, God had created Adam and Eve, the first humans, in his
image to take care of the Garden of Eden and the rest of the earth
Prometheus, a Titan, created the first humans out of clay to inhabit the
earth by order of Zeus
Eve, the first woman, was tempted by the serpent to eat the fruit out of the
forbidden tree and was punished by God
God created pain in childbirth and forced man to fend for themselves
because Adam and Eve disobeyed Him
Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give to the humans and had
outraged Zeus by doing so
Zeus created the first woman after, Pandora, and gave her a special box
which she was told not to open
Overcome by temptation, Pandora opened the box, releasing evil, sorrow,
plague, and misfortune to the world
Upon death, a soul is sent to the gates of Heaven for judgement by God
Upon death, souls cross the river Styx to the underworld to be judged by
Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Aeacus
All believers gain entrance to heaven to live with God, free of sin and
Those who have lived extraordinary lives gained entrance to Elysium, a
field free of labors for those who have been immortalized by the gods
In Catholic stories, those who have unresolved sins are sent to Purgatory,
awaiting judgement to either be sent to Heaven or Hell
Those who have lived indifferent lives, none of greatness or significant
evil, are sent to the Fields of Asphodel to live in their afterlife
Nonbelievers and wicked souls are sentenced to a life in Hell described as
an eternal fire or lake of burning sulfur.
Those who have created havoc and committed crimes in the earth are
sent to the Fields of Punishment where Hades decides the souls eternal
Similarities between the Biblical and Greek creation stories explain the values, beliefs, and
reasoning each culture has behind life, death, the afterlife, and judgement.

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