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Lesson Title:

Unit Title:
Teacher Candidate:
Mentor Teacher:

Time Required:

Classifying Quadrilaterals
2-D Geometry
Natasha Filippo
Maureen Trabucco

30 minutes
February 24, 2015

Learning Goals (What do you want the students to know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?)
The students will identify and sort quadrilaterals.
Success Criteria (What will you observe that tells you that students are successful?)
We can
1. Notice the properties of two-dimensional shapes
2. Sort and classify two-dimensional shapes using Venn diagrams
3. Notice the relationships between the shapes
Accommodations (How will you meet the needs of your students? What management strategies will you use?)
-If a student does not want to write down their answer to the reflection question, I will give them the opportunity to
orally present their answer to me.
-I will give the students concrete shapes in order for them to touch, see and feel each shape.
Background Knowledge Required (What prior knowledge and or experiences need to be in place?)
The students need to know:
- how to sort with Venn diagrams
Curriculum Expectations (Which expectation is the focus for your instruction?)
Investigate the attributes of two-dimensional shapes using concrete materials and drawings (4m62). Use language
effectively to describe geometric concepts, reasoning, and investigations (4m67). Sort and classify twodimensional figures according to shape (4m72).
Assessment (How will you know that the students have achieved the learning expectation? What assessment tool will you use?)
I will assess each students written response to the reflection question. If I have a hard time understanding what
the student wrote or if they did not provide enough details, I will ask them to explain their answer and I will assess
their oral response.
Instructional Strategies (Which teaching strategies will you use? how will you group the students?
Independent Work
Cooperative Learning
Homework & Practice
Visual & Graphic Organizers
Goal setting & Feedback Problem Solving

-concrete shapes

Lesson Template #5

Summarizing & Note taking


Identifying similarities/differences
Generating & Testing Hypotheses

Key Questions
-What do you notice?
-Which shapes are parallelograms and quadrilaterals?
-What is a quadrilateral? A parallelogram? A square?

Revised 2011

Instruction (How will the students develop the knowledge and /practice the skills?.)
Introduction (How will you engage and motivate the students?)
The students will be given concrete shapes (rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, square, and
trapezoid). I will ask the student What do you notice?
The students will be given time to examine each shape in great detail.
Lesson Steps (Describe the sequence of the lesson.)
In groups of 2 or 3, the students will sort these 5 shapes using 2 attributes in a Venn diagram.
For example:
4 sides
All sides equal

How can you sort the 5 shapes using 2 different attributes?

For example:
Parallelogram Quadrilateral
Which shapes are parallelograms and quadrilaterals?
(Rectangle, rhombus, and square).
Conclusion (How will you wrap-up the lesson?)
Each group will have the opportunity to share their thinking.
*I will ensure the students read the definitions of quadrilateral, parallelogram, equal,
parallel, rectangle, rhombus, square, and trapezoid in their textbook on p. 182-183*
Knowing the definitions of each shape will help the students to notice the relationships
between each shape.
Next Steps (What would you plan as a follow-up to this lesson? What homework would you assign?)
Reflection Question: what are some ways that knowing the attributes of a quadrilateral can help you to name
Personal Reflection (What worked well in this lesson? What changes could you make to improve the lesson?
I noticed for some students 5 shapes were too many. Next time I can bring out two or three shapes to start off
with in order to slowly introduce different shapes and the relationships between each shape.

Lesson Template #5

Revised 2011

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