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Basketball- 9 hours

Year 7

Curriculum Aims: (Specific

the purpose of Physical
education and the which of
the 4 aims this unit supports)


develop competence
to excel in a broad
range of physical
are physically active
for sustained periods
of time
engage in competitive
sports and activities

Resources: (Specific to the challenges reference to equipment, teaching and

learning resources (e..g task cards), and ICT equipment)
Basketballs, Bibs, Cones, Access to information through ICT, Information on local

Through involvement in basketball activities unit students will take part in activities that embed the physical
development and skills learned in key stages 1 and 2, become more competent, confident and expert in their
1. Students will use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition
2. They will refine and adapt ideas and plans in response to different strategies applied by opposing players/
teams comparing and commenting on skills understanding what makes performance effective
3. Students will analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to
achieve their personal best
4. Through working independently and in groups they will develop their physical confidence.
Through the unit students will develop their skills in the following ways:
Curriculum Aims (Aims): Working collaboratively with others strategizing and analyzing, working with showing an
appreciation of human creativity and achievement.
Literacy & Language (L&L): 1) Through the activities in this unit pupils will be able to understand, use and spell
correctly word relating to basketball. Example principles of attack and defence, marking, covering and following
through. 2) Opportunities for pupils to record rules and tactics using ICT. 3) Watch video/compare professional
game Communication. 4) Cooperation Working together

Health & Safety: (link to 3

categories of risk
management must be
accompanied by a full risk
assessment document)
People: staff prepare
environment in advance;
pupils appropriate clothing
and footwear, maximum
group size
Context: build on prior
learning in, sports hall RA
Organisation: fairly didactic

Inclusion Strategies: (Link to National curriculum inclusion statement categories specific to unit)
Setting suitable learning challenges:
Core tasks give every pupil the opportunity to experience success in learning and to achieve through differentiated
challenges and an opportunity to take on different roles
Responding to pupils needs and overcoming potential barriers for individuals and groups of pupils:
1) Teachers should use appropriate assessment to set targets which are deliberately ambitious.
2) Use a range of different resources: ICT and different equipment to engage pupils and overcome potential

teaching style, lots of positive

praise as it will be a novel
sport for most students,
mixed ability groups, skills
involved in activities start
simple and progress to being
more complex.
(Specific learning outcomes
aligned to specific aspects
being taught in the unit aims
and objectives using the
language of the end of key
stage statement)
Students will work for long
periods of time (aims)
through competition (1).
They will work in groups (4),
communicating effectively
(L&L) and apply tactics/
strategies (1).

Core tasks: Weeks 1-3

(specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning
outcome of that phase of the unit)
Ball familiarization: Teacher led Mirror drills in terms of left and right hand and
fingertip drills:
Ball taps: Ball out in front, tap from left to right. Raise ball up above head
and back down
Corkscrew: passing ball around head, waist, knees and ankles twice
Figure 8 rolling: No dribbling, get the learner to walk their fingers over
the ball (nice silent drill!)
Ankle dribbling: Dribble around both left and right ankles (focus on quality
of the dribble)
Figure 8 dribbling: Dribble in a figure of 8 in-between ankles.
Hand switch (with bounce): Right hand in front of right leg, left hand
behind left leg, holding the ball in between knees. Drop the ball, allowing it
to bounce once and switch hands, so theyre in the opposite position (left
hand is now in front of the left leg etc.) then catching the ball in the start
position. Continue to do this whilst attempting to speed up (attempt to keep
head up and get learners to engage with teacher).
Hand switch (no bounce): Remove the bounce!
Helterskelter: Two dribbles in front of the legs and two dribbles behind.
Keep the ball in the middle of the feet.
Ball drop: Hold the ball at head height and drop it, Attempt to catch the
ball with your hands behind your legs (very difficult!)
Ball handling: Mirror drill where teacher dribbles with both the left and right
hand and learners mirror what they do. Dribble with the right hand, and then
switch to the left. Mirror with movement: As above but then get learners to move
with the basketball encouraging them to keep looking up.
Bar Arm: Introduce the use of the bar arm, why its used (protecting the ball etc.)
and demonstrate how it can be effective. Incorporate the bar arm n to the Mirror
drill as above and encourage learners to keep the appropriate body position and
to keep their heads up.

Compelling / irresistible
learning: (What
environments, teaching
styles, interactive
opportunities, Out of hours
learning, extension /
enrichment , themes will be
used to make this unit
motivating and exciting for
the learners?)
Entirely novel sports for
majority of students,
competition (personal)
motivates students to excel.
Add element of team
affiliation by awarding points
for teamwork and
Element of challenge to all
activities, to test learners.
They will not be easy but
you will reap the rewards.
Rewards such as, being
team captain, coach and/or

Defensive Stance / position: Basket (goal) side of the player youre marking.
Always see the man youre guarding and the basketball (V. Important!)
Stance: Introduce the stance TPs
In a seated position
Balls of feet
Hands up (in passing lanes)
Get learners in to the defensive stance via a whistle command or trigger word.
Encourage a quick response.

Zig-Zag defense drill (Passive):

Learners pair up and number themselves 1 and 2. One ball between two. (In the
diagram 1 = X, 2 = O
No.1 dribbles in a zig-zag movement to the half-court, No.2 uses defensive slide to
stay in front of No.1 and keep in defensive position
Drill happens on both sides of the court. After they get to the other end, ball switches
to the other player
Defender is NOT attempting to steal the ball (Passive drill)

Shark: All learners with a basketball in the half-court area. Each learner will be
dribbling around the designated area and will attempt to steal / dispossess the
other learners by knocking their ball away whilst keeping possession of their own
basketball. If a learner loses control of their basketball, they must retrieve it and
run around the half-court once, then join back in. The teacher becoming a virtual
half-court line can reduce the area.

Outcome/Process cont.
(Specific learning outcomes
showing progression from
weeks 1-3, linked to the
specific aspects being taught
outlined in the unit aims and
objectives using the
language of the end of key
stage statement)
Students will regularly take
part in competitive activities
(1), developing competence
in particular basketball skills
(aims). They will learn
terminology for different
passes that will be novel to
most students (L&L) and
work cooperatively with
others (4). They will partake
in regular competition under
pressure (2) working as
individuals and groups (4)

Core tasks: Weeks 4-6

(specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning
outcome of that phase of the unit, should show progression from the previous
Didactic introduction to TPs associated with the passes:
Get learners in pairs and number 1 and 2
1s with the ball and 2s facing them (use badminton court markings on
sports hall floor as a guide)
1s pass to 2s and so forth (chest, bounce and overhead)
Use competitions to encourage speed of the pass
Ensure that the learner is producing high quality work
Teacher activity and monitoring is high during these drills
Use iPad to demonstrate effective passing
Passing (timed task): Utilise each of the passes and provide an allocated
amount of time i.e. 1 minute in which the learners must make as many
consecutive passes without dropping the ball.
Ensure that quality remains the key focus here!
If the ball is dropped, then the score goes back to zero and they start again.
Pass & move: 2 pairs join together to make a 4. 2 on one side and 2 on the
other. One ball between them. Utilising the passes once again, this time the
learner passes the ball (either Chest, Bounce, Overhead) and then follows their
pass to the other side (moving on the left or right-decided by you). Use timed
competition i.e. 1 minute for highest number of consecutive passes completed.
Truck & Trailer:
Learners pair up and number themselves 1 & 2.
1s start as the Truck and with the ball.
The Trailer is approximately 10ft away and follows the Truck around the
The Truck dribbles around the sports hall, avoiding contact with anyone
else, use dribbling skills previously learned.
Upon whistle command (from teacher or non-doer) the Truck makes a
jump stop and pivots to face their partner
The Truck and Trailer then pass between them 3 times
Once the Trailer receives the ball for the second time, they then pivot
away from their partner and become the Truck
Use each of the passes learned (Chest, Bounce and Overhead) then allow the
Truck to make the first choice of pass, then this pass cannot be used again,

Compelling / irresistible
learning cont.:
Learners are encouraged to
work with their friends and
people they havent done so
with before. This adds an
element of mystery and
compels them to try the
Use of ICT, in the case an
iPad will excite learners.

therefore forcing the receiver to make a choice and quick decision as to which
other pass to use.

Use iPad to film each other

to provide feedback on what
was good and what can be
improved. This can be done
for everybody, they will film
others- be able to use ICT
within Physical Education
lesson and be filmed- get to
see how they look when
performing a skill, (probably
the 1st time ever!)
High level of competition
and novelty to the activities.
They are also high paced
and keep learners engaged

Outcome/Process cont.
(Specific learning outcomes
showing progression from
weeks 4-6, linked to the
specific aspects being taught
outlined in the unit aims and
objectives using the
language of the end of key
stage statement)
Students will peer assess
each other, discussing (L&L)
what made their performance
effective (3) and also
evaluate others. Students will
develop their knowledge and
understanding of what
makes performance
effective, using terminology
(L&L) and skills learnt to
develop physical confidence

Core tasks: Weeks 7-9

specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning
outcome of that phase of the unit, should show progression from the previous
Introduction of set shot: Perform set shot technique on the spot (BEEF- bend
legs, elbows-45o, eyes on ring & follow through-snap wrists). 3s Shoot at basket
from free throw line. Teaching points: Concentrate on accuracy & technique.
In 4s - Progress to 21 game. 1 shoots from free throw line. If miss next in line
rebounds & shoots from rebound position. Keep going until a score = 1 point.
Scorer takes ball to start and has set shot. Successful from free throw line = 2
points. Small Sided Game (4 vs 4).
Shooting (peer assessment):
Groups of 4 learners number themselves 1-4
1. Shooting
2. Coaching
3. Rebounding
4. Rebounding
No.1 takes 3 shots, each time receiving feedback from their coach.
Then rotate 1 2, 23, 34, 41 Progression: Progress on to timed games or
give the teams a target to reach i.e. 10 points and then once achieved, sit down,

straight line, ball at the front. More able learners = To move the cone further away
Less able learners = To move closer to basket
Shooting (lay up):
In groups of 4 2 either side, practice both sides. Can progress to some
defensive pressure. 2v2 court trying to outwit opponents using skills built up.
Highlight importance of ball support, width/angles, moving the ball quickly.
Teaching points; Footwork, Approach-45o to basket, Aim for square, Attack at
pace/drive to basket. Small Sided Game-3v3 games full court.
4 corner lay-ups: This drill incorporates dribbling and passing as well as the layup. The person with the ball dribbles to half-court (or court if easier), they then
pass the ball to the opposite corner and then continue to move towards the
basket. The player in the opposite corner then passes the ball back to the original
player who converts the lay-up. The passer becomes the rebounder and the
shooter becomes the passer.

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