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Lesson Title: Introduction to the mole

Target Concepts: what is a mole, molar mass, grams to moles calculations

First and Last Name

Todd Underwood

School Name

Myrtle Beach High School

Class/Grade Level

Honors Chemistry
C-4.4 Apply the concept of moles to determine the number of particles of a
substance in a chemical reaction, the percent composition of a representative
compound, the mass proportions, and the mole-mass relationships.

State & National


ISTE Standards

Prerequisite Skills

ISTES1a- Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas and processes

using technology.
ISTES 2a- Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others
employing a variety of digital environments and media
ISTES 3b- Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use
information from a variety of sources and media.
ISTES 5- Digital Citizenship- students understand human, cultural, and
societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
ISTES 6- Technology operations and concepts- students demonstrate a sound
understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
How to name compounds and create compound names

Body of the Lesson


Macroscopic & Model

Hawk Hook: What are some words that we use that mean numbers?
1. Students will post replies to a blog post and respond to two other
2. Students will download the template for the Mole Webquest and
answer the questions and submit the document to the instructor.
3. Bonus extension. Create Media to teach the concept of the mole.
4. Students should answer the online quiz questions.


1) Blog post
2) Webquest template
3) Online quiz

Materials & Resources

Required For Lesson

1. Computer with internet capabilities.

2. Word editing software
3. Multimedia software

Comment [TU1]: Instead of having a Hawk

Hook where only a few students reply in the
traditional classroom, online everyone has a voice.
Students have an opportunity to share their ideas and
interact with at least two other students with the
introduction discussion.
Comment [TU2]: In the Traditional lesson
students had to sit at their desks, do a reading,
answer some questions from the textbook and then
answer questions from a worksheet. Even though
the standards were being addressed there was no use
of technology and none of the technology standards
could be addressed. In the webquest, students have
an opportunity to learn at their own pace. There is a
variety of video and multimedia from various
websites that students are exposed to as they search
for the answers to the questions. They are also
saving and posting their work using technology.
Comment [TU3]: Here is an opportunity for
students who want to show off their technology
skills. This is not mandatory, but it is a way for
students to learn more about the concept of the mole
and the created work can be viewed by all students,
not just the instructor.
Comment [TU4]: The Zip File provided can be
imported into moodle for a quick 10 question
assessment that will provide students with immediate
Internet Resources &
Other technologies used
during lesson.


Addison Wesley Chemistry Book online

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