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Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong

Irondale Church News

March 2015

Ten Sayings That Arent in the Bible

I dont know about
you, but when I buy
something that is
assembly required I
usually flip to the last
page of the instructions, see what it looks
like and then put it
together. If the item
is complex, I will look
at the assembly pictures and copy what I
see. Only as a last resort will I actually read
the words that are
written in the instructions. I suppose this is
normal enough, but
do we ever do that
with the Bible? I think
we do. We hear or
see things that make
sense to us and wham
we jump to a conclusion. Here are some
examples of what I
1. This, too, shall
This proverb has its
roots in the works of
Persian Sufi poets.
Attar of Nishapur records one fable of a
powerful king who
asks assembled wise
men to create a ring
that will make him
happy when he is sad,
and vice versa. After
debating, the sages
hand him a simple ring
with the words This

too will pass etched

on it, which has the
desired effect.
Although the phrase is
not found in the Bible
the concept is 2 Corinthians 4:17 says, For
our light and momentary troubles are
achieving for us an
eternal glory that far
outweighs them all.
2. Cleanliness is next
to godliness.
Apparently this actually comes from Phineas ben Yair, who
wrote this in the Talmud, The doctrines
of religion are resolved into carefulness; carefulness into
vigorousness; vigorousness into abstemiousness into cleanliness; cleanliness into
godliness. Leviticus
15 talks about cleanliness, verse 31 sums
up, Thus you shall
keep the people of
Israel separate from
their uncleanness, lest
they die in their uncleanness by defiling
my tabernacle that is
in their midst. So
again the concept
bears true.
3. Money is the root
of all evil.
1 Timothy 6:10 actu-

Secondary Story Headline

ally says, For the love

of money is the root
of all evil. Its not a
big difference, but the
problem is in loving
money, not money
itself. (With perhaps
Scrooge McDuck, who
has an obvious problem.)

Pray Always:
Pastor David and Colleen
Community Soup
Irondale Bible Institute
Our outreach and witness to
our community

4. The little drummer

Its a nice Christmas
story and a cute song,
but theres no actual
drummer boy in the

Busy Hands

5. God will not give

you more than you
can handle.
1 Corinthians 10:13
refers to dealing with
temptation, not burdens: No temptation
has overtaken you
that is not common to
man. God is faithful,
and he will not let you
be tempted beyond
your ability, but with
the temptation he will
also provide the way
of escape, that you
may be able to endure
it. There are things
that happen in life
that can give us burdens beyond what we
can bear, for example:
cancer, car wrecks,
However by

Those struggling with addictions

People struggling with illness

Young families and single
parent families

Schools: students, staff,

Homeless, helpless, hopeless
and hungry
Salvation for the lost
Law enforcement professionals

Page 2

Irondale Church News

keeping our faith in God for the
end result we can remain hopeful; yet not my will, but yours be
6. An apple.
The Hebrew word for fruit in
Genesis that refers to what Adam
and Eve ate in the Garden of
Eden is a generic term that could
mean any fruit. Some theories
have proposed it was actually a
pomegranate, a grape, a fig, a
quince or even a mushroom. So
dont blame the apple, its good
for you.
7. God helps those who help
BC), Sophocles wrote, "No good
ever comes of leisure purposeless; And heaven never helps the
men who will not act" which is

Things, continued
where the saying comes from,
but 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says,
If anyone is not willing to
work, let him not eat. So a
near principle is in the Bible.
8. To thine own self be true.
Shakespeare wrote that in Hamlet, it just not in the Bible.
9. Love the sinner, hate the
This saying is found in one of St.
Augustines letters, which contains the phrase, Cum dilectione
vitiorum, translated to With
love for mankind and hatred of
sins. Though its not in the Bible the concept is certainly biblical.
10. God works in mysterious

Our church is always looking for
ways to serve you as you live out
your faith throughout the
week. We are inviting you to
have a free account to an exciting new video library called
RightNow Media. You can watch
q u i c k
v i d e o
launch and that is essentially the
"Netflix of Video Bible Studies"
because you will have instant
access to thousands of great videos for kids, youth, parents, married couples and more. You can
view these videos from your
phone, tablet or computer. And
you can also view them in a
group setting through a TV or
There are over 8,000 videos

William Cowper (17311800)

wrote, "God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in
the sea, And rides upon the
storm." Isaiah 55:9 does say,
For as the heavens are higher
than the earth, so are my ways
higher than your ways and my
thoughts than your thoughts.
So I guess to us Gods ways are
indeed mysterious.
When we hear these sayings and
others, we should take a minute
to find out if they are written in
the scripture or if we are just
looking at the pictures. I hope
you have a blessed March and I
pray you take some time to prepare your heart for Easter Sunday.
-Pastor David

Lenten Services
from some great teachers. You
should have already received an
official "invitation email" to give
you FREE access to this library. If
you haven't received it already can
you check your mail filter and accept the invite today? Because it
was coming from RightNow's system it may have got caught there.
Simply find the email, click on
the link and put in your name and a
password and you're all set. All of
the videos are FREE for you guys to
use. If you havent received an
email, send a note to Pastor David
at and let
him know. The Church pays a flat
fee for this service. It does not cost
us anymore for you to be added. So
please get signed up today.

Once again this year, we are

participating with Lutheran
Church of the Redeemer, Oak
Bay Baptist, and Community
United Methodist churches in
a special Lenten Service.
Each week begins with a soup
potluck supper at 5:45 pm,
and a service held at 7 pm.
The first three weeks are at
the Lutheran Church of the
Redeemer (LCR), and the last
three are at Irondale Church.
March 4 will be held at LCR,
and March 11, 18 and 25 will
be held here at Irondale

Page 3

Just when you think you have
it right, you find you have it
wrong; ever happen to you?
Moms have the toughest job
in the world this side of
The calendars they have to
keep in their heads: shots,
shopping, sport schedules,
supplies (home, school, and
work), birthdays of family,
friends, childrens friends,
church events, school events,
volunteer events, check the
email, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterestugh!!! The list goes on
and on: pet care, schedules
and time for friends special
happenings. Thats just the
known calendars not the pop
up ones like: car maintenance,
home and yard care, and community events you or your
family or your friends might
be participating in makes
your head whirl when you put
it all down where you can see
what you subconsciously keep
track of.
So how do you get it right?
How do you prioritize the
truly important so it does not
get lost in the perceived urgent?
First you need to spend some
time with yourself deciding
what is important to you
not what is dictated to you by
the needs of the day. F i n d
a block of time, maybe after
everyone is in bed, when you
can sit down with Jesus and
just talk to Him about your
life. Never done this before

or just gotten out of the

habit? Nows a good time to
connect with the Creator of
your soul and ask the not so
simple question, Lord what
do you see as the plan you
have for my life? Help me to
walk in the ways you have
planned for me as a mom,
wife, mother, friend and coworker in this life.
Springs coming, theres
sports, gardening, sunshine
and plenty to distract you
with all of its necessities
plan to prepare so that peace
can reign in the busyness of
this next year. There are lots
we have no control over in
this life, but there is lots we
also can prevent from cluttering our busy days.
Making a priorities list and
checking in with yourself periodically to see how youre
doing and making the
changes you need to stay on
track wont happen if you
dont do it. Keeping only a
calendar is not the answer. A
day planner is just that plans,
until you act on it, pray over it
and implement the plan it
could belong to anyone.
The most important thing you
can do is pray for yourself, for
your family and do this early
in the morning if at all possible. Do it as well at the end
of the day, check in with the
Lord talk to Him about the
day, your successes and
where you wish you could
have handled things differently, ask for His help in the

areas you feel you could do

better in. Ask forgiveness
where you need it and thank
Him for His guidance. Celebrate with Him your successes. Like all good friends
He wants to share in your joy
with you as well.
Get a notebook or journal;
spend time in His word, reflecting on how and what you
are reading affects your life.
Write down your prayer requests, your priorities, answers to prayer and your
hopes for the future. When
this book fills up get a new
one. You will soon see you
are not alone in this life but
very much intertwined in the
plans you have with Gods
loving intervention and help.
Even when you do not receive an answer to your requests you will see later how
the prayers you have prayed
have strengthened your life
all along the way just by
knowing you have not left
undone your part by bringing
the requests and concerns
before the living God of the
Go ahead just befriend Jesus;
Hes just waiting to hear from
Treasurer Report
February 26, 2015
General Operations
Income: $ 159,114.36
Expenses: $ 132,013.06
Annual Budget: $153,048.00
Budget YTD: $141,275.04

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