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Ideal value for std dev is 0

2. Kurtosis: peakedness of the values
can have a tolerance of max +-2
3. if some values are missing go for: mean of that varaible option or use cases
listwise option
4. have to submit both the data file and the output file for project
5. Three things to look out for:
- outliers
-missing values
-same responses for all the questions (then reject the questionnaire)
6. one sample t test: used to find out the validity of our hypo. Sig 2 tailed
refers the type I error. we can tolerate 5% of type 1 error. If it's less than.
05 then we can reject the null hypothesis, else keep it.
7. indep t test: we r testing two means r equal or not. so we r assuming the two
variances r equal. now look at sig under levene (if >.05) dont reject H0..then
look at sig (2 t) if its <.05 reject H0
8. paired sample t test:
1.chi square test is used when two variables are nominal
2. It says whether there is an association or not. the stregnth of the associati
on can be found out under the chi square tests table
3. Co-relation:
BOth are metric variables: interval or
can be from -1 to 1
conditions for causation:
1. association between 2 variables
2. cause should precede the effect
3. why cause is producing te effect
4. even if you bring in a third factor the cause effect should remain the same
one way anova - 1 independent variable, 2 way - 2 varaibles and so on
Moderation or Interaction effect:
The effect of promotion on the sales when the shelf position is changed is calle
d moderation. Here promotion is positively affecting the sales or the shelf psot
ion is moderating the sales
Cluster Analysis:
1. how to identify the statements for cluster analysis:
- go fro indepth interviews
Two types of clustering:
Use Hierarchial
-measure the distance between the variables
-select cases under "cluster box"
- set the range
-thr r 2 procedures: agglomeration and division based
-method->Ward's method (try to reduce the variance)
-Coefficients are known as agglomeration coeff's
-See whr thr is a max jump in the values by finding the difference between two a
djacent values

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