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El Paso Academy West Garden Initiative

English III Capstone Project
Instructor: Isaac W. Williams, M.A.


Conference: 5th Period

Garden Initiative and Capstone Background and Description: Since its founding in 2013, the El Paso
Academy West Garden Initiative has upheld its mission to provide gardening as a resource to enhance and inspire
experimental and innovative forms of education while reaching out to the surrounding community. To continue
its education commitment, the curriculum for English III at El Paso Academy West requires students to engage
in a capstone project that involves students to partake in a project-based learning activity to achieve the following
a) To encourage and support exploratory research and development of innovative and ecology-based
gardening approaches, solutions and techniques for possible adoption at El Paso Academy West.
b) To highlight opportunities to study and implement the connections between English III related content to
ecological conservation and community gardening.
c) To inspire students to research and develop funding opportunities to expand the impact of the garden
initiative at El Paso Academy West.

Capstone Project Assignment: Students will select one of the following project-based learning assignments
to satisfy the required capstone project.
A. Exploratory Gardening Research: Students will conduct research on a selected topic from the provided
list (refer to provided topic list) that has not been clearly defined. Research will be transmitted into a
research based expository essay and a media display presentation. Essay Length: 5 pages.
B. Literary Connection: Students will compose a literary analysis and research creating various connections
between an American literary text(s) to any student proposed aspect of the garden initiative. The literary
connection will be an essay format coupled by a media display presentation. Essay Length: 5 pages.
C. Research Project: Students will propose a topic related to any aspect regarding the garden initiative to
conduct research on. Upon topic approval from the instructor, students will conduct research on the topic
to produce a research essay and media display presentation. Essay Length: 5 pages.
D. Grant Writing: Students will develop an understanding of grant-writing resources, the components of a
grant proposal, the types of grants available to school based garden initiatives, and how to write certain
sections of a proposal. Students will use their comprehension of this content to develop a grant for possible
submission. The grant proposal will be coupled with a media display presentation.

Additional Project Information:


Writing Portion: All writing portions must meet or exceed the length of 5 pages. Essays must be written
in proper MLA format.


Media Display Presentation: Students will incorporate their research on their selected
topic into a multimedia/digital display, using video or a PowerPoint type of tool.

Garden Initiative Contact Information: For inquiries about the El Paso Academy
Garden Initiative and/or to schedule a guided visit to the El Paso Academy West Community
Garden, contact Travis Duckworth (El Paso Academy Special Projects Coordinator) at

Exploratory Gardening Research Topics:

1) Compost Gardening (integration of gardening and composting on
the same bed)
2) Vermiculture Gardening (integrating vermicomposting and
gardening on same bed)
3) Fungi Gardening (integrating mushroom culture on open garden
4) Hugelkultur Gardening (mimic how forest garden with
fallen/nursery log as mound compost gardening)
5) Sheet-Mulch Gardening (mimic how forest floors garden and grow
food systems; explore lasagna gardening)
6) Deep Organic Gardening (explore what it is and its best height for
different plants)
7) High Density Gardening (explore Square Foot Gardening)
8) Vertical Gardening (explore forms of vertical gardening of veggies
on various small spaces)
9) Multi-Layer Gardening (gardening varieties of veggies on staired
layers of vegetation)
10) Year-Round Gardening (explore cold frames and on-plot green houses for fall-winter gardening)
11) Drip Irrigation Techniques (explore drip irrigation, water re-circulation for gardens)
12) Aquaponics Gardening (explore adaptations of aquaponics on a raised bed that can last throughout winter)
13) Rain Gardens and Swale Gardens (explore adaptations of rain gardens and swales)
14) Companion Planting (explore non-traditional companions, or alternative plats for 3-sisters gardening)
15) Habitat Gardening (gardening with mini-habitats for small creatures pollinators, birds, frogs, etc.)
16) Comfrey Gardening for Compost (explore the chemistry and the benefits of comfrey plants)
17) Dandelion Gardening (explore benefits of dandelions and the dandelion-earthworm partnership)
18) Biological Pest Management (explore uses of marigolds versus alliums as pest deterrents)
19) Native Wildflower Gardening (explore the process of growing native wildflower for conservation)
20) Native Grass and Tree Gardening (explore growing native grass for conservation using gardens as nurseries)
21) Pollinators (explore role of beekeeping in conservation and teach beehive care and maintenance)
22) Herb Gardening (explore gardening herbs for health benefits)
23) Discovery Gardening (explore the best elements of discovery garden by target groups)
24) School or Curriculum-based Gardening (explore combinations for school gardens and how they effectively
align to campus curriculum)
25) Team Gardening (explore social and mentoring benefits of team-building in group gardening)

Literary Connection Examples:

Students are to propose their own topics to develop
connections and conduct their research. The following are
examples to guide student application:
a. Connections with Puritan Literature: Usage of land in
relation to survival.
b. Connections with Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Compare and contrast Emersons analytical perspective of
nature in relation to the El Paso Academy Community

General Guidelines:
To come up with or decide on the research topic or grant, observe and connect your thoughts and interest
with the established El Paso Academy West Community Garden.
To develop an exploratory, goal-oriented, ecology-based gardening research, become familiar with ecology
principles in permaculture design, ecosystem-based resource conservation management, and organic
gardening practice.
Form a team to make the gardening project a learning experience.
Conduct research based on scientific and scholarly journals and articles.
Track, monitor, take pictures and keep a log or journal of your research project.
Present and publish your research findings at the end of the course final presentations.
Your goal should be to develop a capstone that will create a product or impact that will be adopted by El
Paso Academy West for further development, investigation, or implementation.
El Paso Academy West a Place to Grow!

Capstone Project:



El Paso Times



Team Members:___________________________________________________________________________
Approved on: _______________________ Teacher Signature:_____________________________________
Due Date:__________________________________________
Presentation Date:___________________________________

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