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Student-athletic programs offer consistent motivation, amazing resources, and

athletic programs that pave the way for athletes to succeed in both their academic
and athletic careers. I am interested in the social institution of being a studentathlete because I currently live this dual lifestyle. Beginning at a young age, I have
been enrolled in different sports and athletic programs. As I begun to formulate my
college plans, being a student-athlete is something I highly considered. I have never
been fond of the boring and rigid discipline that academic classes offer, I enjoy
keeping a balance that includes athletics.
I am passionate about informing people of the benefits, difficulties, and
repercussions of being a student-athlete. Speaking from my personal experiences,
school has been easier to navigate with a strong foundation of support from
teammates, coaches, and trainers. With the support of these individuals, I am able
to receive help and advice when needed, share study tips and strategies, and gain
insight about professors before taking their course. Also, to assist student- athletes
in success, we are offered free tutors and access to computers and textbooks.
Previous to my career as a student-athlete, I failed to consider the importance of
these resources and their impact on success in academic classes and field work.
The resources I gained when I transitioned into becoming a student athlete
supported me in my academic and athletic career, but I did not realize the many
sacrifices I would be making in return. The dual lifestyle of a student- athlete is
mentally, physically, and time demanding. I was unaware that my days would be
greatly extended, including full body and full court workouts, along with late nights
completing essays and assignments. The most intense time is during off-season;
during this time the training is much more intense than usual and the athlete
experiences mental and physical fatigue. At the end of the day, the academicathletic structure teaches individuals how to stay focused and disciplined, while
creating useful habits for your future.
Student athletes and athletics is about scholars and practitioners coming together
and seeking the issues that happen amongst student athletes and give guidance
Hagedorn, Linda S, and David Horton. Student Athletes and Athletics. San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass, 2009. Print.
Your brain is a muscle too: how student athletes succeed in college and in life is
about the right steps to being successful in the sports world. All the way from
getting scholarships to finding the right sports agent.
Fudzie, Vince, and Andre N. Hayes. Your Brain Is a Muscle Too: How Student Athletes
Succeed in College and in Life. New York, NY: Amistad, 2001. Print.
My freshmen year: what a professor learned by becoming student is about a
professor enrolling herself into school seeing how life as a fulltime student is in our

Nathan, Rebekah. My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a

Student. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005. Print.

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