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UNIT 9 ( Creativity)
9A. Decoding Leonardo
Difficult Words
1. Witness
2. Ambition
3. Acquaintance
4. Attempted
5. Wordsmith
6. Idolized
7. Seductive
8. Notwithstanding
9. diverse
10. Interrelated
11. Enigmatic
12. Proclaim
13. Illegitimate
14. Peasant
15. Implicit
16. Ideologically
17. Commenced
18. Apprenticeship
19. Revealed
20. Assigned
21. Inventiveness
22. Assured
23. Cryptic
24. Arbitrary
25. Interwoven
26. Superimposed
27. Commissions
28. Denied
29. Betray
30. Masterwork
31. Surly
32. Wholeheartedly
33. Concurrently
34. Rivalry
35. Preliminary
36. Magnificent
37. Cavalry
38. Immortal
39. Crumbling
40. Undisclosed
41. Wondrous
42. Grieved

= saksi mata
= ambisi
= pengetahuan
= berusaha
= terampil berbahasa
= mengidolakan
= menggiurkan
= meskipun
= beragam
= saling berhubungan
= yang membingungkan
= menyatakan
= haram
= petani
= tersirat
= ideologis
= memulai
= magang kerja
= terungkap
= ditugaskan
= keahlian menemukan
= terjamin
= rahasia, tersembunyi
= sewenang-wenang
= jalinan
= bertimpa, berlapis
= Pelaksana
= ditolak
= menghianati
= karya besar
= bermuka masam
= Sepenuh Hati
= Secara Bersamaan
= persaingan
= pendahuluan
= agung
= Pasukan Kuda
= abadi
= runtuh
= terungkap
= menajubkan
= berduka

Reading Comprehension
A. Multiple Choice
1. D. Did Dardano believe Leonardo tried to build flying machine?
2. B. He was known in his own era and is greatly respected today.
3. D. Painting
4. C. He taught Leonardo more about nature than he did about the art of painting.
5. D. It was used for plumbing in the Duke's palace.
6. C. They did not last long without peeling and flaking.
7. D. The competition between Leonardo and Michelangelo.
8. A. Leonardo could not predict that few grat works he finished would be enough
to make him famous for years to come.
B. Labeling

: Vinci
: 1452
: Florence
: 1496
: Milan
: 1482



: Florence
: Rome
: 1513
: France
: 1516

Vocabulary Practice
A. Completion
Leonardo da Vinci was perhaps the greatest multitasker of all time, a genius
who could work concurrent as an artist, sculptor, inventor, engineer, and architect.
During his carrer as an artist, Leonardo received numerous commission from
some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in Italy. Yet his artworks
represent just a fraction of what he wanted to achieve. The pages of his codices, or
notebooks, are filled with scientific sketches and notes on a seemingly arbitary
range of topics. However, only a few of Leonardo's original artworks survive, and
very few pratical examples of his designs. Most of these are kept in museums and,
until recently, denied to a wider international audience.
Now a travelling exhibition, Da Vinci-The Genius, has opened Leonardo's
life to the world. The show features reproductions of Leonardo's most famous
paintings-from detailed early draft to finished works-and a range of full-scale
models, including preliminary designs for a glider, a parachute, and a submarine.
These have all been carefully constructed using the detailed parameters set down
in Leonardo's drawings. The exhibition also includes a section devoted to French
engineer Pascal Cotte's analysis of the Mona Lisa, which reveals the sophiscated
ideas implicit in Leonardo's most famous work of art.

B. Definition
1. Preliminary
2. Academy
3. Parameter
4. deny
5. draft
6. implicit
7. concurrent
8. arbitrary
9. commission
10. ideology

9 B. The Power of Writing

Difficult Words


= terguling
= perubahan
= diabadikan
= tanah liat
= terkikis angin

6. Archaeologist
7. Excavation
8. Crude sketches
9. Belied
10. Denote
11. Remarkably
12. Scribes
13. Evolved
14. Integrated
15. Whereby
16. Self-expression
17. Alleviate
18. Brief chapter
19. Emerged
20. Permits
21. Established
22. Unified
23. Empire
24. Keystrokes
25. Constraint
26. Bypass
27. Incorporates
28. Interpret
29. Corresponds
30. Impromptu
31. Convenient
32. Format
33. Supplement
34. Soaring

= arkeolog, ahli purbakala

= penggalian
= sketsa kasar
= mendustakan
= menunjukkan
= sesungguhnya
= terpelajar, ahli menulis
= berkembang
= terpadu
= dimana, dengan bantuan
= Ekspresi diri
= Mengurangi
= Bab Singkat
= Muncul
= Izin
= Didirikan
= Bersatu
= kekaisaran
= goresan
= Kendala
= mengelilingi, melewati
= menggabungkan
= Menafsirkan
= sesuai
= mendadak
= Nyaman
= susunan
= tambahan
= melonjak

Reading Comprehension
A. Multiple Choice
1. B. 15 percent
2. A. rough drawings
3. D. miners
4. B. it was confusing because it used symbols to represent sounds.
5. C. the spread of alphabets to other places
6. C. Plato and Guujaaw
7. D. New technology will allow us to enter data on computers in various
language, without using a keyboard.
8. There was no computers at the time when newspapers and books were first
printed, so the development of paper was very important.
B. Sequencing
Time Period


5,000 years ago

3,500 years ago
6th century B.C.
5th century B.C.
4th century B.C.
3rd century B.C.
200 B.C.
2nd century A.D.
7th century A.D.
9th century A.D.
15th century A.D.
mid-15 th century A.D.

The Sumerians began keeping records by carving sign on

Canaanite people carved alphabetic symbols into stone in
a mine in Sinai.
The latin alphabetics of the Roman evolved from the
In Plato's time, writing began to challenge the greek oralbased tradition.
Aristotle recognized the emotional benefits of writing.
China's rulers barned the value of a uniform written
Everyone in China could read the same characters
writting language.
The concept of page appeared in Europe.
Spare between words became standard in western society.
Japan has integrated phonetic components into its written
The Korean included phonetic elements in its written
The printing press was developed so there was mass

Vocabulary Practice
A. Completion
400-Year-Old Letter Reveals Evidence of "Lost" Language
On the back of a letter pulled from the ruins of a Peruvian church in 2008,
archaeologists have discovered words written 400 years ago in a previously
unknown language. The unknown Spanish author incorporated a series of written
numbers in the letter, formatted as a list with two columns. The left column
contained Spanish numbers-uno, dos, tres, etc.- supplemented with numerals(4, 5,
etc); in the right column these were translated into a mysterious language never
seen before by modern scholars. The translated numbers correspond to a decimal
system which suggests the language may have integrated elements of other
decimal-based Incan languages such as Quechua, a language still spoken by
millions of people across the Andes.
The fragment was just one of hundreds of historic papers trapped inside a
ruined church for almost four centuries. Despite the long duration, the extremely
dry climate allowed the papers to remain in good condition. This has enabled
archaeologists to learn more about a significant chapter in south America's
history, when various indigenous peoples were adjusting to the arrival of invading
B. Words in Context
1. Literacy is usually defined as the ability to read and write.

2. Ancient civilizations often found that a shared writing system supplemented

the different groups in an empire.
3. Over a long duration , such as centuries, a written message is more reliable
than a spoken one.
4. Most languages correspond the sounds of the language into their written
5. Some scholars argue that the complex system of Chinese writing may be a
chapter on the nation's future development.
6. Writting is a short format in human history compared to oral communication.
7. Language with characters, instead of letters, require additional time for manual
entry into a computer.

UNIT 10 (Chemistry of Life)

10 A. The Pollution Within
Difficult Words
1. Retardant
2. Interfere
3. Thyroid
4. Neurological
5. Participating
6. Fragrant
7. Merely
8. Resistant
9. Expertise
10. Submitted
11. Lurking
12. Regulations
13. Grant
14. faintly scented
15. Exposure
16. Ratio
17. Dye
18. Statistics
19. Tenfold
20. Firm evidence
21. Albeit
22. Harmless
23. Innocent
24. Pediatrician
25. Compound
26. Approval
27. Restrictions
28. Volunteers
29. Phase out
30. Banning
31. Outweigh
32. Doubling
33. Life span
34. Bill
35. Consequences
36. Evaluation
37. Perceived
38. Oppose
39. Encourage
40. Solvents
41. Scented

= bahan penghambat
= menghalangi, mengganggu
= kelenjar gondok
= hal berhubungan dengan saraf
= berpartisipasi
= harum
= hanya
= tahan
= keahlian
= Dikirim
= mengintai
= undang-undang
= dana, hibah
= wangi samar-samar
= terpapar. terkena
= perbandingan
= pewarna
= Statistika, perhitungan angka
= sepuluh kali lipat
= bukti kuat
= walaupun
= tidak berbahaya
= tidak bersalah
= dokter anak
= senyawa
= persetujuan
= pembatasan
= relawan
= menghapuskan setahap demi setahap
= melarang
= lebih penting dari
= dua kali lipat
= rentang hidup
= rancangan undang-undang
= Konsekuensi, akibat
= evaluasi
= dirasakan
= menentang
= mendorong
= pelarut
= mengharumkan.

Reading Comprehension
A. Multiple Choice
1. A. to discuss the research done by a Swedish scientist on the health dangers of
flame retardants.
2. A. The authors levels of PBDE were bad, but would be more serious if he were
directly involved in its manufacture.
3. C. Pollution from a factory that manufactures PBDEs
4. B. The products of the U.S. chemical industry are largely untested.
5. D. The universitys report
6. A. Before the first sentence
7. A. it has saved many lives.
8. C. extremely worried
B. Scanning/ Classification
1. Fact
2. Theory
3. Fact
4. Fact
5. Theory
6. Theory
7. Theory
8. Fact
9. Theory

Vocabulary Practice
A. Completion
When people think of the Arctic, they probably imagine a pure and beautifulalbeit harsh- environment. So it is an unwelcome surprise, perhaps, that the regions
native animal and people are among the most chemically contaminated on Earth.
Recently, various studies were conducted to evaluate the levels of toxic
chemicals in the bodies of Artic animals, as well as in the native Inuit people. The
statistics are alarming. Both of the animals, and the Inuit who participate in the studies
showed unusually high levels of man-made toxins.
These included older pollutants like dioxins and PCBs which many governments
have been trying to phase out since the 1970s. Such chemicals are known to interfere
with our hormones and damage the immune system. The studies also found newer
compounds-ones that currently have widespread grant for use in flame retardantsbuilding up in the Inuits bodies at a ratio of five to one compared to levels found in other
Experts say the reason is diet. Whale skin and other contaminated animal fats are
important foods in Inuit communities. Scientists are still researching how these animals
came to be contaminated. There is now great concern that over time such chemicals will
have a serious impact on the health of Inuit people.

B. Definitions
1. Participate
2. Approval
3. Technical
4. Grant
5. Ratio
6. Evaluate
7. Interfere
8. Albeit
9. Statistics
10. Phase out

10 B. The Secrets of Sleep

Difficult Words
1. Resist
2. Conquers
3. Slumber
4. Paralyzed
5. Voluntary muscles
6. Repose
7. co-founder
8. Reverse
9. Epidemic
10. Prescriptions
11. Debt
12. Sleepiness
13. Muting
14. Devote
15. Insomnia
16. Taping
17. Diagnostic
18. Output
19. Agitated
20. Renewal
21. Jagged
22. Deviate
23. Intermediate
24. Discriminate
25. Exhaustion
26. Latter
27. Obstructive
28. Replenished
29. Sufferer
30. Implicated
31. Evident

= menolak
= mengatasi, menakhlukan
= mengantuk, tidur
= lumpuh
= otot sadar
= beristirahat
= salah satu pendiri
= kebalikan
= wabah
= resep
= hutang
= ngantuk
= berhenti, menghentikan
= mencurahkan
= susah tidur
= merekam
= diagnosa, mencari penyebab
= keluaran
= gelisah
= pembaharuan
= bergerigi
= menyimpang
= menengah
= membedakan
= kelelahan
= terakhir
= menghalangi
= diisi ulang
= penderita
= terlibat
= jelas

32. Hungover
33. Manageable
34. Syndrome
35. Dawn
36. Ancestors
37. Rhythm
38. Publication
39. Foraging
40. Boundaries
41. Peril
42. Sporadic
43. Feats
44. Revealed
45. Fatigue
46. attempted
47. Household
48. Scarce

= pusing
= dikelola
= tanda, gejala
= fajar
= Nenek Moyang
= irama
= penerbitan
= mencari makan
= batas
= bahaya
= jarang
= prestasi
= terungkap
= kelelahan
= berusaha
= rumah tangga
= langka.

Reading Comprehension
A. Multiple Choice
1. D. the sleeping habits of early humans
2. B. 20 percent
3. A. less serious
4. C. most, but not all, dreaming occurs during REM sleep
5. A. its symptoms have no obvious cause
6. C. people with imbalances of certain neurotransmitters
7. A. people would sleep better if they kept to a fixed bedtime
8. D. comparing the effects of sleeplessness with those of drinking alcohol.
B. Comparing Sentences
1. Same
2. Same
3. Different

4. Same
5. Different
6. Different

Vocabulary Practice
A. Definition
1. Mental
2. Output
3. Deviate
4. Intermediate
5. Discriminating
6. Publication
7. Sexes
8. Input

B. Words in Context
One of the main tools for diagnosing sleep disorders is the polysomnogram.
Firstly, for ethical reason, participants must officially agree to be studied while
they are sleeping. A machine then records the electrical output from the brain of a
sleeping patient, including the increased mental activity characteristic of REM
sleep. Then technicians check the taped data for any sign of deviation from
normal sleep, and doctors provide follow-up treatment which allows them to
discriminate between various sleep problems.

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