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THE WORLD'S BEST-SELLING MUSIC SOFTWARE MAGAZINE! CIM COMPUTER ir MUSIC ee’ Wee Wiese NOW Massive guide and sx. full review inside| DVD _ 7886S oon foetal 1758 SAMPLE EXTREME BASS: Multisampled synths and bass guitars, single hits, Alchemy CM patches and more! Qui PSP AUDIOWARE NOBLEQ ROUND-UP: VOCODERS THE LATEST iOS APPS, SAMPLES AND SOUNDWARE! cm 40 Na eS OLU a UY PND) OS) gO). a TTT rere ee) = CT Q -) ele U im 4 8 y ee Magence Dowaloe su >cm 2 SO eT) Preparation and leaving space When you'efirst contemplating lower the strings go, the longer usingstringsin track therearea theattack periods. couple of things yousshould These comparatively long Consider right from the start ofthe attack periods can thraw up timing Composition process. Issues, especially when youre ‘Asaltullorchestalstring section writing fast passages. There are istarmonicaly verydence,ts essentially two options to consider essential toleaveplentyofspacein whentryingtoachieve tight thestructure of your rackforitte playing style-ether reduce the fitintoFor example. 2 busy rock attack stage ofthe sample(s) tracktullof guitars wilbe dificult which creates neater MID data tomix with an orchestral string __foredting and quantising: o eave section unless the structureofthe _theattack intact and trigger the Songisconsidered perhaps using samples lightly ahead ofthe beat, strings ustinthe verses with ful which often sounds more realist. ultarskickingin curing the chorus. Whichever articulation you ‘Another thing to ponder isthe use. be sure to program plenty of sizeotthe stringsectionyouwsh dynamics into the string playing. touse.Thisshouldbe appropriately | Most ROMplers willuse ether the ‘matchedto the rack solookathow —modwheel or expression data on busy the instrumentation of your MIDI CC #f to control various Songisanduse particular string parameters, including legato Samples accordingly. For example, transitions. vibrato rateand the sparse acousticolktrackwillsult_ overall volume ofthe performance. alight string quartetrather hana Ensure youread the documentation {ull70-plece section sitached to you Irate toleam Theres alsonolawtosay that ll youcan about your patches and Youravetouse allteinstuments how teycanbeconvaled eter Stanorenestralstring section by realtime input drawing in when yourearrangingyourown expression dita, tracks Youprobabiywontneed| ——'yourewellcoordinated ts thecellorbaseesatalityoure greattobeableto control the Srrangingto secompany stack various playing let in reali. {hatarendyhasastrong bassline, resting ina more ealisticsound ra ifnisounds doable vestinan - you racket stack pte String instruments expression pedalso that your fet ae rove aoweeping tg of emotion and articulations endear cones soccer, methods of producingasoundare hands tre topla the nots. amelnsrument(eg legato violin samples fr dvi vided) Caled artctations ononetrackandstaccatoon sedtons whichmakestteaty to iKeimportanttorememberthat_ Splitting up Snothed ort make te two play simdowmthe sound of your oom thtamiyotinstumentsdonthave Somelrariesprovidekeyswitch atence-thiswouldbeImpessble sting orchestavon wtnout aninstanattack-astringcantake patches thatyoucan change inrealfe.Theontywaytodoit_resotingto sole instruments, A Uptonalfasecondorsotobesinto stingartcuatonsonthetly wouldbetospitanorcestal- _teseallstc But equal eectve Vibrate when bowed Make sureyou instead ofhavingolesdupan vin ecton nto two parts ‘nay to achieve athiner sound Blow ortiswnen programming addtional ackeverytineyou "Speaking ost sections, _leemulaing fewer layers sto rngsandemembertnatine needanewartculavon.tyoure someotthemore comprehensive use EQand alle te correction r 20°) / COMPUTER MUSIC / 113 Recommended SEE Soe listening chic, Ces che Metatica, SM Everything But The Gir, Baby TheStars Shine Bright Vitamin String Quartet ‘Soreegscont Pres Mapennse Dowoioe:d th Thue. POP tose Arranging strings There arepentyofbooks outthere always wit established harmonic that teach the tracitional orchestral_rule,itremains effective in modern techniques ofstringarranging. but music productions. they can beapretty hard slog for To hear and analyse some great those not upanthelr music theory arrangements, invest ina ew sting anditaliannotation terminology. _looplibraries Many ofthese spit Soityoudon'tknow yourarias _thestrings rom one motif into both fromyour elbow. allow ustogive _lewandhigh samples, and some yousome quick andeasy winsfor even present gach instrument effective string writing section inigolation 38 stems. ‘Thereare many'rules‘of string Apple's Symphony Orchestra Jam chord voicing andleaming howto Packisa particularly good one in Constructibalanced chordsisone this tegard, providing hundreds of ofthe mostimportantthings to examples Loopmastrs Real Strings master when itcomestoarranging _Vol2 includes MIDI les and POF strings. When you think about our —scores,so you can deconstruct Various sections -vioin clloete= the loops to see ow they're put IRWoulaseem tke common sense together. There ae selection of, togiveeachsectionitsownnote _theseon them VD, so youcan Inthe chordforaful,harmonic seer yourslt. Sound, We can coafim that this is . 7 thebest way toconstructstring _-INlividual melodies chords but tsimportantto know —_ifyoucome roma keyboard how tospace thenotes out. Making playing background, canbe them to cose wilsound maddy, tempting to progremall your sting whileputtingthemtoofer apart’ sections wth ong legato chords wilisound insubstantial Thiswon' sound realist though, ‘Rgood rule of thumbs towork and willbe petty uninspiring to Impaired octaves. Consider theC _listento. Instead. try to imagine ‘major chord, which comprises the each instrument’ section playing notes .eand6. hecelloandbass alone le without the other Sections can betwinnedanoctave sections and writetheir mots apartonCto underpinthe whole separately sothat each pays te Chord. You coulé then add the own meladyharmony ine Violas playing the Eabove them, Sometimes the sections paths andthefietandecond violinson _willeross and they play inunison, the G above that, again paring them in octaves. The chord would look ke this on a MIDI keyboarc: €2.€3£3.63-64 Spacing out the notes of chords ike tis sa wel: established standard appreach to string arranging, leaving space for other instruments to contribute and providing aul sound. but orchestrators have written Ityoureenly using three parts or strings separately ike ths sections (@ popular choice would for centuries, anditjust works be two violins and one clio) a (nce youstatt tink ike this, goodtipiste drop the middlenote _itbecomes easier toimagine how ofastondard three‘inger piano diferent articulations work together. chord down an octave.For example A popular combination isthe cellos C4 E4-G4 becomes E3.C4-G4, playing a chugging rhythm in Again. thisisavery radivonal —_eghth-orith-notes, while the orchestrationtechnique, but as _igher strings play legato ines, Riulsoser Storsitiags & Fankeiblag cm Natvenstruments Session tings Ineudesscoop anda artealatons, whe Apple Symphony Orchestra Jam Mock endes unreds ot great seme Turning thison its head and reversing theroles also works well, ‘String articulations can be very expressive - sometimes beyond the range of the average string ROMpler. Two techniques used a reat dealin pop and dance music arangementsare te scoop and “al which are essentialy short string sta that bend inpiteh make music now < ‘quickly Unfortunately. you won't tind these articulations most stinglibraries-theonly one ‘We know a thatineludes them {s Native Instruments Session Strings. Dont fret, though: the technique an be approximated by experimenting with fast wo: semitone ptcnbend on staccato articulation, Try tand see! COMPUTER MUSIC | IS cm/{ Sey =e

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