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Wore Ts noel mayb pat ew Me US Coe Occupational Science: Academic Innovation in the Service of Occupational Therapy's Future Florence A. Clark, Diane Parham, Michael E. Carlson, Gelya Frank, Jeanne Jackson, Doris Pierce, Robert J. Wolfe, Ruth Zemke Key Words: education, occupational therapy Clifomia, 2250 Alcarar, CSA-203, Los Angeles, Calitnan, sms races aera * aor, Loe Angee, alleen Jeane Jackass. om sa oxo tient an Assis Ibert) Wale meses Ditty, Dyson of Sus tence, Ass partment had Gan a a, arc as mpd fir bation Spee 151 300 “Baton science ira new conic dscipine tar fd ate sytem ay of be Haman ds Arveceutnal ein &tcoal pan oe inna cence har bonehead tbe Cray {GfSabe Clots seer Wi ts enphaat hh proven of a macnstonal dsp ay there orm fonction ne ed tcl tala hice coment of ocefeon ope tonal scence emphasize tea of bam ttmoghon tb espa eit a nd oches tre ecunat Br tipper pata tone ‘ecb fd and dated om cer so {iat cemcs gnome tcl fear chan acpaaim tnd oben imate te sceptona nce, Te eloment of accupril sence fr sre ho the penton fetus rap ef) {niin of be dma or deal et act ‘mor ce a tres Be aera Io of aed base sconce rect on us ‘heaton for and potent entanceset of practice caval bronze sculeures of persons paicpating n everyday acts, such as fing or reading rewspaper, as sid of his werk, "one wer the bly ‘ny work ad foun a conumon sri. eat exe, ‘oleate a moment when the inva hal taken con twolofhisoeher fe. want my peope tobe unhero, hd i so being, become universal ut Twa thet at ‘hc Lam celebrating the exsental gesture, tobe hero ‘nthe fowest key (p29) Just as Johnson elebrats the familar dough the creation of works fa, occupational therapy honors the power a ndiary experenees thin the eontent of heath eae. We have come to eal he fetinary and liar things that people do every ay ‘ceupatons, ana we bee that humans ae mot tat tothe humanity when they are engage in cccupations, (ena etal, press). The slntie dacpine that pr ‘ides explinations ofthe human a an occupatoal being ‘Soxcupatonal scence (Universty Of Souther Carn [USC], Department of Occupational Mherapy, 1989) ‘Whatisitabont occupation tat makes sounigucty Inuman? Some of us ca eal our patent faces hey foctsed telcatetion an the operation ofr loom We can remember them visualizing the nal poche they selected yarn. We sce thir hands defy weaving ae ‘se recall the sustained plow of accomplishment when us remember the sense of pad that ou econcng ak bolic patents displayed as they reported o us that sei f having take a dea toexcape thet fears and Jonelines they were abe wo achieve pace and elation boy gomng fhing wth some dees mere che sex Sounds nf cascading wate andthe umes presence of cent res provide them with fresh outlook om ie J Seward Johnson, J. (1887), known fr resin 0, me 6 Maer $ To theen, occupation cakes dhe form of an ante to psycholoieal pa. Sailers of ws can remember our ery patient who, ater having open can orp, fexpeessed that tey were rally geting back thenseloes {they became progeny indepen nat or ‘hemaches For them, eccupaton ea ge reconsric a more dies ie nour pactc, we have ‘maatained that what our paints do realy mates influences hele health, chet self eepect, an the ere figny: But we have ake declared otsmeh ‘ehat hey dothaientie asthe actnosledgrent that ‘eupacin sala pregnant with meaning. Oxruation 1S uoigucl hana enterpese ectuse ute ene {ts smbole hide ikke patina herpes wh have radon by been fascinate with what fm the heat of human terre and activ, mainstream social scence has focused on this question. Thus, we ae lel wath a aban dance of queen shout anni thas must bea Severed s tha he prc af cata thera ca bbe murered We mis begin to const theories that clocidate the reasons why persone chee one sty ‘over another (Harte, Clare, & De Cast, 1985), sd we Int delve nto persons’ he tres co gan» senso the comploty of factors that ukuatly eller how fone decides 0 lve ones ile i Felton to mink. res sure, ply. Why wl pron came ei fica home on the bass othe aaah af wennis out? Why would 2 young si in Tabwan, where fe ‘oppodtuniis fora alt dancer eas chose to deve Inet Me toa carer i alten el many hes sliersevera yours of ices? Why secartan pesos Senve an overuhelming sense of peace fom actives suchas gardening ot sg and to wh eatent ance -auons dependent on spec eco ssn ren ronments? Far example, i fish virally disinpea fom ur streams, forest ie einai, sess a aks be, {ome toxic, and 3 pelion fs constantly 2 an wnsafe eve, wl humans adapt by replant fabing. Iie sing td onging wih cca that tne ‘quire a nacural ensronment co mighe aif esm _menes (such as swimming pools) be fabricated in wh {0 dothese ce ested oecapations? Once the lace ana potency of occupation sn oor daly thes ero through systemave sty dhe pratice of occupa therapy may be enhanced Ith rene pagir we descrbe the emerging ipline of ecopatinal cence ts eat a ae die! pline, examples of rescarclshat all within bonne nes, an the poventel cenenbtion Han make ‘Soe Finally, we asrste the ways in wach eecupa tonal science ean contribute to several eas of practice to confront contemporary seca and heakh pokes Unimacey we conclude that oecaptional se wl alow the profession of occupational thapy to ake is Place whe preseraeg salen he ania oral of capa Tra Definition and Basie Charsctersis As area stated, section acence dew the stu of humans ay eeu Beng (Yea eta pres), Some of us may cringe at i eT, fr Me hse ume to respond netics to any dfn that les the term accepation ny fits deviates We ae tired of uying wo describe what occupational therapists Ud ofweingone ate afer another extn he vtucs ‘foceupaton hatever its) and bearing tes hat Ps once ual orally the meaning ue tt ‘ecupation Some on ay, think hati cou st Alec the word eccupattoma rom te eae the pes fesion, we would be fr etter fT one this fame of ‘mind or aim about an emerging cceupational sence ‘ny seer at Best Jt another ocr patona ghar Inthe conceptaltion of occupational scence, however, an aerpe wan made to develop jan fice Aetntion of ecupaion tats cay aces hat ‘ean create a nied vie of what at the very heat of ‘ur practice. We define crvapaton, spy as chunks of ‘uluralv and pesonaly meaning att in which he mans enguge tae can bev namel inthe een of ue sukure (USC, Deparment of Occupational. Therap 189). Aunties sir at essing attending a pasts ‘ening watching tele, many hve and preparing rel are occupations Our use of thers ecepanon ‘hun conceive generally and ot in the cena Sense ofa eaves oo. hoe des only inches that meet pros needs. Many ctpatons a er ase in simpy oe pleasure (Omtein & Sobel, 1989), {Cctupatins can be conacued a an asta evel 28 working resting, ov ening sre activites oF mone ‘merely asm ea book, playing tenn x pt fnga nouse iymans ae ot peepeogremmed to engage in a Pned voundotacates Each dy they make desis ‘hour what to de and what moe ea do, Thus, within the ‘Course ofa dy they eonfgare acti wth ime tha ‘an be chunked and corespondingy labeled. For exam Plein the ing, pers may nan, then gent, ‘het ea and hen LF may construe ander vation Dtsch 2 sequence Ths cach diy the person creates hs her dalvexpenences trough planing onehesta. ing, and participating in cerupasone (Were et ah in fos) The potent ramifoaions ofthis chest Sth respec tr ealh,acapeati, ac sen of mel being are nese Research has demonstrat, fre Ample hat monine, vera experiences lle po} holo well feng to 9 reer extent thin do mao le erent (Kanner: Come, Schacter, Lavan, Ist ‘Monroe, 198) and canbe cnotmousy hei promeoting (Ornstein & Sobel 1988) The et efler oeesserpse Fe the perception of the quay of nr expences, Unlike the actos of annals xcopatine rege setfawarenesy hea eal pofecteenon are so ‘the aby to elaborate personal a clr meson ‘where as procure ox, purse merestng ih Uaeaad engage in aumentay At, a fenaaved inthe present and (stein is symbole ‘ome We therfore eft the atte of anima proto ncupations, whi recogniing tha bet AE. Bre kom mperat therthan oes ae ws. The Ineior pane of nunson ets nde extent 0 which the Tattlescaty symbolic vehicle To laste this pos ‘ecupaton inthe postmodern world ree shat be ‘reheated Ia apposntment bons an alent, ros fw neces! by nonhuman species fr ther latin, ov do we supp hat arial ae haunted by thoughts Drthe meaning and the ulate scarce te ‘estrieatin panier occupations. When we erp “Spin cccupaton simply asa att unsorted with meaning, we mis is esence Because the focus of occupation sience is on the rmulidimensonal nature of occupation, satsfictorr e plants of mast surpass he dsovery of simple cas chains betncen sora. n describing the fare {al requires fora paychology of asin, Hare ctl (1905) angus har I ena eo say "the eas fo ‘ation as wellasthe causes feta (p. 17). Si Ipc ei thatn generating heey about occupation, ‘se mnt examine the ules, moral comictons. symbole Tmeanings.emosonal responses, and societal an stone coments that influence ones decison ast sihether invest ones energy in panicilar occupations ‘Occupatinalscence, however mst aso inch tices the neurchiologia substrates of Sls ane cus ton, such as those of eye-hard eootinaton or prs “Tas we bee tha oecupatonal eee ns 2 ress mini the substance, mai Sint sotocltra allstar contents if occupations. “This eequtes 4 mulmensional perspective. The co plouty of the knowlege ener is anepatcd ofr self wo onan through the pense OF weer Systems heory (oom Beal, 1958), Occupations are {ated out ly purposive persons who ave sme sense their goals and who resend emouolly un the every fies in ahh fey engaye Weexper ats ioral scenes eos, numerous systems models ill be “onstrcted to gv asenae of coerence and unt othe ompleity of knowledge tha 5 ener. “the USC Model of the Human Subsystems That Influence Occupation: An Organizing Heunstic “Te aul of he USC Department of Ocal They fat downpn the USC Mal of Human Syste Tat Intueree Oxupaton 1. penile 4 hero cnwepeal framenrde fr the ganization of Kase sera ‘rcpt sence alto ae the hua spss inom pro a omprehorwe exon fru thn (U8. Deponmene of Oru They, WD). Tes 302 npr ore ath de assoch, st conned as 2nd sohatn to the concer of occupa scerc The ne, pons ener ates he, epics the humanasanoctopasiona being Presented ss “Thies ranged set eomcrete an aharat System, he pers Seen asa open stein ner ‘newt hs or herensrment ener he enare ie span, from hit to ok age, Use ofa system mde o expan ‘delopmenea changes cation sensi ith the work of Suen (19K), «developement steal {ge at Brown ners, Providence, Rhode land, who txsate the applieanon of genera tems plies tome ana of developmestal process "we emphasize that fecpatcn i designated inthe nore a the cup ofthe sper, Clay, excupations ‘ther Fite oF nit due capacity of the person for ‘cosa adapation eo enstroamencl demands “Fe mode hich ssw Fguce 1. presents the human sistem as compsing st leves (subsitens), thc ae presarn go he crcl Fe the understanding Ufocupation Thescsicubmyneme ae discussed below. [hough tentative the select ofthese a bse ‘june mtg hin emia works by Bou tng 1956), Rely (1974), and von Beran (1968) Phe Pipscal Subsystem “Thiskevehencomnasvs phenomena that canbe appropri: uly deserted phypicahenscal process For cx ple, anaori subsptems auc as those Of masks and fev synapses are explained i ths eve OF eres tre te support sha plea stems pene othe Chaciment of occupations. Foe example, explanations of the physi mechanics tha contrib 0 sled use of the hands comsitte theory alin within the concept Iunsases of occupational scence at this ee he Brlegical Subsem “Tis subsystem i asin from the pysial chat “omorices Ing ostems tha directly relate wo biog “Nlgpaion (6on Berl. 1968). Phenomena of ter Figure i, The Unversy of Soanen Catia Node oe ‘tn Sateytema Tat nivence Occupation, ton 101, Ye 6 Mambo 4 at ths feel ince the biologi deve For compe ence, the eenibuions sensory meqration to puro fhe and exploratory bekzsons Theorene Uses erated thin evel expected to explain the sg: {ly programmed sopects of occupation. For exampk stuf primate play may reveal a biological ass for the secking out of western, The Information Procesing Subsystem “Tis sulngstem els with the cognitive operations that ae sed by humans to organize behavior ile & er TORS). Phenomena adresced incide: perceptual and conceptual uncon, aming, memory, nd panning ss they shape engagement in occupation, An example of Inowledge already deveioped at this evel Rell’ (0979) wore one concep of ules flan sll scqusiton and fable form The Sociocultural Substem “This subsystem fuses onthe person's perceptions of sextant cteral expectations for wcxupatnal bo ior Occupations are enacted in soil contests thins ‘Ga and eur standards srteure occpattona rales (arker, 1977). Kote development ih the aes of fale enactment, expectations and perepions eho fevrelatonship; and deft hey have on cxcupatonal boohoo ae subsume! within this evel Lets (197%) tore on te eelationship of parscipain sn cod ames tothe development of satis for sex cole per Focmance represents reseueh a hs bevel ‘The Symbolic Foaluative Subesteme “This level addresses the soil systems used nthe per senalasesamentf the value ofan orcupation. amples ‘of uch aatems include "language, logic, mathemasis, Seiences, arts and moras” (von Beralant, 1984p. 2). ‘The eanten and meaning of communication, the com ext of ae stems, and the tanserpion of images fete tonal documents swells hesyrale rear, ‘far, mc poetry, ru human emesion a ceprenent {2 (ouling, 1956) he eel, his evel cade Frcawoe ofthe contibution sym systems an pote {ly mike to an explanation of cecupaton, parses Insofar as they inform choces of action oe lnuence the Agree of significance conferred om sce acpi "he Transcendental Subostene “Ths aust is concemed with the meaning the per so spenbes to is or he ifeexperences an the witht Impl his o hr through fe The wom anscendonce ‘Sve here connote “one's elation 1,0" purposive ‘rection inthe fare in acorn with ses, ee ‘inns, hope, preperation (Angeles, SHE, p. 395) A ‘enue of ie sation: porns a ay of He ne american oul of Copan Tay scum as the nc el of engagement in afl orche se extupaucn| Soman ofthe Models Oharateristies Soe assumpions of hs mod ae a) hat cupation Sanot be explained dhru the foc an a single level ‘Gums fhe man astern, @) that oceupaton smote tic ti th conten ft ee medi ‘rvionmene a the person's histor.) tha occupa ‘oni ye human sien dee fo eficacy and mpeteney; ttl a epee fehiner, ncn cane fall derstood witht Consaleation of significance the cada he ox mle eing foe sural es eiting a respite fom ‘sod, and (tha the ms produie say oceaps ‘Sho sins synthesis of komm he lg nd sil sciences ‘We ate interested im how excupation ound in Peson's genet anliertance ih sr her uu fa teens intrest, ailis, nln scioclra foie expestacans. The overrding ssc of meaning con emed wth he lamate valu of what one des ith fone, eesourees, and sl “Svcral feaures ofthe made are netemonby. rt presen a ew ofthe human hat unique to exeupa tna see, that ss emphasies the complenty and Simolie character of occupation. Second, i eum “nbs the deities ayoetheoreve constr as well sete concepal boundaries mended to ae ‘en eseich endeavor from becoming Fagen. ta Shit the USC Mol of the Human Subsystems That Tnflucace Occupation fx sor of ncprine fen which the rescarch actos ofthe ely and sudent hw and ‘uh which he nds generate ave organized nto tunis! corpus of kote amples of pera research tps i occupation alsience ae fa) the maneer in which cae’ onanzaion 1Eumne changes from ehilbood to adulthood to reure tment the anton of cichoed cccupations to Mul competency and afvewement most. the Felitonah pot work nelle oes happinesy, Pd “ity of Me; () the manne which the shared oe atoms of mothers and tei children act adapene tlvelopmone ofthe eile, (e) an eploration of what “matics ealthfl bake of wor, es, and Kte Sita the daly un of occupations) ee ways ia Isic clr dferences inte custome round of hives cikien shape tei ad werk abi an hedesenpaon ofthe ruks, moral comsetons andenher ‘bus ste that ge one's choice of xcupation “The Relation of Occupational Seience © Other Disciplines | he qui of whether excopatona science sates run antigo dcipine mst beaded. Occup 303 tional sien innerenayinterdieiphnary Because ‘cpations commonly engage people in mile ways (Cirrcancing appears oanvoivea person pial 1 Gpekogeaty an soe, tore once rom out Shledseplines such astaougy,developmentaland socal ‘sychology. and anthmpology may contrbute (0 2 ly abet uncertanding of occupation Noncthekss, we a Jmne tha ocuputonal scence conststes a cael Esuinc Bel of nguyen subject matter and "Te tue uf academic boundaries not uni 10 ‘ceupatonal scence, eed, I has been the Saige of aging seoutse a the socal sciences. Peebolog. for {camp ts heen definasthe ence human espe ence ae behavior, bots overt an covert Chapin, 1955) Te Drones oF such 3 defo could easy be eonate as sobsumng anthropology and sociology: In Ispioneering wor, Tyr (1871959) characterize an Ahropolgy' science of ealture as concerned with “that comps whole which inudes krowedge, belie, a moras ay, custard anyother eapabikics and habs aque by nan ay a member af soxtety”(p3)- Despre the alkencempassi guy of ths detiton, anthopok fo has a welbesablshed place a6 a dnc dscine {oxy Wiben (1966) defined soslogy a the st oF pavers inhuman relasonships and state that Teton fro anthropagy 5 2 mace fraction ard “emplas rather tha log Sina. occupational st fence fs dincewe in teadton ane emphasis. The Chigue cal bas les nee pracice of oxcopaiona here, concean withthe action, by way engagement it occupation of persons with daabis {Bing 1986, Yer, 1987) Occupation since i dstiet In that a atempts theoretically 1o ack the entre rage of phenomena surrounding human occupation. hs al requires the concep yahexts of psa bloga peyehokiea, soctxculura and symbol con Sklestons, dod chs demands 4 novel, systematic proach tha onsciusl seeks fo are at complex mi Eivoteccupaion, suchas that which woukl be produced through the use of the general systems theory. This ml ‘dmersionat emphasis, conjancion wah a view of the hhuman aan active orchestrator of or hes occupations sa means of confronting Mes challenges, lstingushes Sccupatonal cence ay unique ad inyran: sphere of Iguly. Tn short, occupational scence aknomieies the Cena ole that vale, ison, again, reli, ‘Thdemetion play n decione sboue what odo cach day vt ow to do. fogaras dhe human 3s 3 conus, ive agen who dyeamicaiy erat a specie 300 Cultural aed histone cones. “Athough tratonal disepines cccasonally adres ‘ssc elated eo parila cxcupations, sch ers sp {aly ae theory cicurmsrbed and ntespecsieh onsted within she tetional framework of dhe dsc ‘line sn question, For example, the potent ot of 304 television vewing cn bah interpersonal aggression (se for exanle.Feshhach & Stage, 1971 Leyens, Cai, Pare. BeiKowia 1975) a Sexo behavior Ge. fo ‘Sample, Medahur ® Hen, 1976 Waledt, Ges, & Bromo, 198) has rece attendon within social psy Chol Although this research adresses prominent ‘eupaton (ies watching cewiion, the approach that ‘Saker reece dsciphnry emphases that dictate tion aay fom many of the key processes ned. Por ‘arple the television viewer i generally reared a8 a posive ripen of external sumolaton and not 38 49 ger wo chonnes to engage sn this occupation. Adi truly socal pyctologial anaes emphasize the di fect ffec of spec types of television content (the pseayal of volence sv melas oF sex ee serecnypes) on onresponing, specie socaneractional response do tra that hase radvonalreewed ate withthe seipline, The seul thatthe Influence of elesion ‘owing on the viewer’ emovonal state. 25 well as 8 ptr anafcations for aehewement iain, for {hay tate and derive pleasure fom ss passe ‘ceupattons (eg ding ceramic pot or gantenin), hd on mural cone ignored. This example unde Scores the ned for stems dria in guiding reser thar expiesly onzanedarvund the concept of ‘occupation Th alin to expanding and systema Kw cee ant occupations hat has rected attention wih in exstng feds, ocupationa soenee, because of 15 Unique content fac, sess lenpertan topics tha Fhe been largely owed fy the tational dips. Fromple sich cesar fe, some of which hie a read bee tackle by cols none profession, include te infoence of childhood ply onthe sense of emp tence, reourcefulnes, al coping nado (Rey 1974), ehe pial ance of work, rest, an Here at Aieren stages ofthe Me spans and the development pass defined ay an ioteligence of dora (Ayres, 1985) foc enabes one to dec mediate arsactons nthe ‘his spatial word ‘Orcupatonal scence, therefore, does ot belong, unde the aetr of other depies because 1 has 3 Ung Foss at sant nestgtel ect by schol in other ek Aktough cxeupavoal science ean proft from snow combed Py other Hels ts pressing queens are not male x coherent manne ith Ine reseach programs father disciplines. Becase ‘Seeupational sate involves 4 syahets across Pins, compartmentalianien ander one of he cont Ing cucpines sould stile the sovesgation athe fill ange of concerns evans othe stay of eccupation. A Steestabised knowedge base spec occupation Tighly unlike o emerge unless research efforts are ex rik directed towaed the study of occupation 38 ting eaman, symbole enterprise fo suman this stom, much of the gamut of el 197m 5 Sanbers human arcing and behavior fk 9 x eypation, eth concept of cxcupaton as an erganier oF theo rd search als ure the deal of ada ie les Ths lex prone rng jeieaton for the de Netopment of sxcupational science av scaly coterie dence of a Legitimate Scholarly Discipline Sabor are increasingly reson the cent eke ‘ccupatins in ean hana adaption, The eax tualaton of occupational sce presented inthe fre Cem pape slr ao work evn dere Eat th Sein and outset dpe eccupaonal ery Some these works are sted bots, weve Dyno mane exhaustive ‘athe ISG partment of Oxcupationat wher schoasyyobations by Mary Rel, rneitus Professe ‘ely, 1962, 1974), and Jean Ayres deceased), Enerus Associte Professor (Ayes, 1953, 1972, 1979), edt (rem wnertancing of ia, wrk alsa “The phuosopic asumpans une ceca tence were ciated ly Emeatus Profesor Hiab 4 Yer I9ht), Corre USC lay are further extend ing oncupatonal sence Te Birt and second autho ‘Continuing inthe triton of Ayes, have en sai, the comsruct of pans (Clark, Parka, Malou, & Fa ‘hing, 1983, Pashars, 999). The eight autho an eo Heagues (eral Pre, & Zeke, 198 have Deen snes ating te eter eft hat exse of purpose has fe-fand coordination. The out autor (Pam, 1584 TERA) ces ntense eimai of de nerplay os Gowuluralsntet and bgp estat the ie adapuacon of persons th cone Usabay len {987 190) as exam Ue cron cual ad eo Species mls information procening durin Copetons art primo cccupationy, Neen (1986) as then tdyng she rls berween pessoa ar Fes uh ay tks of ene, om adap boas 4 fs wth depression, Fann IORH) has set fated the importance Of sexuality ta the ceupaoonal Index ofthe wel elder In her flew develop a theory ‘hinfne cyte agsation, the sith ao (Pee 1) Fong a rowed for understanding ait thes of lets a uk, te eet statements 38 envronmenes Recent shor Jado, 1999) eater to stad the patterns of sl emotkal aporne so. ily acupatios of adelewents wih tabs ‘Work in oscuputnal sence ako being done in aber oecuatial therapy departments nthe Utd Sates Kichone,a he Under oF Hino. Chic an Burke, at Thos eon Uakerst, Pipa, ‘Nelo and are esting Medel of Honan Occopation, inhi ews the perm asa open stem santero With the envionment (Rien, 1a, 1A, Kil Ph Amar ra aaa hr Fndnes a Buches 19H0, Kil, Rurke, 8 ih, 1980), Notun at Westin Sihigan Univers. Kalan ‘nacre and evel hey ne are ‘vupatinalanahst stu ofte rc qi aed mesg cca Nelson, IR, Nelson, The Sm ore, 282) ire at Fh eration ‘Chery tan stabi patter of ocean aa ler covets tan the ede (Maguire, 1983) Fs wel Cama and hor celleygicy and seen (se ‘Whim, Cermak 8 Fsher, 1987, Magalhaes, Room, Cermak, 1985) 8 Boson less have Ben dang ex femme wa onthe pris de ee mage const and (satra cooainaton a sabato se mer Taher dicplines, rewanher are dewdopig, Aste reevance ecupatnal selene, Work sas gener! om conta reponse 1 pata thon supa (skeen, 175; Cesta hah Cae, 98H, calksreneale ae Shs BID on cme (Bere 8 Bete, 1979, Gras, 1984 Fas, 197), aa on act (Ginsberg, Brenner, 8 orn Cranach, 1955, Harte et al, 1945) are examples ‘tough capstan! science recs attention £0 the as dat persis adapt ove the fe span tg {he oechestaion of suspatons ts feclpnzed Oat “evupatunal Beason ours i eal contexts. Thus, ‘esearch aketiangthestractutesand processes of soca rpaniaton. ili the poli ewonoa, pre a every fmewoek or the uermurdleg oF occu {ins anal sy he vonsaeed it ihe a great {sles to evupitional sien. Te pout Becomes ester sh betel examples hat ele to the aad Sefton an sci ganization of heath and health ‘lt Hols Area (1985), sages home i the meaival pobed, preponderance of holy women ‘sooty the Henan Catholcehoreh appear to Pave fren anoeans Cea! dimensions seem er have Bee cha eth need foe auton) and sococa al (ej the mao avers for slkeapresion BY trom ina pats sal sercte) Th, ances Sm fe unerste o oy a eday' terms ayaa “Son cael tothe single oan of eeting one for ac apsehitine dace rated w dst hey inves but ue ss ranean rl ned ‘Salomes this man he fig fa ena micke Inthe ad resources fing sol tats, were (Sera and ited by pata hal earl Onan Taton A verhinking annex qr foie oe Paton ok for persone rail young women) ho {a hin daon y sugested yam ocupationa nve appa memporar example this phenomenon he sean hich be redefined 35 wale clea fabs OF Sone pins opal ss oduct fom rm abr Ne a Sack (18) echrapty of abe 305, organizing ata medical center shows entylevel un Sled female wan! vk are expected to 00 aa enor ‘mums amour of mental we, concn lee! ‘mada teu wihour autbonty oF eecogon, Socks shows how people at work define thee ac¥ites wer tleremly for themscives than for di employers et Srealwaconsttined ato oven ways he tia fs {elon he tentifeation and peormance of cup ‘ons thin the province of excupational soence nally, Gove (986) econ ties hima ees demonstrate the role that pramaaleal ree Pays in hiding the eckvance of geal Bt ‘ccupation Govaals fncus on rudimentary manest tions of oration (protenecopatons) as express ‘ich crates as feeding grooming and tnt se nat tion direct outcomes, these actos ave Been Shown orale patterns of dominance rlstabiy Within himpanee sity. The suggestions of xcs work For occupational sence ave twofold a) that there Ke Dulogealinduence on the organization of cupations fimong human Inge aed) that patterns of ene onal hebavior may have fmportan ranuicions at Secukurd lese!In her capacity 8 Distinguished Nt fonet Press within the USC Deparment of Osun tional Therapy, Dr Goodall wil be det, conti ‘e cctupationa sence by promt ees on anpconr te etholopeal methods foreign al ring her knowledge about the prow occupations he Methodology of Occupational Science Aside vay of conmentiaa as wells new methodoh fGen ae expected 0 be used in occupational science Mainstream social scence methadologies nich as espe sentation and generation ae peal ec to examine dcumscibed research questions ioolsing the erty alice facets of «xcopaton. Because the mulihmensiona ature of occupations expe fol that quanitatve muleanace-cagsal mets ny Sev maybe appropriate fora wide spectrum of research problems in optional selene Berane spatial scence mus ess they bolic and tarscenentl systems that govern te ces ‘of occupation Inspec scscultoral and storie tens, however methodol that enable the uncover Ing the reason fo asin, such a6 the dearer methods describe Harte ca (1985) may pari Tan usc Fxg nthe tat allow dt Lescrpion and anahais not on uf the osest manos tions ef excupaton bet ao of the peroneal fexpenence al the dct wile engin in ocupason be me the mt ely pera ia occupies The meth wed, however, wil depen on he kk esearch questions asked. We expect thar asthe ‘line progresses, new methane! tee Fr he Sra of oscupacn wl emerge peal 306 Poterial Contsibutions of Occupational Science: 1 Sowiety yon rein promo bane knowledge eee tonal cave his the potential to substantia bene icy in practial ays Fs, 2s sewed below, the Contd development af a seence of ucupation ll Jnenerte 2 knowledge base capable of imei the prtice profeseon of occupational therapy Second i “eine plc knee of he discourse al ining ia ‘ccupathnal sence may make human es moe pro Goce, meaning Reh, aed sang Partin i neupations as Bee shown 0 i ric eeie w muliieentcome varables such ts heath selfesteem, sel competence. happiness 2nd sanusion with fe fe, Ree 8 astra, 1983, Reino Linger, 1977, Stone, 1981, 1987). Consequently, the smnesprenl diseminaton of se norman reading Sich topics ay he oe of dhe namediate eros In tering the manner in which ecupationsinlaence peo ithe factor that ea] some peopl, aconasted wih fathers, soe the goal of Balaban ork, Fest and leisure an shee dll routines, and the effets of eaty ao patter occupation on adult competence, CGrovt cies and moby aed fe asttacuon Ras the ‘teat fect cours test 3 postive a. “To contrat mensngtly 0 soc, he scent study of occupation must provide wigs thatransend rend nomi Octupatlonalaclence ewercomes ‘many of theirs sano ease ea shod ud a more ental, dete, apd ssteratie unde ‘ann of rman occupation. Thas, or example, the CSnmmoniy held swarnpon that abaknce of wor and ‘eure sea along abby corectin general sy ils co defing rl, khure, owt consis & hte; dics mc spec the aspects fea that ae Promote and snot erty subjected othe passty ft dstemacon, Occuputinal sence, because oF 1S Systems appich, ca remedy each of the abore mi Sons Micnaly wl mprowe on every kno {ge ough th che sty peneamena about which “Sommonsense asumptinns do no east andthe eatin Suse novel thewstical concept nde, the Ye “once occupation Is novel as evidenced bythe lack Precio erctnnered wen ig the teem i the Specie sense propese here Relasionship Metween Occupational Science and Oceupational Therapy tinction Boucwon Occupational Science and (ceupational Therapy Avalrealy ated, cccupationl science ithe study of the fhm occupational ig, ding the nee diel capi to cna ad vechenteate dy cup onset espn (Pera clan pres) Thee hme secupational scence rather than eccupaiona Aor 8, Nm 18 Saber therapy because tansnits bane since egdiag the sulbsrates, fom, Bunsons contest, and mean ef ‘cupation Ahuugh knowledge dered fom ora science may be applied othe practi of sr pao therapy, 1s also appleable to nary of other de pines, The paar focus of ceupatondl cence ne Immettate aplication to therapeutic terse, athe. ranemtalofthe mont general primis ae co ‘cepts excupatins “The profession of cceupatonal therapy has deve ‘oped aren background of experiences techincal ex Pertise enabling pets toate nlependene el Sesutiaeney. Timever, exeipanonal thers founakad primuny on empinsiom rahet than seciee ‘Thus an intend purpose of exeupatona cence ft forganize and transit the snterdscphinary Krk {hat syppons pectic. Smarty, the profesion of mel ‘ne inthe Unted States, withthe implementa ft FexnesRepore (Flexner 1910), ag bce gina fn chine practice, became onganine! arn the ne paradigm of laboratory practice an germ theory, mph Sizing the base selences 6 essential tothe rang oF physicians. In this respect, cccupatioal science tar upatonal therapy what sratony and silo att medicine Importance of Occupational Sconce to Occupational Therapy ‘Thedevelopmentofoccupatona scence aa regi spiee of seolry nutty offers many important he isto the profession of accupational therapy Te reat ptortes of the pees that wil be pose ‘ete yee emengence of tuations sence ate “iscussa below ‘The demand for facity prepared as cbolars atthe doctoral lee! & shorage Of dextoratevel fay 1 teach in ocypaional therapy curricula current exsty (Geonardelt& Gratz, 1985, Pachany, 1985). According to ‘ne survey, only 17% of fulsime fc an bacalueeste and postbacalareale oecaptional deriny progres helo depres (Patan, 1985), Mot fc man ‘ers (1 eld master's degrees. Tus conden has ad 2 negative effect on faaty research products Inte ‘gnition ofthe gravity of this cy shortage the Ame fan Occupational Therapy. Assxtaton (MOT) par Occupational Therapy Manpencer A Han for Progress (SOTA, 1985), recommended that major al of the Profession ee inerease the numbers of uals sr ational therapy Faculty. 62) ‘Because oly thre decal programs we caren ‘teed by occopational therapy depariment, the mofo fy of ccupatinal therapists who hol doctoral dees have dbtained these ders eth ick, such a ald heath, anthropology, psjegy, education, anata and pubic admistradon. Mase dectoral eens ae oe mea ara of cal Pray ‘yp esque to demons research competency 2nd contrib tothe scone of those dscns Conseuenily st scems reasonable 0 assume thie fe hp ina effort cima hc Fescar ps sultan numberof thee persons leave scan therapy rather than contre to ts developement tan adem decipline. ‘Curent the options for doctoral study for pre spouiveiculyarelimited. The secre establishments slotoral param in ceupatonalssence at USC oles ‘kerma thats igh relevant wo excupatonl therapy Fonher the eonanved gonth of the base scence Of ‘ccupaten ns the capacity spa additonal doce roams that sl pete cts wo wl conte to he orcupatonal therapy profession doh teaching an reseaceh ‘The need for basic ssonce research, Because iss scope ot pratice insoles lage groups ay dsb, that might itefee wth function, the cceupations therapy profession dca with problems of sapiant ‘complenty, yet ts knowledge ot een ll syne aed or organized For example, chien with cone Lisa af oe unable eee in noel lay (Mog fol 1977, Parham, 1980) Th apacy may have a profound efccr on their exploratory havior an ear Ing of adapave sks and thus may preven ther fom ‘developing work elated capaces a als Yet 00 ie the understood abr playin general to emabie capa tional therapsts to meervene eects. The same ae ty of onginizad knowledge pst tought allo thc nensons f occupation elon to every age evel Pulp Austin, peesient of Cokorady Sate Unter 'y Foe Colin, antehancelor ofthe Colorado Unie ‘System, enti the ned for a scence of occupation ‘when esate, "Wht i that makes cceupationdl ther apy an academic discipline, opposes to Simply 4 Pe {ram of raning wv an applied ete thot incoxpoeses ‘he theoretalace and the methodology the ela ‘This is the primary question that fa to be answered before we ci tur oi attention to ger peda and scholarly cemeerne” (Austin, 1986, p. 5), Oncupa ond see, conceptualize ref posted athe nsmerto Asis qestn rs proponed nthe Found {on for an academe discipline The faificaion and potential enbancement of racic Occupational scence irempomered by the a tes of sccupational therapy Uke xtupatonal tefaph ‘ccupatonalsience pays bomage he cena otha ‘evypation plays i Neal apatin, ad Me sear: ‘on, views the human as an wetve agent shaping hs OF her tye, copcemteaes on the pal apes long, and emphasizes the perspective of the aii, ust Merapiss have vale the perspectives of thet fatems These themes should lately crete a ees nance beeen occupational seience and occupational \herapy practi More concetely, we ive hat the esac a sclurshp generated in cecuparona scence wil ee Sey traps fecal reconsuctéatinu Pesce Accum to occupational scence ay le Re occupational thers 10 pin themsees 10 ‘Meet some ofthe mos rascal and heath problems renting seins ans Hence, cE UE ACW ALE bihes: Feng this process of occupations cence ein generated sed terapsts ws it forthe nef of Bean the circ and the prsesion wil Be gH 20 Sete power valence. Occupational soe tal erate may bein to document the ceomary (ee acs Cosupmonsy of homes pep ‘Reedy pring a datas rom whch phi eeerieal thera can hein co eoncepsee WE creer tie mn 350K homeless pers, any of ere place fromm ayes fates CWO Bear aca 1988), AS stulles are conducted on the Pistons oi dy engagement orepacions (ek ‘Rank eure) en nreaks of fami lence ork Tne, we may Sconce power methods of counters Ing sch events by ass out paints che somes sof lex ses, ersanseeasng ine af a wee ie. Purter, a» fest in occupational sense ‘ences the rele Derween engagement 0 fron and amanocompetence therapists ma De 8 Pa a gntton to matttte patents al AIDS 1 Be dicneive provers through engaseretn sik Seana suing excopaions (Clark 8 Jackson Sten Av anosher example reportedly, de sic rte Errante etry increasing (Sta 1989). Knowledge ‘ctee in cccupatonl wesc ay Be the elt Bere peter quay of fe, white mesial rvtinoloss Seige heya As a ial exam as he es of Pret onsen kets become better Unsestsh, Searing how engagerenss i specie ecpmlins (eg. sunning) may curl she dese for ‘eu ‘Secunia sence appear to ok he pena foe prong mpotant Know oF rceane 0 the or an neds probleme sth whichsoces surrey FRE keane i foes scm occupation, hs kolee pet to mira she practice of occupational era Frnalyas advances in occupational cine ec pubic Pitlon, occupational therapy as pofesin il he aa ester nua! art ns profesional wane et eed, cause the ney Pear af is orate — CCU ‘on = wil ao Tonge Be emma Conclusion Carlo Foes ascites Terkel, 198, Notes) ra See gp war bu wean real the pst ind ‘Brahe past spr rou a wahoo ur entiy {Neate hh" The formal estalsmentafoxeupacon 306 alscene represen plant stride for our pression. ts rabunce: we have aon lena knowledge ro be fete that his the potent of ening socet at (ripe well as the practice of ocupatonal heapy. FOr ther, ascxcpation becomes more sible and beter un ISGeou the professional Were of orcapaional hee ‘i wil uly De enhanced. a Ackomdgments ‘Re uth ered se sian cone of Way Noes enthesmceputento o xcopaonal science etchant roel dora oa ws sin ch ths paper base ‘reel wasn te ate schon ofthe ata Rec asan Um gees nF 19 References sen i om eg ye A ‘oxen eras wea meta Ameren Journal Pion ay oh 8 and iforences, Paper preset atthe Word Peden ‘tema Te Hah ternal no, Te gains Ter Aeon. 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