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Intercultural Communication Competence

The Components of Intercultural Competence

Appropriate and effective
Knowledge, motivations and actions

The BASICS of Intercultural Communication

Scale for Intercultural
of Respect...Ex:

voice, usted/tu, gi


The ability to show respect and positive

regard for another person
Orientation to Knowledge...Ex: In my
The terms people use to explain themselves
and the people around them.
Empathy...Ex: I can only imagine what it is
like to walk in your shoes.
The capacity to behave as though you
understand the world as other people do.

Tolerance for ambiguity
The ability to react to new and ambiguous
situations with little visible discomfort.
Ex: How do you react when the rules
change, or there are unclear expectations?
Interaction Posture...Ex: Describe and try not
to judge!
The ability to respond to others in
descriptive, non-judgmental ways.

Task Role Behavior

Behaviors that involve the initiation of
ideas related to group problem
solving ideas.
Ex: Leadership expectations (i.e.
military)Direct, or indirect
communication. Workplace culture
differences- Chain of command;
Esalen interview process.

BASICS Continued
Relational Role Behavior...Ex: Appropriate
behavior for the relationship.
Behaviors associated with interpersonal
harmony. Sexual harassment situations
Interaction Management..Skill in regulating
conversations Ex: uh-huhs, nonverbal signals
that you need to leave. Turn taking when
Skill in regulating conversations

Cultural Universalism: The ethical view

that certain actions are absolutely right,
or wrong, regardless of context, such as
intentions behind them.
Cultural Relativism: The ability to view
the beliefs and customs of peoples
within the context of their culture rather
than ones own.

In which context(s) would you likely behave
more like a cultural relativist?
In which would y0u behave more like a
cultural universalist?

Dr. Howard Gardner intelligence

Linguistic-words and language
Logical-Mathematical-logic and
Musical-music, sound, rhythm
Bodily-Kinesthetic-body movement
Spatial-Visual images and space
Interpersonal- other people's
Intrapersonal- self-awareness

Cultural humility is a lifelong process of selfreflection and self-critique. (Dr. Melanie Tervalon,
M. D. of Pediatric Medicine)

Below are a few helpful exercises regarding awareness of our own

culture and self awareness presented by Anthropologist Dr. Margie
Identify your own cultural and co-cultural beliefs and values.
Define your own personal co-cultures: ethnicity, age,
experience, education, socio-economic status, gender, sexual
orientation, religion, family etc. that affect your values.
Are you aware of your personal biases and assumptions about
people with different values than yours?
Do you identify your own values as the norm.
Describe a time when you became aware of being different
from other people.

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