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The Fill Line

December 2012

A column for firehouse reading by Thomas J. Parsons

While out scoot-a-pootin. Waxahachie news, the new fire chief has been appointed. He is Ricky Boyd
coming from the Irving TX Fire Dept. However, it is sad to report that Larry Bright, retired Fire Marshal from
Waxahachie passed away in November.
Thanks to Ennis firefighter/paramedic M. Preston, who gravitated away from the morning hose testing long
enough to fill an SCBA bottle for our department. I managed to connect with Tom Pritchett at EFD #1 to pick
up our backboards (racboards). While setting the boards in my truck, Chrissy Rogalski, and Ken Isom stopped
by as well as to exchange some thoughts. I guess if you stand still long enough, you never know who youll see.
I took in the quarterly meeting at May Pearl. May Pearl acquired a snazzy equipment truck, designed for
medic response as well for utility duties. It is known as squad 1200. The station has come a long way since we
attended the opening ceremony, with photos of equipment and personnel on the walls. One sign read, No
bunkers allowed in the personnel quarters portion of the house, just great attitudes. It must be working.
The association meeting was called to order by president Wester after a fantastic meal of Tex-Mex cuisine.
Thanks to Jamie Harris who will try to deny the fact she made the whole meal from scratch. The birthday cake
desert was in honor of someone who reached that certain number, and she isnt from Hawaii. The radio issue
was addressed by Ken Isom, who reports progress, a completion of sorts for most of the minor issues. Red Oak
Chief Eric Thompson praised the smaller is better groups that have been addressing issues relating to medical
responses as well promoting creation of a fire chiefs association for Ellis County. I would have to agree that less
is best when it comes to mob rule, and perhaps the more focused leaders would be an asset for overall
performance when it comes to resolution of potential issues with the fire /rescue needs in the future. He adds
that non-management members can be utilized with a specific situation as to their expertise and availability. I
wonder if we are recycling past presidents, as Mark Jackson was motivated to become the second vice president
of the firefighter association. If that is the direction, I will be asked next year.
Garrett Rural member Kameron Raburn introduced the Vile of Life, a medical response tool for fire medics.
As a school project he initiated the program (with a little help from his school mates) for local use as a tool to
localize medical information when responders come to homes or businesses. The program was well detailed and
was presented by a very articulate young man, who reflects well upon the upcoming age of emergency
responders in our county. Way to go Kameron!
While some chiefs were located at a particular table, I shared the seasoned senior members table with good
friend Dick Brillhart. I was able to apply his knowledge and locate the new location of the ESD #6 stationhouse;
in its new location down the silver boulevard in an exclusive neighborhood. While I made a quick stop, and
having missed the troops, I did notice the engine up on FM66 returning after I departed. By the way, the next
association meeting will be in Red Oak, and on March 7, 2013. There will be no excuse not to cater to the loved
one on Valentine day with the rescheduled date. Oh yea, and Rick, I have to tell you about that Jerry Craig
look-a-like sometime.
The City of Milwaukee could save more than $400,000 per year using just six specially equipped pickup
trucks to handle just a quarter of the annual emergency fire calls received by the Milwaukee Fire Department,
according to a report from the Comptrollers Office delivered at a meeting of the Public Safety Committee. The
report added that certain operational issues would need to be addressed by the Fire Department to assure
adequate fire response. Kudos to Aerowave Technologies in Waxahachie. First of all, for Pat, who returned to
the shop when he saw me at the door, having putting customers first and delaying his lunch, and for Sherrie who
followed through with the resolution to the initial visit. Way to go, that was truly a positive effort for customer
service. For I forget, I also appreciated the effort to update the listing for e-mails.
Merry Christmas everyone! Keep the hoses dry and well see you out while scoot-a-pootin. Connect with me
at phone: 972-878-0562, or e-mail:
Question of the Month: December. It was a movie made in 1936, where three members of a fire department
are about to lose their jobs because of their ineptness. Suddenly, an alarm box is pulled and in an effort to get to
the box, one of them takes the captains car, but crashes it enroute. What was the name of the film and who were
the actors?

The answer for: November, While the work of Kennedy Space Centers industrial area was initiated in 1962, it
progressed through the end of 1964. The fire department was established in March of 1964 with the
appointment of a retired Miami District Chief name of W.F. Eldridge. Three assistants reported mid March, with
thirty line members in place by March 30, 1964.

The Firehouse kitchen. The house on the other side of the firehouse is the home of the Greens, and then
more of the smaller homes that make up the mixed cliental of the neighborhood. The day is cool, Captain Snut
thinks, too nice to stay indoors, however before the expected task begins, Books grabs his latest American Fire
Engine and heads toward the bathroom. Curbs has started another pot of coffee and eats a leftover something
from B shift, shifting in the chair to avoid looking toward the hallway. This summer, Mr. Green has fallen in his
drive, and is now forced to use a walker, and Mrs. Green doesnt like yard work, so it looked as if firehouse 13
was in the yard business for both properties.
Despite firehouse 13 not being medically inclined, it was Captain Snut and EMT Dink that were first to
arrive after his fall. While the stepladder was strewn facing the street, neither responder had figured the whole
mechanism of injury. As Mr. Green cries in pain, Reach comforts Mrs. Green, and Books stands in the street to
wave down squad four. Doctor Curbs stands with the first aid kit in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other
ready to direct the proper application of the splint and stabilization of the victim. Squad four wails around the
corner and stops at firehouse 13 looking for a fallen firefighter, but Books calls them on the radio to come
forward to the Greens driveway, hidden by an accumulation of bushes and other miscellaneous growth. It is fire
medic Paulson that tells Captain Snut dispatch told them to go to the firehouse and they only imagined the
worse. Soon the squad is gone taking Mr. Green to the emergency room where he will be attended to. The
daughter of the Greens soon arrives and takes Mrs. Green to the hospital. This years neighborhood goodie
project has suddenly become the Greens, and the gang will look in on their neighbors during the time of Mr.
Greens recovery.
Reach has evaluated the accumulated fallen area of leaves and decides, it aint a pretty sight, and retreats to
the lesser of the evils, to clean up the slight accumulation after egg sandwiches and then prepare for lunch. Dink
is in the basement looking for the other leaf rake, but becomes distracted with the thought of files he figures that
can be put in the firehouse computer. With Dink there is room for only one thought at a time, and the computer
suddenly has more meaning than fallen leaves. Captain Snut is alone in front of the station beginning the task of
raking the accumulated golden and red leaves that have fallen from the line of trees along the property line, plus
a slight area by the Greens house front lawn.
As the afternoon sun retreats behind a cloud, the pile of leaves has grown and resembles a small mountain
range that will be retrieved by the road crew and their giant vacuum truck, hopefully soon. Captain Snut turns as
Reach tells him the calls have been made and all of the invites have promised to be in attendance. As they walk
up the stairs to the hallway, Dink and Books have put up the last of the Christmas decorations. Curbs maintains
his position at the head of the table, coffee cup in hand, oblivious to his surroundings. It is anticipated that the
Christmas meal will be started early, and the aroma of the dinner will grace the firehouse throughout the day.
The football game will capture the afternoon and the members and guest will graze on leftovers and deserts
throughout the afternoon.
The day arrives and it is the Christmas morning. At shift change, Lt. Hart and his crew report they were up
early to complete all committee work so the gang and their guest would be able to enjoy the holiday, unless of
course there is a fire call. This will be a special holiday for the gang as they invite the Greens for the Christmas
The overhead doors will remain closed through the rest of the Christmas shift.

Prayer portion. He is the reason for the season, words that are to focus on the Savior, and away from
endless gift purchases, self, too little time, and that not so favorable in-law. Being so busy during the season
distracts us from the greatest gift ever. It is the good news we hear about all year, but tend to ignore, as other
things tend to be more important at the time. He died on the cross for us, so we could be with Him in heaven
forever. It is the ultimate Christmas gift. He paid the price for our sins so we can be saved, be it our choice.
What is your choice? Our prayer is that God will bless your homes and your path during the holiday and next

And always remember; dont leave the station with out your FILL LINE

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