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Yoshie Kateada

HONO 2052
Dr. Majdoubi
7 May 2012
Individual Presentations:
1. Robotics and Exoskeletons (military research).
Rating: 5
Advanced robotics includes industrial robots, exoskeletons and androids. Industrial robots can
accomplish tasks such as assembling parts. We are incredibly dependent on this type of robot in factory
settings. Exoskeletons fit on the outside of a persons body, giving them certain advantages such as more
endurance or protection. They are used by the military, and have been developed to help paraplegics
walk. Androids are designed to look and act like humans. Because of their life-like quality, there is
discussion of androids being used to increase the work force in understaffed hospitals. Disadvantages in
the development of robots include the loss of jobs as robots begin to take over the workplace, the
questionable ethics of using exoskeletons in military combat, and the loss of human connection when
robots replace people. The advantages for paraplegics are not controversial, but in general I believe
robots could be detrimental to our society.
2. Psychiatric Medicine for Kids.
Rating: My presentation
Over the past ten years there has been a steep rise in the diagnosis of childhood mental illness,
resulting in a rise in the use of psychiatric medicine to treat these illnesses. There are numerous issues
with prescribing psychiatric drugs to young children. The effects on developing brains have never been
studied. In the quest to find effective treatment, many doctors are basically experimenting with the
childrens dosage. There is also concern that the actual diagnosis of these illnesses is incorrect; that the
symptoms are instead normal childhood tendencies. On the other hand many families feel that they
could not get through the day without medicating their children, and some experts hope that these drugs
will prevent these children from developing more severe forms of illness in the future. I believe that these
drugs are hurting more than they are helping, and it is dangerous to experiment so much with childrens
3. GMOs.
Rating: 5
Genetically modified organisms are organisms into which scientists have introduced alien genes.
They are designed to offer many advantages. They are often resistant to insects, cold or disease and
therefore increase the yield for farmers. This can also reduce runoff because there is no need for
pesticides. They can be genetically modified to offer greater nutritional value. They can be engineered to
grow in harsh environments and therefore offer the potential to feed third world countries. But there are
plenty of disadvantages. Cross pollination of GMOs can cause unintended affects such as super weeds.
GMOs cannot be replanted as they do not produce the seeds needed. Additionally their resistance to
insects might cause the evolution of more powerful insect populations who are resistant to the plants
protections. I believe that, despite the risks, with regulation and supervision GMOs can be beneficial.
4. Childhood Vaccination and Autism.
Rating: 4

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Childhood vaccination is a controversial and often personal issue. There is no conclusive
evidence to support or refute the claim that childhood vaccination causes autism. Vaccines allow people
to develop immunity to a disease without getting sick with the virus. Vaccines are responsible for the
eradication of numerous diseases, and their preventative power is irrefutable. Therefore, many argue that
their protective value outweighs whatever dangers they may have. Additionally, if not all children are
vaccinated it puts the rest of the population at risk. For example, if fifteen out of one hundred children are
not vaccinated it endangers the entire one hundred percent. Because of this many argue that vaccination
should be mandatory. While I understand that vaccines are an excellent way to maintain a healthy
society, I do not believe that this should interfere with a families personal right to choose. I believe that is
a violation of personal freedom to make this sort of requirement a law.
5. Eating Disorders.
Rating: 5
Eating disorders are a large issue in our culture. Anorexia Nervosa is defined as a psychiatric
disorder in which those afflicted believe that they are overweight, and so starve themselves to the point of
emaciation. Bulimia Nervosa is defined as binge eating followed by self induced vomiting sometimes
caused by taking laxatives. Anorexia and bulimia are caused by a complex combination of biological and
environmental factors. Societal pressure to be thin, a need to control some aspect of life when all of the
rest of your life feels out of control, and genetic predisposition are all possible factors. I believe that our
culture should invest in more education covering these topics. Both are so closely linked to self esteem
and body image, and education could play a huge role in both preventing these diseases and furthering
research and awareness.
6. Electronic Surveillance.
Rating: 5
Electronic Surveillance is defined as observing or listening to persons, places or activities in a
secret and unobtrusive way. Wired agents, wire tapping, bugging and photographic surveillance all fall
under the category of electronic surveillance. It offers many clear advantages, for example it prevents
shoplifting and other illicit behaviors, similarly it can be used for national security purposes, and to give
peace of mind. However, it is can be perceived as a clear invasion of privacy, and the 4th amendment,
while creating a false sense of security. It is costly and there is the possibility the information being
collected could be tampered with or misconstrued. I believe that it can be extremely useful in the private
sector however, even though most of its current uses are logical and benign, I do not believe that
electronic surveillance should ever be used by a nation to spy on its citizens.
7. Medicinal Marijuana and Prescription Drug use.
Rating: 5
Marijuana is scientifically named the Cannabis Sativa or Hemp plant. It was prescribed by
ancient physicians for pain relief, and is currently being investigated in terms of its potential to treat
diseases such as AIDS, Cancer and Multiple Sclerosis. It contains THC which has psychoactive
properties. Because of its prospective ability to treat these diseases many argue that it should be legalized
and treated in the same way that other drugs are. However, the disadvantages to legalizing Marijuana are
clear. It is the most commonly abused illicit drug, and many argue that it is unnecessary to make it

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available because other drugs already exist to treat these diseases. Despite these reservations I believe
that medicinal Marijuana should be legalized. Many people with diseases argue that it is more effective
than the drugs they currently take and I believe they should have access to it in the same way that they
have access to these less effective drugs.
8. Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
Rating: 5
Embryonic stem cells can develop into any type of cell; this makes them extremely exciting in
terms of their potential to treat diseases. In order to obtain the stem cells the original stem cell must be
killed. However, two other types of stem cells can be obtained without killing the original source; adult
stem cells and cord blood. Although the potential of these cells is exciting, thus far there are no
documented cases of stem cells working to cure disease. There is also possibility of tumor formation,
unstable gene expression, and the inability of the cells created to form the desired tissue. Additionally,
many people object to the use of stem cells in research on religious or moral grounds. While we are
currently unsure of the actual potential of stem cell research, I believe that we should investigate this
option until we have exhausted the possibility that it can cure or treat diseases.
9. Nanotechnology.
Rating: 5
Nanotechnology consists of science and engineering that is conducted and operated on the
nanoscale. Many of the products that we use on a daily basis are powered by nanotechnology; for
example iPods and Teflon cookware. Nanotechnology has also enhanced medical imaging. In general it
improves efficiency and creates cleaner, smaller, more affordable machines. It also has the potential to
make food resistant to bacteria, decay over time, and UV rays. However, nano particles do not obey the
same rules as regular particles, therefore we dont know what kinds of substances they will make in
nature. Additionally, they are not biodegradable, so they will stay in the atmosphere forever. We are
already virtually dependent on the conveniences that nanotechnology offers, but it could have extremely
dangerous long term affects on our world. Therefore I believe that we should halt further development of
nanotechnology until we better understand the long term consequences of its use.
10. Eastern versus Western Medicine.
Rating: 4
Eastern and Western medicines are equally helpful and important depending the disease or injury
being treated, and the goal of the treatment. Eastern medicine includes, but is not limited to, acupuncture,
herbal treatments, and treatments of disturbances of chi or energy. The definition of health in Eastern
medicine is the balance of mind, body and spirit, therefore much of the treatment is preventative and
emphasizes the health of the whole person. Western medicine tends to define health as a lack of pain or
other uncomfortable symptoms, this leads to a mindset of masking these symptoms using drugs, rather
than treating the cause. However, western doctors are highly trained and the western medical system
offers technology that is becoming more advanced everyday. Because of the important contributions that
both the Eastern and Western perspectives offer, I believe that it would be beneficial to view them
complementing rather than contradicting treatment options.
11. Tanning Booths, Anti-Aging and Plastic Surgery.

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Rating: 5
Tanning, anti-aging products, and plastic surgery are all forms of cosmetic enhancement and are
inherently laced with advantages and dangers. All have the potential to raise self esteem and boost
confidence. Tanning can promote being active outside and receiving sufficient vitamin D, and some antiaging creams contain healthy antioxidants. However, tanning can also cause skin cancer, eye damage,
and lead to addiction. Anti-aging creams can strip away the top layer of skin which can cause
overexposure. Additionally, the FDA does not regulate cosmetic creams, meaning that these products
may contain unknown harmful chemicals. Plastic surgery carries with it the dangers of any regular
surgery, risk of infections, illness, disease, and a fatal reaction to anesthesia. With the exception of
reconstructive plastic surgery, I believe that these products do more harm than good. We are better off
learning to accept our bodies as they are.
12. Internet.
Rating: 5
The internet has had a huge impact on the way that we live our lives. We have become more
dependent on visual learning and actually doing things versus sitting and listening to a lecture. It has also
created a surge in the development of trans-active memory, meaning that you remember where to find the
information, but not the information itself. The internet and technology in general have redefined
communication; making connection across distance very convenient. However the internet has also
created a culture that expects constant stimulation. Stimulation creates a dopamine release which makes
us feel good, causing us to want it constantly. Early development is often affected by this constant
stimulation, arguably causing disorders such as ADD. Additionally we do not allow ourselves the
downtime to reflect. Therefore, I believe that the internet is good in moderation. It is very important the
we balance our use of the wealth of information it provides with time for personal reflection and personal
13. Steroids.
Rating: 5
Steroids are any large group of fat soluble organic compounds most of which have specific
physiological affects. Anabolic steroids can be taken orally, injected, or obtained through creams.
Steroids cause increased protein synthesis, which can help make you stronger and increase your
endurance levels. The steroids have fast results, and this can cause increased confidence due to enhanced
athletic ability. However steroids are also dangerous; they carry with them an increased chance of
diseases including cancer. They can have long term negative health affects, and they can create
psychological addiction in users. I believe that steroids defeat the purpose of sports, because who wins is
no longer determined by the hard work and perseverance of those competing. I also believe that athletes
have a responsibility to be good role models, and the use of steroids is a terrible example to set for young
people. Therefore I believe that anabolic steroids should be illegal.
14. Publication of Sensitive Scientific Research.
Rating: 5
There is numerous sensitive scientific research that could be extremely dangerous if it got into the
wrong hands. For example, publishing research on neuroscience, molecular biology, nuclear physics and

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rocket technology has produced helpful and detrimental results. Another example is the discovery of a
lethal strain of bird flu which can be transferred to ferrets. In this case it was decided that sensitive
portions of the research should not be made available to the public at large, in order to prevent
bioterrorism. It can be argued that this is in direct opposition to the first amendment, and that not
allowing this information to be released prevents furthering the knowledge of the scientific community
and general public. This censorship could also prevent further discoveries. Despite these concerns, I
believe that this was the right decision. It allowed some of the knowledge to be released, but not that
which could threaten the health of our society.
15. Euthanasia
Rating: 5
Euthanasia is defined as the intentional killing of a human for his/her benefit. Those who are
against euthanasia argue that the right to die is not a fundamental right; that killing a human, even with
consent, devalues human life. They claim that laws against euthanasia are there to protect people not to
cause suffering. Additionally euthanasia could be used to cut health care cost which could be a dangerous
incentive to euthanize. There are also viable alternatives to euthanasia such as hospice care and palliative
care. Supporters of euthanasia argue that people have a legal right to make decisions about their bodies
and therefore they have the right to die. Euthanasia relieves patients of needless suffering and low quality
of life. Additionally, several states and countries have legalized euthanasia with good results. I believe
that euthanasia should be legalized because no one should be denied the right to chose a dignified death.
16. IVF and Designer Babies.
Rating: 5
Babies whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected are called designer babies. In vitro
fertilization is the practice of implanting a fertilized egg in a womans womb. Pre-implantation genetic
diagnosis is the screening of embryos and then placing only the healthy ones in the womb. One large
advantage of these three practices is the possible elimination of diseases. It is also possible to have a
child who is the genetic match of their sibling and can therefore donate blood to their sibling. However,
IVF is currently too expensive to be widely accessible. Additionally, it can also be argued that parents
should not be given this much control because they will create a genetically perfect child and then
expect that child to live up to their genes. While I respect each families right to chose, and acknowledge
the advantages of preventing diseases. However, in general, I believe that the practice of choosing the
child you want before they are born is a dangerous and detrimental.
17. Sudafed.

Rating: Our presentation.

Pseudoephedrine is very effective in cold medicines, such as Claritin-D and Sudafed, because it
shrinks blood vessels, allowing easier breathing, while providing an energy boost. In order to prevent the
use of these products to brew methamphetamine, legislation could be passed to require a prescription in
order to obtain these drugs. This approach has been very successful in Oregon and several other states.
However, the drug companies are against such legislation because it makes it less convenient for people

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to obtain their products, and it cannot be ignored that these companies are a large part of our economy. It
can also be argued that meth cooks will simply find other ways of accessing the ingredients they need,
and legitimate consumers will be needlessly inconvenienced. While these are understandable concerns, I
believe that it is worth some loss of convenience to put even a stumbling block in the way of the rise in
meth addiction.
18. Nuclear Technology.
Rating: 4
Nuclear technology is technology that involves the reactions of atomic nuclei, and it is being
seen as the logical next step to our current energy crisis. It produces electricity, needs less fuel to work,
does not release contaminants or contribute to the greenhouse gas effect, and does not have a negative
impact on the ecosystem. However it does produce nuclear waste which is highly dangerous and lasts a
long time. There are numerous historical examples of devastating nuclear accidents. It also takes a long
time to plan and build nuclear reactors, so this is in no way a quick or easy solution. Because of the huge
dangers of nuclear waste I do not believe that we should turn to nuclear energy as our next power source.
Instead we should both drastically cut down on our energy use, and investigate clean renewable energy
sources of energy such as wind and solar.
19. Animals in Research.
Rating: 4
Animal testing is the use of live or dead animals in research, education, and commercial settings.
Research conducted on animals has resulted in life saving medicines for people and animals, and a better
understanding of both human and animal diseases. However many argue that we have no ethical right to
test on animals. It can also be argued that the results are unreliable since human and animal bodies differ
in many ways. Additionally there are many non animal research methods that are cost effective and have
good results. Examples are the use of in vitro human cells in testing, and brain imaging technology.
Ideally I believe that animals should not be used for testing, however I would not realistically be willing
to take medicine that had never been tested. I believe that animals should not be used to test cosmetic
products but I understand the need for testing with products such as medicine.
20. Patenting.
Rating: 5
Gene patenting allows genes that have been isolated or modified in some way to be patented.
Given that the furthering of scientific research requires a great deal of funding and support, many argue
that patenting of genes may be a necessary step in order to create an incentive for investment. However, I
would argue that patenting will actually slow the process of research as it would mean that only those
who could pay for the patent would be doing research. Additionally, it could limit access to enhanced
treatment that the discovery of new genes makes possible. For example, when two genes associated with
breast cancer were discovered and patented, only the company that sequenced these genes was allowed to
run tests on people in order to detect these genes. I do not support gene patenting because it involves the
extension of patenting laws from things that are invented to things that are discovered.
21. Digitizing Books.
Rating: 5
EBook readers are small portable devices which are used to download and read books. There are
numerous advantages to accessing books in this way. It saves paper, and makes it easy to carry multiple
books with you in one compact package. Additionally eBook readers can provide easy access to obscure
or hard to find texts. However, many people argue that eBooks just arent the same. You cannot flip
through an eBook, in order find what youre looking for, in the same way you can a real book. It is not
possible to have multiple books open at once, which makes studying less convenient. Also, as technology
advances, converting eBooks from one device to another may cause problems. Finally, when all of your

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books are stored on one device you risk losing your entire library by accident or theft. While I understand
the convenience of eBooks, I would much rather have a real book in my hand.
22. Plastic vs. Endocrine Disruptors.
Rating : 5
Endocrine disruptors are synthetic chemicals, found in plastic and other materials, which may
interfere with the bodys endocrine system by either mimicing or blocking hormones. One of these
chemicals is Bisphenol A or BPA. We use plastic everyday in a multitude of ways, but it has particularily
changed the face of medical care; making it more sanitary and cost effective. Plastic also improved
prostheses and artificial hips and knees. However, the endocrine disruptors in plastic seem to be
negetively effecting numorous aspects of our health, especially when developing brains are exposed.
These effects range from obesity to autism to mental retardation, and the majority of the more than 2,000
chemicals released in plastic products are not even tested for toxicity. I believe that it is to our advantage
to use stem cells to mimic the developing brain in order to study the effects of these chemicals. With the
supporting evidence of this research, BPA and other endocrine disruptors should be banned.
23. NASA / Space Exploration.
Rating: 4
While space exploration is an exciting prospect, many argue that we should attend to our planets
current problems before we explore space. Also, there is more research to be done here on Earth. For
example, oceans make up two thirds of our planet but we know next to nothing about them. Shuttle
missions are also very expensive. However, technology has been greatly advanced by space travel;
examples are GPS devices, cell phones, and satillites. Even if we do not discover new things, we have at
least exhausted the possibility, and that is worth our time and resources. While I empathize with the
concerns, I doubt that the 0.7% of the taxpayer money currently going towards space exploration in the
U.S. would truly make a difference, or even reach the places that money is most needed in our country. I
believe it is worth our time to explore and gain perspective from the vast universe that surrounds us.
24. Synthetic life
Rating: 5
Synthetic life is created by decoding chromosomes, and then synthetically copying that code
using isolated nucleotides. This synthetic DNA is then inserted into a cell which replicates. Those in
support of this practice argue that the purpose is to create organisms which will benefit humanity. There
is potential for creating new biofuels, and bacteria which could reconstruct the ozone layer, as well as
more effective medical treatments including an anti-malaria drug. However many argue that by creating
synthetic life we are playing god; that it is unethical and could produce dangerous new life forms. It
can also be argued that the creation of new life forms may lead to overpopulation. Additionally, the
bacteria that this DNA is being inserted into contains endotoxins which have caused dangerous side
effects in the past. All of these concerns are valid, but I feel that if we let fear get in our way we will lose
the chance to discover all of the good that can come of synthetic life.

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