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Majority of traditional cultures, cosmologies, and systems of medicines contain some

form of the three principles. In the Ayurvedic tradition it is vata, pitta, and kapha. In
astrology, it is mutable, cardinal, and fixed. In the western alchemical tradition, it is
mercury, sulfur, and salt. In molecular science it is the proton, neutron, and electron.
These are all the exact same things, just seen though different cultural perspectives and
expressed in different languages. - See more at:
When one begins to see and experience these three principles, the entire world begins to
transform. Seeing the interrelatedness of all things unfolds, and patterns begin to emerge
from the previously chaotic and random sequences of events and experiences. A certain
magic is reinstated onto the world. The three principles are a universal language that
nature speaks to us and relays qualitative information. We are able to tap into a higher
order of the way things truly are. - See more at:
When studying the three universal principles from the western alchemical tradition, it is
important to remember that what is being spoken of is not chemical mercury, sulfur, and
salt, but philosophical mercury, sulfur and salt. While these principles have their
reflections in the chemicals they are named after, they have much broader application
than mere chemistry. They are most useful in the study of botanical anatomy, that is, the
inherent qualities and characteristics of a plant, as well as our own anatomy. - See more

1. Principle of Mentalism: All is Mind

2. Principle of Correspondence: As is above, so is below. As is below, so
is above.
3. Principle of Vibration: Nothing rests; everything moves; everything
4. Principle of Polarity: Everything is dual; everything has an opposite,
and opposites are identical in nature but different in degree.
5. Principle of Rhythm: Everything flows, out and in; the pendulumswing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is
the measure of the swing to the left- rhythm compensates.
6. Principle of Cause and Effect: Every cause has its effect; every effect
has its cause.

7. Principle of Gender: Everything has its masculine and feminine


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