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ME 400: Computer Applications in ME

Spring Mass - Ordinary Differential Equations

Reading Assignment
ME 400: Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering - Read Chapter 24.
Numerical Methods Hielstand Chapter 8

HW Assignment
This assignment reinforces:
numerical integration
Programming Part 1:
In this assignment we will obtain the analytic solution for a spring-mass system with an applied constant load. The
initial conditions at time t=0 are: u=0 and v=0.

1. Derive the differential equation.

2. Write a computer program in C++ that uses the Euler Mid-Point method to solve the problem. Use a time step
of 0.02 seconds.
3. Plot the analytic and numerical solutions when
k (Spring Constant) =600 lb/in
W (Weight of the mass) =500 lbf
F (Force) =300 lbf
CAUTION: You must carefully convert the weight to consistent mass units. In your solution, the frequency should
be 1 cycle/sec. Plot for t=0 to t=10 sec.
4. Turn in:

Your program (hw14a) to dropbox.

A spreadsheet graph of the numerical solution.

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