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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod

y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago

I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago

Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago

[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago

[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago

come and get it

[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u

phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.

[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago

anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.

Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."

[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of

[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago

Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago

Yeah, this one does that.

[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago

The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.

[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago

The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!

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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?

[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make

the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago

Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not

"targetted at 10-year olds".

[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago

The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t

hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.

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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W

[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago

The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago


[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.

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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago

Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's

not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.

As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago

How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.

Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago

I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form

of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks

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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta

tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v

e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.

Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.

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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex

citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).

[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.

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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.

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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago

When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.

[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago

It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?

[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago

people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.

I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide

in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?

Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.

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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad

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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.

[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way

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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago

I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"

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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago

Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?

[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago

A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago

[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.

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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.

It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.

[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha

d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.

[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a

t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.

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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...

[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago

Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...

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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago

I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago

Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.

[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago

Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape

[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago

Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c

hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago

The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
continue this thread
[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.

I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to

a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining

Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago

Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago

You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.

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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago

he never saw the movies. that's why

[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago

The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.

[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!

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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.

[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago

I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)

There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.

For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago

Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great

movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction

ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos

e are horrid and should never have been made.

The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe

even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago

Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe

[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit

[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago

[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago

I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.

[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.

[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago

Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo

rst films are the ones he had complete control over.

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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.

[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago

My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."

[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.

[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago

This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them

at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago

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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago

That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe

it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f

orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit

scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."

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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago

No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place

s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll

[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago

Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!

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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi

ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago


[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh

ind the making of Psycho.

[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.

Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago

video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!

[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*

Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin

g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here

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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!

[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the

se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.

Person A: George, you're a genius!

[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?

Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce

Fuck those movies.

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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.

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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the

[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to

[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago

Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.

See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin

g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago


[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was

really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.

[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago

hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are

interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:

Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.

[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*

All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a

[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago

I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa

w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li

ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.

[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju

st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much

Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb

[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago

But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago

I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se

at and that you enjoy it old man.

[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa

[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.

[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago

Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?

[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago

No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?

[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago

George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes

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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago

Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use

d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo

ple can do things other people can't.

In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome

But the gruesome was the good part

[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.

[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago

Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago

I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.

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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago

A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago

Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t

his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar

t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half

More intergalactic space politics

More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.

[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago

I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should

have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still

love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov

ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.

1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t

he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a

film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during

the original prequels.

The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.

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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago

[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago

I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..

[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it

should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago

I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news

to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that

were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?

[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago

Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.

[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo

rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso

me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.

Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b

een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo

rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago

NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher

e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago

The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.

[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago

Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.

[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago

Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.

[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago

Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...

[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.

I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp

rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago

[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!

[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago

I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just

[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.

I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.

One of these things is not like the other.

It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago

"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."

[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.

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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?

[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)

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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves

[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.

[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!

[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago

What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I

need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.

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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.

[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago

As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...

[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago

I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the

love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.

[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o

riginal fans happy.

Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta

ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.

You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and

pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m

eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.

[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago

I didn't know that. What a great guy.

I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.

[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago

4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.

[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.

[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago

Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago

What is it with Ricks?

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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago

I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr

om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."

[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.

[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago

While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago

ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt

en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr

oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago

Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou

rse for me.

[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?

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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit

h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu

ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je

di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago

He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago

Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago

Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.

[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.

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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.

[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago

But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines

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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio

[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa

y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j

ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".

[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu

cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St

ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews

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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago


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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago

implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6

movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago

Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks

[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.

[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes

Characters being horribly burned alive

Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t

he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago

Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.

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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
continue this thread
[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago

Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.

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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer

e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago

Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago

You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the

artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.

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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.

[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago

And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.

[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.

edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.

There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.

[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago

We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar

But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual

ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea

ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.

Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s

ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:

[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago

A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.

[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago

[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left

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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago

He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.

Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.

he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago

He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago

Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels

but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes

[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago

It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..

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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha--

[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago

I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha

rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.

[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud

e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w

as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.

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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago

I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt

hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than

jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago

Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?

[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*

what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago

TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of

his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt

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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.

NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago

The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe

rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago

I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.

[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.

[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago

I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.

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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho

I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol

ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.

[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago

Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.

Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago

his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago

He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago

The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!

[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago

You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic

k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.

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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it

too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago

That depends on your definition of "big names."

I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!

It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)

Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a

lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago

Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo

u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago

As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.

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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason

s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri

ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why

people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.

Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it

and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago

I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago

He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.

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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'

[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago

Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good

as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin

ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.

The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.

continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.

[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.

[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps

es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.

[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*

I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless

fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy

to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.

[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre

tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.

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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago

When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri

[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa

[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago

It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi

s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about

his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*

Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.

[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things

[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago

About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago

I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro

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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.

Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.

Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.

[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago

10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.

[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago

Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago

Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.

But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get

when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id

eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago

Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.

But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed

, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of

different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.

[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago

I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross

He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.

[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.

[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever

[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.

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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago

Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.

[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans

[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn

izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and

special effects that were amazing and believable.

Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago

He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it

is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago

Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.

Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.

[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago

Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago

[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho

rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.

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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b

[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.

[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago

Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago

there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri

The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi

n the general election.

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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.

[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago

Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.

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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.

They're actually pretty funny most of the time.

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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago

Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?

[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago

That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o

[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago

I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago

I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.

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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.

it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago

And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago


[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of

like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago

The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L

ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.

It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?

[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago

He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away

all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p

oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."

[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.

[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."

[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago

I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.

[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago

Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to

I could keep going.

[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it

came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar

e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.

Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last

movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago

Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a

nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.

[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago

You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago

I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.

If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove

rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi

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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.

I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago

George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.

[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he

gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago

I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with

[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago

Who could forget midichlorians?

[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians

[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*

it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago

yes. Yes I definitely would.

That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting

burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th

ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.

[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.

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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago

Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago

Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting

[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago

I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?

[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just

from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or

iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be

a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago

Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it

in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.

continue this thread

[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.

[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago

You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.

continue this thread

[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.

[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.

Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*

He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview

ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago

Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making

Obi-Wan the central character of the films.

The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago

Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.

[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop

[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren

t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago

You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*

You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago

I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.

[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?

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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and

refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".

Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her

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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.

[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.

He's okay in my book.

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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.

[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago

I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically

negative has been downvoted.

[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G

[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago

Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ

els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),

Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago

Never thought of it this way.

[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago

Said no one ever

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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S

tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say

ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s

[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago

Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago

[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago

[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w

ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago

Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.

How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?

[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago

I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit

of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba

sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.

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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.

[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago

As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.

[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?

[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago

No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago

I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago

I hate this because of that stupid affectation.

[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr

ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.

[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago

Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?

[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago

I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.

[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago

bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?

[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago

Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a

long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago

The Spice must flow...

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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we

re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?

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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago

This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago

Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for

the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.

[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor

t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.

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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago

Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun

TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the

role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky

ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s

aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.

[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre

Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago

The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju

st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars

[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.

[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m

ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.

Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.

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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.

A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.

[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit

back and watch it as an audience member.

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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.

If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.

[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha

t they put their heart and soul into.

Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago

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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*

Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago

To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy

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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f

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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp

lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it

just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d

ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago

I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.

[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago

Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago

I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.

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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.

Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.

[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.

Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.

His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!

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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago

Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago

Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago

It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.

[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.

[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago

When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.

[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t

he crap they give you" speaking.

[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha

te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The

y also needed much better directing/editing

[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago

I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k

ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine

[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago

But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.

[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago

Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.

[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago

All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.

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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.

Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring

discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago

When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c

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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago

Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago

More like /r/movies being /r/movies

[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago

Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.

Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

Director: George Lucas

Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.

[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago

C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago

"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The

Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.

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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago

[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.

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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.

[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago

The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn

it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).

[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens

itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO

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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she

epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read

ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif

[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago

Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago

They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...

But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago

The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.

[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago

It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago

What about just the sex then?

Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.

Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.

[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't

eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.

[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago

Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co

arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.

[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.

[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago

You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the

ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow

er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago

Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr

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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr

emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.

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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger

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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.

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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.

Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.

Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.

While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.

The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with

a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu

merous and strong.

That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they

are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer

o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago

I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.

[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago

ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.

[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho

t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.

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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...

[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago

Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff

and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.

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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments

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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.

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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!

[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago

The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago

that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.

Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL

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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago

kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.

[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li

ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t

he OT it becomes complete shit.

Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.

"You were right master. Negotiations were short"

[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.

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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace

[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago

He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago

My president needs to be extra swole.

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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to

goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.

[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago

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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.

[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago

I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago

He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.

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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.

This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago

The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!

[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago

Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago

Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago

Trade negociations appeal to adults ?

Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on

the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark

A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.

[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?

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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.

When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.

[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago

... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?

[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?

[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago

The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago

This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p

erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago

I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be

found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh

Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi

Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have

been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.

[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o

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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago

People on the internet

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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago

fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?

EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.

[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago

he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.

[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.

[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago

"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.

I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*

[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.

[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.

[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago

If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so

mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an

d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?

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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.

[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)

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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"

[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif

[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago

I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago

How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago

Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?

He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.

How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu

[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.

Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.

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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago

when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago

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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.

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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago

You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua

lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago

Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.

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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq

uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago

[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?

[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,

any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.

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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in

setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:

Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an

d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so

mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago

Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?

[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.

One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago

Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.

TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q

uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq

uels were terrible.

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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.

[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago

Don't mention it human

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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago

I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac

t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these

old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.

[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago

Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West

[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.

[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod

y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago

I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago

Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago

[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago

[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago

come and get it

[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u

phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.

[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago

anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.

Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."

[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of

[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago

Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago

Yeah, this one does that.

[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago

The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.

[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago

The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!

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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?

[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make

the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago

Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not

"targetted at 10-year olds".

[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago

The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t

hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.

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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W

[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago

The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago


[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.

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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago

Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's

not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.

As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago

How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.

Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago

I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form

of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks

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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta

tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v

e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.

Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.

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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex

citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).

[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.

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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.

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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago

When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.

[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago

It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?

[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago

people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.

I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide

in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?

Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.

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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad

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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.

[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way

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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago

I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"

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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago

Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?

[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago

A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago

[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.

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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.

It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.

[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha

d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.

[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a

t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.

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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...

[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago

Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...

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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago

I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago

Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.

[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago

Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape

[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago

Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c

hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago

The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.

I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to

a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining

Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago

Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago

You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.

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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago

he never saw the movies. that's why

[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago

The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.

[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!

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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.

[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago

I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)

There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.

For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago

Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great

movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction

ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos

e are horrid and should never have been made.

The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe

even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago

Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe

[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit

[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago

[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago

I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.

[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.

[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago

Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo

rst films are the ones he had complete control over.

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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.

[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago

My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."

[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.

[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago

This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them

at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago

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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago

That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe

it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f

orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit

scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."

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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago

No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place

s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll

[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago

Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!

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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi

ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago


[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh

ind the making of Psycho.

[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.

Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago

video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!

[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*

Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin

g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here

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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!

[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the

se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.

Person A: George, you're a genius!

[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?

Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce

Fuck those movies.

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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.

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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the

[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to

[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago

Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.

See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin

g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago


[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was

really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.

[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago

hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are

interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:

Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.

[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*

All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a

[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago

I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa

w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li

ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.

[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju

st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much

Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb

[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago

But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago

I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se

at and that you enjoy it old man.

[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa

[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.

[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago

Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?

[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago

No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?

[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago

George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes

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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago

Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use

d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo

ple can do things other people can't.

In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome

But the gruesome was the good part

[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.

[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago

Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago

I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.

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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago

A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago

Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t

his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar

t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half

More intergalactic space politics

More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.

[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago

I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should

have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still

love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov

ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.

1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t

he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a

film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during

the original prequels.

The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.

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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago

[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago

I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..

[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it

should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago

I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news

to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that

were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?

[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago

Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.

[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo

rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso

me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.

Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b

een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo

rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago

NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher

e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago

The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.

[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago

Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.

[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago

Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.

[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago

Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...

[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.

I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp

rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago

[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!

[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago

I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just

[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.

I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.

One of these things is not like the other.

It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago

"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."

[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.

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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?

[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)

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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves

[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.

[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!

[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago

What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I

need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.

continue this thread

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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.

[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago

As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...

[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago

I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the

love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.

[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o

riginal fans happy.

Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta

ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.

You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and

pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m

eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.

[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago

I didn't know that. What a great guy.

I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.

[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago

4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.

[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.

[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago

Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago

What is it with Ricks?

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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago

I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr

om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."

[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.

[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago

While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago

ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt

en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr

oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago

Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou

rse for me.

[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?

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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit

h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu

ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je

di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago

He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago

Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago

Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.

[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.

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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.

[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago

But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines

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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio

[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa

y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j

ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".

[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu

cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St

ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews

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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago


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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago

implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6

movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago

Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks

[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.

[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes

Characters being horribly burned alive

Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t

he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago

Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.

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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago

Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.

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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer

e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago

Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago

You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the

artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.

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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.

[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago

And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.

[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.

edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.

There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.

[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago

We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar

But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual

ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea

ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.

Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s

ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:

[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago

A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.

[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago

[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left

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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago

He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.

Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.

he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago

He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago

Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels

but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes

[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago

It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..

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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha--

[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago

I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha

rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.

[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud

e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w

as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.

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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago

I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt

hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than

jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago

Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?

[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*

what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago

TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of

his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt

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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.

NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago

The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe

rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago

I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.

[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.

[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago

I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.

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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho

I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol

ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.

[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago

Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.

Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago

his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago

He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago

The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!

[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago

You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic

k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.

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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it

too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago

That depends on your definition of "big names."

I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!

It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)

Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a

lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago

Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo

u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago

As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.

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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason

s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri

ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why

people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.

Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it

and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago

I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago

He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.

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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'

[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago

Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good

as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin

ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.

The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.

continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.

[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.

[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps

es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.

[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*

I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless

fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy

to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.

[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre

tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.

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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago

When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri

[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa

[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago

It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi

s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about

his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*

Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.

[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
continue this thread
[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things

[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago

About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
continue this thread
[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
continue this thread
[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago

I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
continue this thread
[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro

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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.

Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.

Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.

[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago

10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.

[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago

Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago

Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.

But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get

when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id

eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago

Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.

But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed

, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of

different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.

[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago

I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross

He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.

[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.

[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever

[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.

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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago

Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.

[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans

[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn

izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and

special effects that were amazing and believable.

Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago

He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it

is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago

Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.

Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.

[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago

Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago

[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho

rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.

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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b

[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.

[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago

Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago

there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri

The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi

n the general election.

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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.

[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago

Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.

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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.

They're actually pretty funny most of the time.

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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago

Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?

[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago

That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o

[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago

I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago

I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.

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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.

it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago

And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago


[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of

like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago

The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L

ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.

It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?

[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago

He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away

all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p

oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."

[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.

[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."

[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago

I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.

[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago

Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to

I could keep going.

[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it

came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar

e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.

Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last

movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago

Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a

nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.

[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago

You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago

I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.

If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove

rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi

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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.

I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago

George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.

[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he

gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago

I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with

[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago

Who could forget midichlorians?

[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians

[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*

it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago

yes. Yes I definitely would.

That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting

burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th

ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.

[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.

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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago

Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago

Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting

[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago

I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?

[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just

from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or

iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be

a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago

Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it

in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.

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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.

[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago

You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.

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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.

[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.

Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*

He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview

ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago

Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making

Obi-Wan the central character of the films.

The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago

Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.

[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop

[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren

t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago

You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*

You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago

I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.

[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?

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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and

refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".

Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her

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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.

[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.

He's okay in my book.

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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.

[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago

I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically

negative has been downvoted.

[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G

[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago

Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ

els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),

Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago

Never thought of it this way.

[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago

Said no one ever

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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S

tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say

ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s

[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago

Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago

[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago

[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w

ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago

Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.

How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?

[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago

I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit

of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba

sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.

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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.

[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago

As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.

[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?

[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago

No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago

I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago

I hate this because of that stupid affectation.

[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr

ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.

[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago

Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?

[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago

I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.

[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago

bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?

[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago

Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a

long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago

The Spice must flow...

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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we

re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?

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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago

This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago

Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for

the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.

[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor

t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.

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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago

Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun

TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the

role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky

ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s

aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.

[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre

Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago

The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju

st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars

[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.

[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m

ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.

Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.

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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.

A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.

[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit

back and watch it as an audience member.

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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.

If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.

[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha

t they put their heart and soul into.

Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago

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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*

Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago

To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy

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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f

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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp

lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it

just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d

ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago

I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.

[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago

Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago

I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.

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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.

Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.

[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.

Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.

His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!

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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago

Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago

Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
continue this thread
[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
continue this thread
[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
continue this thread
[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
continue this thread
[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago

It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.

[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
continue this thread
[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.

[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago

When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.

[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t

he crap they give you" speaking.

[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha

te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The

y also needed much better directing/editing

[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago

I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k

ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine

[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago

But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.

[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago

Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.

[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago

All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.

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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.

Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring

discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago

When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c

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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago

Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago

More like /r/movies being /r/movies

[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago

Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.

Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

Director: George Lucas

Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.

[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago

C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago

"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The

Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.

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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago

[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.

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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.

[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago

The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn

it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).

[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens

itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO

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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she

epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read

ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif

[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago

Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago

They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...

But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago

The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.

[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago

It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago

What about just the sex then?

Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.

Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.

[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't

eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.

[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago

Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co

arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.

[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.

[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago

You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the

ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow

er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago

Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr

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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr

emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.

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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger

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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.

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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.

Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.

Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.

While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.

The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with

a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu

merous and strong.

That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they

are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer

o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago

I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.

[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago

ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.

[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho

t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.

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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...

[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago

Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff

and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.

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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments

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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.

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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!

[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago

The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago

that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.

Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL

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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago

kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.

[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li

ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t

he OT it becomes complete shit.

Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.

"You were right master. Negotiations were short"

[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.

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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace

[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago

He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago

My president needs to be extra swole.

continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to

goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.

[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago

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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.

[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago

I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago

He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.

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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.

This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago

The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!

[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago

Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago

Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago

Trade negociations appeal to adults ?

Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on

the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark

A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.

[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?

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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.

When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.

[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago

... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?

[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?

[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago

The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago

This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p

erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago

I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be

found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh

Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi

Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have

been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.

[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o

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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago

People on the internet

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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago

fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?

EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.

[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago

he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.

[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.

[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago

"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.

I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*

[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.

[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.

[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago

If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so

mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an

d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?

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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.

[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)

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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"

[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif

[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago

I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago

How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago

Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?

He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.

How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu

[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.

Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.

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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago

when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago

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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.

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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago

You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua

lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago

Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.

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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq

uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago

[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?

[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,

any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.

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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in

setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:

Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an

d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so

mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago

Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?

[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.

One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago

Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.

TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q

uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq

uels were terrible.

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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.

[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago

Don't mention it human

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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago

I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac

t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these

old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.

[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago

Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West

[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.

[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod

y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago

I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago

Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago

[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago

[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago

come and get it

[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u

phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.

[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago

anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.

Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."

[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of

[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago

Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago

Yeah, this one does that.

[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago

The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.

[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago

The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!

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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?

[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make

the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago

Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not

"targetted at 10-year olds".

[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago

The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t

hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.

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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W

[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
continue this thread
[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago

The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago


[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.

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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago

Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's

not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.

As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago

How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.

Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago

I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form

of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks

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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta

tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v

e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.

Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.

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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex

citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).

[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.

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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.

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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago

When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.

[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago

It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?

[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago

people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.

I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide

in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?

Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.

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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad

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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.

[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way

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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago

I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"

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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago

Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?

[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago

A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago

[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.

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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.

It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.

[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha

d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.

[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a

t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.

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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...

[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago

Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...

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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago

I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago

Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.

[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago

Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape

[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago

Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c

hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago

The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.

I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to

a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining

Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago

Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago

You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.

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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago

he never saw the movies. that's why

[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago

The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.

[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!

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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.

[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago

I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)

There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.

For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago

Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great

movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction

ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos

e are horrid and should never have been made.

The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe

even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago

Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe

[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit

[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago

[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago

I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.

[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.

[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago

Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo

rst films are the ones he had complete control over.

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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.

[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago

My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."

[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
sorted by: best
[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.

[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago

This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them

at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago

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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago

That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe

it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f

orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit

scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."

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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago

No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place

s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll

[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago

Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!

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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi

ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago


[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh

ind the making of Psycho.

[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.

Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago

video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!

[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*

Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin

g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here

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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!

[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the

se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.

Person A: George, you're a genius!

[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?

Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce

Fuck those movies.

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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.

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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the

[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to

[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago

Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.

See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin

g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago


[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was

really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.

[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago

hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are

interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:

Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.

[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*

All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a

[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago

I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa

w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li

ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.

[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju

st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much

Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb

[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago

But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago

I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se

at and that you enjoy it old man.

[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa

[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.

[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago

Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?

[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago

No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?

[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago

George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes

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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago

Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use

d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo

ple can do things other people can't.

In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome

But the gruesome was the good part

[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.

[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago

Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago

I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.

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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago

A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago

Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t

his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar

t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half

More intergalactic space politics

More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.

[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago

I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should

have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still

love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov

ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.

1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t

he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a

film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during

the original prequels.

The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.

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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago

[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago

I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..

[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it

should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago

I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news

to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that

were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?

[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago

Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.

[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo

rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso

me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.

Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b

een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo

rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago

NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher

e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago

The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.

[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago

Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.

[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago

Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.

[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago

Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...

[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.

I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp

rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago

[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!

[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago

I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just

[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.

I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.

One of these things is not like the other.

It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago

"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."

[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.

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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?

[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)

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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves

[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.

[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!

[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago

What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I

need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.

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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.

[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago

As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...

[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago

I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the

love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.

[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
continue this thread
[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o

riginal fans happy.

Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta

ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.

You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and

pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m

eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.

[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago

I didn't know that. What a great guy.

I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.

[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago

4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.

[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.

[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago

Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago

What is it with Ricks?

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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago

I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr

om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."

[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.

[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago

While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago

ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt

en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr

oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago

Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou

rse for me.

[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?

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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit

h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu

ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je

di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago

He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago

Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago

Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.

[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.

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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.

[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago

But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines

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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio

[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa

y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j

ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".

[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu

cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St

ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews

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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago


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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago

implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6

movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago

Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks

[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.

[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes

Characters being horribly burned alive

Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t

he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago

Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.

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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago

Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.

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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer

e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago

Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago

You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the

artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.

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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.

[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago

And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.

[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.

edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.

There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.

[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago

We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar

But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual

ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea

ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.

Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s

ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:

[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago

A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.

[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago

[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left

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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago

He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.

Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.

he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago

He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago

Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels

but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes

[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago

It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..

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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha--

[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago

I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha

rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.

[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud

e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w

as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.

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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago

I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt

hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than

jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago

Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?

[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*

what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago

TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of

his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt

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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.

NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago

The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe

rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago

I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.

[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.

[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago

I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.

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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho

I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol

ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.

[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago

Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.

Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago

his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago

He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago

The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!

[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago

You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic

k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.

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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it

too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago

That depends on your definition of "big names."

I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!

It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)

Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a

lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago

Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo

u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago

As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.

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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason

s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri

ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why

people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.

Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it

and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago

I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago

He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.

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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'

[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago

Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good

as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin

ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.

The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.

continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.

[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.

[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps

es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.

[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*

I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless

fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy

to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.

[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre

tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.

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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago

When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri

[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa

[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago

It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi

s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about

his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*

Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.

[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things

[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago

About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago

I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro

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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.

Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago
And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.

Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago
[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.

[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago

10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of
like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.

[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago

Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago
The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago

Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L
ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.
It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.

But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?
[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago
He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get

when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away
all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id

eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p
oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."
[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago

Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.

But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.
[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed

, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of

different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."
[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago
I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.

[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago

I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross

He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to
I could keep going.
[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.

[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it
came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.

[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar
e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.
Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever

[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last
movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.

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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago
Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago

Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a
nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.

[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.
[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago
You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans

[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn

izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.
If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and

special effects that were amazing and believable.

Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove
rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago

He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi
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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it

is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.
I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago

Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
top 500 comments
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.
[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.

Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he
gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.

[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago

Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago
I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with
[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago

[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago
Who could forget midichlorians?
[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho

rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians
[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.

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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*
it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b

[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago
yes. Yes I definitely would.
That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting
burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.

[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago

Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th
ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.
[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago

there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.
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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri

The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago
Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi

n the general election.

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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
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[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago
Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
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[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.

[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago

Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting
[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago
I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.

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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?
[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.

They're actually pretty funny most of the time.

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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just
from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago

Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or
iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be
a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?

[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago
Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago

That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o

[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it
in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago

I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.
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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago

I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.
[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago
You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.

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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.
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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.

it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.
[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political intrigue plots of 2) Fornication 3) t
he murder of children 4) dismemberment
Not to mention (unintentional) incest and genocide.
You can't pull the "it's for kids" bit when telling the story of what amounts to
a warrior-priest breaking his vow of celibacy, fathering bastards, and joining
Satan in murdering children and a ton of other people. Pixar wouldn't have green
lit that plot, is what I'm saying.
If it had actually been for kids it would have been much better. It if had actua
lly been for adults it would have been much better. It's the mix of the two that
failed so badly. The fact that Lucas thought he could pull that off has to rank
as one of the greatest examples of Dunning Kruger in cinematic history.
Not to mention theres no excuse for bad acting, whoever the audience is. It's co
arse, and rough, and it gets everywhere.
[ ]elfthehunter 6 points 2 hours ago
Perhaps I should have said his target audience "included 10 year old children" a
long with their families. That judgement is based on the tone, and the fact that
as a 12 year old I enjoyed the shit out of the first film.
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[ ]horsedoodoo 2 points 2 hours ago

And yet his films are still wildly successful among all age groups. Something te
lls me he didn't do as poorly as you think.
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[ ]somewhat_pragmatic 63 points 3 hours ago
Somewhere in a Lucasarts conference room the following conversation must have ta
ken place:
Person A: Our target is 10 year old children.
Person B: You know what 10 year olds really like? Trade negotiations and Senator
ial political discourse.
Person A: George, you're a genius!
[ ]omqbasedgod 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]Alianthos 33 points 2 hours ago
Trade negociations appeal to adults ?
Also children love the original saga, as much as the prequel. And you know why ?
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children an
d childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
[ ]nonsensepoem 21 points 2 hours ago*
Because children love to be Luke, or Han. Children dont need to SEE children and
childish stuff in movies to be appealed. They just need to see wonders.
Exactly right. As a kid I was often annoyed at the insistence of moviemakers tha
t the only characters I could be expected to identify with were my age. And then
to magnify the insult, they almost always wrote children as being more unintell
igent, inarticulate, and incapable than most real children actually are.
Similarly yet tangentially, there's also an assumption that males cannot identif
y with female characters. For fuck's sake, Hollywood, we're not going to eschew
an adventure movie just because the main character has tits. If in the past movi
es with heroines in the lead role failed commercially, that was because they wer
e bad movies or were poorly marketed-- not because the lead was a woman.
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 4 points 1 hour ago
This is the difference between producing a film with wide appeal and producing a
film that tries to pander to everyone. The prequels are filled with this kind o
f transparent pandering.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 2 points 33 minutes ago
Kids don't necessarily want to see what they are, they want to see what they can
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 58 points 2 hours ago
Adults weren't interested in the economic-political landscape of make-believe sp
ace planets as explained by racist Chinese aliens either.
[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 7 points 2 hours ago
You won't know that until you get there, will ya?
[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
The Spice must flow...
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[ ]IamtheSlothKing 4 points 2 hours ago


[ ]AnalLaserBeamBukkake 9 points 2 hours ago*
As an adult and a die hard star wars fan I didn't give a shit about political ho
I want to watch heroes and villains, sword fights and star fighters. I want to s
ee Han Solo doing backflips in the Falcon and squadrons of X-Wings descending on
Tie Fighters while Luke fights some badass hideous amalgamation.
You know what I loved about the prequel trilogy? General Grevious, this massive
killing machine from hell with four lightsabers he grabbed off the cooling corps
e of Jedi Knights, ignites four fucking lightsabers in four hands in front of Ob
i Wan. You know what I remember about that movie?
Not the political impact of increased taxation on the outer rim systems or Anaki
n Skywalker talking about sand. No, you know what I remember?
"Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fucking badass".
Thats what star wars is about.
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[ ]thenormalaccount 4 points 2 hours ago
Nobody liked the trade negotiation including adults, even the simpsons ripped on
the trade negotiation scenes in episode 1. They just kind of sucked and didn't
really "get" what made star wars appeal to people.
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[ ]chasmang 4 points 2 hours ago*
He started this in Return of the Jedi. I'm pretty sure his target audience didn'
t suddenly change to just 10 year old nor has it ever been just 10 year olds.
[ ]White__Power__Ranger 3 points 2 hours ago
10 year old children hated it too... nice try George
[ ]ChanceTheDog 2 points 1 hour ago
Why shouldn't the intended target be the original fans of the series though? Why
is that so hard? The films when the came out were actually pretty mature and we
ll done.
Just keep that formula. Pander to the same type of audience you had back during
the original prequels.
The prequels were a boring yawn fest of mediocrity.
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[ ]dustbin3 7 points 2 hours ago
You're trying to reason with fanboys. Never try to reason with fanboys. The circ
lejerk is strong with this one.
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[ ]JTHipster 3 points 2 hours ago
I like the part where anakin gets horrifically burned on camera by the lava and
the movie was filled with children. Remember, when kids play pretend and use the
ir imagination, they don't want to engage with an interesting character or a pow
er fantasy, they want to play as helpless child extras in a movie.
The most violent part of the original trilogy was the loss of Luke's hand that w
as fast and mostly bloodless, or maybe the yeti that mauled him. These scenes we
re also shown quickly and in ways that could be skipped over if the child was yo
ung and the parent didn't want them to see it.
It didn't feature someone getting horrifically burned by lava after he choked ou
t his pregnant girlfriend after her murdered children. The prequels are kind of

like the worst redditor, you know the one who talks about reddit with other peop
le and has fucked up views of relationships and how the world works, and then he
tries to be deep at some point because people keep telling him to shut the fuck
up. He doesn't know how to be deep or dark though so he just writes overly viol
ent fanfiction that is needlessly dark in ways that aren't at all compelling and
either so poorly written they're boring or just uncomfortable to watch without
that being the point.
The scene in say, Trainspotting where Obi-wan is like tripping in a bathroom and
pushes his face in to the disgusting toilet is uncomfortable in a way that is m
eaningful. Watching Anakin cry after being burned is uncomfortable because it's
stupid and you feel bad for the actors who have to act out that whole entire sce
Fuck those movies.
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[ ]6ft_2inch_bat 2 points 2 hours ago
Something that has bothered me about the prequels that I don't hear mentioned a
lot is the toy sales. IMHO, they even botched this aspect because they made so m
any elements of the movie something that wouldn't translate well to the toy mark
A long pointy - nosed ship made of chrome, while sleek and flashy on screen, doe
sn't exactly scream "hours of play fun."
Admittedly, this could be a little "the music of my generation was better than t
he crap they give you" speaking.
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 5 points 2 hours ago
Man, Star Wars fans can be so unappreciative. You seem like one of the interview
ees in The People Vs. George Lucas who yell at Lucas for "making them buy all th
e toys". Seriously. You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made tha
n you are about their quality. Settle down.
[ ]alwaysupvoteTRUNKS 4 points 1 hour ago
Dude didn't you know? Nobody hates Star Wars like Star Wars fans.
[ ]sp0ck06 3 points 2 hours ago
You'd be more pissed off if the prequels were never made than you are about thei
r quality
i would MUCH rather they never have been made. Ditto with these Hobbit films whi
le we're at it.
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[ ]VdubGolf 4 points 3 hours ago
Well, when you put it like that.
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[ ]CollumMcJingleballs 3 points 3 hours ago
He made one film he wanted to make and that was saved in editing. Star Wars preq
uels don't seem like movies he wanted to make. And this is even after watching a
ll those special features.
[ ]ConceptualTrap 6 points 2 hours ago
Not sure what you're saying here...Lucas has made several films outside of the S
tar Wars series. Are you saying he had no interest in making THX-1138, or Americ
an Graffiti, or the original Star Wars, or the host of other films he'd helped w
rite and produce like Indiana Jones, Willow, or Howard the Duck?
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[ ]proof_by_inception 71 points 3 hours ago

The man is worth 5.2 billion dollars from doing something that he absolutely lov
es. So yes.
[ ]zissou149 50 points 3 hours ago
Remember this important lesson kids: No matter the integrity of what you produce
or the manner in which it's created, if you make 5.2 billion dollars off someth
ing you will never regret it.
[ ]steelbydesign 31 points 1 hour ago
You're saying that sarcastically... but yeah seriously, it's true.
And he made a bad movie, he didn't murder someone, let's not be over-dramatic.
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[ ]dialcforcasey 33 points 2 hours ago
Well he's also pledged to give at least 51% of his fortune to charity, too. He's
not all bad, just a screenwriter and a shitty director.
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[ ]sag969 38 points 2 hours ago
I get that it's easy karma, but can we just move on and stop the George lucas ha
te bandwagon?
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[ ]MintyFreshNipples 13 points 3 hours ago
Apparently the Original Trilogy given how much he's fucked with them in the last
couple of decades.
[ ]MikeClefton 6 points 2 hours ago
Obviously lucas made some pretty bad changes but hes a perfectionist so hes alwa
ys going to want to improve his old work. He doesnt regret it but just thinks he
can improve it. But imagine if Da Vinci constantly added to the mona lisa added
eye brows, then makeup, jewelery, changed the hair color etc. It wouldnt be the
artwork that people fell in love with even if it were objectively better it wou
ld still be emotionally worse.
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[ ]SWEDISH_DILDO_LICKER 6 points 2 hours ago
[ ]futafan 6 points 3 hours ago
he never saw the movies. that's why
[ ]Nisas 2 points 2 hours ago
[ ]compleo 3 points 2 hours ago
Im taking it as a round about way of saying "if id have seen the films i would h
ave understood what people loved about them and would have avoided making the pr
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[ ]SinghAkash101 1322 points 3 hours ago
This makes me oddly happy. The guy gets way too much flak.
[ ]crpearce 788 points 2 hours ago*
I think what's really amazing is the sale of Star Wars to Disney was HUGE, and L

ucas donated 4 Billion of that to education.

It sort of makes Star Wars and George Lucas one of the greatest good things peop
le have.
Or at the very least it makes up for Episodes 1 - 3.
Walking away from the franchise is one of the bravest things (money non-withstan
ding) a creator can do. He's back to good in my book.
[ ]pcklesandcheese 252 points 2 hours ago
I didn't know that. What a great guy.
I never hated him for his changes or the prequels. Sure they weren't great but h
e didn't owe me the movie I expected. I just took the enjoyment I could from the
[ ]crpearce 53 points 2 hours ago
I try to look at the movies separate from my own childhood.
I have great memories from the original trilogy, even with their flaws.
As a former film student and someone that works in television I have an intellec
tual disagreement with reworking content in the public culture.
I think Episode 1 and 2 are simply bad movies.
Lucas moving on is exactly what a lot of us need to do too. Move on.
[ ]GeneralRose 52 points 2 hours ago
I think episodes 1&2 are one rewrite each away from being decent movies. All the
y needed was someone else to look at it and be like it needs something else. The
y also needed much better directing/editing
[ ]crpearce 15 points 1 hour ago
I think there was a lot wrong with 1 & 2, but the real wiff to me was not making
Obi-Wan the central character of the films.
The interest of the new movies is Anakin turning to the Dark Side...but we neede
d an identifiable hero to follow through that journey, and a flawed character th
at keeps it interesting.
But eh...I mean, how long could we obsess over what could have been?
[ ]ChipWellington 2 points 1 hour ago
Thats a good point. Almost like a Batman and Harvey Dent relationship.
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[ ]JagYui 7 points 2 hours ago
I would forgive him if we could get a digital print of 4-6 before they were butc
[ ]asf346hhesssss 3 points 1 hour ago
The untouched versions are going to be released on Blu-Ray.
[ ]Morwynd 3 points 1 hour ago
Is there an actual source for that?
[ ]preternaturous 6 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Disney announced that they are re-releasing the entire saga on Blu-ray in o
riginal theatrical, remastered, and special editions together in time for the pr
emiere of VII and the 2015 holiday season. I'll see if I can find the article.
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[ ]SmoothJazzRayner 52 points 2 hours ago
Are you saying that in a way he was the chosen one and somewhere along the line
he had turned to the dark side, but in the end he redeemed himself?

[ ]Valduil 4 points 1 hour ago

He is the chosen one..
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[ ]rhoymand 5 points 2 hours ago
his timeline was similar to that of Anakin's. in the end, they both brought bala
nce to the Force.
[ ]BadmanVIP 6 points 2 hours ago
4 billion is an insane amount of money
thats a lot of tangible good if it ends up where its supposed to
[ ]PunjaDboy 2 points 48 minutes ago
Kinda wonder how that 4 Billion is working out for them folks getting educated.
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[ ]Lemon_Destroyer 4 points 2 hours ago
How did I not know that? For such a publicly hated person, where paradoxically e
veryone loves Star Wars, he gets so much flak. I hate the prequels too but he al
so made the originals. There should definitely be a TIL for this. Anyone? Karma?
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[ ]ralphzillatron 104 points 3 hours ago
I agree. I would want to sit back and enjoy myself too rather than worry about w
hat the audience and box office thinks
[ ]outadoc 52 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, I hate it when I have to worry about that.
[ ]_my_troll_account 127 points 2 hours ago
It sounds like you're being sarcastic, but you know that anxious feeling you get
when you show your friends that YouTube video you think is so funny and awesome
and they're not laughing? Imagine that you made that YouTube video and it cost
over a hundred million dollars.
[ ]imdwalrus 25 points 2 hours ago
And was going to be seen by millions of people for decades to come, and would be
critiqued in every newspaper and on countless TV shows and websites, and would
affect the lives and careers of the hundreds of people involved in creating it..
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
no pressure... None at all!
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[ ]McCyanide 2 points 2 hours ago
So many people are going to scrutinize episode 7 so badly, looking for anything,
any minor flaw or thing they don't like and will say the movie sucks. I refuse
to listen. I will love it no matter what, and look for things that make me love
it even more. It's Star Wars.
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[ ]madethistopost 88 points 3 hours ago
He really does. He shaped my childhood, helped me believe that I could reach for
the stars too. He also changed the landscape of film-making.
[ ]dmsean 59 points 3 hours ago
He was part of the original team that shaped your childhood. I'm not taking away

all his credit, he was an artist and creator. It's just there were some incredi
bly talented people working on that set.
[ ]gcdyq 58 points 2 hours ago
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
The prequels gave him too much control, which magnified his creative weaknesses,
without others stepping up and ironing them out.
[ ]throwawayison 32 points 2 hours ago*
He was best with the right people around him to rein in his ideas and shape his
ideas into a meaningful, cohesive whole.
See, even then I think you're robbing people of duly deserved credit. It's not t
hat people were around him puling in his crazy ideas. People were bringing their
own ideas and imagination to the project, and added among the most iconic parts
of the series.
Take Ralph McQuarrie, concept designer. Pretty much the entire aesthetic was dre
amed up in his head, Lucas was originally going to go with a much more generic s
cifi look. You think Boba Fett is the coolest character? Thank McQuarrie. How ic
onic are Vader's mask and breathing? McQuarrie's idea.
When you think of the sights and images of Star Wars, most of it is McQuarrie.
And Ben Burtt? You think Lucas said he thinks lightsabers go VYOOM, VYOOM? Nope,
you like the sounds lightsabers make, you thank Burtt. You like RD2Ds beeping,
you thank him. Guess who came up with the blaster sounds we used to imitate as k
ids? Yup.
When you think of the sounds of Star Wars, most of is is Burtt.
Lucas laid down the story, but lets face it, a lot of the super iconic stuff tha
t we think of when we think "Star Wars" was thought up by totally different peop
[ ]gcdyq 4 points 1 hour ago
You're right, my comment doesn't make it look like other people had their own id
eas. Lucas provided more of a canvas. But he still had to be told which way to g
o, and everything ended up coming together in a great collaborative effort.
It's amazing how everything just clicks creatively in the first movies, and some
of the designs in the prequels were amazing, too.
[ ]BoldAsLove1 3 points 1 hour ago*
Well said. Not to mention he didn't direct 2 of the original 3 (credit to Langst
on7056, I originally thought he didn't direct all of them), which is the way it
should have stayed for the prequels. He creates great worlds and stories. Should
have left directing to the people who are experts in that field. If so we would
n't have endless scenes of sitting/standing/walking in front of green screens an
d shot reverse shot conversations to eternity.
[ ]LANGsTON7056 4 points 1 hour ago
He directed A New Hope.
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[ ]ZEB1138 6 points 2 hours ago
He was Ender, the commander, but he still needed his team to take out the bugger
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[ ]wanabejedi 7 points 2 hours ago
While I don't disagree with your point that making a movie is the combined effor
t of a lot of people aka a team, I find it very funny that when someone points o
ut the problems or mistakes of the prequels people have no problem laying the bl
ame solely at Lucas but when someone points out something good about the prequel
s or the originals then that is the moment people come out of the wood work to p

oint out that movies are group efforts and how for x or y reason it wasn't Lucas
that did that good thing or at least it wasn't him alone but a team of people.
[ ]dmsean 3 points 2 hours ago
The only blame I out on Lucas for the prequels is jar jar because he is his. Oth
er than that, because of it we got auralnauts space hooters which is like the be
st thing ever.
[ ]wanabejedi 2 points 2 hours ago
Fine, but someone was giving credit to Lucas for shaping their childhood with th
e originals and you had to point out it was a team effort to lessen the fact tha
t it was his accomplishment. I would bet all my money that if someone were sayin
g the opposite, that Lucas ruined their childhood with the prequels you would no
t comment to say it wasnt just Lucas but that he was part of a team.
[ ]dmsean 2 points 1 hour ago
I point it out because it is true. I am not in any way saying anything about the
prequels. And if you think a shitty movie ruined your childhood your probably j
ust using it to forget that time with uncle Pete.
[ ]DeeJayFresh 3 points 1 hour ago
... My Names pete. ?_?
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[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
It strikes me that that he wasn't discussing the detail of the movies, more so t
he process of being involved. Can't help but get the feeling he is in belligeren
t denial though. It's one thing to stand by the prequels, but another to refuse
to even contemplate the possibility that they weren't perfect.
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[ ]RedSocks157 27 points 2 hours ago*
You're right. Imagine how it must feel for him, letting someone else take your b
aby. I think he's been nothing but classy about the whole thing.
edit: I apologize to the down voters for not believing that George Lucas is a ho
rrible spawn of Satan sent to ruin your childhoods
[ ]Inertia0811 25 points 2 hours ago
I've actually met him, he's an incredibly nice and genuine person. Always made m
e feel bad for the flak he gets.
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[ ]no_egrets 11 points 2 hours ago
I took a lot of crap for Jar Jar Binks, but let me say here once and for all: He
was the best damn character in any of the six movies. He was by far my favorite
. He was funny, he was kind and moral and he ended up playing a pivotal role in
setting the course of the Emperor s actions in motion. If not for him, the story w
ould ve gone nowhere. Nowhere.
Within the context of the film direction, he deserves what flak he gets.
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[ ]Angry_Robot 3 points 2 hours ago
Some of the prequels had... issues... but the man still brought the world Star W
ars. Respect.
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[ ]Palladium1987 37 points 2 hours ago
"Everything is so dense, every single image has so much going on."

[ ]sev1nk 16 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you, Rick Berman!
[ ]Show-Me-Your-Moves 8 points 1 hour ago
You ruined this too?!
[ ]smallstone 9 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
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[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 14 points 1 hour ago
[ ]JosephFurguson 241 points 4 hours ago
Since when is crucifying people for stuff they said years ago an acceptable form
of journalism?
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 27 points 3 hours ago
I feel like I'm missing something. What is he being crucified for here?
[ ]masaoshigeta 6 points 2 hours ago
Episodes 1-3 I'd imagine
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 9 points 2 hours ago
But the linked article doesn't say anything about them.
[ ]OramaBuffin 4 points 1 hour ago
You greatly underestimate the seething hatred that flows through reddit for the
[ ]ARTIFICIAL_SAPIENCE 3 points 1 hour ago
Underestimate? Please, I champion the hate.
But I don't know why people are playing digitalspy.
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[ ]theReluctantHipster 97 points 2 hours ago
It's not; it's clickbait.
The title is "George Lucas originally wanted to direct Episode 7," which is news
to fucking no one.
On top of that, it's an article where the writer's information literally came fr
om another article. (Here's the interesting USA Today interview I and he are ref
erring to.)
There are literally eight paragraphs, interspersed with images, and the first on
e is a full-sentence repeat of the title when it should be a lead that actually,
you know, hooks a reader.
Besides the quotes, the only new information is this paragraph:
Lucas is returning to movies with Strange Magic, an animated film he produced an
d conceived the storyline for. It will open in US cinemas on January 23.
That's news to me. Everything else is either a transition paragraph or a quote f
rom another article.
Oh, and there's a slideshow. Yippee.
Source: Journalism student.
[ ]PatrickClifton 4 points 2 hours ago
Too true. Entertainment news is the most prevalent, yet is the bottom end of the
profession. Those writing it get their information from two key areas; junket i
nterviews and other entertainment outlets. I wouldn't call that journalism. Sour
ce: guilty.

[ ]theReluctantHipster 6 points 2 hours ago
To tell the truth, you do what you have to do in a competitive market. I don't b
lame you for doing your job at all; I just wish there was an alternative to clic
k-based ad revenue. It's reducing the quality of online news media.
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[ ]fandamplus 4 points 1 hour ago
I and he
Journalism student
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[ ]girafa 122 points 3 hours ago
Gotta get dem clicks
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[ ]cosmicreggae 17 points 3 hours ago
You think a site like Digital Spy gives two shits about journalism?
[ ]jbu311 7 points 3 hours ago
The author isn't crucifying him. People on reddit are. There is no commentary on
the quote in the article.
[ ]phyloh 4 points 2 hours ago
Show me where this article remotely crucifies Lucas?
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[ ]RamsesThePigeon 75 points 3 hours ago*
You know... say what you will about the guy, but I can sort of understand what h
e means.
I've certainly never seen anywhere near as much success as Star Wars has enjoyed
, but I have been involved in a number of creative projects, and in a variety of
different media. It can be pretty rewarding, but that sense of accomplishment c
ertainly comes with a price: Namely, that it becomes all but impossible to enjoy
your own work.
There was a video game, for example, on which I worked for quite awhile. I was o
nly one person on the development team, and the scope of my responsibility was f
airly limited... but by the time that the title was released, I was well and tru
ly sick of it. Not only that, but I could still see all of the compromises that
were made, all of the design changes, the artistic choices, and everything else
that went into the game's creation. I couldn't experience it like a first-time p
layer, just as I expect George Lucas couldn't experience the enjoyment of watchi
ng Star Wars.
For quite a few people, Star Wars is an iconic and important piece of media. I c
an remember hearing stories from my father about being absolutely stunned by the
spaceship battles and glowing swords from A New Hope. That feeling - that sense
of awe and wonder - is undoubtedly what a filmmaker hopes to evoke, but it's so
mething that they can never enjoy in their own work. Hell, we've seen what happe
ns when George Lucas goes back and tries to watch his older films: We wind up wi
th "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers and terrible audi
o choices.
While those are definitely bad changes from most perspectives, I can't help but
think that they were brought about by an inability to see anything but the rough
edges and problems.
Personally, I hope that George Lucas does get to enjoy Star Wars this time aroun
TL;DR: Creators often lack the ability to appreciate their own work, and instead
only see ways that it could be "improved."

[ ]thesaifking 11 points 3 hours ago

I agree as well. I make video projects for my company, free lance or for fun. So
metimes we you invest so much time and work into something all you start notice
are the flaws. I had made a company video that everyone seemed to enjoy, but it
too me a long time to make, and I saw all these directions on how it could have
gone. Although people were affected emotionally by my work, I have trouble watch
ing knowing how different it could be.
This explains a lot of why Lucas has a different connection with the material fr
om most people. Honestly, I thought the prequels were masterful in marketing and
did a lot of experimentation in CGI and pushed the limits, which all ended up i
nfluencing the industry as whole. He did it with the OT too.
I really think Lucas wasn't trying to tell a grand new star wars story, but was
really testing the capabilities his companies could produce, which is why we got
what we got.
But maybe now he'll get to experience all that magic fans experience, since now
he has the freedom to look at Star Wars as simply, Star Wars, not an experimenta
tion of filmmaking, special effects, marketing, work, business, just simply, the
experience of watching this awesome universe.
[ ]Creative-Overloaded 6 points 2 hours ago
This is like my grandfather who is excellent at making furniture. We all see a p
erfect product while all he sees is minor blemishes and ways he could have made
it better.
[ ]Augumenti 2 points 1 hour ago
All artists are like this, with every kind of art.
[ ]allmilhouse 4 points 2 hours ago
I remember reading this old interview with him after the original came out, and
he said that all he can see is the seams when he watches it. In other words, he
just notices everything wrong with it, so I can understand what he means.
[ ]Vranak 3 points 2 hours ago
I've made a lot of DOOM wads over the years, and it was an amazing experience to
go back and play the ones I had made at sixteen, when I was thirty.
[ ]strat_0 4 points 1 hour ago
We wind up with "Special Edition" re-re-releases with hokey musical numbers[1]
Am I a bad person for liking that musical number?
[ ]LAVA104 2 points 1 hour ago
Yes. Because it could have been more cantina music.
[ ]123leapfrog 3 points 1 hour ago
Yikes. I had never watched the blue ray version. That sound Obi-Wan makes is hor
[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago
Out of curiosity, which videogame was that you worked on?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 3 points 1 hour ago
I've worked on dozens, actually.
The first one that made me experience the aforementioned effect, though, was a t
itle called "Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden." Granted, it wasn't the sort of
thing that I'd have been all that interested in, but after seeing the tail-end
of the development process (from a Quality Assurance perspective, which was the
role in which I was working at the time), I stopped being able to view it as a g
ame, and instead started to regard the title as a collection of bugs that were a
llowed to slip through.

[ ]jimkill123 2 points 1 hour ago

Cool, any big names titles?
[ ]RamsesThePigeon 2 points 1 hour ago
That depends on your definition of "big names."
I worked at the company that made the Kim Kardashian game, where I was a QA Lead
on a couple of their hits. Prior to that, I worked in cinema (amongst other thi
ngs), with my biggest project being a movie called "Knife Fight."
[ ]jimkill123 3 points 1 hour ago
That's really interesting, thanks for the reply.
[ ]CRAZEDDUCKling 2 points 53 minutes ago
hokey musical numbers
Having been born too late to see anything other than the re-jigged releases, it
never occurred to me that this wasn't in the originals. I guess the CGI should'v
e given it away. It really never crossed my mind.
Also, what the fuck is the necessity of that shit, George?
[ ]Elephant_rhino_tiger 2 points 44 minutes ago
I feel the same way about learning songs on the guitar, some I have never tried
to learn because when I deconstruct it and get all the notes and rhythms figured
out it loses its magic for me.
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[ ]diezeitgeist 424 points 3 hours ago
I mean the guy gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but I guess it's nice that
he can just watch the world he thought up grow in it's own way now.
[ ]tacoparadox 385 points 2 hours ago*
And rightfully so? Come on, he made some poor decisions, but from the comments I
've seen in this thread some people think he should be nailed to a fucking cross
He writes poor dialogue. The prequels should have never existed. The original tr
ilogy should never have been re-released with new added effects. Fucking Jar Jar
But is that really enough to cancel out all the great contributions he made to t
he movie industry and pop culture?
Edit: Judging by the replies I'm getting, Reddit is far more divided on this top
ic than I previously thought.
[ ]ReclaimerDC 105 points 2 hours ago
I feel like the original trilogy had such an impact on many people's childhoods
that they blow every flaw of the prequels out of proportion. They weren't great
movies, but they weren't terrible like many people seem to think they are.
[ ]gravityplanx 36 points 2 hours ago
No. They really are terrible.
One gapping plot hole is usually enough to make a movie "bad". Episode I had doz
ens of plot holes.
Why is the trade federation blocking trade? Why does Queen Amidala have to sign
something to make an invasion "legal"? You're stranded on a strange planet with
a very expensive looking spaceship, why don't you just sell it? If you're going
to manipulate bets, why not just go play poker for the money you need? If the go
al is to free this slave, why are you putting in no effort to save his mother, e
ven though you are in the presence of royalty that I assume could afford a junky
ard slave? Why did you go down to the planet as hideaways on separate ships when
you have no idea where those ships were going? Why did those ships land on lite
rally the opposite side of the planet in respect to the city they were trying to

I could keep going.

[ ]HoratioBumbaclaat 22 points 2 hours ago
Do keep going (if you can), I was enjoying that!
It's the plot hole about not saving his mother that is the most ridiculous as th
e entire plot of the whole six episodes is built around his turn to the dark sid
e as triggered by her death.
[ ]gravityplanx 16 points 1 hour ago
While I certainly could keep going, I'm instead going to drop some links to revi
ews that perfectly describe everything wrong with Ep. I. These are long, and I d
on't feel like typing all of the content they have, but if you have time and are
interested, these videos are definitely worth the watch:
Red Letter Media's Ep. I review.: Long, but worth it.
Belated Media's "What if Ep. I was good?": Short alternate concept for how the m
ovie could have been done so very very right.
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[ ]BadkyDrawnGuitar 2 points 1 hour ago
All of the points he brought up are covered in the critical reviews that can be
found here.
[ ]Barsic 12 points 1 hour ago
Why does Queen Amidala have to sign something to make an invasion "legal"?
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[ ]smiling_lizard 5 points 1 hour ago
why not just go play poker for the money you need
you mean pazaak.
[ ]eoinster 14 points 2 hours ago
It is really just the Phantom Menace though. Attack of the Clones is pretty bad
but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, while Revenge of the Sith is actual
ly pretty decent.
[ ]TORFdot0 22 points 1 hour ago
I would argue that AotC definitely deserves all the hate it gets just for the fo
rced and nonsensical love story it pushes between anakin and padme. They really
shouldn't have even began the love story until they fought along side each other
in geonosis but that's just my opinion.
Also why the jedi council would be ok with a secret clone army that was sanction
ed by a dead jedi master and not think it was some kind of evil trap. Plus the d
ialog gives me cancer
[ ]YellowBusDriver 1 point 1 hour ago
Literally cancer.
[ ]eoinster 4 points 1 hour ago
Dialogue was fucking horrible, as was the love story, and the plot-holes were nu
merous and strong.
That said though, it was just boring and generally bad, it wasn't laughably bad
or even something that you'd need to turn off, or look at and say "this is fucki
ng shit", it's just kind of there. While rewatching Phantom Menace I literally s
aid out loud that it was shit. I was alone.
[ ]TORFdot0 4 points 52 minutes ago
I have a bias toward the Phantom menace just because I was young enough when it

came out to just be wowed by anything new star wars but I actually like PM more
thannu AotC because despite the plot holes there is alot more action. AotC is 80
% frickin dialogue with a couple action scenes before the final sequence.
Also devil alien > grumpy old man (even if it is Christopher Lee)
Edit: even with the jar jar, sebulba, and space jew crap in PM
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[ ]thinkbox 3 points 1 hour ago
ATTACK of the Clones is bad because they found a way to make Star Wars boring. R
eally really slow and boring. Also "I don't like sand, it's so course" as the wo
rse romantic line in the history of cinema romance.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Agreed, but even the best one of the prequels had terrible dialogue. The pacing
was terrible too, but even the boring parts were of a higher quality than the ex
citing parts of Phantom Menace (except the badass duel).
[ ]thinkbox 4 points 1 hour ago
The problem with the duels were that nothing was on the line other than the figh
Look at the duel between Vader and Obiwan in A New Hope. So much is going on und
er the surface. It wasn't about flips and overly choreographed moves, it was abo
ut the characters.
Look at Empire, there is so much under the surface between Luke and Vader. So mu
ch tension. There is a goal for every fight and the swords are just their to phy
sically represent the immense conflict between the characters.
Luke uses pacifism at the hight of the trilogy in Jedi. He continues to try and
refuse fighting. There is so much more than the "fight".
Compare that to Darth Maul's battles. It looked cool, but I know nothing about w
hat Maul wants or who he is. All I know is they are fighting because he is bad.
That's it. Nothing else going on.
[ ]eoinster 1 point 1 hour ago
Both of Luke and Vader's fights are incredible, my two favourite in the saga, bu
t I despise Vader and ObiWan's. It's literally two old men swinging sticks at ea
ch other, there was no tension or investment in the fight for me.
Prequel duels are overchoreographed and written especially for eyecandy, but God
they are such tasty eyecandy. Some of the best choreography and most enjoyable
fighting I've seen (not the most realistic or functional choreography, but aweso
me nonetheless).
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[ ]praetordave 4 points 1 hour ago
I don't think any of these are gapping plot holes. They are all explained, fairl
y well.
TF blocking trade? This is maybe the only one that could be called that, but it'
s fairly obvious the trade federation is pretty nefarious, so do they really nee
d reasons to be bad?
Legitimacy of a war? This has always been a sticking point of wars, whether they
are legitimate (see also: legal). Just look at the geneva conventions. American
s also like to brag that we haven't declared a war since Korea.
Sell the ship? Because they want to use it to get off the planet? Sure you could
take a space taxi or whatever, but that would probably be longer and less surre
Manipulate bets? This is also a fair point. Perhaps podracing is the only form o
f gambling there? That's pushing it.
Buy the mom? They only have credits, which aren't good in the outer rim. They ar

e essentially broke. This is all explained very clearly.

Separate ships? They separate to hide more effectively. Also, with a large scale
invasion like this, there isn't going to be a single point of attack. Look at O
peration Barbarossa. Even the allies invasion of Europe was on multiple fronts a
lbeit over a longer time (Italy. France, Southern France). Plus, if one of them
was found out, the other could still carry on.
Opposite side of the planet? See my earlier point.
The point is that people scrutinize these movies waaaay too much. Are they writt
en poorly? Yes. Is any movie completely water tight? No. Is this still star wars
? Yes. Get over it.
[ ]Agent_545 2 points 14 minutes ago*
All of these are addressed and debunked in the RLM reviews (edit: and by /u/grav
ityplanx, apparently). They are still gaping plot holes. People scrutinize them
so much because the things wrong with the movies are pretty much every single th
ing that happens in them.
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[ ]wrf11483 2 points 55 minutes ago
One thing I wanted to add to your list is the plot hole that exists between Obi
Wan's description of Anakin to Luke when they are speaking in episode IV. Obi Wa
n describes Anakin as "the best fighter pilot in the galaxy.." when they first m
et, or something to that effect. This in no way evokes the image of a small chil
d pod racing on a remote planet. I thought that this was one of the most glaring
discontinuities between the prequels and the originals. I was 16 when it was re
leased and had waited my whole childhood for the prequels. Disappointment is not
even the right word. Between that and Jar Jar...well Id prefer not to curse her
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[ ]NSFWIssue 2 points 40 minutes ago
Yeah it was only one of the biggest franchises ever
[ ]crpearce 16 points 2 hours ago*
I would encourage you to re-watch Episode 1. I'm not on the George Lucas hate-tr
ain...but no. That's just a straight terrible movie; and it's okay that we can s
ay that too.
What's nuts is people expecting 9 movies over 30+ years to all be amazing.
The Harry Potter Franchise shot everything all at once, and isn't 9 movies.
Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit ran out of steam.
Only about half of the Star Trek films are really decent.
James Bond probably has more stinkers than memorable films.
Mission Impossible and the Jack Ryan films are indulgent messes.
Only Twilight is tolerable the tolerable film in its franchise, the rest of thos
e are horrid and should never have been made.
The thing is Star Wars is truly held to an unrealistic standard...but not all th
e movies get a free pass. Episode 1 is a narrative disaster, and Episode 2 suffe
rs from poor acting, terrible writing, and wooden cinematography. Episode 3 is q
uite acceptable.
And it's not like the original trilogy can get away criticism free, but we're al
l bias.
Naw, it's okay to rag on some of the films for being weak (and I really have zer
o clue if Abrams Wars will be any better after seeing Abrams Trek), but eh..most
movies are actually pretty awful.
[ ]rowsdowerhero 18 points 2 hours ago
The Harry Potter franchise most certainly did not shoot everything at once.
[ ]MDO4KD 2 points 1 hour ago
Lol just think about if the little kids in the Sorcerer's Stone were in the last

movies too. That would a pretty funny contrast between the maturing, darker the
mes and the little kid actors that never get older.
[ ]yeblod 15 points 2 hours ago
Harry Potter wasn't shot all at once, perhaps you're thinking of LOTR?
[ ]crpearce 3 points 1 hour ago
You're right, it wasn't shot as one long film like The Lord of the Rings, but pr
oduction did indeed try to stay pretty tight to manage the aging of the young ac
tors..and that type of production momentum and consistency generally benefits a
[ ]ClaytonBigsB 2 points 57 minutes ago
I think he meant that there wasn't a gap of time in between the films being shot
like there was between all Bond films and Star Trek And Star Wars film. Meaning
large gaps of time. They came out at least every other year until fin.
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[ ]80_firebird 29 points 2 hours ago
"Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have
been made"
Seriously? Nearly every movie you named is better than twillight.
[ ]HiddenVice 31 points 2 hours ago
When he says only Twilight is tolerable he means that only the first of the four
movies is tolerable. He's not saying Twilight is tolerable compared to all of t
he other movies he names, he means it's tolerable compared to New Moon, Eclipse,
and Breaking Dawn.
[ ]80_firebird 6 points 2 hours ago
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
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[ ]CptBuck 3 points 2 hours ago
If anyone hasn't seen the red letter media take down of the prequel trilogy, it'
s a much better use of several hours than the films themselves:
[ ]funkytaco 5 points 2 hours ago
Only Twilight is tolerable, the rest of those are horrid and should never have b
een made.
I stopped reading there. The third movie was a wedding. The whole thing was a tr
ilogy of the vampire and werewolf genre made to appeal to tweens. You could see
past that, sure, if you didn't appreciate the genres before they came out. Maybe
even then. But they were much worse than anything Lucas did.
[ ]Psyphilguy 8 points 2 hours ago
Pretty sure he was saying only the first twlight movie was tolerable and the seq
uels were terrible.
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[ ]Joe-N-S 4 points 2 hours ago
I would encourage you to rewatch the prequels. I recently rewatched 2 &3 and I c
an say that they are just bad movies. Poor effects, writing, and acting. Just no
t strong stories in general. They had the capability to be wonderful but they ju
st fell short.
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[ ]FirePowerCR 23 points 2 hours ago

Here's the thing with the complaints people have that you mentioned there. When
you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people. You don
't get to decide what was wrong or what he should and shouldn't have done. If yo
u don't like what George Lucas has done with Star Wars, that means you don't lik
e his Star Wars, not that he messed up your Star Wars.
[ ]IamDoritos 18 points 2 hours ago
Exactly. People here seem to think that Lucas owes them something and that their
version of Star Wars is the perfect one. Many people on reddit love talking abo
ut people with entitlement issues but that is all this is. George Lucas doesn't
owe anyone a damn thing. They were his movies to make, and he made them as he sa
w fit.
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[ ]istartedi 5 points 1 hour ago
When you make your own movie series, you can decide whatever you want people.
I've seen this type of argument before. I disagree with it. It invalidates the e
ntire concept of criticism. I don't have to be a chef to know I've been served r
otten fish.
[ ]LinksMilkBottle 7 points 2 hours ago
I think people forget that he wasn't the only one whose name was listed in the c
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[ ]sgthombre 2 points 1 hour ago
The man made American Graffiti.
He's okay in my book.
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[ ]cados 2 points 2 hours ago
Don't take a 20 year break. Most people get rusty after one week.
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[ ]TheDongerNeedsFood 8 points 2 hours ago
A very similar comment was made by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. During an intervi
ew he was asked about their album "Dark Side of the Moon." He said that the only
thing that was a disappointment for him was the fact that he never had the oppo
rtunity to listen to the album in its entirety without having heard any of it be
[ ]SerbLing 2 points 1 hour ago
Kanye says things to the same extent. hehehe
[ ]amolad 25 points 3 hours ago
That is, if everyone gets blown out of their seat by the movie.
[ ]jetshockeyfan 23 points 3 hours ago
With JJ Abrams directing it, I think it'll happen. It certainly happened for me
with Star Trek.
[ ]MintyFreshNipples 64 points 3 hours ago
Star Trek simultaneously convinced me he was the wrong person to direct Star Tre
k and the right guy to direct Star Wars
[ ]jetshockeyfan 24 points 2 hours ago
Exactly! Don't get me wrong, the new Star Trek was a good movie, it just wasn't
a good Star Trek movie. It was the Star Wars-esque space wars with crazy ships a

nd awesome action scenes, not the Star Trek style that made you think. I'm reall
y excited for the new movie. I think JJ Abrams is going to nail it.
[ ]Seesawkarma 12 points 2 hours ago
As someone who has only ever watched Star Trek in movie form (never watched any
tv shows) I thought it was pretty typical for a Star Trek movie. I loved it. A f
ew singularities, some weird alien fights and sex and tons of corny lines that a
ll ends with ramming the enemy head on in a star ship seems like par for the cou
rse for me.
[ ]Ephemeral_Being 7 points 2 hours ago
Yeah... I dunno why people are complaining about them. It's not WILDLY put of li
ne with the mood of TNG. It's not Deep Space 9. It's not Enterprise, or Voyager.
But it felt like TNG, to me. And that was by far the best Star Trek series.
If you liked them, go watch TNG. That is seriously good TV.
[ ]MaceOfBass 2 points 1 hour ago
It's also VERY much in line with, you know, the Original Series it's based off o
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[ ]Creative-Overloaded 4 points 2 hours ago
Seems like he tried to make Star Trek more fantasy than science fiction, it woul
d be interesting if he makes Star Wars more science fiction than fantasy. Comple
te role reversal for those two franchises.
[ ]OK_Soda 2 points 2 hours ago
I for one am just looking forward to seeing a vague rehash of Empire Strikes Bac
k before suddenly falling into an actual shot-for-shot remake of one of Empire's
most famous scenes.
[ ]astronautsaurus 2 points 1 hour ago
JJ's Star Trek was the Star Wars prequel I always wanted.
[ ]chirsmitch 2 points 3 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 7 points 3 hours ago
NSFL! Yikes
Eye bleach!
I am a robit
[ ]Mosox42 8 points 2 hours ago
[ ]OneBleachinBot 6 points 2 hours ago
Don't mention it human
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[ ]Sargediamond 5 points 2 hours ago
ITT: Lucas, worse than Hitler.
[ ]n4k3dm0s3s 5 points 2 hours ago
He is going to wear his Jar Jar shirt to the premier.
[ ]s_s 14 points 2 hours ago
Holiday Special, George.

[ ]sickofyour 4 points 1 hour ago

You need more upvotes. Everyone is listing things they don't like about the spec
ial editions and prequels, but Lucas has tried to erase the holiday special from
existence. I would say we can definitely assume he regrets that.
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[ ]Kekoa_ok 3 points 2 hours ago
what holiday special?
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[ ]lordtyrian 165 points 3 hours ago
ITT reddit being a bunch of dicks.
[ ]DescendsTheBlade 63 points 3 hours ago
So, Reddit being Reddit?
[ ]______trap_god______ 31 points 2 hours ago
people being people lol
[ ]macgyverspaperclip 13 points 2 hours ago
People on the internet
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[ ]Sithlord715 5 points 3 hours ago
More like /r/movies being /r/movies
[ ]RabidRetrospectGames 22 points 3 hours ago
Are you kidding? Most people in here are defending him and anything horrifically
negative has been downvoted.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 11 points 2 hours ago
ITT: majority opinion so I can maximize upsagans
[ ]Rivantus 3 points 2 hours ago
upvotes to the left
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[ ]Jrpre33 4 points 1 hour ago
I may get a lot of flak for this but I liked the prequels, I was at the age wher
e it appealed to me. I can understand why people hate them and everything but I
thought they were cool.
[ ]gwarsh41 3 points 30 minutes ago
I am with you on that. Darth Maul extending both sides of his light saber still
gives me chills!
[ ]PutYourCheeksIntoIt 4 points 28 minutes ago
I know a lot of people hate the prequels, which I can understand because they do
n't have the same feel as the original. But I recently just re-watched them for
the first time since seeing them in theaters between, ages 11-17 when they were
released. And I have to say, they are much better than I remember, by a long sho
t. They have aged so well, and I personally believe they add some depth to the O
riginal trilogy. Everything from the Emperor's rise to power, coming of Darth Va
der, and the exile of the remaining Jedi are so well developed. Sure the CGI suc
ks compared to actual models, Anakin is kind of a whiny bitch, and Jar-Jar was m
ade, but as a story the prequels aren't the pile of horse shit everyone acts lik
e they are.
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[ ]dualactioncomplete 10 points 1 hour ago

I don't think its a circle-jerk to bash I,II, and III. There are legitimate reas
ons why the films were bad and why the originals were great.
You have to look at it from a student of cinema perspective. A lot of the reason
s why the original trilogy was great came from the first film being a huge passi
on project and the director sacrificing a lot to get it made, and there is plent
y of info out there to show the trials that Lucas and the production crew went t
hrough. Each film had a different director, and a different style associated wit
h it. This is one of the reasons why each film can be broken into parts and the
strengths and weaknesses of each vision showcased.
One of the central issues with the prequels is that nobody was telling George "N
o". Pacing was broken often, logical errors all over the place, and the story ju
st wasn't engaging. Its understandable why devoted fans are quick to defend them
, but the films were fundamentally broken in many ways,with overabundance on eff
ects and self-indulgent editing, stilted delivery of bad dialog, and a general f
eeling of sloth.
I can say I'm looking forward to seeing Abrams take, because its a different dir
ector who isn't beholden to doing things George's way. That's a good thing.
[ ]big_cheddars 2 points 1 hour ago
fucking yes
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[ ]ataru-moroboshi 26 points 2 hours ago
Well, I'm 44, I saw A New Hope in '77, been a huge fan since. And boy did I love
Episodes 1, 2 and 3 too. Fuck the prequel-bashing circlejerk. Godspeed, Uncle G
[ ]_Fallout_ 3 points 1 hour ago
Bland characters with no distinguishable personality traits, huge plot holes and
bad writing, and jar jar....
I'm sorry but it's just difficult for me to enjoy those movies outside of recogn
izing that they were pretty well done with the CGI.
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[ ]Auberginee 6 points 2 hours ago
He sold star wars for billions and donated billions to help kids. He also made S
tar Wars. I'll forgive a million Jar Jars for that.
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[ ]mrjackm124 87 points 3 hours ago
The man literally creates a trilogy that lives on today that people worship and
love, but when he tries to make a few new ones for a newer generation, people ca
ll him a shitty film-maker.
[ ]OldManLaughingBull 17 points 2 hours ago
I think it is also the fact that he repeatedly goes back and alters these old mo
vies with very weird changes that affect the story. Or just look shitty. The fac
t that fans deliberately have to make a so called despecialized version of these
old movies, as it is the only way these days to watch them like that (unless yo
u bought the originals some long time ago), is just sad.
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[ ]flossdaily 13 points 1 hour ago
He is a shitty filmmaker. It's clear now that if he'd had 100% creative control
and infinite budget for the original films, they would have been pretty crappy.
Most of the things that worked in the originals were things that he accidentally
stumbled onto. You know this is the case because later on, he was unable to ide
ntify what it was that made star wars magical. He replicated so many of the wron
g things while leaving the true heart of Star Wars out of the prequels entirely.

If you look at the originals through unbiased eyes, you start to see that most o
f the movie worked IN SPITE of Lucas's terrible writing:
Obi Wan says "strike me down and I'll become more powerful than you can possibly
imagine". This was Lucas stealing from Gandalf's resurrection in Lord of the Ri
ngs. Except Obi Wan doesn't come back as a more powerful anything... he comes ba
ck as an impotent ghost who does virtually nothing to help luke, or anyone... le
t alone doing more than he could have if he'd lived.
Then you look at "Vader killed your father"... this is isn't Obi Wan lying to lu
ke... this is George Lucas having no long term vision when he wrote the original
Then look at Leia being Luke's sister. Wow, mindblowing, right? Except it isn't.
It has zero bearing on the plot, and only serves to make a HUGE story that much
Then there were the Ewoks. Fucking fighting teddy bears. As a kid I loved this..
. as an adult, I realize that they simply do not fit at all. The original script
called for a planet full of Wookies. THOSE, I could believe would turn the tide
in a fight with the empire. But fucking teddy bears? Really?
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
lown up. So I guess the rebels win, right?
EIR FIRE? Yeah, Lucas doesn't even attempt to address this, because he's a shitt
y, shitty writer. We have to rely on apologetic fan fiction from Timothy Zahn to
give us a lame, lame, lame explanation.
Also, let's look at the Emperor's plan to turn Luke to the dark side: I know, I'
ll make him really angry. And then I'll trick him into fighting with his dad...
and then, somehow, MAGICALLY, he'll start being my servant?
To see how stupid and lame that idea is, all you have to do is look to the prequ
els, where Anakin DOES suddenly switch to the Dark Side. He has even better reas
ons to do it, and it still comes off as being totally forced and stupid.
The fact is, those movies were based on terribly shitty scripts, with tons of pl
ot holes... but we didn't care because they had charm, characters we loved, and
special effects that were amazing and believable.
Lucas's prequels gave us an even stupider plot, a cast and dialog without charm,
and special effects that were so obviously fake that they destroyed the suspens
ion of disbelief.
Lucas sucks. His earlier success was mostly accidental, and based largely on the
work of others, turning his silly script into a magical movie. When he got tota
l control, we saw the limit of his abilities.
[ ]450k_crackparty 4 points 1 hour ago
Even as a kid it bugged me that Obi Wan's "strike me down and I'll become more p
owerful" line never really came to fruition. Dude didn't do shit.
[ ]tadfisher 3 points 54 minutes ago
Think a little less literally
the fact that Obi-Wan in death could guide Luke to
ward defeating the Empire and nobody could do a damned thing about it makes him
pretty powerful indeed.
[ ]Spyder_J 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah ... I think you're right ...
[ ]entropicamericana 2 points 47 minutes ago
Also, we end the trilogy with the second death star (SOOOO imaginative! TWO deat
It's worse than that. Originally it was going to be TWO Death Stars in RotJ.
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[ ]thracc 76 points 3 hours ago*
Because he is. Nobody questions his creativity or ability to come up with an ove

rall plot line. But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals. He had profes
sionals who knew what they were doing handle that.
For some reason for the prequels, he just thought he could do it all himself and
surrounded himself with yes men. People that wouldn't challenge him. That's why
people criticise him. Because he failed miserably when he did it himself.
Edit: he did direct and write A New Hope. But he did not edit it. And people do
say the film was saved in editing. Note how Empire Strikes back the "story" is c
redited to Lucas. Then screenplay/script is credited to others. Return of the Je
di the story is Lucas and he is also credited as Co writing the screen play.
All I know is that when he had full was an absolute pile of garb
[ ]InMyBrokenChair 28 points 2 hours ago
But he didn't direct, write or edit the originals.
He directed and wrote A New Hope. And he co-wrote Return Of The Jedi.
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[ ]Martschink 9 points 2 hours ago
He did direct the first Star Wars.
[ ]hcsteve 65 points 2 hours ago
he didn't direct, write or edit the originals
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Director: George Lucas
Writer: George Lucas
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Writers: Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay),
Of course he didn't write or direct Empire (the best one), so maybe that says so
[ ]braindamage89 30 points 2 hours ago
He outlined the entire plot of Empire to the writer and also edited/wrote the en
tire second draft. He then handed off the polished story to Lawrence Kasdan. Geo
rge had a complete hand in the entire process aside from probably the finer poin
ts of the dialogue.
he also produced all three which I think people undervalue in terms of how much
a say the producer can have on creative input, especially in the formative stage
s of the movie.
[ ]lopsiness 2 points 2 hours ago
Regardless, he still had people who knew what they were doing helping to keep fo
cus and consistency and ensure the films worked as films. I don't think it's any
coincidence that the best film is the one he had the least impact on and the wo
rst films are the ones he had complete control over.
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[ ]TechnicolorSushiCat 5 points 2 hours ago
Gary Kurtz and Marcia Lucas were integral to Star Wars. The movie could not have
been made without them. In particular, her editing made the film what it is.
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[ ]chrispy145 1 point 2 hours ago
Don't forget to include his tinkering with the original trilogy that brought cha
nges nobody but him wanted.
A great filmmaker makes films that a wide audience, including him or herself can
enjoy. Lucas only makes films that he would enjoy -- damn the rest of the publi

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[ ]Cerblu 3 points 2 hours ago
Should be interesting to read what he thinks about Episode VII once he's seen it
and VIII.
and IX.
[ ]Noobivore36 3 points 2 hours ago
He definitely got to see it. What he means to say is that he never got to EXPERI
ENCE it.
[ ]sunlock 12 points 2 hours ago
I hope he loves it. I hope he thinks the movies are phenomenal and have a huge i
mpact on his life. Then I hope they remaster them later on, and it makes him mad
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[ ]thewildbeard 5 points 1 hour ago
That's cool. I feel like George Lucas gets so much more shit than he deserves fo
r those films so I'd imagine it'd be nice to sit back and enjoy the new one.
[ ]MrOptiX 8 points 2 hours ago
Fuck you George, Han shot first.
[ ]DeaconX[??] 2 points 2 hours ago
C'mon... that's very fair.
[ ]IsThereAGodOMG 2 points 2 hours ago
Never thought of it this way.
[ ]rickscarf 1 point 2 hours ago
I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies, one of these days though. I hear it
is pretty good :)
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[ ]GroundhogExpert 2 points 1 hour ago
He genuinely believes he did a good job with the latest three installments, does
n't he? He used to have a normal sized neck, but he tried to swallow his pride o
nce, and now look at him.
[ ]A5h2A5heS 2 points 1 hour ago
Good for him, he deserves to be blown away like the rest of us. I hope he enjoys
it immensely.
[ ]iKilledDaPig 2 points 52 minutes ago
My greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live
Lucas is becoming Kanye West
[ ]Arm-the-homeless 2 points 39 minutes ago
I'm personally excited for the JJ Abrams take on it. I absolutely love what he's
done with Star Trek. Say what you will about him, but he's a fan of this stuff
and he's good at what he does. Not everyone is going to love every change or dec
ision made, but that's going to happen no matter who is in control. At least the
y had enough sense to keep Michael Bay away from it. BTW has anyone beaten him u
p yet for what he did to TMNT? That needs to happen.
[ ]Lovemagnet 2 points 18 minutes ago
If I was the ruler of the universe, I would declare the prequels null and void.
Those stories never happened. Then I would ask Tim Burton to make a new prequel.

I'm not sure who I would ask to write the script, except it can't be George Luc
[ ]preposey 2 points 13 minutes ago
I love that he can say this without a hint of irony (at least for the original t
rilogy) and it doesn't come out narcissistic.
[ ]Stark-Contrast 2 points 13 minutes ago
Lets just take a moment to remember the vast amounts of money that have been don
ated to charity directly as a result of Star Wars. That, in my eyes at least, ta
ke precedence over any missteps that may or may not have been taken with the fra
nchise. So with that in mind, all I have to say is that I hope you get a nice se
at and that you enjoy it old man.
[ ]OneBuffalo 2 points 12 minutes ago
What a lame comment , cringeworthy in every aspect.
[ ]dellg55 2 points 5 minutes ago
But he got to hear Dark side of the Moon like anybody else.
[ ]turbohonky 7 points 2 hours ago
"... That and Jar Jar. I also regret Jar Jar."
[ ]DanDotOrg 12 points 2 hours ago
"Garfield, maybe.."
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[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 2 points 1 hour ago
Said no one ever
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[ ]xcerj61 4 points 2 hours ago
Well, not many people were able to enjoy the prequels, so he was not that alone
in it
[ ]seanmac2 3 points 2 hours ago
Say what you want about the Prequels, that man has amazing hair.
[ ]Shammythefox 3 points 2 hours ago
I can think of three more things he's got to regret about star wars...
[ ]SnipesType[??] 4 points 2 hours ago
"The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact that I'll never get
to ruin the new ones too."
[ ]chadpatrick 7 points 3 hours ago
Believe me, George, no one is happier than your audience that the first you will
see of Episode 7 will be at the theater.
[ ]7times10minus1 4 points 2 hours ago
I had to read this multiple times to understand it.
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[ ]butteryonionpowder 4 points 3 hours ago
I'm pretty high. However, I thought it meant since he was more or less involved
in all the other Star Wars movies, but for episode 7 he will now be able to sit
back and watch it as an audience member.
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 3 points 2 hours ago

George Lucas, maybe you should regret that you've spent the last 17 years painst
akingly taking a massive dump on your most successful trilogies.
[ ]rod_munch 3 points 3 hours ago
He could have easily done this 3 movies ago.
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[ ]tobephair 2 points 3 hours ago
Aw George.
[ ]BromanGladiator 2 points 2 hours ago
Nosa Regrestsa
[ ]Hoboshanker 3 points 2 hours ago
Lucas preferred if Episode 7 was done his way
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George Lucas on Episode 7: "The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is th
e fact I never got to see it - I never got to be blown out of my seat when the s
hip came over the screen, ... The next one, I'll be able to enjoy it like anybod
y else." (
submitted 4 hours ago by optiplex9000
1783 commentsshare
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[ ]EdPeggJr 224 points 2 hours ago
There needs to be a film of Lucas watching Ep 7.
If he's deliriously happy, I want to know.
If he's broodingly angry, I want to know.
[ ]vaclavhavelsmustache 283 points an hour ago
If he's so fancy, you already know.

[ ]nobody2000 80 points 38 minutes ago
He's in the fast lane, from Tatooine to Yavin Fo'
[ ]kalitarios 8 points 21 minutes ago
Help me, Obi-Wan. You're my only ho'
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[ ]Cpen5311 49 points 42 minutes ago
From skywalker ranch to Tokyo.
[ ]isackjohnson 3 points 29 minutes ago
Skywalker ranch to *Mygeeto
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[ ]Smetsnaz 40 points 45 minutes ago
He'll be happy if for no reason other than he can finally not get shit talked co
nstantly for the prequels.
I can acknowledge the prequels were bad films, whatever - but that's not what St
ar Wars is about to me. Star Wars to me is about the universe in it's entirety.
Episode 1 gave life to a dying franchise (outside of the small EU following). I
loved the movie as a kid and it drove me to other mediums of Star Wars like The
Phantom Menace video game, Star Wars Racer, an interest in reading when I starte
d the Jedi Apprentice series with Qui Gon and Obi Wan.
Then Episode 2 came out and I still loved it, but I was bit older and could tell
that some of the writing seemed silly. BUT I loved it for the addition to the S
tar Wars universe and what it added to the story as a whole. This made me play e
ven more games (KotOR 1 and 2, Droid Works, the fucking awesome Dark Forces/Jedi
Knight series, Tie Fighter, XWA, dozens more), and inspired me to read the EU a
nd learn about all the cool stories and lore not shown on the big screen.
Episode 3 came out and I was even older and even more privy to the fact that the
writing was junk, but it was part of the universe so I loved it for that and I
continued to play the games and read the EU and the whole nine yards.
Ultimately what I'm saying is that I understand why people dislike the prequels
but I guess I'm just a big enough nerd and in love with the franchise so much th
at I can look past all that and see Star Wars for what it is as a whole (the boo
ks, the video games, the comics) - and as much as the prequels maybe felt weak t
hey still contributed to the universe in a big way.
I love the prequels, not because they're great movies, but because they're Star
End rant.
[ ]Undercookedbeef_ 4 points 8 minutes ago
This public service announcement was much needed. Bravo sir.
[ ]sheldonopolis 2 points 7 minutes ago
I got into KOTOR 1 + 2 not too long ago. Turned me straight into a jedi for a fe
w weeks. Those games were better than the prequels. Too bad theyre nearly broken
on modern systems.
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[ ]BrckT0p 325 points 3 hours ago
I imagine a lot of writers/directors/actors have mixed feelings about movies tha
t they put their heart and soul into.
Heck a lot of actors (Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, and Jared Leto, just to name a
few) find watching their own movies to be boring.
I don't agree with everything he's done with Star Wars but I think it's cool he

gets to appreciate the series from the other side for once.
[ ]whyIdefy 286 points 2 hours ago
Plot Twist: Lucas spends rest of life complaining the new movies weren't as good
as the previous 6.
[ ]Cats_and_hedgehogs 134 points 2 hours ago
complaining about the lack of jar-jar binks.
[ ]Meesa_Jar_Jar_Binks 38 points 1 hour ago
Is dat a problem?
[ ]chewieconcarne 5 points 23 minutes ago
No sa.
[ ]Mynameisnotdoug 2 points 9 minutes ago
I believe you mean "Eesa dat?"
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[ ]bacon_catz_karma 14 points 2 hours ago
I remember watching letterman with Johnny depp a while back and apparently he wo
n't even watch his movies at all.
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[ ]OK_Soda 8 points 2 hours ago
I forget who said it but I remember hearing a quote from some actor recently say
ing that watching his own movies is weird because he can immersed in the work an
d see the other actors as their characters but then he steps into the scene and
he sees himself as just some weird alien actor person.
[ ]deville05 4 points 1 hour ago
Its not that they find it boring.. I would assume it must feel cringy to see you
rself on screen. Im sure all you see are flaws and mistakes
[ ]Lapitz 2 points 47 minutes ago
It's a very weird experience to view a film you have worked on. I've worked clos
ely on a few animated films and watching them no longer feels like a movie. I've
already seen every shot played back about 100 times so almost nothing is a surp
rise. When watching the movie most the time is spent thinking about small change
s that may have happened in editing, or seeing how the shots flow together. Whil
e I've seen every shot 100 time, I don't always see them all in sequence.
If someone asked if the movies I've worked on are any good, I have to point them
at what critics say because it's hard to evaluate them from my viewpoint.
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[ ]Frazzed 140 points 2 hours ago
Ted the only people in the universe who have never seen Star Wars are the charac
ters in Star Wars and that's cause they lived 'em Ted, that's cause they lived t
he Star Wars!
[ ]tonytroz 5 points 39 minutes ago
The Ewok Line
[ ]thinkmurphy 2 points 13 minutes ago
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[ ]designgoddess 27 points 2 hours ago

I had no idea what Star Wars was went I went to go see it. I was a kid and my da
d dragged me and a bunch of neighborhood kids to see it since it was a big deal.
We lived in the country and didn't always hear about the prevailing trends. Sin
ce my dad was a historian I didn't want to go because I thought it was just anot
her war movie. I'll never forget the ship coming across the top of the screen. E
ver. It changed my world.
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[ ]kevinosaur7 3593 points 3 hours ago
That's the only thing you regret?
[ ]wiggty 1678 points 3 hours ago
George likes him somma Jar Jar Binks.
[ ]straydog1980 1277 points 3 hours ago
Heesa no regret
[ ]PainMatrix 221 points 3 hours ago*
[ ]Metalligod666 166 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Scarbane 651 points 3 hours ago
Ooh, what a cinematic experience those 4 frames are providing! /s
[ ]Tasty_Lobster_Roll 154 points 3 hours ago
Shoft-ee shoft-eee shoft-eee
[ ]jahoodunrama 13 points 1 hour ago Shaft!
[ ]ASK_ABOUT_VOIDSPACE 16 points 2 hours ago
Wait, the first time he says it with only 2 e's? I must rewatch..
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[ ]outadoc 38 points 2 hours ago
[ ]rynosaur94 12 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]PainMatrix 47 points 3 hours ago
[ ]PainMatrix 79 points 3 hours ago
[ ]unforgiven91 61 points 3 hours ago
that's actually one of the better tumblr gifs i've seen.
Source: gif-maker
[ ]lWarChicken 61 points 3 hours ago*
Yeah, a tumblr gif that actually shows the character saying the entire quote is
somewhat refreshing.
Although it's a bit like taking a big shit and you don't have to wipe, it's a ni
ce event that doesn't happen toO often but in the end you're still dealing with

[ ]unforgiven91 18 points 2 hours ago
That gif is still fairly shitty, but its acceptable at least.
The Simon Pegg gif from above is just... Sad.
continue this thread
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[ ]Bone_Throat_Bonanza 4 points 2 hours ago
The contrast hurts my eyes
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[ ]actioncomicbible 3 points 3 hours ago
Is this a gif from a camrip of Phantom Menace?
[ ]lWarChicken 10 points 2 hours ago
A tumlr person made a nice gif with some text but somewhere in the process he re
minded himself that he was gonna post it to tumblr so he removed most frames and
put a shitty filter on it.
[ ]Dininiful 5 points 2 hours ago
Still more than Assassin's Creed Unity.
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[ ]tj111 32 points 2 hours ago
[ ]I_SPLIT_INFINITIVES 5 points 2 hours ago
[ ]DrRedditPhD 3 points 1 hour ago
He's a bad mutha-permalinkparent
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
Shut yo mouth!
[ ]DrRedditPhD 2 points 1 hour ago
I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft!
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[ ]NoeJose 8 points 1 hour ago
That's one of the worst gifs I've ever seen. Give your karma back.
[ ]PainMatrix 13 points 1 hour ago
come and get it
[ ]Jericcho 2 points 1 hour ago
I can see the accents on that first one. LOL
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[ ]Voltrondemort 194 points 2 hours ago
To me the big tragedy of the prequels is that Jar Jar wasn't the worst part.
"I hate the sand".
[ ]freshlyshornballs 116 points 2 hours ago

Who could forget midichlorians?

[ ]fuckamold 69 points 1 hour ago
Tragically, no one. It will never go away. It can never be undooone.
[ ]DELTATKG 16 points 1 hour ago
I too watched Mr. Plinkett's review of the prequel trilogy.
[ ]_badonkadonk_ 10 points 1 hour ago
But have you had the pizza rolls?
[ ]DELTATKG 12 points 1 hour ago
Leave a comment on this webzone if you want me to mail you some pizza rolls.
[ ]Zerachiel_01 2 points 32 minutes ago
[ ]weewolf 16 points 1 hour ago
They retcon spiderman every other year, they can retcon that shit.
[ ]Nightfalls 6 points 54 minutes ago
If Rogue Squadron and Dark Forces aren't canon, then Episode I-III can be not ca
non too.
[ ]servohahn 3 points 1 hour ago
The new trilogy explains that midichlorians are only attracted to those who were
strong with the force (not the cause of the strength) and once they bind to som
eone, they're bound for life. All of the remaining midichlorians in the galaxy w
ere in the four most powerful jedi at one point: Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Palp
atine. When they all died, so did the midichlorians. Also, as it turns out, midi
chlorians have only been present in the galaxy for about 150 years. When they we
re discovered, those strong with the force incorrectly assumed that the midiclho
rians cause force sensitivity. But they didn't. Because that's stupid.
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[ ]Ethnologizer 90 points 1 hour ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't. I guess I'm in the super minority for appr
eciating that concept. Would people rather have Jedi who can do crazy shit just
[ ]qp0n 89 points 1 hour ago
I am in no way a superfan but I definitely understand the gripe here. I believe
it is because there was supposed to be a 'force' that you were supposed to becom
e in tune with; i.e. you worked toward spiritually earning your powers, not just
be born with them.
The latter would mean anyone could become a Jedi if they worked hard enough to u
phold the principles of 'light'. The former would mean you were born into a Jedi
caste system.
[ ]Genreef 21 points 1 hour ago
kinda like wizards in harry potter huh lol.
[ ]jennaberry 5 points 17 minutes ago
Personally I don't believe mudbloods should be allowed into the Jedi Academy
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[ ]Rawk02 10 points 1 hour ago
Force sensitive was a thing way before midiclorians

[ ]maynardftw 5 points 49 minutes ago
"Force-sensitive" just means you're closer to being in-tune with it than most ot
hers. It doesn't mean there's a biological reason for it.
[ ]thelunchbox29 5 points 25 minutes ago
Which is why Force-Sensitive people, give birth to Force-Sensitive people. It ca
n pop organically, but it still follows blood-lines
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[ ]devilmaydance 3 points 33 minutes ago
There's nothing within the movies that state this though. Midi-chlorians are use
d as a Force unit of measurement, not the thing that creates the force itself. I
never thought there was any reason someone couldn't "increase their midi-chlori
an count" through training and meditation and such.
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[ ]Kollektiv 2 points 32 minutes ago
I'm absolutely not an expert on the subject, but when I remember the first movie
(chronologically); midichlorians were useful in the narration because it was so
mething you could mesure to evaluate if someone, in this case young Anakin, woul
d be able to become a Jedi or not.
Now if being in tune to the force is a concept similar to attaining nirvana in b
uddhism, then it seems more difficult to explain why anyone isn't able to learn
it and how you would discover the people that do poses the capabilities to attai
n that point.
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[ ]MagicTrees[??] 2 points 18 minutes ago
Except you are born with them, its not like anyone can develop force powers, thi
s is clear in cannon well before episode 1.
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[ ]CaptainDoctor007 18 points 1 hour ago
Well, yes. Because it's a fantasy film. It's Star Wars, not 2001: A Space Odysse
y. It's the same reason I don't need or want a biological explanation for why Ha
rry Potter can use magic and the Dursley's can't.
[ ]vinnyd78 2 points 42 minutes ago
Yerr a Jedi Harry.
I'm a what!?
[ ]jabask 40 points 1 hour ago
There's a romanticism to the idea that anyone could become proficient with the f
orce, should they "see the light", so to speak. The Force is a lot like a religi
on, and having it be a measure of your faith, not your blood, is a more sympathe
tic model.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 4 points 1 hour ago
anyone can - Qui Gon says that the midichlorians are present in all life forms,
and that they allow contact with the Force. Having more of them just makes conta
cting the Force easier. Anyone could do it with the right focus, it is just a li
ttle harder for some people. Which is the same as anything else, really. Some pe
ople are good at something without having to work as hard as other people, being
naturally gifted. But the element of faith and enlightenment still applies - If
you did not have any faith in it, it wouldn't work because you have the wrong f
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[ ]AntcuFaalb 14 points 1 hour ago*

it's attempting to quantify how these people can do things other people can't.
The idea of a meritocratic equal-opportunity relationship with the force is some
thing that resonates with many viewers.
Many people don't like Encyclopedic Science Fiction. By this I mean that [glimps
es into the Mos Eisley Cantina during SW and the SWHS] + [imagination] is often
a lot more enjoyable for people than reading Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina o
r Wookieepedia.
It's makes the force less mystical. Star Wars is Space Opera, not Science Fictio
[ ]The_Year_of_Glad 7 points 53 minutes ago
I don't get why people hate this idea, it's attempting to quantify how these peo
ple can do things other people can't.
In the original set of three movies, the Force was a romantic concept whose core
appeal was emotional and spiritual. Constraining it within the bounds of scienc
e by reducing it to sensors and test tubes diminishes it in some ineffable way.
It also strips the lightsaber duels of the original three movies of any metaphys
ical significance, since Luke defeating his father in the rematch at the end of
Return of the Jedi would have more to do with biology than with his personal gro
wth or the rightness of his cause. It's too blunt and literal for the lyrical an
d evocative Star Wars universe, in the same way that a blaster is infinitely mor
e practical than a lightsaber, but also less fun. It would be a better fit with
the thematic tone of the Star Trek universe and its Heisenberg compensators (whi
ch isn't intrinsically better or worse - just different).
[ ]LiberalPenguin 3 points 19 minutes ago
I'd like to add that the Jedi is a forgotten breed in the originals. People thin
k it's a myth that they even existed. Magic and fairytales.
How the fuck do you explain that everyone has suddenly forgotten about the prove
n scientific theory of midichlorians and the force?
It completely RIPS away the whole setting of the first 3 films (4-6)! Complete b
[ ]ban_this 7 points 51 minutes ago
For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it g
row. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crud
e matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, t
he rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.
No, wait forget that shit, the force is just crude matter, it's microscopic orga
nisms in your blood.
One of these things is not like the other.
It's called "the force". So we have magnetism, gravity, electrical forces, etc.
In the Star Wars Universe there is some other force in the Universe. Yoda's desc
ription in ESB implies that the forces is actually everywhere, so some bullshit
scanner shouldn't be able to tell you anything, as a tree, a rock and a space sh
ip would all give off readings because the force is some sort of energy that is
found throughout the universe (or at least in that particular galaxy far, far aw
ay). Some people can tap into that energy.
Midichlorians is just some random Star Trek style technobabble. Maybe you like t
echnobabble, but most Star Wars fans prefer the explanation given by Yoda above.
Either explanation is vague, but one is mystical, and the other technobabble. N
ow add to the fact that the technobabble is inconsistent with what was said in t
he OT it becomes complete shit.
Why didn't Yoda say anything to Luke about midichlorians? Because ESB had good w
riters and wrote an explanation that sounds better than generic technobabble.
Why did Lucas write technobabble instead of something consistent with the OT exp
lanation? Because he's a shit writer. When we see mentions of midichlorians, it
just reminds us that we're watching something written by a shitty writer.
[ ]GordonManley 4 points 1 hour ago

yes. Yes I definitely would.

That's kind of the point.
Trying to explain the force with science is just stupid.
[ ]RoboJox 3 points 1 hour ago*
I would have rather it stayed as just because. It's a space fantasy movie. We do
n't need to know why some people have magical powers, just like we don't need to
know how a lightsaber works. Especially when it is something extremely throwawa
y which doesn't even come up again. It's just there to establish Darth Vader as
a Jesus character, for some reason.
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[ ]fivegameset 9 points 1 hour ago
I forget them until people like you bring them up during every prequel discussio
n. Thanks.
[ ]pooshhMao 4 points 1 hour ago
Isn't that how christianity diverged into different subsects like catholic and p
rotestant? Disagreeing over what is canon and what isn't?
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[ ]Esteban420 8 points 1 hour ago
In the EU the midichlorians are microbes that are attracted to strong force sens
itive beings. They arent what makes up the force but can be used as an indicator
of people with a deep connection to the force.
I thought this was common knowledge?
[ ]RellenD 2 points 56 minutes ago
I thought this was how they worked in the movie, too.
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[ ]heyheyhey27 2 points 1 hour ago
I remember reading once that the whole point of midichlorians was to help highli
ght how the jedi order had lost its way, and that their near-total destruction w
as part of how anakin brought balance to the force.
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[ ]theHamJam 39 points 2 hours ago
"It's course, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere..."
[ ]Neuchacho 49 points 2 hours ago
"especially my vagina."
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[ ]DarkwingDuckAvenger 3 points 1 hour ago
"I'm Thor." "You're Thor?" "Well it hurth."
[ ]scocane 44 points 1 hour ago
Obi-Wan's terrible sense of humour.
"You were right master. Negotiations were short"
[ ]Voltrondemort 58 points 1 hour ago
Exactly. How did Lucas not find anybody to just take his script, throw out the d
ialog and do a complete re-write of the words, but keep all the scenes exactly i
ntact? Especially after the mess that was Ep 1?
Structurally, movies 1 and 3 could have been fine with minimal tweaks. I mean, E
p-3 could have been a little less gruesome (executing children and Vader getting

burned) and Ep-1 could have made up its mind between kid-movie or teen-movie. B
ut the plots of those two films work okay. Ep-2 is the only movie that's fundame
ntally flawed (it's a textbook "middle film" that basically exists to introduce
the Clone Army and the Separatists... but it gets there in a completely aimless
fashion. The only good part of Ep 2 is the "mystery" scenes where Obi-Wan is pur
suing Jango and trying to decipher what's going on with the Clone Army... and im
ho that mini-arc is actually the best work in the prequels. But its resolution i
s completely unsatisfying, since they just throw up their hands and say "We'll j
ust use the clones to kill the Separatists".
[ ]RiseOfRiot 55 points 1 hour ago
episode 3 could have been a little less gruesome
But the gruesome was the good part
[ ]Godgivesmeaboner 19 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, I was gonna say that was the best part of the whole trilogy. That scene ha
d more emotional depth than any other part of the movies.
[ ]Liiiink 3 points 24 minutes ago
That's hardly an accomplishment.
[ ]Ghondar 21 points 1 hour ago
Killing kids is as gruesome as destroying an entire planet, or executing random
officers for their failure, IMO
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[ ]JoesusTBF 2 points 48 minutes ago
I was gonna say something about how members of the original cast did quite a bit
of script doctoring because they felt the original script wasn't how people tal
k. But then I did some research and found that Carrie Fisher was hired as a scri
pt doctor for the prequels' dialogue and they still turned out the way they did.
[ ]SergeantIndie 2 points 43 minutes ago
Episode 2 was like Dawson's Creek, but with less violence.
[ ]this_is_cooling 2 points 40 minutes ago
I think part of the problem is that George Lucas surrounded himself with yes men
, so nobody had the balls to tell him a lot of his ideas were garbage. I just wa
tched a clip on YouTube about the making of episode 1, they screen it with a bun
ch of people in the room and at the end no one says a damn thing.
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[ ]ALECop 7 points 1 hour ago
No no no "Excuse me, I'm in charge of security here, m'lady" is the worst line d
elivery ever. Zero gravitas or chemistry or belief that he could be in charge of
[ ]somekidsuncle 2 points 1 hour ago
Along with "Jedi business, go back to your drinks", and "I'm not afraid of dying
. I've been dying a little bit inside each day since you came baklsdjhklhk".
What a joke.
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[ ]Yogibear21 59 points 2 hours ago
I don't know, to be honest out of all the things to hate about the prequels peop
le seem to focus on Jar Jar Binks. Eh, there were a hundred other reasons to be
annoyed. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christsenen(sp?) the shitty story line in the 2nd an
d 3rd. TBH, a slightly dimwitted overgrown frog was probably the least shitty th

ing on the list of shitty things to come out of those movies.

[ ]KickedInTheHead 73 points 2 hours ago
Jar Jar is just the poster child for all the issues the prequels had. It's easy
to focus your hate on one specific issue rather than a hundred.
[ ]DELTATKG 53 points 1 hour ago
He's emblematic of the underlying problem of no one being allowed to question Lu
cas' judgment.
[ ]K3B 6 points 1 hour ago
Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 1 hour ago
That quote makes my blood boil. Jar Jar could have been completely removed from
the movie - with almost no dialogue changes - and it would not change the plot a
t all (well, except for the part where he somehow(?) becomes a senator, but that
was only so we'd have a familiar face doing it... actually, that's how Jar Jar
fucks the galaxy and essentially hands it over to Palpatine)
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[ ]djvita 4 points 56 minutes ago
there is this one behind the scenes part in ep 2 where lucas says "everyone is w
aiting to see yoda take out his lightsaber and fight" and the other guy just she
epishly smiles
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 20 minutes ago
I know that clip. No one wanted to see yoda fight with a lightsaber. Yoda was ba
sically Ghandi in the original trilogy.
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[ ]Wizardspike 11 points 1 hour ago
there used to be a 10 part youtube playlist explaining everything wrong with pha
ntom menace, back when youtube had 10 minute limits. So basically there was a gu
y who explained everything wrong with it, that took as long as a film itself.
It was pretty cool. I guess it was a precursor for the far more polished 'everyt
hing wrong with in under X minutes' videos you see about, but it was years back.
[ ]DELTATKG 11 points 1 hour ago
Is it this?
[ ]Wizardspike 5 points 1 hour ago
don't have time right now but based upon the first minute it could well be, i re
member the one i watched making direct comparisons scene for scene in some place
s saying "here's what they did right in the first films, here's what they did wr
ong in the prequels."
[ ]DELTATKG 3 points 1 hour ago
Yeah, this one does that.
[ ]bibamus 3 points 1 hour ago
The phrantom menace
[ ]Righteousbros 3 points 24 minutes ago
The part where he asks people to describe the Princess without mentioning her jo
b, priceless.
[ ]DELTATKG 2 points 19 minutes ago
He continued the reviews for the other two movies in the trilogy as well. They'r
e absolutely on-point about what's wrong with the prequel trilogy.

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[ ]SihkBreau 3 points 32 minutes ago
Are you describing the extremely well-known redlettermedia reviews? They are pre
tty popular around reddit and always referenced in threads such as this.
[ ]Lord_of_Bored212 2 points 10 minutes ago
I assume you're referring to the Plinkett reviews. Because all discussions of St
ar Wars prequels eventually becomes referencing Plinkett reviews
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[ ]Tabmow 2 points 1 hour ago
Hayden Christensen did much more damage than Mr. Binks ever could. Of course, no
t even the greatest actor could have salvaged that god-awful dialogue. The prequ
els weren't good movies, plain an simple, the egomaniacal tampering that he infl
icted upon the original trilogy is the real tragedy.
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[ ]tigerdrummer 2 points 1 hour ago
"He's the key to all of this"
[ ]Rawlk 2 points 1 hour ago*
He probably regrets reading the internet. I vaguely remember an interview where
he stated something along the lines of loving the star wars franchise until read
ing all of the hate/backlash on the internet. It was probably the main reason he
sold it off. Too much negativity to deal with. That and 4.05 billion dollars is
hard to turn down. I can't imagine what i'd do with 5 million dollars let alone
billions, lol.
[ ]ittleoff 2 points 41 minutes ago
To be fair to lucas, looking back at the banter between c3p0 and r2d2 in new hop
e, it gets pretty corny. You can defeinitely see Jar Jar comes from the same wri
The fact that c3po and r2d2 worked had to do with a magic chemsitry of both the
actors the effects artists and other nebulous things.
I'm not sure if I saw New Hope today Id find the droids any less irritating than
jar jar. But to me the most irritating character in Phantom Menace was the pod
race announcer which seemed lifted from a saturday morning cartoon show (no offe
nse to the voice actor as I like him in other things)
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[ ]accostedbyhippies 100 points 2 hours ago
George Lucas is the world's biggest Troll
[ ]avihs 72 points 2 hours ago
Yeah, he loves a good stroll
[ ]hdcs 20 points 2 hours ago
The only way that could have been better was if George was holding hands with Ch
ewbacca as they strolled into frame.
[ ]Brendan_Fraser 8 points 1 hour ago
He even looks into the frame just like Jar Jar did in the beginning of Episode 2
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[ ]cthulhuskunk 4 points 2 hours ago
Why does this make me want to knock that fucker's lights out?
[ ]harryhood4 3 points 1 hour ago

Because I used to think he at least thought his changes were a good idea, making
him simply incompetent. Now, it's almost like he intentionally butchered the or
iginal series.
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[ ]nstomper 32 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]iBleeedorange 503 points 3 hours ago
I wouldn't regret anything about a film series that made me billions of dollars.
[ ]CrimsonPig 481 points 3 hours ago
So much regret...
[ ]IAmSinistar 54 points 2 hours ago
Perfect use of that gif
[ ]Iwilllive 57 points 2 hours ago
I consider the use of this gif when romney lost the election to be the best use
of this gif
[ ]ThrillingAnalysis 18 points 2 hours ago
Don't worry, you'll have a chance to use it again on Romney next year.
[ ]Fudgemanners 20 points 1 hour ago
As a Conservative, please no. Please, god, no.
[ ]joshuaoha 5 points 1 hour ago
Except he looks like he is the only guy the GOP has who is moderate enough to wi
n the general election.
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[ ]ProfProfessorberg 4 points 1 hour ago
Who do you like for 2016? Repubs don't have a strong frontrunner yet imo.
[ ]MAGICELEPHANTMAN 6 points 1 hour ago
Chris Christie: Real Leaders Have Curves
[ ]Dr_Medic345 3 points 1 hour ago
How about no!
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[ ]Fudgemanners 2 points 1 hour ago
I agree, field is so unpredictable right now. I'm glad Paul Ryan has decided not
to run, and I hope Romney makes a similar decision.
[ ]Dr_Medic345 4 points 1 hour ago
My president needs to be extra swole.
continue this thread
[ ]saoirsen 3 points 1 hour ago
I've heard Jeb Bush but honestly I don't see it.
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[ ]penis_length_nipples 2 points 52 minutes ago

Giuliani is the only republican that I think is even capable of competing agains
t Clinton.
[ ]Nihiliste 2 points 45 minutes ago
When that's the best, you might as well nominate Dan Quayle.
continue this thread
[ ]darth_smegma 15 points 2 hours ago
implying that Romney didn't care about losing the Presidential election
[ ]Vonathan 2 points 1 hour ago
Oh no, this is reddit. Where money can fix anything.
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[ ]AniGamor 12 points 2 hours ago
Lets keep the questions to Rampart guys...
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[ ]IWantToBeNormal 2 points 2 hours ago
How about a reddit account that made you billions of karma?
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[ ]JayDutch 232 points 3 hours ago
They may not have been as good as they could have been, but at the end of the da
y, he made the films that he wanted to make. Why should he have any regrets?
[ ]sunnygovan 144 points 2 hours ago
No, I've seen his reaction after watching Phantom for the first time - he's know
s he fucked up.
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 38 points 2 hours ago
Do you have that link? Would be interesting to see.
[ ]Briguy24 142 points 2 hours ago
[ ]VaultOfDaedalus 14 points 2 hours ago
Thank you very much.
[ ]joshuaoha 2 points 1 hour ago
I can't find the clip, but in an interview on 60 minutes soon after the prequels
came out he said he had no regrets and in response to criticism he said somethi
ng like "it's my house I painted it the way I wanted to, and other people may no
t like it, but it's my house."
[ ]SkyGuy182 35 points 1 hour ago
The amazing thing is he does the exact same thing with pacing in Revenge (probab
ly in Clones too but Revenge comes to mind first). First you have whimsical slig
htly intense dogfight in space, then goofy battle droids and slapstick comedy, t
he Anakin darkly executes Dooku by slicing his hands and head off, then back to
goofy. And THEN it goes back to tense with the ship crashing, and as soon as it
hits the ground Obi-Wan blows it all off. "Another happy landing! :)"
These kinds of errors, along with Character reversals and such, are never brough
t up when people defend how "good" these movies are.
Yeah I know I'm mad bro. But I'm also kinda stressed from work so I'm blowing of
f steam ;P
Edit: formatting

[ ]ThinKrisps 10 points 1 hour ago

I don't know why there's so much praise for Revenge of the Sith, there's so much
stupid shit in it, I actually disliked it while I was growing up. And I fucking
loved Star Wars. The pacing in the movie is just awful and the writing is terri
[ ]moldymoosegoose 8 points 44 minutes ago
FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL. Probably the worst line in any of the 6
movies. The way he delivers it, how they haven't really shown HOW the Jedi are
evil, etc. It was just so, so horrible.
[ ]RadomirPutnik 5 points 36 minutes ago
A smooth Bond-style villain can pull that line off with a dry, sardonic delivery
. A spazzing teenager just makes it sound clunky.
[ ]moldymoosegoose 2 points 33 minutes ago
I agree but his delivery and the fact that he just killed a bunch of kids was ab
surd. It made no sense.
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[ ]SkyGuy182 2 points 1 hour ago
Same here, and I was first exposed to SW when I saw Empire in theaters for its S
pecial Edition release in 1997 (I was 4). Man I still remember being in the thea
ter watching the wampa munch on the taun-taun carcass...
But yeah I knew something was definitely wrong by the time Clones came out.
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[ ]untrustableskeptic 4 points 1 hour ago
I watched The Phantom Edit yesterday. It is all three movies combined to show th
e parts you need. Episode one was just the last five minutes.
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[ ]ProjectKushFox 19 points 2 hours ago
What is wrong with the the narrator?
[ ]speaker_2_seafood 40 points 1 hour ago*
what's wrong with his voice?
what's wrong with your face?!
[ ]NairForceOne 15 points 1 hour ago
What is it with Ricks?
[ ]Danny_the_Intern 6 points 1 hour ago
[ ]Who-or-Whom 2 points 1 hour ago
Put it in the tea!
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[ ]blumpkin_connoisseur 2 points 12 minutes ago
Email me at my webzone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]manhugs 74 points 1 hour ago
Character voice. If you have never seen Red Letter Media's analysis of the prequ
els, you are missing out.
[ ]DrSoap 2 points 51 minutes ago
Is the Narrator one of the hosts in "Half in the bag" or is it a different perso
n entirely?

[ ]manhugs 4 points 42 minutes ago
Yes, it's Mike Stoklasa
[ ]JohnnyPalermo 2 points 46 minutes ago
It's the fat guy in half in the bag.
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[ ]getmoney7356 13 points 1 hour ago
Watch the whole review. It is worth it.
[ ]kspanks04 3 points 32 minutes ago
Who wants a pizza roll? Post a comment on my web zone if you want a pizza roll.
[ ]antaymonkey 2 points 25 minutes ago
Oh my god that is hilarious. Thank you so much.
[ ]Murgie 5 points 1 hour ago
Wrong with him?
He's clearly and entirely typical and well adjusted individual.
How is that not immediately apparent?
[ ]Sgtdante 5 points 1 hour ago
The reviews are quite long but really worth a watch. Go into quite a lot of deta
il and bring up some interesting points I hadn't considered.
[ ]alexgdeeley 4 points 58 minutes ago
I hate this because of that stupid affectation.
[ ]Briguy24 1 point 1 hour ago
It's their humor.
They're actually pretty funny most of the time.
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[ ]bathroomstalin 2 points 57 minutes ago
TIL George Lucas fully realized how bad his movies were
[ ]trebud69 2 points 22 minutes ago
How the hell did they get this footage? What was it for? Why was it recorded? I
need answers!
[ ]glitboy 4 points 2 hours ago*
To be fair, the first cut of a lot of movies are bad. Just look at the story beh
ind the making of Psycho.
[ ]Picnicpanther 4 points 1 hour ago*
Was that narrated by Kevin from The Office?
[ ]Briguy24 3 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]ArciemGrae 51 points 2 hours ago*
I've seen some of the footage in the Plinkett review of phantom menace, I think.
Obviously that's not too helpful since that's about 90 minutes, but they're goo
d reviews and worth the time to watch.
I specifically recall quotes like Lucas saying "I may have gone too far in a few
places" and you can really tell they know they made a disaster of a movie just

from their reactions. It's a clear example of how the whole "more more more acti
on on screen" approach can go wrong, but then also an example of a story that ge
ts completely away from itself.
I think Lucas doesn't see criticism as meaningful, which is maybe why he says hi
s ONLY regret about Star Wars is not being able to be surprised. Regardless it's
pretty clear from the behind-the-scenes footage we have that TPM was not intern
ally received much better than it was by the world.
Edit: I don't mean to insult The Phantom Dennis, that movie rocks
[ ]accostedbyhippies 22 points 1 hour ago
I just don't get that. He saw it. Knew he fucked up. My reaction would have been
to at least try to fix it. A few months of re-writes, a year of re-shoots and t
his thing would still have made a ridiculous amount of money. Instead he put it
out and then moves on to making an even crappier movie.
[ ]wingspantt 20 points 1 hour ago
Seriously. It's Star Wars. If Lucas canceled production halfway through and said
I AM STARTING OVER people would have been pissed, but ultimately would understa
nd it's worth it for such an iconic series. What producer would possibly pull fu
[ ]TheBangleDangle 12 points 1 hour ago
I don't think it's that simple.. There's A LOT of contracts and shit when it com
es to making movies.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 54 minutes ago
well when all of a sudden you ask for about 150% of budget, have to rehire all o
f the production crew, bring back the cast who have already moved on to other pr
ojects, tell the distributor that their early summer tentpole release will be mo
re than a year late it doesn't go over that well
[ ]wingspantt 2 points 50 minutes ago
Sure, but couldn't Lucas pay for it out of pocket? I mean he has the money.
[ ]JustAMinuteAnHourAgo 2 points 40 minutes ago
So he could spend another 100 million out of pocket and another year or more of
his life on one film, or release a film that he knows will be successful financi
ally regardless of the problems he sees in it. I can't blame him for choosing th
e latter.
continue this thread
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[ ]SeanCanary 5 points 1 hour ago
My reaction would have been to at least try to fix it.
Lucas fixing things was pretty bad for the original trilogy.
Seriously though, I don't get all the Lucas hate from fans. He is basically an a
rtist. People screamed for more Star Wars movies. He gave them said movies and y
eah, they were bad. I don't really fault him though -- he's just trying to make
the best art he can. Sometimes it works out, sometimes not, but it is still basi
cally a noble endeavor, without which we wouldn't have had Star Wars in the firs
t place.
[ ]Tabmow 7 points 1 hour ago
I would definitely call the nobility of his endeavors into question. It is hard
not to blame him for the poor quality of the prequels when he was firmly in char
ge of all decision-making, but those were just bad movies.
His attempt at fixing the original trilogy was definitely "pretty bad" but the w
orst part was the ego and greed which were the sole driving force behind the rem
ake. It is hard to make the argument that the remakes were anything but a ploy t
o take in more dough. What really gets me though, is the refusal to allow the or

iginal versions to be distributed. If he was only after money then it should be

a no-brainier: remaster the original trilogy for HD and bluray and then take in
the cash as people scramble to give him their money. His refusal to allow the or
iginal trilogy to exist unmolested is about more than just the money, it's about
his ego. Lucas just can't stand the idea that he isn't the master of cinema and
Sci-fi that everyone told him he was after the initial release if the original
trilogy. He couldn't even get past the third movie before he started shoehorning
in cutesy bullshit to sell more merch.
[ ]StaffSgtDignam 5 points 1 hour ago
he's just trying to make the best art he can.
The problem seemed to be that his ego got in the way of making good, coherent ar
t... People around him were buying into this and added more garbage to the mess
by stroking his ego instead of telling him that he was screwing up.
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[ ]ChanceTheDog 3 points 1 hour ago
Scrap the whole mess. You're George Lucas and money isn't a factor. You made a f
lop, pay everyone off and try again.
Whatever happened to eccentric billionaires.
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[ ]manhugs 5 points 1 hour ago
It's kinda sad that Lucas is so blind to how powerful a tool critique is. The or
iginal trilogy was so good because he didn't have full creative control. Hell, s
ome of the things he wanted in the first movie are downright laughable and thank
god it got filtered out in pre-production.
[ ]pHitzy 3 points 1 hour ago
The Phantom Dennis?
[ ]harryp0thead 2 points 59 minutes ago
The Phantom Dickbutt
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[ ]Frozennoodle 2 points 2 hours ago
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[ ]crazykoala 2 points 51 minutes ago
video of Lucas reaction after watching Phantom for the first time
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[ ]chasmang 44 points 3 hours ago
Because he sacrificed the integrity of his series and delivered substandard movi
es to an adoring audience so he could cash in on toy sales.
[ ]Reasonable_Insanity 150 points 3 hours ago
He also donated billions of dollars to education. Fuck that sellot hack fraud!
[ ]jakizely 29 points 2 hours ago
He could have done that either way though!
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[ ]elfthehunter 132 points 3 hours ago

Integrity of his series... Have you considered maybe his intended target was not
you anymore, but 10 year old children who loved the prequels?
[ ]Raging_Penguin 164 points 2 hours ago*
Have you considered maybe his intended target was not you anymore, but 10 year o
ld children who loved the prequels?
These films are full of:
Intergalactic space politics centered on taxation of space trade routes
Characters being horribly burned alive
Murdering children
Characters being cut in half
More intergalactic space politics
More murder
Torture and implied rape
[ ]SaltySpitoonami 19 points 2 hours ago
Murdering children younglings
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[ ]Tyestor 152 points 2 hours ago
when americans say "targetted at 10 year olds" they mean no swearing and sex.
[ ]CSGOWasp 58 points 2 hours ago
What about just the sex then?
Sorry bad programmer joke..
[ ]Aqquila89 22 points 2 hours ago
Now I'm imagining a porno that is not allowed to use profanity. "Oh, make love t
o me harder!"
[ ]INVICTU5 2 points 1 hour ago
That... actually sounds a little bit sexy O.o
[ ]BestCaseSurvival 3 points 1 hour ago
It doesn't work.
NSFW obviously.
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[ ]strdrrngr 4 points 2 hours ago
Ooooh, that's a bingo!
[ ]Raging_Penguin 11 points 2 hours ago*
Generally, films targeted at 10-year olds are not centered around the taxation o
f trade routes and political maneuvering.
EDIT: The Hunt for Red October contains no swearing or sex and it is clearly not
"targetted at 10-year olds".
[ ]Tyestor 2 points 1 hour ago
don't worry buddy, i'm agreeing with you.
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[ ]immerc 7 points 1 hour ago
Not to mention:
Stilted love scenes, seemingly written by C3PO or some other droid that doesn't
understand human emotion that bore kids who have never experienced romantic love
and don't care about it, and annoy adults who know love and don't recognise it

in that scene
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 18 points 2 hours ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
[ ]TrekkieGod 4 points 1 hour ago
10 year old me fucking loved Attack of the Clones.
Why do your parents let you post on reddit? If you were a child when Attack of t
he Clones came out, you can't possibly be old enough to be here. Today you'd be.
..oh god.
I'm old.
[ ]SpoorJarJarSpoon 2 points 1 hour ago
I know right, we had that film on VHS.
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[ ]heytherehandsome 2 points 1 hour ago
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[ ]rod_munch 293 points 3 hours ago*
Because kids love long talks about trade negotiations.
Edit: Seriously though. Your argument is silly. Pixar proves it's possible to ma
ke kids movies that are intelligent, exciting and emotional even for adults. Why
can't Star Wars?
[ ]kralrick 16 points 2 hours ago
I wouldn't call any of the trade talks long.
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[ ]ThePizzaDonkey 156 points 3 hours ago
I loved episode 1 when I was 8, as did all my friends.
[ ]Decabet 135 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
The same isn't happening with Phantom Menace and for good reason.
[ ]KIDWHOSBORED 99 points 2 hours ago
As someone who right was in the age group 8-13 when the prequels came out, I lov
ed those movies. Ep 1 with the awesome racing parts and badass dearth maul fight
. Ep 2 was pretty meh but ep 3 was badass with the fight we were all anticipatin
g. Now as an adult I can go back and see the acting was bad and jar jar is annoy
ing as shit, but damn they wernt the worst movies of all time.
[ ]Maskirovka 23 points 2 hours ago
The halo effect at work. If you loved the originals as a kid you're likely to be
super disappointed seeing 1-3 as an adult. If you loved 1-3 as a kid, you're go
nna see the point of the older crowd but since you loved them as a kid there's t
hat halo.
This is an established psychological thing.
[ ]Brionac23 5 points 1 hour ago
Yeah I feel like I have the best of both worlds being young for the new movies.
I enjoyed the prequels and i love the original trilogy, but I understand the hat
e the prequels got.

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[ ]_3HUNNA 3 points 1 hour ago
I love established psychological things
[ ]Badfiish 3 points 2 hours ago
About the same age and i loved attack of the clones
[ ]erikturner10 3 points 2 hours ago
Same here. There's honestly two big things I think they could have done to make
that trilogy so much better though. First, they shouldn't have killed off maul i
n the first movie, he could have been a really cool antagonists (certainly bette
r than grievous was). And the other thing is the I think the whole series should
have revolved more around obi wan and less around anakin being a whiny bitch.
[ ]Greendog32X 2 points 1 hour ago
How does anybody think the fight at the end of episode 3 was good? It was just c
hecking off a checklist of shit that had to happen and it was boring and meaning
less as hell - just like the rest of those movies.
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[ ]ecdw 9 points 2 hours ago
Well I still love it. I understand the flaws but Jesus reddit gets really passio
nate about jar jar etc.
[ ]Drutarg 50 points 2 hours ago
23 years old and still love the prequels. Shoot me.
[ ]jakizely 6 points 2 hours ago
bang bang pew pew pew
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[ ]otherpeoplesmusic 17 points 2 hours ago
I've got nearly 10 years on you and while I don't love TPM, it holds a place in
my heart and I really like the political stuff in 2-3. I have criticisms, but wh
atever - when I watch it all together - 1-6 - it's fucking awesome and blends pe
rfectly. It's even better because the films get better and better until a small
drop in quality in Jedi, but still, it's great! The scene with Luke, Darth Vader
and the Emperor is one of the best things of all time...
[ ]sp0ck06 18 points 2 hours ago
I really like the political stuff in 2-3
legit bravery here
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[ ]baziltheblade 2 points 1 hour ago
Ever seen Last Turn To The Dark Side?
It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I'd expect. It's a fan edit t
hat turns episodes 1, 2 and 3 into 1 (near 3 hour) movie.
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[ ]Mattyzooks 2 points 1 hour ago
The scenes Luke, Vader, Emperor together are my favorite of the entire series.
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[ ]Player_Six 2 points 1 hour ago
It's refreshing to see this comment. I like the prequels. Older now, and can see
their flaws, but there was nothing like getting excited to see Star Wars, the S
tar Wars, on the big screen with many other excited people.

[ ]rod_munch 10 points 2 hours ago

You can love 'em. But I dare you to convince anybody the scripts are good.
[ ]Mikeahya 3 points 1 hour ago
I'll take that dare : the scripts, most of the time, are decent, serviceable, ev
en good, even quotable. There are some nasty clunkers in there, absolutely, but
they are far more representative of the whole than they should be, because of th
e George Lucas bias.
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[ ]WeHaveIgnition 8 points 2 hours ago
I was 6 when I saw IV-VI and loved it. I was 14 when ep I and loved it. I still
love IV - VI and only kinda like I-III, mostly I revel at how much better it cou
ld have been, plot wise.
[ ]BrambleBees 2 points 2 hours ago
The difference is that most of us 8 year olds that loved A New Hope later became
18/28/38 year olds that loved A New Hope.
That's called nostalgia.
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[ ]Iheartchickennuggets 37 points 2 hours ago
The true test if it's a good film is if you still love it even though you aren't
eight anymore.
[ ]2slow2curious 4 points 1 hour ago
And I still like 1, and still love 3. Point being?
[ ]Perm_Coupon 11 points 2 hours ago
I didn't love Episode 1 when it came out and I was 12. It's only gotten worse up
on repeat viewings.
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[ ]asha1985 18 points 2 hours ago
I was 13 or 14. I knew it was terrible.
[ ]urboro 30 points 2 hours ago
Prequels have great production values, but there's really no getting around the
love scenes in Episode 2 seeming like a "The Room"-esque student film.
[ ]puppet_up 18 points 2 hours ago
You're tearing me apart, Padme!
[ ]captainsquall 9 points 1 hour ago
I did not hit her. It's not true. It's bullshit, I did not hit her. Oh, hi Obi-W
[ ]dwwojcik 3 points 2 hours ago
But the battle droids were so frickin cool!
[ ]asha1985 20 points 2 hours ago
Nope. I knew they weren't in 1999. They didn't need lines, they were damn battle
If you'd have said the Droidekas, I might agree.
[ ]Wakkorotti 4 points 2 hours ago
Droidekas are still fucking awesome.

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[ ]strdrrngr 2 points 2 hours ago
More importantly, why would you need the incredibly useless papier mache regular
battle droids when droidekas exist? Why wouldn't you just create an army of dro
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[ ]LongLiveTheCat 11 points 2 hours ago
Yes, but you would have loved anything with that much production value.
Kids are fucking stupid. You were 8. And you didn't love the movie itself. You j
ust loved the set-pieces. When they talking about Naboo politics you weren't lov
ing that.
[ ]OneBigBug 12 points 2 hours ago
Really? I thought it was pretty shitty and I was the same age.
I've tried rewatching it and I can't even sit through it. It's just..written so
poorly. So poorly that it makes me uncomfortable.
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[ ]SurfsOver 5 points 2 hours ago
You, and all of your friends, ruined Star Wars. How do you feel about that? All
your fault, PizzaDonkey. All your fault.
[ ]ragamuffin77 12 points 3 hours ago
Can confirm, jar jar was hilarious as a child.
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[ ]Streetballin 2 points 2 hours ago
Children begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems around
12. Unless an adult spoonfed you the plot, chances are that you were just blind
ly watching most scenes without understanding the context.
it was definitely intended to be suitable for a younger audience, but there are
quite a bit of political scenes and long dialogues that I imagine go over most k
ids heads moreso than other children movies.
[ ]jmc323 14 points 2 hours ago
I think he was trying to bridge a gap and it was just executed poorly. He really
wanted to make something for the next generation of fans (I believe he has said
as much explicitly multiple times), while at the same time trying to keep the o
riginal fans happy.
Honestly the prequels aren't the worst thing in the world. Yes Jar Jar is annoyi
ng as all shit, and they'll never come close to the trilogy, but I still enjoy w
atching them with my son (6), and he's going to be the perfect age range for the
se next films.
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[ ]ahbadgerbadgerbadger 3 points 2 hours ago
The only kids he was targeting were kids who buy toys. He made his fortune with
the original trilogy's merchandising. He's not an idiot.
[ ]Voltrondemort 3 points 2 hours ago
Yup. The Prequels are "reverse Pixar" - instead of being intelligent-enough for
adults but fun-enough and soft-enough for kids, they're too grim for children an
d too infantile for adults.
[ ]SpoderSlayer 4 points 2 hours ago
When I was a kid I would pick a star wars prequel over animated kids movies any
day. Some kids would rather watch a jedi slice up droids than an intelligent emo
tional toy story.

[ ]LongLiveTheCat 16 points 2 hours ago
If you look at the most popular children's films of all time....
Wizard of Oz, E.T., Toy Story, etc, none of them are all flash and no substance.
Kids aren't in a position to express a preference for something like that, but i
t is subconscious. It's the difference between loving a movie forever, and lovin
g it until you're not a stupid kid and realize it's horseshit.
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[ ]toxicroach 25 points 2 hours ago
Well, let's see.
1) Trade disputes and high level political int

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