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BNP and Cardiac disease.

Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels are simple and objective measures of cardiac
function. These measurements can be used to diagnose heart failure. High value of BNP
tests is helpful for ruling out heart failure. BNP should be less than 100 pg/ml. Many
patients with heart failure, particularly older patients and women, have preserved systolic
function (i.e., diastolic heart failure). The best way to diagnose and treat these patients is
unclear. BNP increases when cardiac myocytes are strained; therefore, BNP is an
effective method for detecting heart failure with or without systolic dysfunction.
A S3 heart sound is produced during passive left ventricular filling when blood strikes a
compliant left ventricle. A S3 can be a normal finding in children, pregnant females, and
well-trained athletes.
How A fib related to stroke?
A. Fib is an irregular and often rapid heart rhythm. The irregular rhythm, or arrhythmia,
results from abnormal electrical impulses in the upper chambers of the heart that cause
the heartbeat to be irregular and very fast (>150 b/m).
The biggest concern about AFib is this increased risk of stroke. When AFib allows small
amounts of blood to pool in the atria, cells can stick together and form a clot. A part of
this clot can break off and be pumped into the bloodstream, where it travels toward the
brain. A clot in the brain can block arteries, deprive brain cells of oxygen and cause a

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