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Statement of Informed Beliefs

Carrie Kornish-Messer
Instructor: Evin Fox
EDUC 204: Families, Communities, and Culture
Fall 2014




I have learned a lot on my journey to become a high school English teacher. I know that I
still have so much more to know, but I have developed a system of beliefs regarding education
and my role in education. Students should be treated equally and given the time and attention
they need to strive. They come in all shapes, sizes, cultural backgrounds, temperaments, and
developmental stages. I will do everything that I can to ensure the my students are given every
opportunity to learn but it is also up to the students to take responsibility for their education and
want to learn as well. I feel that if I bring passion and excitement to learn to the classroom; it will
help these students see the importance of education.
Students Ability to Learn
Teachers have a major role in the education of students. The students must also be able to
account for their education as well. There cannot always be someone constantly badgering
students to do their work, but teachers must show appreciation to their students and encourage
them to complete assignments. Teachers must set educational goals, these goals will play a role
in allowing teachers and students to have a clear picture of what they are trying to accomplish.
Educational goals are what drive education. There are also other things that students can use to
further their education outside of the school. This is when the students community comes into
There are many things that can be affect a students learning that are not under their
control. The student may have a learning disability or they may be having issues in their
microsystems. Poor home conditions, mass media, and peer pressure can all affect a students
education. These things all require teachers to provide these students with extra care when



developing their education. Teachers must understand what the students individual learning
style is and be able to try their best to cater to all the different styles that their students have.
If teachers take advantage of understanding how students learn best, they will be able to
increase the chance of the students learning. Students develop through different stages of
learning as they age. According to Piagets theory of cognitive development, the students I will
be teaching will be in the formal operating stage. This stage is when the students should be able
to use abstract thinking. This is an important skill when learning literature. I plan to inspire my
students to use this skill.
Teachers need to set their expectation at the beginning of the school year and make sure
they continue to reinforce these expectations throughout the year. Teachers should give the
students expectations that do not overwhelm them and make them feel like they cannot do the
work up to the expectations set. Teachers need to set expectations that challenge the students but
that they are able to meet. When a teacher provides these expectations as well as encourages
their students to meet them, they will find that the students will be more successful.
Each student is in their own zone of proximal development. Teachers need to be able to
meet their students at this point and understand what they need to do to further the students
education. If a teacher understands this their chances of helping students meet expectations are
more likely. They need to encourage students and let them know that they are capable of meeting
their goals. Setting this tone can help a student in the classroom as well as in their lives.
Students Social Ecology Theory
Teachers need to make learning interesting and meaningful to students. They need to see
the big picture of what they are learning and be able to connect it to their life outside of school.
In todays age, there are many students who have a desire to learn and succeed but they are often



also dealing with other sociocultural factors like an uninvolved family or pressure from friends
to do things other than schoolwork. This can hinder students from developing self-efficacy and
setting a good tone for their view on the importance of education. It is important for students to
be self-starters and to be able to take control of their education, even if they do not have support
from friends and family.
According to Kohlbergs stages of moral development most adolescents and adults are in
the conventional stage of moral reasoning. This means that they are aware of the social norms
and judge the morality of actions based off of this. They do not generally questions the rules of
what is right or wrong. I think that it is important to inspire students to move into the post
conventional stage of moral reasoning where they will form their own beliefs and ideas. It is
important for students to go above the social norm and try new things and meet different people.
I want students to understand the importance of English and literature. I will try my best
to show students how English can be related to their own lives. Students will need to complete
English successfully throughout high school due to its role in core curriculum. They will also
need to complete English courses in college. I think they need to understand the importance of
this subject.
Teachers should teach students about different cultures. Cultural assimilation is when a
minority cultural group takes on the characteristics of the majority cultural group. It is easy for
students who are minorities to get lumped into the whole group and their culture is not
recognized or they lose an understanding of it. I feel like English is a subject that keeps culture
alive. In English, there are so many different cultures that can be reached just by opening up a
book. Students learn a major amount of multi-cultural education through English. They can
learn about different countries, cultures, religions, eras, and beliefs through literature. There is so



much diversity in the English subject that teachers should ignite a passion in students to want to
learn. Teaching the importance of these things will also help the students develop cultural
pluralism, or mutual appreciation and understanding of various cultures and coexistence in
society of different languages, religious beliefs, and lifestyles
English can help students become more tolerant of other cultures. There are many
students who are not exposed to different cultures and who may have a hard time understanding
these cultures. Literature gives relatable stories about culture that students can read and use to
understand these cultures. This is why it is important to provide materials that are culturally
diverse. I hope to use literature to prompt students explore and understand different cultures.
Curriculum for All Learners
Teachers need to have curriculum set before the school year begins. They also need to
make sure that they are able to have some freedom in the way the curriculum is set throughout
the year. Teachers need to take the first few weeks of school to conduct an evaluation of their
students. Understanding how your students learn will help you make some small changes to your
curriculum in order to help students learn better. Making these changes can help teachers
evaluate their success during the school year and make more decisions about the curriculum. I
feel that the curriculum is always a good work in progress and it can be changed to help support
the needs of the students and increase their success
Teachers need to be constantly assessing their students and themselves. They need to
make sure that students are learning at a good pace and that they werent struggling with the
curriculum. Students may see these assessments as a negative experience. They feel like they
will face punishment if they do not score well or pass the assessments of evaluations. It is the



teachers responsibility to make sure students understand the purpose of assessments is to help
them develop as students. Teachers should use these as learning tools and not negatively.
Teachers need to take responsibility for their students education. They cannot be passive
in dealing with students. Understanding diversity of the students is the factor that will help
teachers create success in the classroom. Although teachers do play a major role in education in
the classroom, students must also take control of the education. Every student is not always in
the most ideal situation; socially or developmentally. Students need to work together with
educators to help themselves reach educational goals. I want to help these students ignite a
passion for learning and be successful in their lives in and outside of school.



Berns, R. (2004). Child, family, school, community: Socialization and support (6th ed.).
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Bronson, P., & Merryman, A. (2009). NurtureShock: New thinking about children. New York:

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